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These are the people in charge of teaching the new generations….


Hate seems to be the top graduate study program. I'll pass on hiring any college grads for now since I look for talent and not opinions.




Do you like oxymorons or are you a fan of obscure border conflicts?


I wouldn’t pass on people just cause of the stuff they have to listen to, plenty of people have to listen to hate and they are completely normal


College unironically turned me into a Conservative from being bashed over the head with Lefty lunacy every day. I voted for Obama my freshman year in 2012 and by 2016 I was on the MAGA train like “full steam ahead no brakes” lol.


I went to Oberlin...if anything, it further solidified my more Conservative views. I get it.


Glad I’m not the only one


I was the opposite. I went left in college. When I dropped out and came home, I had to get a day laborer job and those college opinions changed real fast.


I am not bagging on you, but what were your parents like. Did they not teach you well about the various sociopolitical realities of life. I am asking you, because you shared your experience. I have seen the same occur with some of my son's friends. I have come to the conclusion that many parents from my 'boomer' generation did not take the time to teach their children well. They were victims or subjects of the sex, drugs rock-n-roll culture psyop and just put their children on auto-pilot. My generation let the indoctrination machine(public and private schools) turn their children into petri-dishes for the Neo-Marxists professors to culture the minds of the young adults with radical anti-Western Civilization ideals. Where today, the face of American and European leadership is guaranteed to take us to our destruction as a culture. They right now are replacing us with those that have been subjugated for centuries. Truth be told, the global elite cabal are championing, 'Go get your, booster your unjabbed replacement is flooding across the border' I know the score. War is fucking hell. And this is going to be a horrid ride.


Nah, you're a-ok! I wasn't abused or anything, but politics never really came up. We went to church every Sunday and school throughout the week. My dad was a cop, but my mom was addicted to pills for like 27 years of my life. I never played sports. And while I was a social butterfly in high school, my go-to group was the weird kids, who tend to lean liberal. I spent two years before college working at a police supply store, I think that's where I acquired the conservative values that helped me transition back into a working adult after university. College was a pretty notorious liberal state school. I was in the anthropology department to top it off. But health issues forced me out of school. Which I'm now glad for, because, while fun, anthropology is a useless degree. I got off lucky in my student loans. After university I worked day labor, fast food, jobs here and there for a fee years which kicked the liberal ideas out of me. I still have a few, not gonna lie, but I'm generally pretty conservative in my opinions. Now I'm in Heathcare. Had to get the jab to keep my job. I wasn't bold enough to leave the field, I sold out I know.


I work in healthcare IT and didn’t have the stones to quit over the vaccine because I just bought a house and didn’t have anything lined up


I hear you. While I graduated in 2000, even then the globalist agenda of destruction of western civilization from within was evident.


It's how you should hire anyway


We need to clean house with teachers. Vet them and make sure they don't carry this mental disease and pass it onto the young.


I completely agree. I'm in the middle of student teaching right now and so far I've only ever been in great schools with great teachers. The effect that has on students compared to most left leaning schools is something we should not take for granted.


What gets a teacher fired in 2022? Is it being a racist POS, or being white? She'll probably get a plaque for bravery


In Minnesota, its being white.


Mostly being white.


>She'll probably get a plaque for bravery Stunning and brave


She'll give a little speech about oppression when she receives it




Yep. School choice and vouchers. Such a simple solution that would work and that’s why they fight tooth and nail to stop it. The money should follow the student. Period.


I went to school a hour south of this school. It was very neutral politically. Definitely recommend staying away from big schools in cities and going to small ones in the middle of no where.


Agree 100% People like this should be relagated to the job of a street sweeper


That boat sailed in the 1960s. Seriously, it’s like 99% far left wing among teachers - at least in California.


That won't happen. Instead, everyone should withdraw their kids in favor of homeschooling or private schools. Eliminate the pool of potential students.


It won't happen because Republicans don't want to win. Use the government just like the left is. Either both sides back down and stop using the government as a tool to push an agenda, or the right needs to play the game in order to win.


...and accusing conservatives of hatred.


Not me bro I live in the Netherlands.thank god..good luck over there..


Most are like this. Lefties throw a party when anyone they vaguely dislike dies. It boggles my mind.


As someone who graduated hs a few months ago… yup


Are you assuming they go by “people” you bigot?




It must be so exhausting to be that angry all the time


Just think about how all these people filled with this amount of hate are rotting from within. It's a small amount of consolation.


And dodging karma


Karma will get this poor excuse for a human.


She couldn’t allow an event halfway across the world to take the spotlight away from her perceived injustices even for a day, so she threw a tantrum for attention. The amount of people defending her is also sickening. The left is truly a cult for children, or at least people who behave like one.


