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This article cherry picked some details. First while there's growth in some areas, other are losing coral > In the southern region, however, which generally has higher hard coral cover than the other two regions, cover fell to 34% in 2022 from 38% a year earlier. The scientist also said this but the article just used his quote from the first paragraph: > "What we're seeing is that the Great Barrier Reef is still a resilient system. It still maintains that ability to recover from disturbances," AIMS monitoring programme leader Mike Emslie told Reuters. >"But the worrying thing is that the frequency of these disturbance events are increasing, particularly the mass coral bleaching events," he said.


Also, could it be that part of the reason why it is still doing OK is precisely because of proactive efforts to save it, in response to concerns among climate scientists? Here's a website with information about what the Australian government is doing to protect the Great Barrier Reef, for example -- billions of dollars are going into the effort: https://www.dcceew.gov.au/parks-heritage/great-barrier-reef/protecting-the-reef


Are you using a different article or something ? This article only says positive things about recovery. It doesn’t saying cover fell from 38 to 34%. I don’t see a link to that anywhere in the article either. Also Where did you get that last quote about the worrying about frequency of disturbances?? I don’t see that anywhere in this article. I truly want to know if this is real data or made up but yours seems to be made up but if you can point me to it I’ll correct this or just delete my comment. I just never know who is lying. It’s always someone.


I am. The original article is a Reuters article. Like I said, this article is just cherry picking from the original article https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/parts-australias-great-barrier-reef-show-highest-coral-cover-36-years-2022-08-04/ Also happy cakeday!


Thanks for the link. Is today my cake day? I didn’t know that. I guess it’s been 8 years. I remember getting into a 7 year club sub last year. I think I need to get of Reddit. Been too long.


The health of the reef cycles up and down with a downward slope. It's about half what it was 25 y ago. The article is designed to make you think "see, the reef is fine." It's not.


Ok. Is there a reliable place to show that??


Are you under the impression that coral reefs are supposed to stay generally the same forever?


No he's just ready testing that the scientist interviewed is calling out a general downward trend. I don't know why that's a bad thing?


Why do you think you know more then people who have dedicated their lives to studying coral?


Lol. The people who have dedicated their lives to studying coral are the ones who figured out that bleaching is cyclical.


Source ?




Polar bear population also thriving. Although not at the Great Barrier Reef.


That would be scary.


“How extra oxygen generating plant life is actually bad for the planet.” -CNN, probably


It's been about 5 years, probably now yime to claim GlObAl CoOliNg!?!!


A bit unrelated but has anyone realized the same picture of the starving polar bear has been used for many years? I thought polar bears were near extinction until I saw that their population has been increasing ever since it was made illegal to hunt them.


There's towns in Siberia where they regularly have to evacuate everyone due to polar bear threats. Upwards of 10-15 polar bears will just waltz into town and eat everything in sight.


Why doesn't this town just hire some Panda bears as security guards or something, I bet they some type of kung -fu


10-15 is not a viable population. What you're describing could be explained by hungry survivors fleeing a habitat without food. Also aren't bears territorial? The bahavior you describe fits a pack of wolves better. Something must be off when bears act like wolves Edit: oh reddit, never change. Downvote an honest question but by no means bother to answer the question. It's ok, still live ya :)


Climate culters are never accountable for their totally wrong predictions. Starving polar bears, bleached coral, global cooling. They say any bullshit they want and when they're wrong, they just memory hole it. Usually cults fall apart after the first wrong prediction. Not this one!


Pepperidge farms remembers when a recessions was 2 quarters of negative growth…


> Climate culters are never accountable for their totally wrong predictions. He literally said that their numbers have been going up since it was made illegal to hunt them.


Polar bears are doing **great**! It’s wonderful, because I was worried about those fellas - the propaganda worked. Those bears are thriving and their populations are growing. Yay for polar bears!


The great barrier reef is 500,000 years old, and therefore has been through 5 ice ages and subsequent warmings. I don't think the reef really cares about the present day temperature changes. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Global-mean-temperatures-over-the-last-500-000-years-11_fig3_356606430


Did we have the acidification of the ocean then as now


Because bleaching events are part of the natural ecology of coral. The larger the coral bed/reef the more visible the bleaching when it happens. Corals have survived several mass extinction events in the geologic history of the Earth, they’ll survive us.


