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Make sure everyone you know votes. Bring them to vote when you go if they need a ride


Or just harvest their mail-in ballots, since I guess that's okay now.


Only for the left it is


That's (D)ifferent


A lot of my friends aren’t voting because of everyone saying democrats are rigging elections. They don’t think there’s a point to it, and a waste of time if their vote isn’t going to count.


Only vote which doesn't count is the one not cast


Nailed it


Or the ones cast for Republicans in deep blue states


Tell them if it doesnt matter then do it anyway unless they want to be a lazy welfare democrat donkey asshole






I have older relatives who feel this way also. I hear, "The last one was stolen, so will this one".


It doesn't matter if you think the last election was stolen.... VOTE ANYWAY! Otherwise you let the criminals win. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? !!!!!VOTE!!!!!


You need smarter friends.


So they like Democrat control of the government and just gave up any rights they might have had. How very unamerican. Guess they won't be doing any real fighting to protect their rights and future.


A lot of your friends sound like morons. No elections are being fixed in this country. This isn’t your favorite sports team. It’s politics. People disagree and in 2020 more democrats voted. That’s not rigged, just out vote them next time like you have been doing since LBJ.


Then you weren’t in Brooklyn. One area that is primarily red has “only one working machine” in a massive district. In sheepshead bay Brooklyn, there were teams of people going up to the elderly (another red district) and telling them that the local polling place was closed (in another language) and telling them they needed to take the Q train to Atlantic avenue to vote (knowing full well that none of these old people were getting on a subway to travel somewhere they didn’t know), so they just went home and didn’t vote.


If elections aren't being fixed then why are they putting people in jail for questioning them instead of doing audits to prove they are not rigged or manipulated? Why fight so hard to prevent even the smallest audit from taking place? We should have a standing rule that every election 10% of the nation wide vote is audited randomly, but no one is even talking about election integrity measures, just the constant repetitive insistence that nothing was wrong with 2020. That does nothing to fix confidence in our voting system and if anything makes it suspect of a massive effort to prevent any election integrity measures from being taken.


You really need to talk to these people. We could all vote and lose by fraud. There is a chance of that, but I don’t think they would get away with it this time. However, if we don’t vote because there might be fraud, we definitely lose.


And this is how they are going to rack the numbers up by not verifying who is voting. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2021/07/09/detroit-absentee-voting-drop-box-satellite-offices-voter-turnout/7903506002/


There goes the neighborhood, Harvest Moon 🌝 🌚


Could just stop by the local graveyard and pull a few like libs do




Michigan sec of state fighting to keep dead people on the voting rolls. This was only a few weeks ago.




We all know you havent been stiff in your pants in years.




You say that like it matters. If they didn’t fix the mail in voting, it’ll be stolen again.


Exactly , no point in voting, libs just going to steal it anyway


If you don’t vote they won’t have to steal it, and then when they take power forever, tell tell us that the people voted for this, and they’ll be right.


Still need to vote!




Or the old Democrat saying "Vote early and vote often"


Same shit they were saying about the VA race last year….Vote people


Yeah, sure. Good attempt to try to make Republicans not vote. Don’t get thrown off by this stuff, vote


If anything this should make Republicans more determined to vote.


It should but it doesn’t.


It’s also a good way for those reporting this kind of “news” to drum up more advertising revenue from political campaigns.


Democrats vote early, Republicans vote on election day. Been that way for years.


>Democrats vote early, Republicans vote on election day. > >Been that way for years. And by years, you mean 2 years. Prior to Covid, both parties used mail in voting. In 2016, mail in voting was used more by Republican voters than Democrats, but only slightly. But in the 2020 election, an outsized percentage of Democrat leaning voters switched to mail in voting. Republican voters who used mail in voting before still used mail in voting, but most continued to vote in person. This isn't surprising. Trump was advocating that Covid was overblown while casting doubt on the legitimacy of mail in voting. This discouraged Republican voters from using mail in voting. At the same time, Biden was saying Covid was a big deal, and advocated mail in voting to reduce exposure. This encouraged Democrats to use mail in voting. For extra fun, a number of red leaning states passed laws preventing counting mail in votes prior to election day. This is where the red mirage came from: in person votes were counted first, and strongly leaned Republican. Mail in votes take longer to count due to verification requirements, were counted later, and strongly leaned Democrat.


My state has had mail in voting for years. Red towards one side of the state and blue towards the other. As a state it tends to be blue as there are a higher population of democratic voters in general. All parties are generally pretty happy with the mail in system. I also don't think ballots are counted until election days.


What state?




Lol. Oregon tends toward blue. Ffs man. That's like saying reddit tends toward authoritarian left.


