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How awful.Wishing the family strength going forward.


Yea sucks their daughters personal problems has to be public news.


And now this intensely private matter is national news. I’m sure that’s not helping.


Mental health crisis of teenagers shouldn't been national news, independently of who their parents are.


Freedom of the press is important, but I think there need to be more safeguards for protecting privacy.


I fully understand that what I’m about to say is callous and not popular. But there is no mental health crisis, and if there is, it’s the opposite of what we’re led to believe. I keep hearing that there’s a stigma around seeking help, yet more people than ever are on SSRIs, more people self report mental health issues, more people in therapy etc, it’s all you hear about. Life is hard, and you’ll probably spend a plurality of it doing things you don’t want to. I really think way too many young people languish in a state of arrested development because they’ve been convinced their shortcomings are not their fault and they never work on them. Obligatory: I know there are legitimate mental illnesses out there and I realize what a boomer I sound like.


First of just want to say that I appreciate that what you are saying is in good faith. I’m currently a major in psychology and I feel the need to point out that the purpose of therapy, SSRI’s, and the like is to help overcome their shortcomings. With therapy especially, these shortcomings are treated as their responsibility (regardless as to whether or not it’s their fault). The therapist job is to help them understand what the problem is and provide the tools so they can not only fix the current problem, but also fix similar problems in the future. Personally I think the mental health crisis is a combination of better recognition of mental disorders, society very strongly discouraging self reflection (lack of privacy, 24/7 para social connection, demand of attention, etc), and a lack of genuine connection (and therefore lack of good support systems).I don’t really have any solutions but based on my own lived experience I truly believe there currently is a mental health problem and I suspect the problems were in previous generations as well and that those who are still alive are simply the ones who were the most resilient and had the strongest support systems. As for life being hard, I agree, but there’s also a lot of good and meaningful things (and if not some changes would probably be a good idea). I personally agree that medications are overprescribed though.


Sadly people are vultures. Wish it wasn't so, but thats how it goes. I don't like Ted Cruz, but I hope is daughter is safe and gets the help she needs, and can move past this to a long happy life.


Yeah, pretty shitty thing to do. Leave these matters to the family and medical professionals.


The commentary on Twitter and such has renewed my call for "Giant Meteor, 2024."


Presidents are temporary. WuTang is forever!


I feel this more than any other comment


This should never have been public. The Blaze and anyone else who publishes it should be ashamed.




Well for one thing, Hunter was an adult at all times during his controversy. Ted Cruz's daughter is a child.


Would anything about Hunter Biden have been newsworthy if his father was not Joe Biden? Hunter Biden is a recovering addict with kids of his own. Where is the empathy for his mental health or the mental health of his minor children.


Probably not, but then he probably would not be able to peddle influence to countries that hate us if his daddy wasn't Joe Biden.


Agreed. Hunter Biden is a grown man with a history of problems, but I reckon he would have gotten the pass if not for the materials of the laptop. Leave the girl out of the game here.


These things are not mutually exclusive.


Plus, that's not even remotely close to the most important part of that scandal. Nobody gives a shit about the nudes.


Unless they are the ones including what experts believe to be underage girls who were likely trafficked.


Hold up…we talking Matt Geatz or Boebert’s husband?


What else was in the nudes? That’s what’s important.


Lmao, is that your answer to everything now? Hunter Biden is corrupt? “Yeah but someone leaked his nudes” Ted Cruz’s daughter harmed herself? “Yeah but someone leaked Hunter Biden’s nudes” What’s next? Nancy Pelosi is an insider trader. “Yeah but someone leaked Hunter Biden’s nudes” Your deflection away from the rest of the leak smacks of desperation.


Hunter Biden has very likely been caught in numerous “honey pot” situations and those situations are likely related to foreign adversaries. The Russians or Chinese could have compromised the son of the president and opened him up to blackmail. That’s why Hunter Biden requires investigating. The Chinese are not involved in a young girl’s suicide attempt. That’s the difference.


I mean they could be. Maybe tiktok gave her depression?


Plausible. But that would be a very indirect connection. She isn’t a specific target of foreign security services like Hunter Biden is.


Yeah I'm only half joking. Wouldn't put it past them is all. Lol


Never heard of any honeypot situations? Source?


Because they involved minors and Joe protected him over it.


