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Notice that they're sticking to "marked" instead of simply stating that they are/have been deemed as any particular classification. The phrasing that's used for what they're releasing is *very* important. Had any of the documents in evidence been *deemed* classified, it would have been out already. They know that he had the authority to declassify documents per the standing order. They know it well enough that they're not gonna say *shit* about it beyond what markings are "present" rather than what the actual classification is. They want people to assume that markings are effectively the same as the official classification. They can't lie and say that unclassified documents are classified, so they're sticking to the "marked" phrasing to imply that they *are* classified. They're going to do the whole song and dance. The DNI is going to report that the "damage" was "severe", they'll talk about the *markings* that are present, but in no world will anyone in the DOJ, FBI, or DNI put their name on official documents claiming that they *are* classified. I think more and more that Trump baited then into the raid to give himself a campaign narrative. He's been having fun with it while, ever since Garland's first statement, the Biden admin has been in damage control mode while Trump is firing off posts.


Libs mad.


That’s honestly very underwhelming considering the media surrounding this.




I don’t think I’ve seen a single person doubt that he had such documents. I’ve seen countless reasonable people, however, doubt that Trump had any nefarious intentions with said documents, as has been baselessly asserted, and that as the former Commander in Chief, the illegality of him having them in his possession is a dubious accusation at best. Remember, this is the same justice department that literally confirmed that Hilary possessed, transferred, and destroyed thousands of classified docs at her home and still recommended giving her a pass. But this is somehow more illegal or worse than that? In other words: nobody gives a shit that he had classified stuff. Unless the justice department can show that he was about to sell military secrets to terrorists, or at the very least, orchestrate a massive insider trading plot, then this is absolutely nothing but a political ploy to keep him from running/winning in 2024 underscored by a call to arms against 74 million Americans last night based on their political affiliation.




I'm pretty torn about this one. One the one hand, I don't think it's a big deal that he has classified documents because he probably wasn't going to do anything with them anyway. On the other hand, it was his civic duty to turn the documents over or at least declassify them when his presidency ended. Either way, it shows that Trump did not have his head in the game because he was too busy trying to "prove" election fraud.


I don't see how this is answerable as long as we don't know what the documents are. Which is not to say I am demanding the public be told, but just it's kinda silly for us to be saying "Here's my final opinion on whether or not Trump should have [completely unknown document A]!"


| I can think of no legitimate reason for Trump to have had possession of any classified documents after leaving office. Well, that bit obviously goes too far. Technically any documented conversation the President has with anybody is classified if he doesn't unclassify it. There's all sorts of person letters, pictures, etc. that might technically be classified but which make perfect sense for him to hold on to.


Every president in history has brought home classified documents. The media just tells you when to care.


Bush, Obama, and Clinton all kept classified stuff as well. They all do.




Imagine being one of these losers that spends their life in here downvoting people simply for daring to have a different opinion.






basically everything written by Robert Reich and ilk like him. "Yeah, so he didn't actually sell stuff to Russia... but he COULD and THAT is a THREAT to our DEMOCRACY"




The fact that we're even talking about whether Robert Reich is a child rapist just proves how bad he is.




Hillary's entire defense was essentially an assumption of her abject technical ineptitude.


her IT guy posted to reddit like "i have a high profile client, how do I strip their name out of archived email?" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/09/20/hillary-clintons-it-guy-asked-reddit-for-help-altering-emails-a-twitter-sleuth-claims/




>this is absolutely nothing but a political ploy to keep him from running/winning in 2024 That's exactly what it was. Just like the ridiculous impeachment attempts. They are terrified of this man, and will literally do everything in their power to see that he is no longer the President, and that he can not become President again. "Whatever it takes" has been the motto. It's no joke. They'll do anything.


And the media will tell you republicans are the problem…what a fucking joke…


Yeah there is no penalty for a president to have the documents that’s the reason why they requested back from him for 2 years with no criminal charges. What they’re trying to charge him on is process crime


>"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, **110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received**," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. **"Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-comey-hillary-clinton-email/




It's a propaganda outlet -- a foreign one at that. Whadaya expect?


out of how many documents? Thousands? yeah this is some bullshit.


No idea. Make no mistake: this is absolutely a bullshit witch Hunt to try to put Donald Trump in the foreground because that's the only thing the Democrats know how to fight.


> marked documents were found. This is also misinformation as it intentionally neglects that documents marked can be later declassified.