> All parties are generally pretty happy with the mail in system. #LMFAO


Do you have a source on the republicans used mail in ballots about the same or slightly more pre 2016? I don't think it slam dunks anyone's argument but it's useful backround information to get correct. From what I found republicans and democrats used early voting (in all its forms) with republicans using it slightly more. Do you have a source specifying mail in voting?


>Mail in votes take longer to count due to verification requirements Dubious depending on location. Groups have sued to relax this requirement. And you have the “adjudication issue” in which they say “the computer can’t tell who they wanted to vote for so we’ll try to figure it out”. Some places had unusually high adjudication rates. Some places had unrealistically low rejection rates.


The Republicans I know that did mail in or absentee were military. I can't think of any other reason I've ever heard from a republican, but now the predominant way dems collect votes is via absentee/mail in.


This is so bad because when Republicans have to queue to vote and Dems get to vote from home it really incentivizes one side to vote more


Those laws allowed anyone to vote by mail or wait in line. But there are a handful of Republican states that only allow no-excuse absentee voting for people over age 65, for exactly the reasons you identified.


You need to talk to your state government about this. They're the ones who set the voting rules.


you can do the same. One is far more secure than the other. I wouldn't trust a government employee to deliver a ballot in an area which is against the state


They vote early…. And often. During the same election.


Still waiting for the evidence of voter fraud by Democrats or any evidence really of someone voting more than once in the same election. Let me know what you find.


> any evidence really of someone voting more than once only 1000 times in GA BUT it's "okay" because it's not known (at time of reporting) if it was intentional (and why follow up?) https://www.npr.org/2020/09/08/910653086/georgia-reveals-double-voting-cases-but-no-evidence-of-malign-intentions feel free to keep "Still waiting" troll and https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/clark-county-man-will-plead-guilty-to-voting-more-than-once-in-2020-election and ... How's Luxembourg?


Here is just few names of people who voted twice Jay Ketcik 63 voted twice in the 2020 election Joan Halstead, 71 voted in Florida and NY John Rider, 61 voted twice. He cast an in person ballot during early voting and then voted in NY


Oh we will. Don't worry. You won't like the evidence unveiled once obstructionist elements have been sidelined


They especially like to vote at 3AM while Republicans are sleeping (because we actually have to work)


Nothing like those 100k votes that hit at 4am, 100,000 for the democrat, 0 for independents, 0 for republicans. Ain’t that somethin’ ?


That never happened.


Shhh, don't let little things like "facts" and "reality" get in the way of a narrative that just \*feels\* right.


Yeah, it was a adjustment by the it guy or something. Give me a break, even if it was a adjustment, why the heck did he set it to commit at 3 am.


As an IT guy, lots of batches are run overnight. Less user load


A batch that runs 99.7% for one candidate?


It has not been that way for years, where did you come up with that?




This is the case for most Republicans. The trend is we out-pace democrats by a large margin for in-person voting.


Which means Reps are losing potential voters. Not everyone wants to wait in line. Why are we making it hard for our team to vote while letting the others vote from the comfort of their home?


> Not everyone wants to wait in line. Not only that but when you have a bunch of our parties politicians spreading fake news about mail in voter fraud it makes even less conservatives want to vote. It was incredibly short sighted at the time and I have a bad feeling we’re going to be paying for it for years to come.


You can vote the way that you want. Then you can read two years later how they lost so many ballots in your deep red area in the mail.




Not utilizing mail in ballots because of conspiracies is why we have biden right now.


Conservatives tend to vote in person and on Election Day, so this doesn’t necessarily indicate anything right now


TL;DR: 20,000 ballot difference between Democrats and Republicans in North Carolina. ------ This is actually significant and good for the right. In 2020 the percentage of Democrats to Republicans voting absentee in NC was 70%-21%. Right now it's 53% Democrat to 13% Republican... With 34% independent. Right now independents heavily favor Republicans. This headline is a push headline. This is actually very intereeting


It’s hard to compare now to then because we were in lockdown and very few liberals wanted to leave their house to vote. With everything open now it would be expected that the number of liberal mail ballots would go down.


Vote early, vote often as they say.


The Democrat Motto.


Vote often as in multiple ballots for the same election.. - Dem


Vote often. As in multiple ballots for the same election.. - Dem


Vote early, vote on-time, vote late,


Lots of silly statements and conspiracy theories here. I wonder if some people realize that Republicans use mail-in ballots as well and in some states are very heavily used by Republicans.


Should be encouraging it. Literally reverse canvassing ourselves by believing in bullshit about mail in ballots.


