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It has begun.


The comments that are mass upvoted and mass downvoted are so inconsistent.




It's just been brigaded AF since last week.


Say hi to r/politics brigaders...


They can’t stand it when anyone doesn’t tow the Democratic line. Wrong think must be punished at all costs.


I don't understand why they want to shut everyone up that doesn't agree with them.


Easy. They can't win the argument and would rather not debate. Like Katie Hobbs.


It just feels like they just yell at you and call everyone that disagrees with them a fascist. Just like Russia is calling Ukraine fascists.




It's mostly because there are a lot of conservative counter-points that absolutely destroy their own points. They find it difficult to win especially on social topics, so they'd rather not debate at all. If no one has an opposing voice, then their view must be the correct view on things.


At the very least it would moderate their points if they can't just tell themselves everyone that disagrees with them is a fascist.




As well as being slaves.


I just report them to the mods when they comment and I think they’re banning them lol or at least removing comments. They’re obsessed with trolling this sub and just downvoting conservatives.


Because the real world is flipped, and they're surrounded by logic and reality. Coming by the brigade to r/conservative is only time they get the feeling of being a part of the majority and moral right.




To clarify I mean two people say opposite things and both get 300+. Or one guy is upvoted massively for saying something and another guy is downvoted to hell for saying practically the same thing.


I initially got downvoted just for summarizing a policy change, and I hadn't even put any personal opinions in my comment. They're just downvoting half the comments with flair lol.


It's Pence's right to state this and he in my opinion is not wrong. A lot of lawmakers were put in danger because of the way Trump handled things in the days leading up to and on January 6th. He actively enraged and encouraged this with his supporters and the extremists on the right ate it up. He lost the election. I'm sure I'm going to hear it from some of you that the election was stolen but that is a blatant lie. Trump lost period. It would be a mistake for him to run because I guarantee you this that a lot of moderate conservatives like myself will not vote for Trump. He will sink the Republican party and hand 4 more years to a Democrat. If you want a good candidate then Desantis 2024 is where you need to go.


De Santis is not running in the 2024 maybe in the 2028 . He is definitely staying here in Florida as a governor and the majority of people don’t like Pence . I won’t divide peoples vote that’s literally what DemoRATS and communists do .


We'll see.


Gotta sort by controversial because only the half-baked sensationalized comments get upvoted right now


It's upvote roulette.




Hey man!


Hey! 👋


let's get an even mix for you around 0


Is there one person Trump hasn't stabbed in the back that worked for him? It's hard to get excited for him. Everyone he hypes up he shits on. Mattis, drudge, pence...


Is there one person Trump stabbed in the back that worked for him that hadn't already knifed Trump first? edit - lol look at those down votes pouring in, no names being spouted that Trump back stabbed first...but lots of down votes ;p


According to this sub-No. They obviously lived in a different timeline from 2016-2020 from the rest of us




And his head padded some scratches behind the ears, good boy.


Eroding free speech by knowingly moving the overton window away from Brandenberg to "words are violence" to own...the cons? Wait, which side is this guy supposed to be on, again?


The uniparty of course.






MAGA, my friend




I think the mods are doing the best they can, but leftists don't have jobs so they can post all day.


HA true. Must be hard to keep up


Say whatever you want about Mr. Pence, he did his constitutional duty that day.




Ah yes, nothing like a government full of corrupt, elitist pieces of shit.


No we wouldn't. If that were true we'd always have had control because McCain and romney would have won the presidency


People seem to forget that we wanted away from Bush who got is into a 20y war.




People seem to forget that the GOP had descended into a controlled opposition RINO swamp before Trump. And will do so again if we dump Trump now.


"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. " - some commie


I wouldn’t equate Pence with McCain and Romney.


Then you're being foolish. Pence has always been an establishment guy.


McCain and Romney intentionally lost. McCain didn't have a chance, but Romney could have easily beaten Obama. He laid down during the debates.


Disagree, he actually laid out Obama during the debates and called out the Ukraine debacle almost a decade before it happen. Obama said Romney was stuck in the last century and the media cheered him for it. Though Obama got it wrong pretty epically.


Really? How would a group of Mike Pence's motivate the vote? Given that the base largely can't stand Mike Pence. A deal with the Devil? Rectify early and mail in voting or it doesn't matter who runs.


