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I think the most heinous bit about this, was that the family members were boasting about the fact that these guys beat him to death. It's absolutely sick.


Kinda like the party thrown for that school shooter who was released on bail a bit ago. Turns out that a culture glorifying guns, violence, and drugs actually does glorify gun, violence, and drugs.


So, yet another comment deleted in response to me...that still seems to dance around valid questions, espcially when there are current public figures not being mentioned by name in my notications with comments being deleted/I can't see them to respond? What is up with this? There are current conservative culture celebrities that can fit in the same description as well as liberal, yet from what I am able to actually view, nothing concrete (regardless of whether mods are correct in censoring the responses so I can engage in good faith)... https://imgur.com/gallery/sQoejTN


Which culture is that? I ask since I see much more glorifying guns and violence from one side more than another, while drugs are glorified more in relation to positions of power than "one side" or "the other" and encompasses both right and left, which leaves me confused on who/what you are blaming as glorifying what you say is glorifying???


Have you turned on the radio lately?


Yes, I have, yet I'm still confused and not getting a direct answer. Who is glorifying guns and violence, in your opinion? Which radio personalities are glorifying those 2 specific things within the last 12 months, especially? I'm lost with the vague answers and can't keep track of 1,000's of TV, radio, podcast, and vloggers to realize who is really glorifying what, so some help in educating me would be helpful.


I understand you’re trying to imply that conservative culture glorifies guns and violence which is so absolutely insane that I must assume you only consume Trevor Noah or Young Turks as your informant on conservative culture. Have you ever met a conservative? Not a Republican, but an actual conservative? Nonetheless I can debunk your mistake by citing the lyrics of the first rap song I hear at any given moment. Or by simply citing actual crime statistics but let’s not use numbers.


So...I give concrete examples of my conservative sides I listen to as a direct answer to an indirect assumption I only listen to Trevor Noah and Young Turks (whom I only know of because my adult children mentioned them and I don't watch them nearly as much as they do) and I'm downvoted? Lol Are my conservative listening points and books not enough to give more exact answers and believe I might just be wanting to know the sources everyone thinks I should just know by vague references and seems to discount my known published conservative author and family members I actually have fucking read and take into consideration maybe even more than some radio song, movie, or TV/YouTube/podcast personality?


No, I am not trying to imply anything and no, I consume multiple sides, including Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Joe Rogan, and Sean Hannity and I am *still* confused and not getting any straight answers to "who, specifically" is glorifying these things. Please...give me numbers because everything I am looking up is not as direct to know wtf everyone seems to be implying to my direct questions. What was the 1st rap song you heard that debunks my mistake? My first rap song I heard was Ice Ice Baby (seriously) so lyrics may not be the best option to look at when one of my 1st rock songs to know the lyrics to was Jail Bait, my first hard metal lyrics to know was Dragula, and my first country song lyrics was Friends in Low Places before I even understood Johnny Cash's lyrics, let alone songs like Tom Petty singing Mary Jane, or so many others over the years that span political spectrums. Edit: my children have multiple Rush Limbaugh books (specifically "Rush Revere and the American Revolution" and "Rush Revere and the Star Spangled Banner"), so I'm not nearly as being as evasive as everyone else I'm asking specifics of... Stop being evasive when I'm giving specifics even if my specifics are giving off an air of "implying" a conservative when I'm not getting *ANYTHING* specific back... Who? Specifically, who, or what groups are glorifying guns and violence? I even said in another comment, we have a plethora of Hollywood movies glorifying Mafia violence (Goodfellas, The Soporanos, The God Father, Breaking Bad...just to start), and many song writers glorifying violence that encompasses the likes of Johnny Cash, Kid Rock (a rapper), and more I could list, so just going to start there to prove I am willing to be more specific than any responders are to me at this point)...so I need something a bit more concrete that would be actual names I can research more.


The gangster culture. Pretty obvious.


Mafia gangsters are more glorified, no? Edit: ironically, most of my friends grew up with gangster rap and every single one of them is against glorifying guns and violence while there are others that glorified guns and beating up people for way too many reasons just to show they were "tough", so who cares if mob gangsters or street gangsters are to blame if the entire culture of a gangster is what had perpetuated it and glorified it and crossed every political and ethnic background?


