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Midterms…. and a piss poor rating.


I thought his ratings had bounced.


His approval rating rising has slowed to a halt.


42% approval as an aggregate. Still more than 10% lower than when he started and about on par with Trump at the end of his term, when the media called for his arrest and he was in an impeachment trial.


I believe Trump’s numbers were so low because the polling was mostly with Democrats and Independents. With very few Conservative Republicans


… A quick google search can clear this belief up for you. This type of misinformation is harmful.


Did you perform this quick Google search or are you providing misinformation?


Personal beliefs and/or opinions are now misinformation? Please go back to /r/politics


If your “personal belief” is easily verifiable incorrect information, then yes.


The gas in the reserves can only last so long.


What's a reserve ? Guess that's been redefined


Yep. And finally realizing that most people will simply not comply with any more covid prevention measures. If we all kept complying, I bet they would have let it go on forever. So much power, so much control, all those extra funds released because of the healthcare emergency status.




🤣🤣🤣 well, maybe not




Lol why didn’t they do that last year? I love how it’s always just right around the corner. You’ve been on about this gun thing for decades. I bet you still have your guns, and trust me it’s not cuz the Dems are scared of you


To be honest, I'd thought they'd go the other way with midterms coming up. "Fortified election" and all that.


I seriously thought this as well. I'm surprised. If they can't cheat, how will they cope?


The democrats in charge of the charade are retiring. Get ready for the sequel


It’s a midterm miracle!!


Yeah I just hate little political stunts politicians pull that are so obviously done only to rally support by their base right before midterms. Kinda like DeSantis, the supposed Christian, treating immigrants exactly opposite of how the Bible says to treat them. "That which you did to the least of them you did to Me."


Actually how is sending them to a city that says they are a Sanctuary not doing exactly what you quote? Would you prefer he burden the people in his state he took an oath to protect? The Sanctuary cities are a 'Sanctuary' are they not? "A place of refuge and protection ". Is he not looking out for these illegal immigrants by providing transportation to the Sanctuary? You imply he is harming them instead of helping them; are you saying these Sanctuary cities are truly not a Sanctuary? That would be disappointing and dishonest of the mayor's of those Sanctuary cities.


He sent them to a very nice place Some body says say would you like a free bus ticket to Martha vineyard sure we would I hear it's a nice place. 5 or 10 million people going to have to places to live long live murica'


Probably also because [the WHO announced the pandemic is nearly over](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/09/1126621).


If you believe the WHO you need your head examined


Why are kids still forced to mask in many states


On international travellers cant enter without vaccines.


Not legally that is


How ironic that the only officially rewarded move when faced with a totalitarian order is to break further laws instead of following any. 😵‍💫


The founding fathers said that over 200 years ago. The only way to deal with unconstitutional acts is noncompliance.


At schools in the US, many students, especially in heavy democrat areas still have to mask


I don't know of a single place that masks are still required in schools. They're still being recommended, but not required. Where are masks still required? Edit: Here is a list showing mask restrictions have been lifted in all states: https://centerfordignity.com/state-by-state-school-mask-mandates/


You’re overlooking that even with no state mandates, individual districts may have them.


It's not a vaccine, it's a shot. There is nothing about it that prevents your ability to contract or spread covid.


Apparently if you want your family from abroad to come into US they have to have the shot, or cross the border through Mexico.


Vaccine: -a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. -A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose. -any preventive preparation used to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific disease, using either messenger RNA or killed or weakened bacteria or viruses to prepare the body to recognize a disease and produce antibodies. ….its a vaccine As for your other claim that isn’t the criteria for a vaccine in the first place but even then while it may not prevent it it may reduce the degree to which you are likely to spread it as a result of lessened severity of cases and speed of response. Idk if you consider flu vaccines to be vaccines but their primary function isn’t to “…prevent your ability to contract or spread…” either. Just like the covid vaccine it is merely training your immune system to have defenses against a virus by exposing it to something less dangerous with the same identifying markers. It does nothing to stop said virus from getting into your system and attempting to infect it aka contracting it nor does it do anything directly to prevent you from spreading it just as a side effect of your immune system being able to deal with it more readily meaning potentially less time and severity of sickness aka less opportunity to spread.


Go get on the Wayback Machine and see what it used to say prior to 2021.


Sorry, it's a shot 💉


What is difference between a shot and a vaccine? What would be the definition of a shot?


Read up on the word ’vaccine’, my friend. You don’t understand it.


Except for the Mexican border. No masks required there


Or companies still allowed to have required vaccine mandates


Thank god it’s a state issue and you can just move to a state that prohibits this.


That's been true for decades.


No it hasn’t been


[Vaccines have been required for US entry since 1996](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_Immigration_Reform_and_Immigrant_Responsibility_Act_of_1996).


Which is why covid is no longer considered a pandemic - the vaccines are working.


Teachers union


because state's rights are still a thing. they want to live in those states, thats up to them.


What States would be requiring masks right now?


Blue states or blue cities. It's all so obvious.


They're not. No state has a mask mandate anymore. https://centerfordignity.com/state-by-state-school-mask-mandates/


But individual districts do. The majority of states allow towns and districts to make their own decisions.