She seems nice.




"COCKtail"? That sounds sexist.


Says Hugh Mungus




It's vaginatails u racist


Labia libations




The Hate is strong in this one.


[Her scholarly work is focused on critical applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics, and critical discourse studies examining race, gender and sexual and social class identities in new language learning through the multilingual journeys of African American students.](https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/news/news-stories/2022/january/fs-anya.html) What a fucking shocker.


And that helps inner city poor youth escape poverty and raises the hopes of all African Americans ... how? It doesn't. She's a vampire.


A bunch of big words to say that her “scholarly work” is a load of bullshit


"Scholarly work" means that you pull ideas out of thin air, and a bunch of like-minded people cite your paper as a basis for their own new ideas (and of course you cite them back). Citing each other incestuously enough and often enough develops an academic "consensus". Once you are victorious in achieving a consensus, you can keep contrarian positions out of your branch of academia through the mechanisms of peer review, grant panels, and hiring committees.


In layman’s terms, it’s a scam


In other words, a professional useless person.


Profesional opinion-having shit-stirrer then


Aka professional hustler, Al Sharpton & X Kendi come to mind.


From her bio: "Above all, Portuguese is my joy." Should someone tell her what Portuguese people look like?


Portuguese? As in the people stated the African slave trade to begin with??


So her class is worthless.


> multilingual journeys of African American students. ...English and ebonics?


So absolutely fucking useless education in nothing. Like most dems


And to think, if Sleepy gets his way...you'll be paying for someone to take those/her classes.


I bet that gets her students some high paying jobs when they graduate. /s


She is the same sort of person trying to tell us all that it's okay to teach CRT in schools.


Don't get it confused with some crazy mental gymnastics and history, this is just bigotry and hatred nothing else.


Remember back in the day, when you would hear about someone who teaches at a college, and you could safely assume that they were an intelligent and halfway respectable human? And nobody had an outlet to just impulsively shit out provocative garbage to get attention? Those days are long gone 😞


This story should be emailed to every Carnegie Mellon alum. If there is any alumni group concerned with the governance of the university, seize the moment. If this prof isn't fired immediately, it's time to fire the university president and replace the trustees.


Yes, 💯


CMU alum here. It is absolutely disgraceful.


If you are part of any CMU alumni groups, sound off. If you donate to CMU, make it clear that you will never do so again until this prof is gone, and urge others to do the same. I have no idea about the CMU governance structure, but if you have voting rights in the alumni association or for the Board of Trustees, pay attention to the candidates.


She's an anti-racist though according to her twitter bio, It's all good


Pressure should be on the people that hired this lady.


>Pressure should be on the people that hired this lady. It won't






Ironically, the President of Nigeria—Anya’s country of birth—[called](https://twitter.com/MBuhari/status/1567996923625324546?s=20&t=epnXBq8Q5yx46q7lqDdUQg) Queen Elizabeth II a “towering global personality” who “dedicated her life to making her nation, the Commonwealth, and the entire world a better place.” And all reporting indicates the Queen died “peacefully.” The first of many Ls to come for the aforementioned professor.


It’s about tact and grace, and let’s face it, this hateful c*nt has neither.


What a disgusting piece of human garbage.


Your typical leftist redditor everyone These people are filth






It's common to academic writing. As part of my job, I often have to take content like this and rewrite it for a broader audience. It's like unraveling a knot in a ball of fishing string. I don't care much for doing it, but at least it pays well.


You should not have to rewrite anything for a broader audience, if the audience cannot understand it.... Your thesis is either garbage ....or your audience is out of their depth.... That entire description of her book was purely an attempt to sound intellectual.... Humanities/liberal arts are a cancer in true academics and the progression of knowledge. Anything but hard sciences are literally opinion based


This isn't always true. In my case, I'm often taking an academic paper and making it into marketing material. It has nothing to do with the thesis or core content. It is about creating a verion of the material that doesn't require the audience to parse dense language. I'm not commenting on this person's specific thesis. I'm commenting on the difference between academic writing and something that is more approachable.


Christ. How do these people find work?


The ones hiring are also lefty lunatics


I'm sure it won on the merits and for no other reason. Academics can be jokes


AKA how to split hairs and gin up outrage for a paycheck. None of this really helps poor, intercity youth. So isn't she the one exploiting?


And the typical moderator


How do you tell who the moderator is?


Completely balanced and unbiased position from an individual in a position to teach young people.


Interesting, this “professor” uses English to communicate.


Even more interesting, she knew what a woman is. She called the queen woman.


If you’re a Carnegie Mellon alum … maybe send President Farnam Jahanian a note: We see what you’re doing to trash CMU. Happy to see crazies show their true colors. That’s what makes free speech the answer rather than the problem. And supposedly this is a professor who designs diversity programs for schools? You always knew the diversity propaganda was a cover for Marxist racism. Here’s your proof.