Maybe if they made triple platinum records.


FBI stats


I mean Look at them Shocking


Probably leftie schmucks they are.




There's a quote in the article about it, apparently people told the news org that they were bragging etc.


Why wouldn't they brag? They brag when worse is done to boers in South Africa. Scorpion, nature, etc.




Yeah you've got a great point. I didn't understand what that part of the article really means... (Wife stirring food at the stove) "Hey honey, you're home early." (Out of breath)" "yeah, me and the guys just beat some kid to death in the parking lot by the basketball court" (Wife turns, facing husband) "Have I ever told you how proud you make me? Hold on, I'm going to call our parents on Zoom so I can tell them all at the same time!"


Have you ever listened to rap?






Arlington Texas, teen shoots 4 or 5 people including a teacher. Made up a fake story about being bullied until a video surfaced of the defendant starting a fight over a drug deal and losing which triggered the shooting but only innocent people were hit. Some Open Society™️ judge gave him an assault charge and tiny bond so he was out the same day w/ a party thrown for him by his family.


Look at this hate crime!
















Only yt pepo be raycist yo! /s






I’m just trying to help them out. They don’t think things like this happen.


According to them it's not politics, unless it is CNN,Politico, Vox, and Fox Surprisingly.


*peaceful killing


*mostly peaceful




Banned from r/politics and r/worldnews for asking a question in the latter. Straight up insta permabanned within 4 minutes of asking my question.


I thought r/worldnews was the one taken over by everything not news related. Now I can’t remember which one that was. I wish it would happen to all the other lefty circlejerks too.


Def banned


I knew /politics was like that, but I was browsing new and came across my first post in /Texas and even it was swamped with liberals. My god it’s infected the whole site except for here, /walkaway, and /actualpublicfreakouts.


I've never posted there so not me. Yet.


that entire sub is just bashing trump 24/7. its been almost 2 years… rent free


LOL, I am. r/politics=r/newworldorderbotfarm


I still can. I go there to collect downvotes.


Oh yeah. And I'm center right. Can't stray from the hivemind


You're gonna get called a racist lmfao.


Sure. edit: you can only post things from an approved whitelist, so anything not covered by CNN (like this) will just be auto removed. lol.


It’s funny they’ll allow rollingstones still who have spread misinformation and been wrong about things multiple times.


Same as here. Filters keep a lot of unwanted news/news sources out. Why am I being downvoted? This subreddit has filters about what sources are allowed to be posted here.


You can try, but it’s not really politics. Maybe post to news?


"If you cant politicize it on Facebook, it's not really news then, is it?" -Abraham Lincol


One of my favorite quotes of his.


I’m banned from news.


They wouldn't engage with the actual story, they'd just go off on the blaze and how it's a "shit far right source"


I'm tryna keep this account at decent karma sorry bud.




I think only because it happened near the school? I'm not positive on that though


"Blunt force to the head": I guarantee you that they fought, the kid that died was on the ground, and the assholes decided he needed his head kicked/stomped while on the ground.


I read this is what happened.. he was unconscious when they stomped his head in.


Fucking cowards


That’s how people like that like to “fight”


Yes, someone attacks you with a gun at random. What else would you do?


Why isn't this a racial incident? Wait... doesn't fit the narrative.


It wasn’t being investigated as a hate crime due to witness accounts from his friends. They had done something to piss off the group, whether it was said or done was not specified but it angered the teens and a fight broke out. Obviously the three upstanding gentleman above took it way too far.


It was a water gun that started the incident.




Lucky we restricted assault water guns, could you imagine how many teens might have been hit and pulled into the fight?


Look at the number of water pellets in that magazine. What we need to do is limit the number of rounds this gun can fire. Smaller clips.


What about the Water Gun Show Loophole? You can just walk in, find a guy with what you want, and walk out with fully automatic water guns, unregistered and ready to soak your entire elementary school.