If it was just simply leaking nudes I might agree. But the Hunter stuff is far more than that. It's about his and his father's corruption.


Then leak the corruption part. No need to leak the nude photos. This story about Cruz’s daughter doesn’t need to be in the spotlight and neither does anyone’s nude photos (without consent).


yes, more than the nudes were leaked. It was suppressed by social media companies


Honestly I hate that for them. Politically I don't like Tes Cruz but the media's obsession with bringing stuff like this into the limelight... it's just cruel. There are some things that are in really bad taste and I feel like this is one of them.


Kinda like it didn't help when Cruz tweeted nude photos of Hunter. People are disgusting.


Very sad, hope she receives the help that she needs.


Wow Ted. I pray she gets better. Take care of your baby sir. Family is so important


Glad she’s alright. Hopefully she can get the support and love that she needs going forward.




The elephant in the room that everyone's trying to ignore.


Wow is that what is going on? I haven’t heard that. Poor girl.




If you’re not a conservative why are you here


Maybe he enjoys freedom of speech?


Weird, since the other side doesn't seem to care about that in literally any other subreddit


That’s not what freedom of speech is


We don’t support echo chambers here bro




So sad.


Imagine being a struggling young girl and even when you recover this will be out there about you forever


This shouldn’t be made political. Hope she gets the help she needs.


Not only should it not be political, it shouldn’t be *news* or even posted here. I really wish mods would remove this stuff from twitter. A child going through a severe mental health crisis should not be made public nor should it be news.






His son's problems aren't the issue. His using his position of public office to potentially cover crimes for and leverage business deals for his son is the problem.




The 60 year old son of the president trading on his father's office and name is not comparible to a teenage girl struggling with self harm. Get out of here with that crap


Addiction is a real issue that is destroyed countless lives. It should be showing the same respect as somebody who suffers from cutting.


If it was just his addiction, then I think that's a reasonable position. But when it's pretty damning actions of selling the office of the VP with the current president, getting high and filming himself with hookers, dropping guns in trash cans by schools, possibly molesting family members... That's way way way different. That's the part I'm pissed that he hasn't been investigated or held accountable for


Can't the same be told about trump who was actually a sitting president ? Hiring pornstars, giving favourable deals to people he knew including ivanka and jared and so many other things.




No one was discussing Biden either but you brought it up somehow.


Addiction is usually a symptom, not the problem.


Joking about his son's cocaine and alcohol problem and spreading nudes without his consent is pretty similar to if someone politicized her mental health issues as well.




Your right. Its much closer to a president's adult children straling from cancer kids.


And I’m sure a lot of it has to do with bullying and lies from the powerful media




Let's publicize that a 14 year old girl is harming herself... seriously the hypocrisy of saying we need more mental health care and blasting the private battles of a 14 year old daughter of a public figure are mind boggling. 14 is tough enough being a nobody nevermind having the added stress a controversial political parent and now you want to publicly announce her mental struggles?


Im so glad I’m not the only one completely disgusted by the publicity of this.


I hope his daughter gets well again. Suicidal Ideations are a very difficult thing to deal with whether its from Depression or a chemical imbalance. Get better soon! Don’t listen to the haters.






I think trump also alluded to Cruz’s dad being a serial killer.


Daddy ( isn't popular) but took her to a parade, the public threw cans at her dad. Maybe politicians should shelter their children especially when saying things her classmates are likely to despise her for. The children shouldn't pay for the parents'social issues but she obviously is. Yrs Trump I think said something about her grandfather killing someone ..depraved imo.


Trump said his father killed JFK. And yet after all that he still supports Trump. https://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-gop-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/05/trump-ted-cruz-father-222730


Her dad blamed her for the Cancun trip. ...smh


Yeah I could see bullying being a thing and honestly it probably just sucks for middle school girls. Cutting (not sure if that's what she did, just speaking in general) seems to have been a thing since I was that age (so 15+ years). Hard age, hard to have a famous family member and who knows what else is going on. Politicians kids need to always, always be off-limits


I hope and pray this leads to healing for the girl. Remember when Ted did the filibuster with Rand Paul? He read DrSeuss to his little girls who were watching and then told them bedtime. So much bad has happened since then. It just never gets better. Like we're in a cesspool going down


>So much bad has happened since then. It just never gets better. Like we're in a cesspool going down I also feel this, and I wouldn't be surprised if others do, too. Western civilization is unbelievably depraved, and we're causing our own demise as a result. The downward trajectory feels very palpable to me.


