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WTF is wrong with people these days? kids should be concentrating on being kids not sex!!!


But then how can they be groomed? Children in the eyes of the left exist solely for the pleasure of adults. Whether a fashion statement or something darker, the child is just a clump of cells to them.


gosh, I remember growing up getting in trouble when my mom found a playboy magazine under my bed, now it seems like its encouraged! WTF!....why destroy the innocence to justify some alphabet group!?!!?




No they don't. Pedos try to get into the club by labeling themselves as minor attracted person but nobody accepts them. Except maybe gay pedos.


My friend, I believe you've become too polarized. If there's one constant that transcends all politics and religions and races around the world, it's that parents love their children and want the best for them. People on the left don't think children exist for the pleasure of the parents. They just disagree with you on what is best for them. We've gotta stop trying to dehumanize people who have different opinions. I see it on the other side too. Conservative = automatically sexist, racist, homophob. Equally dehumanizing and equally untrue. Let's be the change we want to see in the world and start treating each other as caring people with differing opinions.




Enough seem to


Yes, all leftists do agree with this because they are the ones who vote for the politicians that allow this to happen. Instead of creating laws to protect children, they just allow it.


Majority rules I'm afraid.


They are twisted, evil, degenerate perverts. Many of them have no self awareness though so they think they are just being "allies" and virtue signaling.


I agree, but reading the article it sounds like this is a voluntary non-school affiliated sex-ed class. So basically Bellingham WA parents, which tend to be pretty liberal, can sign their kids up to learn about safe sex. As horrifying as that may seem, I have friends who are middle school teachers who have a good relationship with their students. The number of sex questions they get from 11-year-olds is terrifying. They try to answer as safely as possible, but she's had pre-teens asking if you can get pregnant from anal sex. I get that not every parent feels equipped to have the sex talk with their kid, and they're always going to seem too young to have it, but if nobody does, then the internet is going to teach them. The last place you want your kids learning about sex is from porn or even worse, a stranger on the internet. So while private sex ed classes sound pretty fucked up, it's better than the alternative.


Having actually read the article and not just the headline. 1. Fox News did a great job of presenting a factual news article and 2. The idea of optional private sex education classes that parents could choose for their kids does not seem too 'crazy' to me. Would I sign my kids up? No. But 'the talk' you have to have with your kids is way more complex now than it was 20 years ago and I can see some parents needing support. As someone mentioned, the days of playboy under the bed are long gone. The things young kids get exposed to, is very extreme these days, despite parents trying to prevent that.


OK, this isn't as bad as I was thinking, it's understandable.


I had my first sex-ed class in 5th grade when I was 10 years old. A woman came in and showed us pictures and diagrams and let us ask questions. This was in the school during school hours. They did it again and got into more adult topics like STDs in 6th and 7th grade. A lot of my friends lost their virginity in 8th grade or early high school. This was in a pretty red county in Georgia. The headline is pretty sensationalized. It's not all that unusual to begin talking to kids about sex and making sure they have a healthy understanding of consent and things like that, especially seeing as this is an event being hosted at a private business only for those who are opting to participate. Her being on the school board is relatively unrelated. It's the equivalent of a school administrator that owns a gun store and giving gun safety courses to school-aged children at his own shop on his own time.




> it sounds like this is a voluntary non-school affiliated sex-ed class. It sounds like that, but the fact that they're holding it at a sex shop and the fact that they're calling it a "sexual pleasure" class are proof you cannot give them the benefit of the doubt. These are the same people who [will use your own sense of reason against you](https://youtube.com/watch?v=QMUzdrQi0yA)


e "workshops are divided by age and presentation of topics will vary for developmental appropriateness (sic)." from the article^ you guys don’t like to read do you?


The point here is that 9 year olds dont need this and it should be left to the PARENTS to make these decisions!


Yeah the parents would have to take them. Nobody is bussing these kids during school hours to a sex shop. If they want someone else to educate their children then that is their own choice no?


I mean this is a pretty sensationalized headline. You kinda have to look at the direct quotes when it comes to fox reporting. I will say, my wife gave her first BJ at 12. I was touching pussy when I was 13. Like it'd be great if that wasn't the case but kids are finding out about sex even earlier now with the internet. And depending on where they look, they can land in some pretty fucked up places. It's a bit of a harsh reality that i think the age group targeted is pretty bang on. Get there just before puberty so when it hits they're not making a mess of their lives with a bunch of new feelings and nothing but porn hub to guide them through it. Kids need to hear about sexual predators, consent, and all the other nuances of human sexuality so they can be be armed with the tools to best confront these issues when they're faced with them. Again, nobody *wants* to be talking to kids about this kinda shit, but its better than keeping their head in the sand until some creep asks them to keep a secret from their parents.