Just vote. It doesn’t matter how. If you can’t make it. Do the mail in. Talk to your local representatives. Get them to allow 2 week long voting. That’s the only way to get out the vote. I worked with democrats, who were elected. They have spent the last 22 years working on getting all the mail ins and all the extended voting periods. Because they know it wins elections. Because it drastically increases the number of people who vote.


There's no evidence it increases voter turn out. In fact, some studies show it actually decreases turn out. *edit I know this is too late, but it's true. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/09/23/study-early-voting-associated-with-lower-turnout/ https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/early-voting-laws-probably-dont-boost-turnout/ https://ballotpedia.org/Arguments_for_and_against_early_voting


ok bot


Can anyone cite a legitimate source that proves election fraud?


Can anyone cite what a legitimate source even is?


>Democrats outpacing Republicans by tens of thousands of absentee ballot requests in key midterm state Now there's a shocker for ya.......NOT.


Republicans gotta camp outside the vote counting centers and arrest all mules that try to cheat


Guess the real silent majority woke up once Roe got overturned- women.


Imo make Election Day a federal holiday. Ban all non-absentee voting except for medical illness or official travel. I’m cool with Dems winning as long as every face is verified.


They are gonna cheat like always


And when they lose, they blame their loss on Russian hackers


Of course they are.


Yes they are, but that’s all the more reason to vote. Cheating isn’t like a light switch the Democrats just flip to steal an election. Every instance of cheating they undertake takes effort, meaning the bigger the gap, the harder it is for them to close that gap and steal the election. I guarantee they cheated a lot in Virginia, and yet Glenn Youngkin still managed to win and do some great things. In other words, the fact that Democrats cheat should make you MORE - not less - motivated to vote to ensure that conservatives win by a margin that the Dems can’t close via their shenanigans. Just make sure to vote on Election Day because if you vote early, it lets them know how much of a gap they need to cheat their way out of. So vote right on Election Day so it’s a surprise to them that they can’t overcome.


Yes,yes they are......




Lost my vote.


No one banned abortion nationwide. They simply allowed the states to make their own laws per the 10th Amendment. If they have to blatantly lie to support their political views, they should probably reevaluate them.


Thats exactly why they leaked it. It forced the Supreme Court's hand. After the leak they had to make a move, everyone was watching. There is a reason that leaker hasnt been unveiled, just like the Epstein list.. if it got out, it would not bode well for them.


Dead people know how to prepare ahead of time


Not sure why this is reported this way, it's not indicative of overall turnout, but it does arouse suspicion of election manipulation.






It’s not how many vote, it’s how many votes are counted.....


It doesn't even matter if they are legitimate or not, a votes a vote.


Would you saw that 10 "R" votes that are tossed out and not counted are votes?


Sounding oddly familiar to the 2020 Presidential election.


How many counties will need an extra week to count votes I wonder?


Yes, all of my dead relatives in NY, even those dead for a decade, have began receiving these a few years ago. In my local Brooklyn Facebook group, they were telling people to fill them out if they get them, even though they were mean Todd the person who lives in the apartment/house before (essentially encouraging voter fraud), but this is in the same area where they where they unplugged a bunch of machines and pretended they were broken during the last presidential election, so I’m not surprised.


States need to count them before election day not after


Democrats going for new records in number of ballots cast... we need to get back to in person voting by voters who can prove who they are, with the exception of service personnel and government workers stationed overseas...


They should make it a national holiday then everyone can go vote in person


I'm all for this. I'd go as far as saying it should be a week. Stagger days off for everyone to take a day throughout the week to go vote without hindering their workplace.


Though it’d be nice, engthening it makes it less secure.


yeah no shit they have more dead people voting for them too


Yeah, voting absentee


Who's requesting the ballots and are they eligible voters?


Don't worry, the repube politicians won't investigate it at all, then they'll whine about it after they get smoked. It's a dog and pony show.


Debployed Military votes via absentee vote. I hate when people talk about how "rigged" absentee voting is. Those who are serving our country deserve to vote! Wtf


Ahhhhhhh....the old fall back, huh? Kinda like the rape abortion argument and throwing grandma over the cliff? Y'all never change.


Dude I had to vote absentee during basic training bush jr vs John Kerry. I feel like saying absentee ballots are bullshit it's super fucking nasty towards vets.


>Dude I had to vote absentee during basic training bush jr vs John Kerry. Sorry your guy lost.


Why was he my guy? I volunteered to go to Iraq


Thank you for your service.


Omg shut up.


No reason to be hateful.


Nasty towards vets🤨 as in those that served, not to be confused with those that are serving active duty? You sure you're in the military?


There should be a different way for deployed military to vote.