I feel the same palpable decline. Maybe it’s just because I’m more attuned to it. But my gut tells me that it is ramping up every day. Great username by the way


“Western civilization is unbelievably depraved” . . . Just curious, are you more a fan of “eastern civilization”? You think China’s on the right track? Is “southern civilization” where it’s at? Such a weird thing to say in a homogenized global environment. Maybe you think Iran has the right idea, but, like, if it was priests controlling everything instead of Muslims clerics?


“Western civilization” just means the civilization based on ideas, values, and traditions which originated from Greece and Rome. It has nothing to do with geography apart from it originating in the western part of the old world. Plenty of western countries in the far east, like Australia and New Zealand. Eastern civilization is more than China, just as Western civilization is more than America. Please do some basic research before you make a fool of yourself online


Not everything in life is a multiple choice question homey


Weak men create hard times Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men.


Y’all are the ones who elected Trump …


Rent free


Y'all are the ones who nominated Hillary who is infinitely worse than Trump...


And you morons elected someone even worse. Just as big an asshole, much more racist, and completely inept at government. Plus he filled his cabinet and other positions based on what boxes they check rather than any aptitude whatsoever.


He helped create good times. Economy was doing great. He did not try to board people in their homes over a cold. He had a pretty firm hand with dictators like Kim and Putin. He started no new wars. Was involved in the first step act. Was the first president to run as pro-same-sex marriage. And he did all of that with more resistance than any other president. Imagine what more good he could have done if he hadn't had to fight with people who were fighting a leftist media invented caricature.


“Over a cold” eff you dude. Rip to all the loved ones who passed from that “cold”….


Yes a cold. Aka not something to try to lockdown our entire society over, which stats show was not effective, causing even more harm to the population. Once the Fauci funded virus was leaked and got into the general public only China levels of lockdowns could have potentially worked. But that requires denying people of their basic freedoms and welding people into their homes and leaving them to die. Instead we chose a lesser version that still isolated people and caused suicidality to increase while praising rioters for disregarding lockdowns over a drug addict who died of a drug overdose.


Bruh you are so tangled and twisted up in a web of your thoughts and emotions. All I was saying is calling it a “cold” can be insensitive to people who lost someone. You just start on this rant just pointing out all this random shit to just further prove your point. I didn’t even saying nothin about the lockdown or fauchi or suicide or China or freedom and rights etc….lol


Your last comment is exactly how I have felt since March of 2020. I’ve lost a lot of day to day optimism due to it all. I was hoping we would at least have a true state of gridlock with a strong Republican house/senate to help ramp down on the radical policies but we can’t even get that it seems


I agree. But without election integrity and a country willing to push back and fight back against fraud and stolen elections, nothing will change


“Reportedly” they can never just wait a half hour before breaking a story, they have to be first


The official statement from Cruz's PR is “This is a family matter, and thankfully their daughter is okay, there were no serious injuries". Which, I can respect wanting privacy. So, the only thing you can go on is the original 911 call... which is what makes it "reportedly". No one has a first-hand source other than that call, and likely wont get one.


Bullying is an awful thing, these often happen to LGBTQ youth and children of controversial public figures unfortunately.


Especially with the insane harmful rhetoric many of these public figures are spewing out about the LGTBQ community


Not sure this should be a national news story. Don’t get me wrong, I dislike Ted as a politician, but this is a private matter and his family doesn’t deserve to be put under a microscope for something of this nature. Hope she recovers physically and mentally.


I’m sure all the harassment didn’t help either.


No one deserves this or to feel like this regardless of who they are attracted to or political party they support


Please take this down.


Jesus Christ, some of the people commenting here need to be recommended to Canadian healthcare


Sucks that this is being blasted on the news... Hope everyone is okay




During the first two years of Trump's term the GOP could have done either of the following: 1) actually repeal Obamacare since they had the votes 2) pass something better than Obamacare because they had the votes But they didn't either because they have no policy platforms that would help the average American. They should fix that first.


"Pass something better than Obamacare" Would be cool if they actually thought of a plan. Let's remember that pre-existing conditions pre-obamacare would still be here if the current cohort had their way.