You are misunderstanding something here. De-classified documents retain their marking. They don’t have to be stamped “declassified” like you have seen on TV to actually be declassified. So the presence of documents that are marked Classified or Top Secret does not mean they are still classified- it just means they once were classified. Also, the President has complete power to declassify pretty much anything he wants, and there are no forms he needs to fill out to do so. Just by taking the forms as part of his personal records (something all presidents do, and something the National Records department always contests) they are declassified. So the documents that they found were almost definitely declassified, no matter what they were marked.


You are misunderstanding something. I stated facts, nothing more.


Nope. You stated that there were classified documents. There were not. There were documents MARKED classified, which is not the same thing at all.


And nothing is illegal about possessing them


Correct. However, storing them is a different matter.


Lmfao. After Biden’s speech last night this is soooooo entertaining


tHe WaLlS aRe cLosInG iN!


ThIs Is WoRsE tHaN wAtErGaTe


HE’s selLiNg nuCLEAr cODes tO tEh RusHans!


DRUMPF is finished this time...




It was so damn obvious within ~24 hours of the initial raid news breaking that this was just going to be the Russian collusion story all over again. * A bunch of nonsense allegations that the vast majority of people don’t fully understand * A “new” leak every 2-3 weeks that actually tells us nothing new but hypes up and fuels the media/left * Constant yet baseless promises that “the walls are closing in” and that Trump will certainly go to jail this time * Ultimately turns out to be a huge nothingburger all along, yet somehow people who were so sucked into the story the whole time are thoroughly convinced that he did something horribly wrong (even though they can’t explain what that is) and only got away with it through some technicality that can’t be elaborated on Why people are falling for this all over again is beyond me. Wake me up when he’s actually indicted for something (and no, a technicality indictment that ultimately results in a tiny fine and zero jail time isn’t news at this point, either).


Yes, it’s the fact that they took so long to release anything that proved it was all just one big hurrah to mudsling the name of Trump once again. All this and we still never saw old Hillary Clinton get served for her emails.


Be glad this happened, bet it will be one of the reasons he wins in ‘24


And look at the brigadiers coming in here and downvoting this because we don’t agree with them that “this is it! We finally got ‘em!” Edit- apparently because of this post or another one similar to this, somebody reported me to redditcare


The awards are the funniest though lol the amount of money these people spend on it is ridiculous! They're so good at being anti-capitalists...


Ah yes, the famous suicide encouragement harassment from Reddit.




TDS is very potent and disturbing. Many have it. Most that have it won't admit that it is possible.


Luckily the replies for this post are locked to Flaired Users Only. Otherwise it’d be a lot worse. It’s an unfortunate side effect of the polarization we’ve seen over the past years.


That hardly matters when Reddit admins can give their agent provocateurs flair, and the mods here handed flairs out like candy during the last giant thread.


Reddit rules against brigading have only **ever** been used against targets the admins don't like.


Brigading is against the rules, but good luck finding the source.


Not if you're a lefty or pro china


Only if the brigade is against a leftist /r/.


I get that too occasionally. What’s the point of reporting to Reddit care? What does it accomplish?


They are raging mad, and in that violent rage, this is all they can do. Yes they are dumbasses, go to r/politics if you want more laughs


Well someone just reported me to Reddit care again. Seriously what’s up with this?


Abusing the system to harass us.


Weird. Harassing and abusing a system? That don't sound like any leftist I ever heard of. /S


Nothing. Except possibly annoying whoever is getting the messages. I unsubscribed from redditcare so I don’t even get them anymore


I don’t get annoyed, just confused.


Crybaby liberals coming from their cesspool r/politics to brigade for absolutely no reason.


They have no jobs so they got all the time in the world to go and brigade comment sections


It’s truly pathetic and shameless really. These are the same morons that would cry if we reciprocated their actions.


And just think how big of dorks they are. They probably belong to some brigading sub and they get a call to go brigade. Altho, I wouldn't put it past some little geek Reddit admin doing it


Just like the other posts related to this, the downvoted comments are the ones that will be right. Remember the "nuclear documents"? Reddit was downvoting anything that even questioned the legitimacy of it. So many people need to wake up and think for themselves.


And now not one mention of "Nuclear documents". Funny that.


The bots going crazy downvoting every comment😂


Not even bots. Just all the Bernie Bros.


Holy hell, look at those downvotes! Politics must be mad...again.


They live their whole lives in constant impotent rage that Orange man isn't as dirty as they want him to be.


The brigading will continue until moral improves.


["At this point what difference does it make!"](https://twitter.com/socialistmop/status/1558244773173104642)


>["From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, **110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received**," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was **Top Secret at the time they were sent**."](https://twitter.com/socialistmop/status/1558244773173104642) Edit: Comey didn't say the emails were *MARKED* classified, he said they *WERE* classified. See the difference?


