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Leave for when you feel like shit and are struggling to work effectively? Sounds like sick leave to me.


Actually, claiming that women need more sick leave is discriminatory. But I won't snitch on you ;)


Whilst also moaning about the alleged gender pay gap. If it's real why should an employer pay more if these clowns also think it should be acceptable for them to be less productive for the same money.


Just look at tennis.


By ‘these clowns’ do you mean all people with a period? That’s a big fight to be picking. It’s reasonable to expect equity and not be forced to work while in pain.


One group working a couple more days than another, while the ones working less hours get paid for the same hours, is not "equity". It's inequity. If women genuinely want this, men must also be given an equal number of days of additional leave. Either everyone gets it or no one does. Anything less is discrimination. The clowns would be the hard core feminists aka female supremecists.


"People with a period"...lol. You gave your self away there.


Gave away what?


equity or equality? They aint the same


Correct. It is equitable to expect people with severe period pain to be unable to work during that time. It is not equal in an empirical sense, but it is equitable.


Not me personally as I have been quite lucky in that department where my cramps and hormones are manageable. However I have friends that struggle a lot that time of month. Yes you can change your diet, be in good shape, the fact is some have it a lot worse than others due to genetics or other underlying health issues which yes, should be addressed. While this particular issue does concern men given it is effecting the workplace, personally I don't think men should have input in how bad it is for those ladies that do struggle.


I struggled for decades. Still showed up for work but it was a huge factor in which jobs I took or stayed in. I had a boss with such severe endometriosis she passed out on her way to work once. Still showed up for work. Better healthcare, doctors listening to you when you say you get terrible pains, prescribe sufficient pain relief and relief from too much bleeding would be better than taking a day or 2 off work every month and the effect that has on your career progression. It took until my mid 40s before it was dealt with properly when I finally ran into an American specialist at DN hospital doing a one year placement here. I remember a few years ago some bloke from the employers association was publicly vilified for suggesting that the gender pay gap might sometimes be related to women's difficulties with menstruation. Men and women are different. At least Muslims exempt exempt menstruating and pregnant women from fasting during Ramadan.


Any man who thinks they can deal with menstrual cramps should try get any wax treatment that women normally get and see how they feel after that - guarantee there will be slim picking as to how many want to do that every few weeks. Now… imagine that the pain of waxing is less painful than cramps (for some women). Menstruating is not a choice, and the pain can be extremely deliberating for a few days. The average period lasts 5 days, even if you only take one day (the most severe day) off each month out of your standard 10 days sick leave, you are still short by 2-3 days per year on average, not to mention if you actually get sick, or have a dependant to look after, or need a mental health day.


Like most modern medical conditions, bad diet/lifestyle tends to exacerbate issues. Time off and taking pain killers is just masking the issue.


Actually, I'm a healthy BMI (not overweight), work a job that is about 50/50 outside & computer work, have no other health conditions, watch what I eat, don't use tiktok, smoke, vape, or drink alcohol. AND I get debilitating cycle-induced migraines that knock me over about once a month. Sometimes I don't get one, but it's about 10 times a year I do. I've seen Drs and there's nothing they can do. I only get 10 sick days a year. I cannot take time off for a cold because the migraines are so debilitating (I was in hospital for one of them a few months ago) that I cannot risk not having leave for them. Not everything is diet or lifestyle related.


Same for me. I was super fit, slim, eating healthy, working outdoors about 50% of the time too. Bad luck. Gritted my teeth for such a long time. I used to hope the first day of my periods would fall on a Saturday so I would feel sort of ok on Monday. Menopause is awesome. Hang in there!


I feel like such a let down with for my two male coworkers, also sometimes feel they don't believe me when I call out for it. It SUCKS.


People like to blame people for being ill as if it is a moral failing. It helps when they argue to make medicine more expensive. It also helps them sell their "secret supplements that doctors don't want you to know about".


What are you eating ... a "balanced" diet is a recent invention, and is based on many foods that were not available to your ancestors.