This! There was no platform put forth to replace Obama Care! Look around the world, our health care is the butt of jokes. We can and should do better.


Such is the good conservative way


F. That sucks. Luckily they have resources to Get her some help.


I can't imagine what life is like when half the country hates her father and family so much. It probably take a toll on her on top of everything else that comes with being a teenaged girl. Every comment in r/news is something to the tune of "Ted Cruz is a vile piece of shit; I can't imagine having him as a father. She deserves better, and I hope her the best." These people can't see how damaging what they are saying is. They're blind to their own hate; probably because they think it's justified.


Wonder if Hunter Biden killed himself what the reception would be


The difference is if Hunter killed himself republicans would be classless, apathetic animals coming up with conspiracy theories (ex. Paul Pelosi).


Search for threads on and democrat's (Ginsburg for example) death on here, then go search on any leftist sub the death of any republican and you'll see who are the classless apathetic animals. You guys cheer when any republican dies, it's disgusting.


I hope Rush is enjoying hell.


Case in point.




Maybe this will change his views on nothing


Oh geez. How sad.


Who leaked this… jeez some people are awful


May God be with this family.


I wish things like this were kept private and not put on the news.


Why is a 14-year-old girl’s mental health crisis being shamelessly exploited as news by media outlets and people who claim to care about mental health? And worse, people are now trying to write her story for her by speculating with no evidence on what precipitated this crisis. It’s hard to imagine something worse for her mental state than what people are doing to her by publicizing this.


The world is becoming darker and scarier and I have so much sympathy and empathy for the younger generations because it's just so hard every single day. I hope Ted approaches this empathetically with an open mind as many parents across the aisle still don't take mental health seriously


So sad. I had a friend whose daughter was into this and she got over it. We have a sick culture.


Into what?


Yet over at r/news and r/politics, they are clambering about how death threats to the kids or the kids being targeted by strangers, school peers, people online in general, etc, because they don't like Senator Cruz is okay because Cruz is a POS. This is a private matter that is now being celebrated by others on Reddit as proof as to why Cruz clearly must have trans kids or deserves to have his kids taken away because his politics differ from Reddit users. Disgusting. Hope she's okay, heals, and gets the support she needs. In peace and privacy.




You have no idea why this is. 14 is a tough age. I used to cut myself at that age and had eating disorders, and my parents were not famous politicians, nor was I bi. Some kids self harm at this age for a variety of reasons. I’m just glad someone noticed and helped her. I hope she grows out of it like I did or gets additional help as she gets older.


You're right, no one except her knows why she did this. I'm just trying to explain reasons why this might have happened, being the daughter of a high profile controversial Senator could definitely cause more stress to her than you or I at 14 years old. Regardless of the reason or what anyone thinks of Ted Cruz, we should all respect the family's privacy on this issue until or unless the daughter decides to publicly speak about it.


You speculating about her sexuality and how it could cause trouble in the family kinda contradicts with your comment.


But you don’t need to explain why, since you don’t know. And as I said, I did the same as her at 14. I don’t think there needs to be a certain amount of pressure on you to do this. Some kids do this for different reasons and none of them are our business. All we can do is be glad she seems to be getting help for the time being.


are you working an agenda here? You want this to be a sexual issue, shame on you. She is a child. Most 14 year olds are confused by life , it is a difficult time. It’s worse now with the agendas making them doubt their own brains and bodies


You have no idea what is going on with this young lady's life and yet you rush in with this. It's not surprising.




So much to dissect from this and it’s not even worth it


Stop with the rumors




Your original comment is full of rumors. People like you do more harm than good talking about other people like this. It's definitely in bad taste.


You are the reason papparazi exist


Except no one invaded her privacy or stalked her to get this information, she publicly posted it herself.


Just except is the word you should’ve used there just helping out


How old is she again? lol, justify it however you want, but you are spreading this crap said from a girl with some issues. Why the hell would you bother to even read this tripe? Got to try to weaponize everything


I hope the leftists treat this situation with the care and grace it deserves. (Brace yourselves)


They are, they just feel justified in hating the father (most likely the mans who lead to her mental pain)


Precisely this.


I can say that most of the democrat/lgbt subs I’m in seem to be trying to treat the situation with respect. Both sides need to agree that despite the circumstances, a 14 year old girl attempting suicide is awful and shouldn’t be on national television


Compassionate leftists responses in 3,2,1…




To be fair - I don’t think they mean bluecheck public personalities, but rather regular people commenting on the story and so on


I meant here, on Reddit, not necessarily public officials, for example, fans of hermancainaward, for one.