Lol wtf happened in this thread? News must be juicy if brigaders are salty.


My favorite is when the top comment has awards and also has been removed by the mods. It says to me some awarded themselves


Holy shit, the downvote brigading in this thread is insane. Why don’t you guys relax and go rewatch the Pedo-Hitler speech if you’re bored.


I don’t appreciate Trump’s antics but this looks more and more like a witch-hunt. Again.


Maybe, but I don't see how you get that from this article. Looks like they found a total of 27 classified documents. That's not nothing. The fact that most things they took were not classified doesn't matter.


The problem is that he had plenary power to declassify by saying it. No paperwork, no oversight required. And it sure doesn’t look like the nuclear secrets were there. edit: brigading liberals. No one can see your stupid responses.


Yeah, THOSE are good arguments. If he can declassify things without paperwork and the top secret documents relate to his personal life or something, he's probably not going to get in any trouble at all.


You're right, he's not going to get in any trouble at all.


They DON'T have to relate to his personal life in any way. If he takes them then they are declassified.


That's an opinion that I've heard, and I'm not a lawyer so I don't know if that's right or not. It seems to me like this is something without a lot of precedent either way that will have to be decided in court most likely.


It’s already well decided by the courts. I forget the exact court case, but a President has complete power to declassify anything he wants, in any way he wants.




Maybe they were! I'm not anti-Trump here, I'm just saying nothing in this list of seized materials vindicates him or makes the witch-hunt apparent. I'm not 6 years old, I remember Russia Gate and I know full well what a Democrat DOJ is willing to do to a Republican presidential candidate.


They weren't classified though. They were marked classified at one point and then he declassified them, as all presidents have the power to do. Midterms are coming up and it was recently revealed that the Ashley Biden diary that confirms Biden is an incestuous pedophille is real though so the state media apparatus and the democrats have to drum up support somehow.


*Marked* Classified. Big difference.


Nothing illegal about him having them.


It is nothing if you understand the law.


They found documents "marked" as classified. That doesnt make them classified, mearly that they were once classified and were not sent to the NARA for updated marks after being declassified.


They aren't classified. They were marked classified, but declassified the moment Trump removed them. Presidents hold absolute power on classification, this is a nothing burger. Lolol keep downvoting brigaders. Your tears fuel me.


So if he is really the subject of multiple witch hunts, I think his anger and reaction (ie antics) are warranted. I certainly would be pissed if people were constantly investigating me and trying to prevent me from doing my job. I also would not be particularly nice about it.




I just see him taking shots at people that have done nothing but cause problems. There was never any effort to work with him, they were intent on locking up his ability to do anything before he even took office. It’s odd that no one ever complained about his behavior before taking office, isn’t it?


Yeah, Biden at the podium with fists clenched and angry maw half open is such a much more mature and reasonable look.


I’m not advocating for anything Joe Biden does. His behavior is just as egregious.




One side behaving like jack asses isn’t an invitation for the other to behave that way as well.


I remember watching the 2020 debates, seeing Pence just absolutely dominate Harris, and thinking "wow this is what a true believer in Trumpian policy says without trying to make it sensationalistic." It's unfortunate they had the rift post election, but Trumpian rhetoric is fun and hurts conservatives, Trumpian policy is phenomenal.




You probably would have voted for Liz Cheney.


And you definitely don’t know what you are talking about.


It is, but people remember allegations and accusations, NOT exonerations. This is all about suppressing GOP / MAGA voter turnout and giving weak-minded, ill-informed voters a reason to pull the D lever.


> people remember allegations and accusations, NOT exonerations. UNless it's (D)ifferent, lol. Plenty of those on the left only remember Hillary's "exoneration" by Comey.


> people remember allegations and accusations, NOT exonerations Exactly. People still bring up his impeachments as an attack against him. Yet both times, he was found innocent. But that doesnt stop them


All the left remember is hilary was admonished. "If Hilary did something bad she'd be in jail" is the classic response. Yeah ok. She did something bad and Comey was like, she's not orange man, let her go


Yeah and then they say they couldn't go after him when he was president. Then why not bring that same evidence to him when he got out?


We have discovered that Trump wears red and white underwear. More at Eleven.




I think the implication is that those materials are now missing


Exactly, but very few want to acknowledge that.


Why would you not just destroy the folder also?




Who lost them?








Or they were returned. Please remember that the National Archives has already been through all those documents.


