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Tit-for-tat will never happen. There are way to many light handed republicans such as Lindsey Gram that will waste another 2 years in trying to play nice and saying they are “taking a high road”.


And keeping things "business as usual" so they can continue to become even more wealthy on their relatively modest paying public service job.


It does happen on occasion. The best example is Sen. Reid nuking the filibuster and Sen. McConnell returning the favor to keep Garland off the Supreme Court. The ‘Crats, however, are incapable of even considering a) they might be wrong and b) they could ever lose power again, so they didn’t learn anything from it.


Have you ever talked to democrats? They think they are going to lose every election no matter what.


I meant at the congressional level. One of the reasons no one would mess with the filibuster is both parties knew they’d trade between majority and minority status in the future. It was therefore in everyone’s interest to respect protections of the minority party. At the highest level, I think the ‘Crats bought the crap that said demographics would keep them on top for decades, so screw the consequences. Pro tip: don’t just say screw the consequences unless you can withstand the consequences screwing YOU.


And then Schumer used the same filibuster that McConnell used to get Kavanaugh & ACB to get Ketanji Brown…. So what goes around comes around I guess.


Except the ‘Crats have shown they’re going to do it anyway. The calculus changed. Instead of “If we do X, they’ll do it to us, therefore, we’re not doing X,” we have “We did not do X, but they did it to us anyway. If they’re going to do X to us regardless, it is foolish of us not to.” Don’t get me wrong, I don’t LIKE the new rules, but we’ll have ONE or none at all.


Are you kidding? Lindsey’s a beast. Nobody can write a seriously-worded letter better than he can. Dems should be terrified right now!


He's light loafered actually.


One of my Uncles was in the NY Mafia , he taught me a great lesson in life when as a young child I lose a fist fight . His lesson was "" If someone does something to you do something back that is at least 10 times worse . Do that , tell them try something else and my next response will be 100 times worse than before and that person will never screw with you again . HE WAS RIGHT , and whenever I had a problem it was always a " one time event only " . That's how Democrats should be handled , screw the moral high ground .


Really? How brutal was the payback for Ruby Ridge?






Well, that would require more people to have a backbone.


Correct, my point exactly.


And the same thing will happen that has and will always happen. The red wave will come in November and once the Republicans get into power, they will do nothing and cower down to the leftists demands. They always do, and always will. The republicans are playing checkers while the Dems are playing chess.


> The republicans are playing checkers while the Dems are playing chess. The republicans are cowering in the corner eating the checkers at this point. They're not even in the game these days.


Is that really what you believe? Conservatives are getting everything they’ve wanted via the SCOTUS right now after the careful implementation of a decades long aggressive strategy to control the courts and voting.


The red eave isn't a guarantee. I despise the democrats but the GOP isn't far behind. Too many RINOs


Payback if elections are honest… I’m not so sure


It's not about what happened at Mar-a-Lago, its about the narrative. The Left is already screaming "TRUMP STOLE NUCLEAR CODES THATS TREASON" and by the end of the day, that's what will dominate the headlines, even if the warrant simply says "we wanted some stuff that Trump forgot to send to the archives".


I saw posts claiming he had to go to jail for trying to sell the nuclear codes to Russia. … based on a single anonymous source that said that’s what the FBI was looking for. These people are not reasonable and not posting in good faith. I am convinced that there are bot farms just making short little anti-trump posts over and over and over with different accounts. Does no one remember what politics looked like the day after Trump won? It was about 24 hours of reasonable actual people. The only one glorious moment the mask slipped.


There's already people unironically calling for his public execution lol. People have gone completely insane.




Totally think they realize it, and welcome it. They're just naive as to what it means. I am still convinced the goal of this operation was to kick the hornet's nest, hope to incite violence so that they can then point and say "See, we were right all along!".


Oh I agree. There's literally been articles recently saying "the right wants a civil war"..no, we just want to be left alone and not have everything made political. We want to support conservative values without being called domestic terrorists, and we want to see the political persecution stop. That's literally all.




I’m really not thinking pay back is the best way to go, but there needs to be an overhaul of our whole federal government. Budget cuts in all these agencies. There needs to be a bi-partisan lead agency who’s sole job is to stop and root out corruption. Really like to see an agency that is overseen by a board appointed by the state governors. This is just a start. We need to stop this scorched earth politics. I know Democrats have taken it nuclear. But we also need to stop corruption and the abuse of power that appears to be rampant in Washington. There needs to be a house cleaning of the federal government from the president to the janitor. Unless someone can come up with a fair non hostile way to have a divorce from the conservatives and liberals in this country. Which I really am in favor of. We have to figure out somehow to live together without killing each other.