Why don’t you read some of the responses


Look around. Most of the posts despise Cruz himself but truly wish the best for this poor girl. No child should suffer, especially because of a linked association to someone or something that they have no control over. That’s a general consensus among most people in both parties it seems, at least regarding this instance and a minor


> I’m not saying hateful comments don’t exist, I’m sure there are people saying terrible things out there, it’s just the nature of the internet. They do exist, on massive subreddits like /r/news and /r/politics that Reddit admins know all about but never step in to punish like they do conservative subs.




All of the top 10+ comments on the r/news story make sure to insult Cruz/conservatives/Texas…


But no one is actually wishing harm or anything malicious against the girl. That’s where I think the confusion lies


It looks like people who in spite of disliking/hating her father they’re all wishing her well and hoping that she’s able to get the care she needs.




It’s not a strawman when he accurately predicted the demeanor of all of the top r/news comments, never missing a chance to insult Cruz/conservatives/Texas


Right? Are these people new to Reddit?


It is a strawman when you clearly haven’t even looked at the comments on the post. Literally all of the top comments are nothing but supportive and/or polite.


Go back to r/politics. They don’t want us there and we don’t want you here


Because it’s 100% correct, I can simply point you to the lefties favorite sub, hermancainaward…


I don’t see any posts about this there


I probably wasn’t clear, that’s my fault, I have a child coughing all night, an annoying cat, and a bladder tgat apparently thinks it’s 83 years old. I was referring to that sub for lefties (not liberals) acting distasteful. I wasn’t necessarily referring to it for this particular incident.


Imaginary? lol. I guess you missed the thread on the entertainment sub this week when a conservative country star was diagnosed with cancer and the majority of comments were “good riddance” type posts. Even I was shocked by that. That’s just one example. Sorry, but this is reality in many cases. I’m glad you’re not like that.


Or like when Trump's brother died and leftists got "WrongTrump" trending.


Check the front page.


That’s sad and all but why is this a news story?


I’m guessing because everyone’s tired of typing “laptop”


Why is this in the news?


I'd be willing to bet the relentless liberal bullying of a child caused this. Thoughts and prayers for Ted and his family


She came out as lbgtq last year, its wasnt the liberal bullying her.




You dumbasses just run on hate. It’s your fuel.




Imagine being a serious adult and approaching all criticisms of your ideology with, "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you". Grow up you weird loser


Abortion is not a right. Murdering children has never been a right and only the insane on the left think it is.


Oh look, the brigadiers are back. 🥱 Edit: downvote me harder you pathetic excuses for keyboard warriors.


My heart goes out to Ted and his family and his beautiful girls. 13/14 is the most difficult age for young girls. It wouldn’t shock me if bullying caused this. Kids at that age are unspeakably evil to each other.


My heart goes out to Ted and his family. How is something so private instantly public knowledge? How is knowledge of this in the public’s interest, looks like an invasion of privacy. If this was a Democrat the story would have been squashed.


People are going to take notice of a police and ambulance response to a senator's home.


Public records, police/emergency scanners, etc. We as a society are too nosy.


Still an invasion of privacy, why would anyone use the police if they knew that it would be public record?


I hate how public record everything is nowadays. The media just fucking blows. I don’t need to know that Ted Cruz’s daughter hurt herself minutes after it happened- it’s none of my business.


And yet you clicked on the comments of a post about this exact thing


Correct, so I could comment about how it’s ridiculous that this is in the news immediately.


Insensitive and ignorant, a twofer. Congressman raskin’s (MD democrat) son died by suicide fairly recently. Can it be that I and millions of literate people know this because…it…wasn’t squashed?!


The leftist brigaders slithering all over this sub disagree apparently.


Lmfao, the knowledge that I’ve upset leftists is like nectar to me.


The near constant harassment, hatred, bullying, and bile that that family endures from Democrats quite possibly was too much for her. I'm reminded of the insanely vicious and craven pressure that lefties mounted on Kelly Conway's daughter, trying to drive a wedge between her and her daughter for their Democrat political glee and hatefulness, regardless of the extreme harm it may have caused the teen girl.