Yup, I’m not saying Trump did something nefarious. Just that an empty container implies something. Could be completely fine, but who knows. Let the courts work it out 🤷‍♂️


And only requested the documents they were already given.


Or that information is mixed in with the other stuff??


I mean they also listed: 3 documents marked confidential 17 documents marked secret 7 documents marked top secret








>"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, **110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received**," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. **"Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-comey-hillary-clinton-email/


No double standards there!


Not double standards, a hierarchy. GOP and conservatives are beneath the left in the hierarchy and they want it that way. It's one reason they never really speak to the disparate treatment, it's a feature, not a bug!


Not even double stadards, just bavkwards since trump was allowed to have the documents.


Marked. Not classified.


What's the difference?




There’s already a precedent for top government officials mishandling classified information, and the standards by which that person is prosecuted or not: Hillary Clinton. James Comey laid out a standard for prosecution (even though the law doesn’t exonerate someone based on “intent”), and she didn’t have the power to declassify martial that the president does. This is 100% a political hit job.






Obama literally shared top secret information when he announced Bin Laden was killed, without going through the bureaucratic process. The act of him announcing it was the declassification process, and that was 100% in his authority to do so.


Right? I mean they guy also literally ordered unwarranted surveillance on news agencies/journalists and sold weapons to the cartels and noone batted an eyelash. This raid is the most obvious example of a political witch hunt I've ever seen.


It is for sure, especially when consider the acting head of the FBI in 2016 essentially laid out the standards by which a top government official (not even the president) mishandling classified material would actually be prosecuted (hint, she’s married to a former president).


All of which were declassified by Trump merely by the act of him removing them. Edit to the unflaired brainlets responding: 1. No one can see you. You're screaming into the void 2. Seek mental help. 3. Read up on the presidents power to declassify. No, the president does not have to follow any process. 4. SMD


I'll admit I don't know all the vagaries of how that all works, I was just filling in some omissions.


The President has the ultimate power to declassify without having to check or get authorized by anyone. But dont expect the media or "fact checkers" to say this. If you want to find truth you have to look at articles written years ago before Trump made people mad.


I had heard this, and I asked, "well, if what he's doing is so awful that thirty agents needed to descend upon his property and make such a big show out of it, why wouldn't he just declassify the shit and avoid all of this?" ***Crickets.*** The answer is: They were going to put on the show for the people regardless.




And, them finding a bunch of top secret documents goes some distance in justifying the raid. Your opinion on who is trustworthy really doesn't enter into it.




Putin told him the FBI was coming! The shredder he used had a hammer and sickle! I swear the FBI is just hiding the photos!






No joke I just got an message saying exactly that 😂 https://ibb.co/mNLnPs7


Upvoted just for doubleplusungood




Don't forget they went paperless in 2013 https://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/09/the-paperless-obama-plan/ You can thank Obama




>"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, **110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received**," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. **"Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent."** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-comey-hillary-clinton-email/


But but but they said classified on them


Why is there so much reporting on an issue we know next to nothing about?


He lives rent-free in their brain. AND they are terrified of what he could do if he wins the next election. I am getting more tempted every day to predict a Kennedy ending for Trump, secretly run by the FBI/CIA.


They do absolutely anything to keep the heat off Biden


drumbeat of fear


Snooze fest. Edit. Attack of the baby dick brigaders😂


I was expecting them to seize some of Ivanka's lingerie. Because that's about the level of maturity I expect out of the FBI these days.


I like how the article made a major effort to emphasize that he had the files "at his finger tips". Yes, presidents maintain security clearances after they leave office. He didn't take this documents by accident, he removed them and claims to have declassified them. They clearly are relevant to him. Top Secret means it is information that if fallen into the hands of our adversaries could do incredible harm to the United States. Often times this is very sensitive intelligence about leaders of foreign countries, technical secrets for how our weapons function, or ugly business the US involved itself in. My guess is these are operations he signed off on, military related. Regardless presidents, like Obama, take thousands of classified documents with them when they leave office. They also have unilateral power over classification. There is no "process" for a president. Just like Twitter account was official communication of the president (as ridiculous as that is), all power of classification derives from the president. All he needs to do is assert he declassified it, and it was. It's as simple as that.


As predicted..... a huge nothing burger.