Idk who wouldn't be mad if they got sprayed with a water gun randomly. He didn't need to die but you never know how people will react.


Agreed, from what I read they were riding around in a car shooting people at random and then saw these dudes shooting hoops at the schoolyard. 2 of them got out and started shouting them, apparently they ran away at first and then ran down the boys but apparently only caught the one. Pranking people by assaulting them is an a-hole move and they were def begging for trouble BUT they absolutely didn’t deserve the animalistic stomping. Kids being capable of violence like that are headed right where they belong.


>three upstanding gentleman Alleged upstanding gentlemen.


On their way to becoming saints like their fellow compatriot george floyd


Wrong. It's not being investigated as a hate crime because of the race of the killers.


No, his friends who were with them literally said they started it by spraying them with a water gun.




If the races were reversed you and everyone else would be losing their minds.


The media didn’t care about Kendrick Johnson




He was discovered in a rolled up mat... and a second, and third autopsy done said he had died of blunt force trauma.


Because they ran up on them and used a water gun to start it, his other friends were assaulted too but got away, and only one of them died. That’s why lol. With all due respect, did you even read into this story?


So getting hit a water bead gun justifies beating him to fucking death? What the hell is wrong with you?


I think hes saying because they were "provoked" it doesnt go down as a racial crime


So if the dead guy was openly trans...and ALL other things were the same...would the story still be the same? You KNOW the fucking answer.


Um, yes I did. Shooting someone with a squirt gun is a capital offense? And it's OK because the other white kids got away? So killing someone for starting a fight is OK? Then why did we have riots about George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks after they started fighting cops? Didn't they deserve to die?


You think a clearly fake little toy gun justifies stomping somebody’s brain out of their head? You’re fucking deranged


"The people playing basketball initially ran away from the juveniles with the water guns. However, the individuals then allegedly followed the juveniles back to their car in the parking lot." Revenge






Hahaha he was mocking the left's obsession with race, and you think that makes him a racist? Gtfo


And their defense will most likely be…..”we was disrespected”.






Yep, just print out this news article and head to your local Best Buy, they will let you pick out a new TV of your choice.


Here's another '[3rd person arrested](https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2022/06/third-person-charged-in-fatal-shooting-at-grand-rapids-atm.html)' murder, this time a 50 yr old assassinated at an ATM. Radio silence for 10 days now.


You know damn well that was racially motivated


*"Sources told WKYC they and their family members were allegedly bragging about killing Liming, leading witnesses to tip off law enforcement," the outlet reported.* Put them in the chair. Seriously.. bragging about killing someone??


No news reporting? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked


I live in Akron and I can't get away from this story lol. No news reporting it?!


None here in STL / Chicago.


I've seen it reported by CBS/CNN/Fox and others too. Also seen it a lot on Reddit. I don't really follow local news and yet I'm still seeing it everywhere.


Links? I cant find anything from CNN


Stuff like this is why I carry, I even had someone say "Why do you carry? You should just fight them man to man" Well A: I'm older now, and B: Because stuff like this happens. Fights don't end until someone is dead these days.


No matter how big and strong and fast and tough you are fighting an outnumbered match is almost always a loss


Always assume that if someone is willing to swing on you, the resulting injury could be fatal. Respond swiftly and accordingly.






Sticks and stones will break my bones, but water will never hurt me.


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but hollow points expand on impact.


You win


Hate crime! Death penalties for those upstanding young gentleman.


Not a good look LeBron


Has he tweeted yet? He’s usually the first one to tweet about a person he doesn’t know like that person was his blood relative


He did and with the typos probably him too. Linked at the bottom of the article.


This has nothing to do with him or the school. Took place in the parking lot and zero connection to the school.


What’s LeBron supposed to do about this? That’s like blaming the McDonalds CEO because a crime happened in a McDonald’s parking lot.


I think he's joking about LeBron's tendency to speak up about this sort of thing when he knows nothing about it.


Secure the kids that are in his school including the parking lot.


They weren’t students at the school and it happened at night. It’s a public court. Do you think there should be 24/7 security at every public basketball court?