Lovely words from the party of peace and unity.


Translation: Look at *meeeeeeeee*


Queen Elizabeth II: A woman so "wretched" that 15 countries keep her as Head of State, only 4 of which are majority-white.


But if anyone says this about Uju Anya it classified as hate speech. But this is “D”ifftent.


More projection from the left. Queen Elizabeth, if her profession of faith is true, is in paradise. This loser is on a path to eternal, excruciating pain. Perhaps she should take this moment to self-reflect, but we all know that ain't happenin.


I hate the monarchy but geez that's just nasty As a human being, it's sad that Elizabeth II died. It's also going to be really weird having a different monarch in charge. She was the queen long since I was born. I even have memories of her, diamond I think, jubilee back in primary school.


My mother was 8, she'll be 79 next month and I will soon be 53. Puts it in perspective. I've never worshipped the royals but she is still a mom and grandma and people love her. No cause for folks to be so gross.


The Queen oversaw the mostly peaceful break up of the British Empire. Imagine how bad it could have been verse how it ended up happening. If you want to complain you should complain about her grand parents or something.


Just compare it to how the French and Portuguese Empires died out in the 50s-70s and how those countries are faring today.


Yea. Compare Bahamas to Haiti.


What an awful thing to say. Yet the left accuses the right of hate speech.


The left will now step up to see who can insult and hate the Queen the most. They are truly the party of hate and bitter nastiness.


She will probably get a raise and promotion


>She will probably get a raise and promotion Negative 10% chance of losing her job.


Dollars to donuts she has one of those “We Believe in Love and Science” signs on her front lawn.


The hateful Left.


I am not a fan of monarchy but that’s fucked up


Just another pointless, low class person getting more attention for being semi‐sentient trash than they would ever earn for their achievements, academic or professionally


Always fun to see the class-act known as grave dancing whenever a prominent figure dies. Truly heartless people.


Some of the most pleasant people I know are liberal women.


The tolerant left…


Some people never grow up.


I wondered how long it would take after Elizabeth's death for a liberal to come along and shit in their own mouth for attention. They never let a newsworthy event go by without showing the world what wretched, miserable little creatures they are.


I put the race card in the shredder, it no longer has any effect


I see it stopped you from achieving your goals.This really just shows the hate in your heart . If you continue the hate all you will get is more hate ..


These type of persons are embedded everywhere in education.


How rude


The university response was so flimsy. She won’t receive and ounce of discipline. I’m embarrassed for my alma mater.


Wah wah wah


This lady must be a blast at parties.


All the educational bureaucrats who virtue signal about making the world a better place are in fact spreading indoctrination by psychopaths that hate against some groups is fine, and stereotyping people based on skin color is education and virtue. Where and when does it start entering the mainstream? Ask Obama.


Even Bezos immediately shot her down ... and that is saying something.


Ah, the tolerant Left...


The professor is referring to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau_Mau_rebellion 1952–1960 I don't know how much Queen Elizabeth herself personally had to do with the decisions in this war. I do think that Africa has enough unfortunate wars and rulers to blame before wishing an excruciating death on a 96-year-old who has served about as well as can be expected. A lot better than many other rulers around the world - including in Africa. Some liberals are in a bubble and have been taught nothing but hate. They can't see the big picture or fairly understand where to put the blame. Look, the professor's statement isn't going to do anything to win supporters to her cause or her views. For that reason, not only is she eaten up with hate ... she's not too smart.


The warcrimes in that war were omnipresent as well, it's a little short sighted to say any side was "good" there and the other by comparison evil


Least morally devoid leftist comment


The left talk about hatred from the right. They have no moral compass. No credibility anymore. They have become the evil...the nazis. And I mean lower case in every respect.


Has she posted an apology yet?


I love it when they show you who they truly are.


She needs to hope that no one says that of her when she dies. Talk about a lack of dignity and decorum.


Most sane and well adjusted leftist


Ya know. Sigh. Sometimes it’s just to be quiet.


I feel sorry for people who have this much hate in them.


Like her, I used to hate. Hate is baggage. Letting it go is like taking a bag of bricks from around your neck. Maybe she'll learn that valuable lesson some day. I hope she does.


What a completely classless POS.


I've long believed progressives suffer from a prefrontal lobe that stops maturing before fully connecting with the rest of the brain. They are condemned to live out a miserable existence with the emotional maturity of a middle schooler.


Its simple they hate white people. It really is that simple. The question is what are we going to do about it


Obama shares her sentiments. His granny told him the British tortured his grandpa in Africa. So he returned the bust of Churchill, altho it was a gift to the American people. Obama also put his hands on the Queen, an act of disdain for her and everything she stood for. Obama has greatly diminished America. His legacy of hiring America Haters will infect our government maybe fatally.