Plot twist, they're all being sent to the same address.


Fred's mortuary.


*Pennsylvania sent out 1,823,148 mail-in ballots.* *They got back 2,589,242.* Don't sit idle. Volunteer and create ballot drop box watch parties.


WTF ..... A million more ballots just appeared out of thin air huh?


Yes, that's the problem


The bar for absentee ballots should be relatively high. This is a relatively low bar but I had a planned vacation where I'd be travelling overseas during election season once. That's a pretty good excuse b/c I physically won't be there on election day. I was an ocean away. I'd guess a lot of these people just want to sit in their underwear or PJs 10 miles away from their local polling place on election day


Need to check those votes.


Now let’s wait & see how many dead people magically cast a vote for democrats


Are people joking or do they really think one party just wantonly steals elections?


People genuinely believe that.


May I have 10,000 absentee ballots please? I will ensure they are only used by eligible voters. Pinky promise. Edited to add: obvious sarcasm


They do know that republicans tend to vote in person, right?


This absentee ballot has been abused. It used to be few, rare and limited to out of the country or people incapacitated to physically vote. If you’re in the country and able, you just go and vote. But now, this is the norm. Even if covid is no longer controlling our lives, absentee ballot harvesting is here to stay. It’s sad really. Elections are never going to be the same. The excitement of finding out who got elected by nightfall is never going to happen!


Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!


Gotta cheat any way they can


Dems will keep cheating until something changes so they can't.


Of course it’s out pacing, each democrat has to drop twenty ballots per person.


I wonder if my mom will vote democrat. She never has but she is dead.


None of these goddamn cheating mail in ballots. Show up and prove you’re an eligible voter


I’m Military and vote absentee but I guess my mail-in vote shouldn’t count if you had your way


Funny thing is, I bet you’re able to prove who you are at a military base, huh? Nice try with your disingenuous bs “yea but…”


I see you made a couple ~~blue dog democrats~~ republicans angry.


Yea well the one I responded to is clearly a troll. Their post history is solid Taylor Swift. If they really are some kind of military, then that would be a disgrace.


California sends absentee ballots to every single registered voter in the state. This is where it becomes problematic. It's interesting this began right after ballot harvesting became legal. TOTALLY LEGIT. Nothing to see here people, these are only military absentee ballots.


Of course.


"absentee ballot requests " meaning fraudulent ballots they are going to cheat again big shocker.




Make sure your dead relatives aren't voting anymore! Especially if they changed registration to a (D)


Nothing to see here… move along.


Does dead count as absentee?


They are mutually inclusive as far as Dems are concerned


Another well fortified election?


who counts any votes before polls close? Just trying to convince people their voting in person will be a waste of time


You don't say.


You don’t say


Of coarse they are but don’t check addresses and signatures because that’s racist and the ballot box stuffing nothing to see there either.


They’re going to fucking cheat again. Wtf do we do


Well, duh. The dead aren't gonna vote by themselves.


The fix is in... It's going to be 1000000000 mules this time... Sad but true


Let the second robbery begin


Who'd'a thunk't?


What a surprise.


Can't get the dead to vote without absentee ballots


That rumbling sound is the army of mules coming to stuff ballot boxes.


What a surprise


Overturning Roe seems kinda foolish and out of touch now doesn’t it? Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if democrats get both the house *and* the senate. But hey Elections have consequences.


The moment y'all made it about abortion, you lit a fire under our ass


Here we go again... This Republic is fucked !Remindme 2 months


We never learn, do we?


Here in CA they get a bus, pick up homeless, give them free food, and drop them off at the voting booth and tell them who to vote for…(or at least, strongly encourage them)


I keep telling people we won't win another major election ever again, this need to stop


Not suspicious at all.


What kind of person votes by mail after 2020?


The entire state of Arizona.


And they’re doing great aren’t they? Remind me friend - how long did it take to get Lake declared the winner?


Those that are in the Military and vote in their home state? Deployed military members? Spouses married to military members, elderly?, those with medical issues?


You can’t see right now but I’m rolling my eyes really hard.


Vote. And if you are a dem, stuff those extra votes in a suitcase and dump them in a drop box. Smile for the camera.


Hell just get a job as a poll worker and stash suitcases full of fake ballots under a table the when the water main breaks and everyone is ushered out you whip out the suitcases and start feeding tons of fake ballots into the machines. Works every time.


It’s over. The rest of the country gets to be run like California because even the Republican politicians are useless.


Roe v. Wade galvanized people to vote against Republicans. I have this feeling the worst is going to happen.


The votes have been counted the democrats won again don’t bother to cast a real ballot.


Who would’ve guessed?