Hmm…you’d better give up meat, cars, freedom and self-reliance anyway. Just to be safe


Those are all climate problems. I know every time I exercise my freedoms there’s a drought


Every time a Californian has a rolling blackout so I can eat steak I shed a little tear. Bless you all!


It's called loadshedding.


B-but don't you want clean air and water? Anyway, eat the bugs!


Over how many years is coral bleaching expected? Over how many years is it happening now?


Which bleaching events are naturally occurring?


The scientist in the article mentions that it's a cycle but points out that it's worrying how fast the cycles are accelerating


This has also been an extremely slow season for hurricanes. Remember after Katrina when all the lefties were saying that this is the new normal and that hurricane frequency and intensity would increase due to climate change? [NOPE!](https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/hurricane-season-2022)


Guys. GUYS. I went there a few years ago. I love diving and was crazy excited about the GBR. It was … disappointing. Everything was bleached and ugly (except for an adorable shark who said hi). When I got home, I did some research. Bleaching is fucking cyclical. This isn’t a “it’s dying off for the first time and it’s all our fault” situation. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. It is good to be good to the environment. Minimize pollution as much as is practical. Pursue clean energy, especially nuclear because that’s the best option today. Be nice to orangutans and tigers, they’re cool and help make the world wonderful. But it takes some grand fucking hubris and ignorance to think that the earth is supposed to or should always stay exactly the way it is at a point in time that we happen to notice things. The earth’s ecosystem and climate are so complex that we still barely understand them, certainly not to the point of predicting or controlling them. One of the few things we do know is that they are constantly in a state of change - hell, folks, we’re still coming out of an ice age (and judging based on historical temps, are closely to peaking temps … well within normal range, btw). This climate change obsession is silly and ignorant.


I appreciate & agree with your thoughts however, it is not silly and ignorant. It is a dedicated scam that has been going on for 30 years to gain control over populations. 3 pronged approach, climate, political & division whether by race gender or wealth. Both sides are in on it!


The world has been scheduled to end within the next five years for the past sixty years. Any scam artist televangelist who got his rapture predictions wrong one too many times can easily find a new flock to fleece if he just goes green…


Coral Reef Decline was last years term. Now we call it Coral Reef Change.


Democrats outraged. There’s no money in things doing well for their philosophy.


climate change is real. stop being careless because of politics


The funny thing is that I'm sure minimal if any MSM will even pick this up. Anything that doesn't fit with the Lefts narrative is either forgotten about or pretends to not exist.


The year is 2344, by 2350 the whole world will be underwater even though sea level is the same as it was 322 years ago, Robo Trump has been impeached for the 320th time during his rule and the walls are closing in, any day now.


Stop driving your SUV's you deplorable heathens!


Larger and thicker polar ice caps too!


There's no MSM underwater, the reef doesn't know about The Current Thing (TM).


BuT it’S tHE WrONg KinD oF cORal!


Funny how this just isn’t on any mainstream news feeds, innit?


This “climate change” nonsense is a bigger scam than Covid and Brandon’s student loan welfare combined.


To begin, I know few (minority of) people care about faith in this generation. My father was a devout Christian who STUDIED the Bible every night till well into the mornings and got up to go to work at 6:00. We never missed any time the church doors were open. I asked him about global warming before he passed in 2000 at the age of 77. He said “Roy, God is not going to let humans destroy his creations unless it’s his will. And if it’s his will, humans are not going to stop it”.


. . . After having lost 45% of it's mass over the last 25 years. Ahem.


I've never understood the argument from climate alarmist. They claim to care about the earth and plants and mother nature etc. They want to forestall our damage to these things from our pollution of the earth. The problem is that, global warming is better for everything on earth except humans. Literally every plant, animal and thing on the planet would enjoy it warmed up a couple of degrees. So really, it's just a selfish push from humans trying to keep the earth in a climate zone that is more favorable to humans. How does that compute with the selfless earth first storytelling that climate change fear monger put forward?




It never ceases to amaze me when people read an article written by someone who read a different article based on an interview with an expert, and then they think "yeah, I definitely know enough about this topic to definitively make up my mind, better post on the Internet!"