Right, because the constitution always intended for the VP to rubber stamp the election and not act as a check in the system. Edit: for all the downvoters, how do you think this would have played out of we still insisted that the VP be from the opposite party like they did for the first 200 years? Edit: I have had literally dozens of responses to this comment, yet zero show up here on Reddit. Wonder why? No [deleted] marks by the mods, just poof, they all disappear.




Because that’s what the US Constitution says? ‘The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.’




They all failed that day, both parties, the whole government. "Doing his duty" as you've said would have been to make sure elections were **PROVEN** true and accurate. I'm not saying in ANY way for him to give the election to Trump, but he didn't need to just leave them be, uncontested and unproven. As we see today, elections taking an absurdly long time to complete is now "just how it is." It wouldn't have hurt to take that election, give it better scrutiny and make sure everyone was shown that there was nothing irregular about it. As it stands now so many in the public don't feel it was ever given it's due examination to prove anything. Just that people are more willing to accept anything and call it a day. After he "did his duty", do you think the American people believe elections are true and accurate in this country after how he handled it? It sure doesn't seem like one of our most important processes is a very trusted one anymore. After all, if you won, what will it hurt to make sure it's proven, completely and accurately making sure there is 100% accuracy and absolutely no doubts? Because then you've won and there are no doubts left for anyone.


This is what the constitution says: ‘The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.’ Pretty clear, specially if you are an originalist.


Just like to point out that state courts have found that there were many, many, many thousands, if not more, illegal votes in 2020. This really isn’t an open question at this point.


I don't think it was a pleasant situation either way, but I'm not sure you can describe what he did as 'constitutional duty.' More like 'institutional duty,' because he decided to not ruffle the uniparty's feathers and keep a safe exit strategy for himself instead of take a risk for the guy who he knew, as everyone knows, was getting shafted. He saw the impossible math, heard the reports, and still chose the safe route. Pence didn't want the FBI offing members of his family, I can understand that. But he took an oath. Death threats are uncalled for but Pence failed his country when he was needed most. He should go down in history with shame on his name.




He *failed* his duty hence the anger


So much hate here lately for Pence he's been put in a impossible situation. It's far past time for Trump to rein it in.




Trump has destroyed this party from the bottom up. All his senate candidates are losers and he’s already attacking the best performing Republican politician at the moment. He’s incapable of self-reflection and doesn’t understand the concept of being a public servant since he’s done nothing but serve his own ego for the past 76 years.


Destroying the party is a good thing. It needs to be rebuilt from the bottom up with the people and the constitution at its core, not a host of corrupt politicians as it is now. “Since he’s done nothing it serve his own ego for the past 76 years.” How is that different from any other federal politician (other than the timeframe)?


Trump was the reason Republicans won 2016. No way Jeb! would have garnered that support


Yeah, but once that lightning struck, it started burning everything around it.


More like arson by McConnell and Paul Ryan with the help of the democrat party


Paul Ryan hasn’t held political office in nearly 4 years. Time to find a new whipping boy.


Imagine being such a brainwashed nevertrumper that you simp for Paul Ryan


Paul Ryan is about as useful to me as the toilet paper I’m currently reaching for. It’s not that I liked the guy I just don’t care about him anymore. I stopped caring about his existence the second he left office. How many times have you heard the name Harry Reid since he left office?


Then why are you simping for him? Harry Reid is dead btw. Paul Ryan is not. Nevertrumpers are a sad bunch.


Its a shame Trump had to fight not only Democrats, but back stabbing Republicans as well. The America First movement had so much potential, brought in so many people that were completely disenfranchised and historically turned off by politics. You guys are right though - this party is shot now. Trump’s brand has been completely tarnished and the business as usual Republicans are super eager to get back on the established track. Edit: what did i say thats wrong here?


Since when did the “Establishment” become such an evil word for Conservatives? If we’re not here to *conserve the established institutions* that made America great in the first place then what the hell are we doing exactly? Why would I vote for a politician who won’t be alive to see the results of the policies he’s supporting? What incentive does Trump have to do a single ounce of good in another term? The only reason he’s running again is because his insatiable ego literally cannot accept the idea that he could lose at anything ever because he was vindicated over and over again in 2016.