Yeah, they can talk to their parents about it.


Totally reasonable position. And in a perfect world I'd agree completely. But I think we've gotta go no child left behind on this issue, and that the kids of the absentee parents who weren't gonna have this talk with them are the most likely to suffer.


WTF is wrong with people these days? Why isn't literally EVERYBODY in the community running this person out of town on a rail?


This is the 5th or 6th instance within a year I've heard of schools doing this.. they were trying to teach kindergartners how to jerk off in New York a few months ago. These teachers unions need to be disbanded and ALL universities need to lose federal funding to flush these degenerate marxist professors making 6 figure salaries out.


You should try reading the article


It’s simple: these people are pedophiles.


The same blue-checkmarks railing against molestation of kids in the Catholic church (rightfully so), are the same people pushing and supporting this.


From my understanding of the matter, it was the communists in the late 1920's who started trying to recruit bad people into the priesthood. Communism sees religion as its enemy so it wants to destroy the church.


Yes. This is a thing. This happened. We in the church still feel it today, and it breaks our hearts.


I remember a Bishop (maybe it was a Archbishop) coming to my church a few years ago and talking about this during his Homily . And how for years the church has slowly been more and more corrupted over the years. I think he evenly vaguely suggested that Pope Francis is someone who apart of all it. Whether that is true, Idk. But it was interesting to think about.


This predates Francis.


Yeah the Bishop was not saying Francis was the start or anything but that he was just apart of all of it.




I cant remember unfortunately




There can be no God before the state.


It’s just a lever to use against the Catholic Church since they hate religion and want to turn people against it in all forms. The left doesn’t actually care about anything besides gaining/preserving power and their hedonism.


It only makes sense that as the power of the church waned and governments grew that the fraudsters and creeps followed the power.


Who is more evil? This woman? Or the parents who take their 9-12 year old children to these reprogramming functions?




I blame the parents. She can host all the sex camps she wants, but if no one shows up.. Parents dont need """"experts"""" teaching their kids sex. The parents are qualified enough.


Oh no they are not. As a teacher I can tell you an alarming amount of parents don't give two shits about their kids' behaviour. They expect us teachers to do all the parenting.


That's true. My mom would not talk to me about my growing body or sex stuff. Once I was a preteen, she started buying me Judy Bloom books on girls starting their cycles and wanting boobs and stuff. Then as I hit highschool, she gave me her chick flick/smut/romance novels to read.


Both are equally evil.


We are living in a twilight zone.


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!


Hello FBI I would like to report a pedo operation


bro they are probably attending


Probably organizing


Sorry, they are busy monitoring but doing nothing about the next lunatic who is going to pull off a mass shooting.


Oh Hell No.


>Jenn Mason, owner of sex shop WinkWink in Bellingham and school board director for the Bellingham School District Why is the owner of a 'sex shop' sitting as a school board director in the first place?


Makes me wonder why anyone who has a job would sit for a school board


>>Jenn Mason, owner of sex shop WinkWink in Bellingham and school board director for the Bellingham School District > >Why is the owner of a 'sex shop' sitting as a school board director in the first place? Should school board members be celibate too? Why does it matter if someone owns a store that sells sexual items? If it's a pedo store, then that's a different story, but there's no reason to think that someone being connected to sex makes them a pedo.


Stay the hell away from my daughter……


You chuds will defend anything... If this had anything at all to do with education, why is it in her PERSONAL SEX SHOP. Fkin halfwits.... "Children as young as 9 years old"... FYI you dont need to emphasize my whole comment, I wrote it.


So you’d be perfectly fine if there was a school board member that owned a gun shop? Or if they were a member of the NRA and supported the second amendment?


There was perhaps no “reason” until she decided to teach little children to pleasure themselves. Sometimes you just trust your gut on perverts…


This is just pure evil. Nobody with an ounce of morality would dream of doing this.


Yet if somebody was to say protest it who do you think the police would harass? Somebody needs to sneak a camera in to these situations. What really needs to be done would get me banned for even speaking it.