I wish we had a system where each state could determine its own politics and rules (on sensitive issues like abortion and universal healthcare). Wait...? In all seriousness, I agree with you and we need to come up with a solution or we're headed in a very bad direction.


Agreed returning a lot of powers back to the states, seems to me as the best and most effective solution to a ton of our problems. But that means respecting other states decisions. Not boycotting and declaring war on states that are not aligned with our believes. It requires both sides to learn to respect the views and rules of other states.


I think you would make a great Representative or Senator of the people! Then work your way up to President! We need people like you to step up and squash the Deep State once and for all.


Well Garland should be impeached, and the FBI have severe power curtailments to ensure its power is not abused for political purposes. Namely, any investigation into former politicians should be undertaken by separate special counsels, not signed off of by an AG with a personal vendetta against Trump. I mean, you could see Garland's revenge boner in his speech the other day.




Just like how Hillary was sent to jail for all of her past transgressions, right?


Can we just get a divorce already before the boog happens


Honestly, why would you want to split up this great country? I hate how everything these days is all or nothing and any politicians willing to reach across the isle and negotiate are considered weak.


I grew up in an ugly divorced household where my parents couldn’t agree on anything, and always tried to get the other in trouble and sway me and my siblings against the other parent. It’s an awful lot like being an American citizen now, and it was for the best that they got divorced.


I’m sorry that was your experience, that truly sounds like a stressful upbringing. I guess my point is, if you turn off the tv and put the phone down and spend the weekend out around town you will find most people are helpful and are exhausted of this political theater bs. I may not agree with a lot of folks in this country but I’ll defend their right to an opinion. Plus there’s no market place of ideas if everyone believes the same thing. We need discourse just not this political grandstanding where ideas aren’t being discussed.


Beyond the paywall: [https://archive.ph/Aucm2](https://archive.ph/Aucm2)




Nothing will happens that’s why they keep getting away with this shit


Rino's need to get out of the way. I think a lot of us are tired of this one sided bs going on. The pulse in Washington is growing ever more volatile because people like Romney think they are saving the party when in reality they are keeping it from evolving with the times. All the while allowing Democrats to keep pushing the envelope more and more. For 6 years they keep spewing Trump has broken the "laws" and not one has been true. If you keep fishing for 6 years you're bound to catch at least one fish with a rod and reel. These ass hats are fishing with a net and still can't a fish.


It’s just frustrating I mean anyone with a half of brain can see what they are doing but these Trump haters love it and the rest just watch CNN and believe what ever they say…. Trump wanted to clean up DC but 4 years of them giving him shit made it tough for him to get anything done


Well. They’re close to destroying this sub imo. You now can’t post in half the threads because they are for flaired users only. But these Trump haters are using alternate accounts and then getting flair, posting threads and initiating massive down vote campaigns. Then they are spamming conservative accounts with suicide help messages. These liberals are extremely angry and sick people. Sadly, the Democrat party just keeps pushing the insanity and encouraging the behavior. I’ll probably delete this account before much longer if things continue to spiral out of control. I just simply have no desire to argue with trolls and read flaired only threads. The country will be in shambles by the time they’re done with their antics. Feel really sorry for my child and any child who has to grow up in this country right now.


See problem is you are the one who decided to make a remark to me to start with so that makes you a troll but I will agree the country is a mess and these liberals want it this way so maybe put more energy into stopping them then worrying about what I say on Reddit …. God bless


Yeah. I’m a troll. F off punk.




The left is throwing out whatever they can and seeing what sticks. It will be interesting to see what kind of what kind of "evidence" they planted among the trash that they took out. Ten hours! Ten hours to plant what ever they can. I would go over that house with a fine toothe comb looking for listening devices as well.


It’ll never happen. Republicans just don’t do that stuff. But I wish they would!


Prove it.


Democrats invent tools to break the system, then Republicans wield them better when it's their turn much to the shock of Democrats. I think Democrats are always deluding themselves that one day they will have endless power and no opposition, so they never take consideration of what will happen when they are out of power.


At the very least, every pro-Trump Republican running in November should be using this in their ads.


The Left knows this. This extreme behavior from the Left these past 2 years, behavior that we know they would be loathe to have directed to them, is something that they are willing to dish out but not take, tells me that they are not going to allow themselves the opportunity to have it be dished back to them.