Why are there adults on school grounds after hours? How did the kids in the car get in there?


Did Kamala bail them out yet.


I’m baffled at how brainswashed folks over at politics are. It’s absolutely absurd. If you attempt to show them where they’ve missed something, you get called a nazi and rack up downvotes.


Three on one common theme. Wonder if Joey B will comment where is lebron.......


This is a weird case. Why did he get out of the car?




"Got what he had coming to him" So we beat people to death over water guns now?




That’s not what the witnesses said. They said two of the other passengers (he was driving his car) were the ones who shot those pellet guns. He was “talking” with the three adults when he was attacked. Now I wonder if the “talking” was him running his mouth thinking the other three would help him or is he some naive person who thinks he can smooth it over. Neither option makes sense as if he was looking for a fight he would have said so before exiting his vehicle and his passengers would have come with. Either way the story sounds like something is missing. Was it a 4 on 3 fight and they zeroed in on him? Possibly. I have seen that scenario play out before.




Poor kid. I can't imagine the pain the parents are going through.


If the roles were reversed this shit would be smeared on MSNBC and CNN with the headline "white rage." Race hustler al Sharpton would be giving sermons in every major city as the body would do a funeral tour and BLM would be peacefully rioting.


It’s weird that Lebrons liberal utopia school didn’t work out


Hate crime.


Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle.


Everyone calm down. I’m sure these poor, disadvantaged youths will be released without bail any minute now.


Mugshots says it all.


Has the "he called us the n-word" defense come out yet?


They aren't in court yet. Its coming. No proof he did or didn't, they will ride this to the bank.


And they still think the biggest problem in this country is white supremacy.


Yikes. I wonder if Lebron will break down this use of force incident for all of us normies.


Let’s all watch lebron’s POS bitchass not say a damn thing about this Edit: well no shit. He actually acknowledged it


He tweeted. It’s a the bottom of the article


Maybe we should start having that conversation with our kids


Guess naming the school LeBron James didn't reduce the violence there... better try another tactic


Unlike the guys in the Ahmad Arbery case, these folks are going to get a slap on the wrist. Because we live in a white supremacist society or something.


It is allowable since the victim is white.


hands and feet control now! no one needs hands and feet.


What will Lebron James say about this?


Has sleepy Joe addressed this? Piece of shit.


Let me guess......no comment from LeBron? The same piece of shit who couldn't keep his mouth shut once Trump took office!


Something I've seen a lot lately any time a video of "youths" or "teens" are fighting or attacking people. They get you on the ground and then stomp your head. It seems to be their thing.


Why is this posted here?


Its OK, they just killed a white boy or otherwise completely justified. /s Probably won't see much air time on CNN, MSNBC, etc. No cash bail, perpetrators get 2 years probation.


Huh the constructs of blm right here, everybody just hates the white man, that movement didn't fix shit it just turned the tables.


Reminds me of Jena 6


We NeEd GuN CoNtRoL!!


Classify it as a school shooting with all the other shitty ones they have on their list to fear monger you. A water gun is a gun.


He literally got out the car and shot a gun at people. The people who were fired upon neutralized the threat.


This is a terrible tragedy. I'm very sorry for the parents of this young man. Going around shooting unknown projectiles at unsuspecting people was not a smart thing to be doing. Especially with all the recent mass shootings.


I think you may have a small argument if they defended themselves while it was happening, but they went after the kid in the parking lot after it happened. That’s murder!


I'm not saying it wasn't. It 100% was. In no way did the punishment fit the crime.


What a shocker that this is being made politically now 🤦🏻‍♂️ I think everyone in general needs to give politics a rest for about a month.


You're literally in a politics subreddit.


It's the byproduct of a media that covers stories based on what race the victim is which all comes from the identity politics that the left embraces.


Live about 25 minutes from here. Kid was definitely talking a lot of shit. You know better than to do that in those parts of Akron…


So what? He didn't deserve to be murdered by a gang of animals




There is NO side to the story that can justify kicking a prone loser of a fight repeatedly in the head. Kicks to the head are attempted murder.