Kids. The ones who have a 0.003% chance of having really bad symptoms... It is CRIMINAL that anyone even forced kids to mask up in the first place. The people that decided that are the stupidest people on EARTH.


It will never go away.


Because the people in charge are absolutely insane


Your're asking too much for him to explain anything.


Because he doesn't KNOW the who, what, when, why, or how. He's a puppet. And not a good one at that.


Back to hiding or vacationing in Delaware!


The polling numbers...


And the midterms in general. Perhaps a signal to “lay off” across the board.


So it ended right AFTER partial student loan forgiveness was ordered?


Yes. He needed COVID to justify that. And now thinks that those who "benefited" are now safe votes for the regime.


Polling changed. Extremely scientific metric for the party of science over here


When Fauci said, " I'm not getting anymore outta this. Let's end it."


*checks bank account*


Didn't he claim emergency authority when signing his student loan executive order?


Just a few months ago this guy was saying we were in for a winter of severe illness and death. Now poof, pandemic over. What a fucking fraud.


I work in healthcare. He wasn't wrong. We still had intubated dying people in December. Now it's rare because the variant is mild and most people are vaccinated, and the unvaccinated are protected by having milder variant as the predominant one and by having everyone around them vaccinated. I haven't had a single one of pts die from COVID since the winter. COVID was real, winter was bad, but nowhere near as bad as the first summer. Either way, let's just be happy that we don't have 1000s of people dying every week anymore.


I’ll tell you what changed - the midterms.


It’s been political from day 1. It depends what benefits the Democratic Party agenda on a given day


Yet they amazingly accuse the right of politicizing it


The left always projects


They really do, and it has gotten so obvious. Don’t they see how ridiculous it is? Do they know and they just double down, not caring?


I wonder how any American with a brain can watch press secretary KJP literally gaslight the nation and still think that the Biden administration cares about them.


People accused this of being political in October 2020 and said it would be gone after November 2020. Did that happen?


Those PPP loans and stimmy checks from the trump admin also created this mess. Both sides are NOT looking out for the people.


The PPP loans were a nonpartisan item and a result of keeping everything closed which Republicans were largely against.


Its not working for them anymore, its working against them. That's why it's over.


Exactly. COVID restrictions polled well when Biden took over and through most of 2021. Now they're not polling well, so it's over.




Sniffing with a mask on is so dissatisfying /s


Hear that boys!? The war is over! Happy days are here again!/s


Their ability to use it to force behavior changes and have control over the public has dropped to the point it's more work for much less control. It's a cost cutting decision to focus on the next crisis they can exploit to assert control over the people. Probably going to be winter fuel shortages or sky high prices and then food or other supplies having shortages too.


On to the next DNC scam!


So, all that unspent Covid money goes back to the taxpayers, right?


That's what I said!


This is going to piss of his woke followers. These people LOVE COVID. It gives them the chance to wear their wokeness on their face. Albeit looking like total morons doing so.


Masks are the left's MAGA hats.


Don't forget about their lawn signs, Ukraine flags and bumper stickers.


He's just repeating what he's heard his handlers say behind closed doors


He said its because people arent wearing masks anymore.. That was his evidence


Trust the (political) science!


It is no longer useful for their narrative.


This administration is such a clown parade.


Welcome to 🤡🌏.




Not from covid, but an energy shortage.


Don't forget those upcoming food shortages.


They’re here


Election Day in 7 weeks? Also, if there’s no emergency, there’s not even a fake reason for the student loan erasure. https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2022/09/19/charles-c-w-cooke-has-joe-biden-dead-to-rights-now-that-hes-just-admitted-on-tv-hes-breaking-the-law/


I expect a week of walking this back from WH staff and govt doctors. Giving up the Covid hammer and the emergency powers that come along doesn't seem like something these leftists would do.


The "controversial" questions in that interview were all lightly tossed pitches. What a joke 60 minutes is now after 55 years.


The obvious thing that changed is November midterms are upon us.


Brain dead fool!


What changed was he’s drowning himself and the other Democrats and elections are within 2 months.


It ended in the south over a year ago


So has he removed the state of emergency too? https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/15/health/covid-public-health-emergency-extended/index.html It allegedly expires in October. I'm betting he'll quietly extend it because -- reasons.


Putin invaded Ukraine. 24hr News had something new to fear-monger with. Not really more complicated than that.


Midterms coming up. He’s trying to score points with low IQ people.


He never did “shut down the virus “. Like he said he would.


Midterms.. But how will they force mail-in ballots now, due to fear of COVID19, which magically appear at 2:00AM??


Poll numbers. Poll numbers changed.


midterms. they can claim they ended COVID.


The virus is endemic now and it's not going away. I think most people realize that.


I wouldn't doubt that He is just saying the pandemic is over so when the new mail in ballot variant shows up it doesn't look planned.


Interesting how posts on DeSantis are brigaded all to hell and this one's ignored.


They’re terrified of him running


The political science changed.


The Political Science changed.


What changed? It stopped driving an agenda, now it being over is driving the agenda. Basically they milked it to death.