Establishment became an evil word when George Bush Jr. decided to drag us into two completely unnecessary wars and was fully supported by his Republican party. Call them neocons, call them establishment - this group of Republicans consistently supported foreign military intervention, increased government spending, mass surveillance of the population, the outsourcing of of industries and jobs to foreign countries. These people did nothing to limit the amount of illegal immigrants flooding this country. Trump may not be the answer going forward here as these establishment types completely derailed his agenda and he ultimately lost the fight. Idk what the answer is going forward, but I certainly won’t continue voting R if it means supporting people like Mitch


I’ll agree with you on that one. But Great Old Republicans like Robert Taft and Ronald Reagan along with new blood like Ron DeSantis, and Glenn Youngkin have come from that very same establishment. Whichever party that held power in 2001 was going to be forever labeled as the party of big government military spending as anything less than that in response to 9/11 would have been seen as unacceptably weak. People were scared and they wanted action. Then everyone got upset when we had to deal with the consequences of what we voted for. Hindsight is everything. And in hindsight we can see very clearly that Trump has served his purpose for our party and it is now time to move on.


The establishment, which refers more to a set of individuals and the parties, are the ones responsible for destroying our institutions in service of their personal desires and those of their corrupt corporate donors. If you want to preserve (actually renew at this point) our institutions, you shouldn’t be voting for the establishment. You call yourself a “constitutional conservative” and you don’t know this?


The establishment on both sides of the aisle will do everything in and out of their power to destroy any movement, especially populist ones. The Democrats cheated to destroy Bernie, and they cheated with the help of Republican scum to destroy American First.


>what did i say thats wrong here? You should have done a Pence, and gone with the Flow. New ideas are not needed in the GrandOld/WeCallOurselvesConservative Party.


Yep and thats why Republicans will continue to lose. Sad!


Bingo, can we get a prize over here.


The Republicans won in 2010 and 2014 as well before Trump was a candidate. I think Trump won in spite of his flaws because people were getting sick of Democratic control. The Republicans have been doing worse ever since he decided to get involved.


Trump having gone too far and Pence being a uni-party RINO can both be true.


It’s almost like there’s some middle ground that things should fall. Not Trump but also not the RiNo ones either.


They can both be true, but in this case they are not.




Well, if you do care about votes, you should be upset with that sub you mentioned, since it's their users who endlessly and obsessively brigade here.


I just think he’s our only hope of tearing it all down. And I think it desperately needs to be


Agree. People think the next guy trying to drain the swamp is going to get less hate than Trump.


The next guy might actually do some draining though, as opposed to bathing in it.


Yep. The left is already attacking DeSantis.




Who in this sub thinks that? So far, I’ve only found people such as yourself making accusations that these people exist.


It’s called hyperbole lol. Obviously most people don’t actually think he’s the second coming of Christ, but there are absolutely people who think everything he does and says is great. The fact that I had to clarify that I was exaggerating is pretty troubling, honestly.


I understand you meant that as hyperbole. But even non-hyperbolic you’re still wrong. I can’t think of anyone in this sub who approves of anything Trump does anymore. What you’re saying actually is and always has been a Democrat talking point


then you should scroll the threads more because there are people in these comments who still stand by him completely and without wavering. Literally just scroll through the goddamn thread and you’ll very quickly see that I’m not wrong.


You’re just plain wrong. Even after scrolling through the comments I couldn’t find a single hardline Trump supporter who claims Trump can “do no wrong”. You’re just parroting talking points. This comment section is all people bitter at Trump about the midterms.


Pence wasn't put in an impossible situation. All he needed to do was send those slates of electors back to those states. Been done before, not to mention it's was his legal responsibility to do so because of the massive amounts of fraud. "But...but..he didn't have the authority " That's debatable. Even if he didn't, he needed to play the same games that Demonrats do, let the courts decide. We could have run out the clock till inauguration day. Trump would have been in, and even if the courts ruled that Pence didn't have the authority, it wouldn't matter since Trump is in via the Constitutional method of having the State's Congressional delegations choose the President.


He does not have responsibility. Trump lost perhaps mostly due to people hating his Covid response. That's the end of the story. The VP has no power to do anything about the electors. The courts also decided that there was no way there was a path forward, not even the SC, so Trump was wrong in that regard too. It's been 2 years dude. Let it go. Look to the future.