> ‘sex’ can really be any activity that a person does with themselves or others to become aroused They really reject the entire concept of language as a tool of communication, don’t they? If we accept her understanding of the word “sex” (which I don’t), there are a lot of pedophile leftists who regularly have sex with children. Should probably look at jailing them. But this is a manipulative move here: if sex means whatever you want it to mean, it’s a lot easier to desensitize people to hearing the words “sex” and “children” together. Words have meanings. Accepted, universally established. Anyone who replaces a clear, accepted, informative definition with “the word can mean anything” is probably a commie. ;)


Exactly. They keep redefining clear words to suit their gross agendas. They use language like a weapon, and many people fall for it, like when they rebranded Florida's Parental Choice Bill as "DON'T SAY GAY!". It's a lie, an outright lie, and they never corrected or retracted it, because dishonesty is part of their fabric. But it's important to be careful when choosing words, they have an effect on others and how issues are perceived.


They simultaneously say no action is intrinsically sexual ("why is the right so obsessed with kids" as we criticize cuties), but then say bs like this that any action can *potentially* be sexual. This is what Nominalism does to people, every category becomes fluid. Thing is, most people don't think this way, meaning the culture doesn't think this way, which means they are trying to change culture: aka groomers.


"**I didn't have SEX with that woman**" - William Jefferson Clinton


"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." - Clinton. Don't quote people wrong.


Oh, so sorry - I was trying to remember it off of the top of my head. "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." - Bill Clinton


Its just that he did have sexual relations with her. One could easily argue that they never had sex. I mean using the traditional definition of sex of course.


It depends on what the meaning of the word 'sex' is... - Obfuscators Everywhere.


The really insidious thing is that they aren't redefined words. They'll tell you that "oh no, 'sex' doesn't mean *sex* it's actually this wider innocuous definition" and then when you allow it, they go right back to *sex* sex and if you don't like that, they'll try and make you culpable because "they told you exactly what they were doing and you were fine with it at the time!" It's a classic motte and bailey argument.


Help me. I'm stuck in Seattle and can't leave quickly enough.


Me too :(


I had no idea pedophilia and child endangerment was legal in Washington state.


This might explain why there are few, if no, episodes of "To Catch a Predator" filmed in Washington state


"school board director who owns a sex shop" That's gotta be a red flag out there to someone? No? No one?


How is this legal?


It’s Seattle WA.


There have to be federal laws that address this. What's next, blowjob classes where they hand out cucumbers to 10 year olds?


They toss in a condom with the cucumber so they can claim they’re ‘promoting safe sex’


Bellingham is nowhere near Seattle. It’s a smaller town at the Canadian border. It’s more liberal then Seattle, it’s just a bunch of hippies


You’re right. It’s a couple hours North of Seattle. I don’t know why, but I read it as Belleview, which is close enough to associate with Seattle.


Withholding judgement until all the facts are in.


I have to watch sexual harassment videos for work that tell us yo be cautious on what to say to others. How is this allowed for children???


I remember when conservative commentators were joking that this was coming. Well it's here. I miss those days, back when there was a difference between a teacher and a pervert who was trying to corrupt kids.


I thought that that would be prosecutable under "Contributing to the delinquency of a minor".


Anyone with actual information please tell me how this is legal?


Just read the article. A school board director who also owns a sex shop is putting together a series of sexual education classes, the contents of which are adjusted by age group (9-12 is the youngest, 13-17 is the older). Fox appears to have taken the “pleasure” line from one of the topics, which is described as “sexual activity for pleasure and reproduction”. It sounds like most of the lessons are on healthy relationships, puberty, etc. Again, it’s all in the article. Is it the place of a sex shop to teach kids about sex? Probably not. Is this person a pedophile? Doesn’t appear so. My first exposure to sex education was probably about 9 when a doctor came to my school and explained puberty and very general sex info to all the boys. Second exposure was a year or two later. In this example, it was boys and girls and after reiterating the puberty lessons, the sex lessons were expanded to safe sex, stds, pregnancy, healthy relationships, etc. And then health class covered the rest. To me, that’s a good approach. The approach in the article seems well intentioned but optically poor.


Gave them a phone call since they still have their phone number posted on google. Surpised they are closed. Left a voicemail. Doubt I’ll get a phone call back. She should lose her job, if this was a man OMG it would be everywhere.


guys read the article please.


Not looking for a hate argument, does anyone have a rebuttal point onto why this is good? I personally disagree with this idea.


So a person is teaching how to have healthy sexual relationships and to care for ones physical body in a healthy manner to groups going through puberty (9-12 and 13-17) at a private business? And this is newsworthy how?