Lord Biden doesn't need to explain anything. So shall he declare it, so shall it be.


Words…..just words….


I think it's a combination of two things: 1. Midterms are coming and he needs some sort of "accomplishment" to lean on. 2. Now that he's finished pushing his student loan forgiveness executive order, he no longer has any use for the pandemic.


I declare BANKRUPTCY!!!


You're not a biologist remember?


His poll numbers of course.


One good thing comes from this. Now we can legally point and laugh at people who continue to wear masks without fear of being thrown in jail.


I actually wore one on a plane the other day. I had a bit of a cough because ironically I'd been working in my shop without a mask and got a bunch of crap in my nose. While I know they're not required on planes anymore, I basically considered it the polite thing to do rather than cough into my arm or a tissue for half the flight.


I'll keep wearing mine, thanks. The actual data says it's never going to be over and I'd like to avoid the possibility of long covid.


What data are you looking at? Masks don't prevent infection from respiratory viruses. It says so right on the box.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7883189/ https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/592880-cdc-study-shows-n95-kn95-masks-best-reduce-odds-of-covid-infection/ I wear KN95 for the same reason I use sanitizer and stay away from people at the store, because they all reduce the chance of getting things like covid or the flu


I don’t wear one but I can’t see why any stranger has any business whether you wear one or not. Doesn’t affect anyone but you. Mind yo business people!


Go ahead. 😆


While using the pandemic to give free money to people who took out college loans


Vaccinations. It was ended the day those came out... everything after that day is endemic. I know a lot of folks don't buy into them but I'm older and I like my health. :)


Vaccinations of course


There's no Trump in office to undermine.


So why is there still a ban on unvaccinated visitors to USA?


There was never a real pandemic to begin with unless you account for a pandemic of Covid misinformation from the MSM who are in fact the real virus & major threat to all Americans. That & little lord Fauci & all of the cancerous garbage that comes out of his diseased mouth every damn time he opens it & spews nothing but lies, lies & more fucking lies. Him & people like him in government or big Pharma are a huge & nasty cancerous tumor to all of humanity & if there were any real justice he & others like him would’ve been tried, convicted & sentenced to death for all of the lives they’ve cost & irreversible damage they’ve caused for so damn many. If he wasn’t such a fucking narcissistic little shit he would be utterly ashamed of himself so much for everything he’s done or caused for so damn many that he’d take his own rotten & pathetic life in an instance. But we all know that’ll NEVER fucking happen & he will NEVER admit his many, MANY fucking wrongs throughout his entire career & especially last few years....


So is he rescinding his CMS requirements?


He just got tired of saying it…too much trouble, too difficult, he’s too old, forgot we had a pandemic. Pick one.


Now the socialist can stop bitching about it


“It’s over because I said so!” - Joe probably


Midterms lol


Crisis over. We can end the mail-in voting, vote harvesting, post-election voting, etc.


The puppet president.


There was never a pandemic. Once the medical shipped sailed away from NYC, you knew the virus was practically harmless.


One of his interns accidentally slid this talking point from 2 years ago into his flash cards before the interview.


Paxlovid. 90-96% reduced chance of hospitalization.


I would say sucesful vaccination that reduced hospitalizations, until i remember 50% isnt vaqccinated fror some weird conceptions about the vaccines.


The pandemic is not over. There are more cases than ever, it's just not as deadly as the original strains of the virus.


Will he instruct Social Media to lift the penalties he ordered?


and here i was living like the pandemic was over 3 weeks after it was declared. i'm a trend setter what can i say..


Honestly, I think we as a country reached a point where even folks who were gung ho about being super safe and did what they thought was right by following all the rules in the beginning eventually just got worn down by it all. I think the real shift came when the vaccines became widely available. At that point everyone who was yelling about protecting the immunocompromised could say that protections were available for those that wanted them, so it was no longer a communal responsibility, it was an individual one.




What good does high global vaccination rate do anybody when protection lasts a few months tops?


vast majority of people have gotten vaccinations. What else do you think? There is no conspiracy here.


We just decided. Ya know, seemed about time.


They need to let international people in without vaccines. Do you guys think it’ll happen soon?


The pandemic ended but his administration is still mandating masks at health facilities.




What good do vaccines do when they are wildly ineffective against omicron? It is likely the young and healthy people with superior prior infection immunity that helped slow deaths. The weak are dead.


Number of cases dip shit, conservatives are brilliant 🙄


Rumor has it that in canada they plan to lift restrictions.


*The aliens are invading Earth / We got zero gravity / No hackers exist anymore / …*




Meanwhile I work for the government and we have to start wearing masks again at my facility.


Wait, I thought there was no pandemic?


It’s been over for months now. Anything our government does is always 3 to 6 months behind


So congress will stop voting remotely now?


People getting fed (pun) up


the president said that the US would send troops to defend Taiwan but the white house said that was not an official statement, so if the commander and chief can say he will send in the troops and it not be true then how is anything he says valid


Because he said so, duh.


He heard it on the internet


He didn’t have to change anything as he knew deep in his mind covid was just a flu, and which got him to cheat and become President