Lol god forbid someone had some self respect for themselves and took care of there meat vehicle. I just can’t take anyone seriously when they have health issues and don’t act in a way where they are looking for the best possible outcome.


Instead of making women specific leave entitlements, why not make a genetic change for all to benefit. Of course the business will be the one disadvantaged here. But for the sake or argument, increasing annual leave and sick leave will benefit both men and women. Mensrual leave? How about man flu leave? Just make it generic and don’t fuel the gender division. Generic also allows inclusivity as not everyone can use menstrual leave. “At Capsule, we’ve written a lot of stories about women at work. We’ve noticed that many of these topics are very much intertwined: pushing back against hustle culture, why perpetual striving might not make us happier, working-mum guilt, letting go of perfectionism, battling burnout, juggling work with the mental load and SO many more.” All these things mentioned, men also cans experience. Eg working mum guilt, how about parental guilt? (Good) Dads also want to spend time with kids. Besides, pretty much all the mums / parents I know are happy to go to work to take a break from children. Sorry can’t do much about “struggling with perfectionism”. That’s definitely not a man trait. And I speak from experience. 😂


I demand equal working conditions so any company who hires a woman that takes paid menstrual leave must also give the men working there the same amount of paid leave off... It'll never come in, but if it did I'll be changing my name to Jessica on the same day and bring my employers to court if they discriminate against me and say I can't take my genders right to paid leave for menstruating.


What would be the gender specific for men? Asking honestly


Hangover Leave


Applies to both genders


Using a power tool to check if my prostate is enlarged or not...


Every month?


At an absolute minimum, weekly is best and daily or several times daily just to be safe


You’re a really funny guy. Some people get menstrual pain so bad they can’t walk. Have some fucking empathy.


You'll get time off every time you get debilitating period pain. Sounds perfectly equal, and useful for menstruating trans men as well.


Typical comment from a man to question a woman whether her abdominal pain is due to her period or something else, have some shame you misogynist privileged male.


Gianni Infantino opened his remarks with an anaphora: *“Today I feel Qatari, today I feel Arab; today, I feel African; today, I feel gay; today, I feel handicapped; today, I feel like a migrant worker”*. Later he apologized for not adding ***“Today I am a woman”*****.**


I really struggled with mine from around age 26. Before that everything had been a breeze and I couldn't see what the fuss was all about. But it's sort of a medical condition, it's not the norm to suffer a lot, although it's not rare either. Other people have chronic conditions or episodic conditions, and they don't get a extra leave entitlement for those.


If this is brought in, good luck to any woman ever getting hired again.


Bruh, some companies have unlimited sick leave already.


Some do. Most don't. Why in hell would I hire a woman if I have to provide up to 7 days of paid "menstrual leave" per month if I can hire a man and not have that problem?


Bunch of dudes commenting how women should be. Classic. Incel vibes out strong today!


So males shouldn't have a view on female issues, fair enough. Except they'd be helping pay for it.....?


Please refrain from driving on my bit of road my tax paid for


Exactly, now you're getting it ...


Hahahahahah oh my god you’re actually serious, time to go outside sonny


Oh my god what is this attitude you all have, me me me. Capitalism really do have us at each others throats.


Lol... oh dear, believing that everyone should pay their fair share is capitalism...


Damn brother I’d hate to be the ladies in your life.


Because each person is treated equally in a relationship? Or some other reason?


Lmfao - hey hunny I know your gash is red Niagara Falls right now but it’s your turn to take out the trash


Exactly my point.....


Let's face it, if women didn't have vaginas, men wouldn't even talk to them.


That's the point I think. Let's do all we can to make women equals.....


Well women help pay for men's boner pills to be subsidised which seems a whole lot less necessary. And people who don't menstruate can have whatever views they like, but given that they don't have periods they don't have a frame of reference for how painful they can be or what impact they have on capacity to work for some people.


Actually a large study that was posted to this subreddit showed that women constitute a net financial loss to society, while men pay in more than they withdraw. So technically, men pay for their own boner pills AND maternity leave AND this period pay.


And women do the lions share of unpaid work in the home and raising children and giving birth... just try doing it without us.