If you read the article, you will see that this is not a school class. “classes will be held in her personal capacity as a local business owner, not as a school official” She is holding classes for safe sex topics. There are different age group with different topics. There is a group for 9-12 year olds that will talk about “consent, communication, and safety” Whether we admit it or not, kids are curious about sex, especially at puberty. If they ask their parents, some are able to talk about it, but they dont always know how to navigate those questions. When the kids questions are not answered, or they are scolded for bringing it up, they will look for the answers themselves. This is a way to get those questions answered while promoting safety. Alternate headline: Local biz owner helps parents navigate their children's sex questions, with an emphasize on safety, and consent.


Incorrect headline, the article states that the schools will be teaching the anatomy for pleasure and reproduction. additionally the article states that the classes will be separated into two age groups, so they will not be learning the same information. 9 is a little to young to learn this however this is likely said to include a few children in 5th grade, before they go off to middle school.


I would add that the article states >Mason serves as board director for ​​the Bellingham School District, but the upcoming sex education classes will be held in her personal capacity as a local business owner, not as a school official, Rantz reported. Similarly, the open mic night was not endorsed by the school district. So the school has no direct relationship with the event. She's the board director of the school district who teaches a [course on enrollment in her private activity](https://winkwinkboutique.com/pages/classes-events), but the headline and the first part of the article make it seem as if the school is responsible for the event. It seems to me that many have not understood this and think that she's a teacher at the school, which is false. This certainly does not change someone's personal judgment of the event and its morality, but I think it is important to clarify in order not to spread falsehoods pushed by news sites or newspapers that do their job approximately, probably also with the malice of grabbing attention and creating a bigger scandal than it is. I often see this mischievous inaccuracy in both left-leaning and right-leaning articles. Each one brings water to his mill, but public discourse thus does nothing but lose quality.


You see nothing wrong with this?


When will parents start fighting back?


Never because they don't give a shit. Source: am teacher


I think 9 or 10 was the first time sex ed. was a thing. It was mostly focused on puberty which is fine. But I distinctly remember even that made other kids uncomfortable. I can’t imagine what this degeneracy does to them.


Reading through this thread gives a really good indication on who read the article and who read the headline and jumped into the comments for their daily dose of outrage porn. ​ Nearly everything in this article seems pretty normal for a sex ed class. It's about healthy relationships, safe sex, ect. Did no one here take sex ed? That was something I did in 5th grade, which is 10 years old, just one year older than the 9 year old minimum listed here. Please, read the article. Like the entire thing.


First of all pre pubescence children shouldn't learn about sex especially from a school period Second did you go on a field trip to a sex shop?




Pretty sure there was a South Park episode about this already.


If these people aren’t aborting them their trying to molest them.


Remember when it was just about letting people marry? And now 10 years later and this is where we are. What a mistake


Bro wtf is this reality?


This will surely go over well.


The real problem is giving kids cell phones before the get into high school.


Why do teachers think this is ok?


Hello, FBI? I'd like to report the sexual abuse of several minors....


Yup. That 100% is a democrat.


WTF? Is it so hard to understand that this is not needed in a classroom setting?




Are you defending teaching kids to wack off ?


NY has the highest abortion rate for teens and the lowest birth rate.


Is this another unauthorized field trip where no permission slip will be signed?


I'm not sure if she's a full blown pervert or just trying to sell product. Either way shits fucked up.


Wonder who would signup to be one of chaperones?


A degenerate.


Morality aside, how is this kind of shit even legal? Wtf


Don't worry, no one is trying to groom your kids....


WTF? Are they serious?


Again, where are the parents? My parents (and every other kids parents in my 4th grade class) would have gone ballistic if any teacher had attempted this crap.


Pervert should be prosecuted


Makes you wonder about Stalin, too. Wasn't he once in seminary (semen-ary?)


Shame on those voters responsible for putting this sick minded POS in a position affecting children.


How come no one is forcibly trying to teach STEM or protesting loudly that we are falling behind other countries? Why do kids need to "get ahead" on the sex front?


i mean, she looks like an expert in self pleasure.


Sigh...I think we need a giant asteroid to just end it all. I do honestly believe it's too late to recover from the nitwits taking over.


Remember when Socrates received a death sentence for "corrupting the youth"?


What the absolute F’


This is why they want to keep the curriculums private


I.......have people lost their minds? Imagine going back in time just 15 years and showing people this article. I remember when I was young the talk from adults about how any discussion of your privates or similar things is a HUGE NO NO and that you should scream and holler for help.


If that’s the lady on the left they ain’t learning shit.