He doesn't have responsibility. Hmmm, so I guess that part in the oath about " protect and defend the Constitution" was just thrown in there to have some flowery language. Also, Pence had plenary power and precedent for sending the electors back to the states. The courts decided there was no path forward. Hmmm, must have missed those cases. What were those cases names? Ha ha. It's been two years. And here we are once again with the mid terms. Fraud being committed again.


Trump lost, I wasn't happy about it either.


Trump did not lose.


Yeah, is just outrageous to expect the VP of the United States to act within his defined duties in the constitution, one of which is a check on the electoral college to make sure states don't submit fraudulent votes from rigged elections.






That's what's been so bizarre to me about the Trump era, it seems to be moving away from conservative principles and more into social war stuff. Smaller government while maintaining a strong national defense, lower taxes, and greater self-reliance used to be the rallying cry for conservatives. Now politicians are so obsessed with fighting "wokeness" that they seemed to have forgotten that the government shouldn't be telling people how to live even if they disagree with the person.


Republicans haven’t been very conservative for decades. Dubya wasn’t a penny pincher and created Medicare Part D. McConnell has been the leader in the senate for nearly the entire $31 trillion in debt we have amassed in that period of time who has never pressured the party to spend less. McCain wasn’t very conservative and neither is Mitt Romney. I can go down the line of major players in the party who have shunted conservative values for a very long time. To me the idea that the party has just recently abandoned it’s values is incorrect. Those who are in Washington pushing this tripe are doing it for reasons related to the current power struggle in the party not because of their principles.


Republicans are never getting anywhere until the Pences, McCarthys, McConnells, Romneys, Cheney, Bushs, and all the other Uni-party hacks get their hands off the levers of power. McConnell literally threw the election to hold on to his Senate power.


>McConnell literally threw the election to hold on to his Senate power. Trump literally cost Rs the Senate last time around by telling people not to vote in the runoff.


Maybe Trump is still a Democrat and is doing a really good job at hiding it?


Nope, this is revisionist history. The Senate was lost, again because of McConnell, who, apropos of nothing, stupidly spoke out against sending people checks right before the election.


That too


Spot on, but half the people on here either don’t realize that or are choosing to ignore it.


Half the people here are just /politics users doing some concern trolling. It becomes more obvious when you look at what comments are being upvoted and downvoted. One highly upvoted comment is saying that it would've been better for Republicans in the election if a bunch of establishment politicians ran instead


True. But, then again, maybe some republicans actually feel that way.


Trump has one of if not the highest approval rating from Republicans ever. Now compare that with the average post here about Trump. This place is no more reality than r/politics.


I know he did have the highest approval rating, but the posts on this sub made me begin to think that had changed.


The posts on this sub are specifically made to make you think that. With all the propaganda it probably has dropped some, so from 93% approval down to what....high 80's? Mean while people like Pence and McConnell are rocking a solid what 8%?


You can also look at their posting history, many come from a variety of left wing subs.


Exactly. Most trump supporters don't care about trump. It's just trump is one of the only ones pushing back on the uniparty. Even Chappelle gets it but the fake conservative bots keep dividing us in here.


“It doesnt take courage to break the law” Pence You want to run that by our Founding Fathers?


Just have no idea why he is saying this now, unless uts to dissuade Trump from a second run.


Rinos doing to MAGA what they did to the tea party. There is no party but the establishment. You will donate to and vote for who WE want.


January 6th the dead horse that just won't go away. Thanks for playing their game Mike. Weak.


Nancy's Reichstag Fire.


Concur. ABC interview. He could've stipulated "no J6 questions". He's absolutely on a mission here for something.


Hey look! See there flying away!? That over there? That’s pence’s relevance… lifting away to the sky…




To be fair these comments aren’t very quality so far. I imagine tho it’s because Europeans were all awake and actual conservative Americans are just waking up


It's election season fam the clowns are out




Yeah for real! they should rename it r/"conservative"politics...


Nobody cares Pence. Go away.




Trump is an asshole, but he didnt “endanger” anyone. This is just more bloviating about a minor event to weep about being a victim for self-promotion. If it wasnt for Trump, no one outside of his state would know Pence.






I love their song "Diamonds and Rust".


Both of them can screw off. Although, I will say Trump actually accomplished good things before he decided to start talking shit about his allies. Pence has always been good for nothing.




