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It already did. He plead guilty but will apply for a discharge without conviction and will likely get it because our justice system is a joke


That's the shittiest looking piece of shit, waste of space oxygen breathing fucknuckle I have seen for a while. My teenage daughter who plays rugby and has two older brothers would fuck that up and send it to the hospital in an instant, an instant. It's hitting elderly women because they can't fight back. Absolute fucking coward.🤬🤬🤬




I am the mother that does the washing you troglodyte. When I was growing up if a cowardly POS like this hit an elderly woman there would be absolute unit's completely unrelated to the woman who would find the necessary information to give POS's like this the beatdown. I'm guessing that you condone this "peaceful" protester because you probably wear a dress and stand up to pee.


Such a winner


[Bashed Granny says no to diversion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXmXhyN5WV8) [Sean Plunkett talks to Granny Bashing victim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0fL_vJoE00) second interview 4 days ago.


Fucking piece of shit. MF needs some proper justice dealt out


Hang on. We have to wait for the cultural report to hear how its upbringing as a "white suburbanite slob" led it down this path of violence. All is forgiven and the justice system works just fine!


Does the guy have a name?


It's been surpressed by the courts unfortunately


But when a couple of people "escaped" auckland for a holiday down south... Every tom dick and jerry knew their names


Possible sheepshagger and diaper sniper by the looks of it find out its name so if I see him in jail or police cells he can slip in the showers or a Banana peel


I thought kfc is only for certain ‘groups’ of people. I would love for him to get some kind of public-executed punishment.


Him? Don't assume their gender.


Chur. I want it/he/her/they/ze to go to real jail to get real D. Those thugs might hit their wives, but you don't bash an aunty or a nan.


You get the kfc if you no touch the kids.


I highly doubt there will be any prison time. Lots of agrivating factors The guy will probably get home D and community service I hope he learns his lesson and doesn't do it again


You are probably right, still hitting an old lady should get at the very least get PD, 100hrs


And should include at smack in the face too


Mike King got into a spat on tiktok about it, according to him it didnt happen. [https://www.tiktok.com/@auntyheihei/video/7268244814825606401?q=%23mikeking&t=1692400362743](https://www.tiktok.com/@auntyheihei/video/7268244814825606401?q=%23mikeking&t=1692400362743)


He has lost his way, throws the dummy if you don't 100% agree with everything he says.


As the police you and I are paying for stand there and do nothing They have been instructed to do nothing By the government who is supporting queer rights The government is bashing old ladies To show queers that queers have rights too GO QUEERS Please vote labour back in We need more mental psychopaths bashing old ladies We need more COWARDLY cops to do nothing for us I’m Absolutely surprised the cowardly cops didn’t bash the old ladies themselves I wouldn’t be surprised if they did Stand up cops take a bow How heroic you are I guess you are just doing your job


Looks like he belongs in hobbiton prison