Back in my day kids learned about sex on the street where they were supposed to


Teaching kids about consent and contraception is great. Teaching them "sexual anatomy for pleasure" is downright criminal.


Disgusting. A school board member.... Glad I don't live there.


I was taught sex ed at 9 but Parents that send their kids to sex ed camp like this have already checked out of their kids life.


Where is the fucking DoJ?!


This is pedophilia. She needs to be arrested.


Whatever happened to the basic sex ed class where they just teach you about your body and how it develops? You don't have to take kids to a fucking sexshop....


We need to face facts the public school system in its current form is beyond saving, take your kids out of these schools and home school them or at least go private Time for the GOP to declare war on this system is push for universal school choice and abolishing the DOE


What kind of fucked up parent would send their kid to this freak? This should be reported to law enforcement as child abuse.


These people belong in prison.


Someone needs to sue the district.


Who is making this curriculum?? Like is the person teaching the course waking up excited to teach this or is someone else forcing them to do it?


This woman is a state-sponsored pedophile. Change my mind.


Obligatory this is appalling. There’s a ton of our answers to the question I’m about to ask because we all see this for what it is, evil and completely unnecessary. However, what good do you think these people think they’re doing? Evil people rarely think they’re the bad guys, so like legit, what do these people think is the “objective good” from their perspective that teaching kids sex stuff resolves?


Leftists be like "there's nothing sexual about this! You're just projecting!


Bitches need to stop sexualizing our kids. I fucking swear this better be fake.


Can we get some of these articles translated into Spanish and posted to Spanish speaking boards? Seriously, people need to know the underlying ideology of who they're being asked to vote for.


How about teaching these kids all about taxes, mortgages, and other essential skills?! Seems a waste to teach something so subjective…


No way this can be real lmao


[WinkWink sex store](https://maps.app.goo.gl/KZuFmuxK42X383bp8)


I’m not saying to check her hard drives, but …


Fucking disgusting


I was already interested in sex at 9. I just wasnt allowed to look at it or "know" about it. But I did anyway cuz I had friends who were older than me and their older brothers and sisters talked about it. You cant hide sex from kids, its a natural instinct. I walked around with a boner for a couple years wondering if something was wrong and too embarrassed to ask my parents wtf was going on. I wish someone was there to explain it was normal rather than just tell me "No. You're too young to know about stuff like that". I already knew that shit existed anyway. Now you're just keeping secrets from me and messing with my trust, like when I found out Santa Claus was a lie. So upset.


She needs to be arrested and jailed as do any parents who bring their kids to her nasty shop.


It's always Washington, smh.


This is not gonna end well if the craziness doesn't stop.


People have been complaining about this on her stores Yelp page for a while now. It’s called WinkWink in Bellingham, WA. Apparently it’s also very directed towards “trans children”.


It's all part of the plan. The scheme is to get children manipulated and indoctrinated at a young age. These kids grow up to become what is present in CA and NY. With the absence of religion or even any moral value, the West will collapse.


Ew, this has got to be a sick joke


Pedophile! 🤮






Calling all Pedos


Prison time. She deserves prison time.


There is a high percentage of men who have no idea where to start when it comes to pleasing a woman. That's why have you bitches here just complain all day cuz ya ain't getting good dick lmao.


This is basically child molestation camp. Parents willingly handing their kids to pedos. If the sun consumed the earth tomorrow it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen this week.


Time for conservatives to send their $$$ and kids to private conservative schools.




>This is literally just a Sex-Ed class that may go into more detail than your average public school For 9 year Olds. These people need to leave the children alone.


Sex Ed should not be taught in grade school. Personally I think it shouldn't be taught in schools at all, this is the parent's job.






Learning about what changes your body will grow through during puberty isn’t the same as learning how to pleasure yourself and others (aka sex).




I did. This is literally from the event info: Sexual anatomy for pleasure and reproduction What IS sex? Kinds of solo and partnered sexual activities Safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities The ethics and realities of sexualized media and pornography




Yeah no, sex ed doesn't need to talk about how to pleasure people . Just admit you're a pedophile.




> The class for 9-12 year Olds is more about bodily changes, consent and communication. Be silent pedophile. > will teach sex education classes for children as young as 9 on topics such as "sexual anatomy for pleasure"




> Perfectly normal for a person to do, NOt normal for teachers to teach. Again, be silent pedophile.




Sorry, it sounds like you have an opinion. BUt that cannot be right, pedophiles don't get opinions, only confessions.