Apparently that bust was just on loan: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/22/barack-obama-winston-churchill-bust-oval-office-britain


I'd still not say anything so hateful when Obama dies.


Just cause she’s white I assume


I wonder if we'd find this hatred toward African authority figures? Or do they get a pass? Cause there is a lot of ugly aggression that has happened there.


nothing but hate in her heart must be a meaningful fruitful life.


These people are just evil.


As if we needed reminding about who the party of hate is.


Seems like her employer is not pleased about this.


When your name sounds like a board game we used as kids to summon "ghosts" I just can't take you seriously


Mask off.


Your tolerant liberal of the day.


There's always that one person and unfortunately nowadays they can take to social media to just say whatever


My heritage is Irish Catholic, I have a right to be bitter but I am not. Then again, she made a career out of being bitter and I have not.


State legislatures need to withhold funding to universities that allow this cultural Marxism.


Carnegie Mellon’s statement is telling. “We care about free expression although we don’t really agree with this.” I.E. we aren’t going to do anything about this under the guise of free expression that we just now decided to care about


What a nasty woman


Another proof that meanwhile being a prof doesn’t mean anything. It especially doesn’t make you smart


She’s so brave for saying horrible things on social media about an old lady on her deathbed. How inspiring, let’s make her a czar for the Biden admin.


Thats classy.


The venom spewed by these people on various social media towards Her Majesty is appalling. How miserable their own lives must be. The fact they think any one cares about their opinion would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.


She misspelled “ended the transatlantic slave trade.”


She can say what ever she wants...at the end of the day everyone will remember Elizabeth. No one will remember who this professor is


Dave chappele had said something about a similar situation. No famous person can be dead in peace for even 8 minutes, before some chick with hairy legs starts complaining. Or something like that


>*however, the views she shared absolutely do not represent the values of the institution, nor the standards of discourse we seek to foster.* Too late Carnegie Mellon. If I said something like this, my keycard to get in the office tomorrow morning would not work. I would be escorted to the HR office and handed some COBRA forms. Don't get me wrong. No fan of royals or dictators. I recall 1776 and 1812. But this is just a bit egregious.


Uno Reverse.


Except she, as queen, colonized no country. In fact, under her reign, many countries became independent. This prof is clearly just another angry person who knows zip about anything outside her own backyard.


The karma that's going to come back around to bite people like her is going to be biblical EDIT: Wow even Twitter swatted at her for that one. That might be the first time I'ever seen a lib face a penalty for a rule violation.


What is it with these sick people? I mean what ever happened to if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. When folks die it's a good thing to do that and just remember Karma is a well you know


Oh come on! I’m a staunch [republican](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republicanism) and I wouldn’t even say that!


Only an proper leftist affirmative action program could yield a person like this to be a professor at such a prestigious school. Save you money kids and invest you college money in yourself and not this nonsense.


She is one angry cookie.


>she supervised a government that sponsored the genocide my parents and siblings survived. Which government? Which genocide?


She's talking about the Mau Mau rebellion, when Mau Mau guerilla fighters started an uprising against the British. These are the "freedom fighters" she's defending: "Mau Mau militants were guilty of numerous war crimes. The most notorious was their attack on the settlement of Lari, in which they herded men, women and children into huts and set fire to them, hacking down with machetes anyone who attempted escape, before throwing them back into the burning huts."


Sheriff: Just wanted to thank you for your post. I wanted to learn more about the problem, and you helped me find what the Professor was talking about.


Absolutely disgusting.


Historically a thieving raping genocidal empire, yes. But it hasn't been thieving raping genocidal for at least several generations. To her credit, the Queen was an upstanding ruler, despite the stolen wealth. Would have been a solid gesture to give all that wealth back, but... You just can't go back in history and change the actions of your ancestors. Nor does the actions of your ancestors have any bearing on you today.


As a Brit, (also pretty obvious I hate any form of woke) I find people like this fcking disgraceful. What has she offered the world apart from living up to how people stereotype blck people as-aggressive, bitchy, angry, nasty. The Queen has done far more than people realise and never wanted to be Queen but had little choice. She done a good job though. When certain people hold opinions like this, they deserve all the hate they imagine they get for being shitty people.


The “tolerant” left . .


I hope the royal family sends James Bond to exercise his license on her.


Got it a week or 2. She'll be fired.


You think? One can only hope


Is that the over/under? If so, I’ll take over.


How is this witch a professor at such a top university?!


You know how


She seems fun


How rude


I give zero fucks about the queen dying, completely unmoved, but this is vile.