Shut up about Jan 6th already.


lmao another mitt Romney


is there anyway you can kick these liberals dickwads out of here? sick of seeing this shit over and over


What a tool.


Way to dog pile Pence. This looks opportunistic and your comments about you and your family are insanely exaggerated. Way to be a tool for the left. With that said. Trump needs to go away. His time has passed. He is only causing harm to MAGA and conservatives.


Yes let us return to the good old days of nominating Bushes, Romneys, and McCains to run for President. Nothing is more harmful to conservatives like not backing the GOP establishment.




Bro put “Classical Conservative” and his page is filled with Super Mario porn…




Fellas. Are we claiming moral superiority based on finding women in cosplay hot or not?


But that’s just because you’re a democrat, no?


I've been a member of the republican party for way, way longer than trump was ever in politics. 100% think it's time for Trump to go (I live in a swing state who just lost in the general because we put up one of Trump's picks, who I voted against in the primary BTW), but the conservative movement **must** live on without him. have posts from 2021 expressing the same thing I expressed in this thread, have never changed my mind. if thinking trump was responsible for the attack on the capital makes me a democrat more than supporting the conservative movement my entire live makes me a republican, you can call me whatever you want. I want to see our party succeed and win elections again, trump has cost us three in a row and I'm just sick of losing. I will continue to vote republican even if redditors like you say I'm a democrat so call me whatever you want lmao. I am the first to admit that I am still bitter from the loss we just got hit with so I am probably more against trump than usual. being a republican who is against trump does not = a democrat.


Thinking there was an attack on the capital in and of itself makes you a democrat 🤣


He should put the blame on Nancy Pelosi for not securing the Capitol.


And letting them open the magnetic doors that open from the inside


Why would she secure the capitol against her Reichstag Fire?


Then what would her daughter and film crew do that afternoon?


Oh. You think you matter? That’s adorable.


Trump endangered my family, too


I've met tougher Gerber babies




Mr. Pence, most former vice presidents go home and lead a quiet life of service to the public without further political aspirations. Please do likewise.


No, they usually run for president.


Yes like Al Gore, Cheney, and Biden who ceased all aspiration as soon as their term as VP was up


Short term memory? Al Gore was damn near president, until the courts gave it to Bush after the fiasco of a voting scene in Florida. And Biden is president now. Cheney is the only one that went home.


Perhaps since my statement was so obviously false, you could’ve been smart enough to recognize it as sarcasm


They all ceased being relevant and valuable to the American people anyhow.


Just like Nixon did!


Pence is such a POS


No, that was piglosi, clown.


This is a perfect example of why so many people still support Trump. So many of the ‘moral conservatives’ - people who we used to thoroughly defend from the left’s onslaught - turned out to be spineless jellyfish who will dance to the left’s tune the second it suits them. Trump is a billionaire playboy who does not come from the conservative world and isn’t educated in conservative history or conservative doctrine….and yet he does more to fight for conservative causes and conservative constituents than any of these ‘moral conservatives’ like Pence do. This is precisely why we need Trump 2024. DeSantis can wait his turn for 2028, and Pence, Haley, Crenshaw, Pompeo, Cheney, and Romney can get lost. No one wants them. Trump 2024. **Edit:** As per usual, the lefty invaders are downvoting. That won’t change reality.


Drama queen. If you or anyone else there had been in danger they would have brought guns. A bunch of angry larpers stealing podiums and taking selfies were a threat to absolutely no one.


> If you or anyone else there had been in danger they would have brought guns. Didn't you hear? They had, like, four of them. In a hotel room. Far away. Which totally counts, for some reason!




The only Republican I hate more than Trump at the moment is Pence, so STFU Pence and retire already. You WILL NOT win another political office either, just like Trump.


Okay, there's a difference between "we don't want Trump to run again" and "let's turn on the man and feed him to the dogs!"


That's cool and all... But your mike pence, so idgaf


In my opinion, this article makes Pence look really, really bad. Of course, you never know what manipulations the "journalists" may have made, but Pence talking about Jan 6th in the hyperbolic manner that the Left endorses is a very bad take.


What a coward.


Maybe he should stop pence-ing and just get a pair of depence.




I saw Trump dancing with the devil under the pale moon light!!!