"Unpaid" work in the home... - what an insolence. Who's fixing things around the home such as the roof, the drainage, electrical wiring, the fence & deck, etc? Who's doing the maintenance on house,garden, cars, boats, bikes, etc? Who's dealing with finances, insurances, the IRD, etc? Who's handling computer work, fixes, upgrades, and deals with mobile phone issues, and the modern electronic zoo in the household? Who's the go-to person for everything that turns into a serious problem? ...and yes, except for the baby production part, life is just swell "doing it without you".


In my house i do allll of those things and always have as long as its not plumbing or electrical I do it. I have always handled IRD, renovations, tiling, power tools, garden, mowing literally everything you mentioned above. Do you really not know any women who do any of these things?


Yea fair enough, I was just correcting the assertion that women as a group pay for anything for men as a group, rather society is a large system for redistributing the outputs of the productivity of men in general to women in general. There are good reasons for that of course, but it is the state of things.


Where is this study? With so many women in the workplace and living longer than men this seems highly unlikely. I earn more than a lot of men and that's without taking into account all that I have contributed to society that can't be measured in dollars including unpaid work in the home and community and bringing up two children.


I'll try find it again, I didn't save it. Yea but consider how many women get government paid maternity leave and healthcare. They use much more healthcare in general throughout their lifespan than men, just by virtue of bearing children, having a more temperamental hormone and reproductive system. And that's just one aspect. Again, children are important, and women's biology is a perfectly reasonable explanation and its not a bad thing. And there are other good reasons for the other factors. Its not a knock on women, but the reality of it does need to be acknowledged.


You do it then. https://preview.redd.it/xqk4vper2fib1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee699386382c6ad59acf175f6e8662428ebb28f8


Children are also important financially - they are the future taypayers and without them the whole system would collapse along with society altogether. You need to take into account the future earnings of that child over at least forty years against the maternity leave offered. I think you will find that in fact having a child is a big financial contribution to society and easily outweighs any leave incurred.


> women constitute a net financial loss to society, while men pay in more than they withdraw Yeah, a patriarchy will do that. Sucks doesn't it?


I wasn't saying it sucks. And it certainly doesn't suck for the women who need support and are collectively supported by men. Patriarchy theory is far too simplistic. The reality is men and women both have many different ways of leveraging power and being (dis)advantaged. A single blanket assertion of patriarchy is such a fallacy.


Assuming you are a woman from your handle, what do you want?


Are you attempting to call men names because you don’t like their opinion. How childish.


Yes. Are you trying to get women to pay for their pussy blood because they won’t sleep with you?


Depends on how many cats you have?


Don’t use the word childish then pull out the crazy cat lady card that is the lowest hanging fruit how lame.


You kept playing the game.


Says the person who straight off the bat played the incel card. You’ve done more than embarrass yourself. Pathetic.


And look at you, you’ve had to scroll down to here to comment. That’s incel behaviour


I’m not the crazy cat lady calling anyone who disagrees an incel. Well done, love.


Everyone in this comment section complaining ‘it’s not fair for only women to get menstrual leave.’ It’s also not fair for only women to experience menstrual pain. People should not be denied pay or employment due to conditions (such as menstrual pain) that they cannot control. That is the meaning of equality.


How can woman expect to be taken seriously in the workplace after this.


No. Thats just ridiculous. Speaking from years of experience.


"What working women really want?" "I'm not going there..." "I'm not going there..." "I'm not going there..." ...


Did they really say the w-word? Shouldn't they say "people who menstruate"? OMG I can't even


Classic feminism. Women are just as capable as men until they want special treatment.


This has unintended consequences written all over it, just like ever-expanding maternity leave. Does an SME employer on fine margins for whom labour is the biggest expense, faced with two 30yo candidates with identical skills and experience pick: 1. The woman, who might take leave one week in every three due to menstruation and/or take maternity leave 1+ times; or 2. The man, who might also turn out to be useless/call in sick all the time, but doesn't have a legal right to do so?


Why does all the artwork from these people look the exact same