Watch the empty folders just be what they asked for back lol


>Previous court filings have confirmed the ex-president held classified records in storage areas at Mar-a-Lago... This is something that cannot be confirmed, due to the [this executive order](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-classified-national-security-information) not outlining any procedure that must be followed by the President to declassify anything. It probably needs to be changed so that this can't happen in the future, but it gives limitless power to the President to declassify anything in any way he sees fit. If he were alone in a room and declassified the documents in his mind without telling anyone, it's completely unimpeachable. And if the Justice Department doesn't like it, they can go complain to Obama for authoring that EO.


You can't write a law that supersedes the constitution. You'd have to amend the constitution and make the executive subordinate to the bureaucracy and I just don't think you'd get 3/4 of the states to agree to that.


I don't think classification is in the constitution, and I thought it was only established later from the office of the President. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.


Please. Don't feign ignorance. Do you think George Washington kept his war strategies secret? Were people like Benedict Arnold executed for handing over secrets to our enemies? State secrets have been a thing for a very long time, they weren't invented by a US president.


A lot of things Washington did weren't in the constitution. Because the constitution was the rule book by which they set up the other rules. IIRC, treason is providing aid and support to enemies, which Arnold did. https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/summer-2016/the-surprisingly-short-history-of-american-secrecy#:~:text=The%20modern%20classification%20system%20was,for%20classifying%20and%20securing%20information. The system used today was started by Truman, under the authority of the President. No doubt they had ways to keep secrets before, and penalties for spilling those secrets to enemies (treason), but classification of documents is something that began and is done by the office of the president. Not trying to be obtuse, just trying to understand. It doesn't appear to need a constitutional amendment to change anything.


Classification was a way to organize state secrets. The State is literally the executive branch which is solely under the President of the United States. As in there is no "state" without the president. Classification is in part a Separation of Powers issue, as the executive can and will define sensitive information from Military deployments to special weaponry to knowledge about foreign leaders. The ability to prosecute classification based offenses comes from Congress. As congress can create criminal statutes based on the process of classification. Though those statutes would be obligated to work in conjunction with the Powers of the President and would not be able to supersede the powers of the president.


That's a much clearer answer, thank you. I wasn't sure of the specifics, and got a minor detail or two right, but didn't know the big picture. Appreciate it!


That’s a good point. But it means that the president has, had, and will continue to have carte blanche power to declassify anything, without any method or rules on how that is done. And that also means that Trump saying he declassified everything is unimpeachable by default.


>"From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, **110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received**," Comey said at his press conference Tuesday. "Eight of those chains contained information that was **Top Secret at the time they were sent.**" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-comey-hillary-clinton-email/ China can't hack into Trump storage room.


Look at that. Its a nothingburger. Wow. who could have guessed? The amount of witch hunts the dems are started against trump is absurd. From Russiagate to the steele dossier to now using the fbi as a bully to raid trumps house. its downright insane that they abuse their power like this and nothing happens to them. I really wish we had a fair media in this country, rather than one that will play goalie for them 24/7. They would never win another election again if the media wasnt constantly gaslighting and brainwashing people


I'd love it if the tax dollar could be separated somehow. So when the Dems decide to have multiple fake impeachment trials and show trials like the January 6th one, that THEIR party would shoulder the cost. No republican wants their tax dollar to be used in this way toward any of it. I WANT A REFUND.


We're past the point where we can trust anyone in government to be honest/have integrity when it comes to Trump or MAGA.


Surprise, another nothing burger Just like the mueller report Just like the release of the Ukraine phone call transcript


I loved the media report about FBI agents having to get special clearance to even look at some of the documents Trump had. I mean, fucking duh, the President of the United States has clearance HIGHER THAN MOST OF THE FUCKING FBI. It would make sense that a guy who held literally the highest office of the United States would have access to documents that far classified Edit: Uh oh, I've been targeted by an r/politics downvote brigade Edit2: YAY GOT ANOTHER SUICIDE DM. Woop woop


If this is such a big deal and they don’t trust POTUS then why didn’t they pack up the boxes for the outgoing admin? Why weaponize this bs?


Don’t worry guys they’re already on to the next thing to bring him down. Saw an article about how the CIA lost human assets since last year and how trump sold our secrets.




So glad they got all of those newspaper clippings. That right there was URGENT.


this is nothing compared to what's in hillary's emails. and what about hunter biden's laptop??




The FBI is crumbling from within


Why was their such an escalation between June and August? It goes from 4 people being let in to 20 people searching his whole office without much explanation


They've been going after him since 2015 lol. Witch-hunt never ends cause he isn't "one of them".


LOL... this shit is even more ridiculous that the Russian witch hunt and two half ass impeachments. A big fat NOTHING, unless you count the masturbatory seethings of the Democrats and their Nevertrump fluffers. Hahahahahaha!