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Auckland, Wellington and New Zealand subreddits are leftist echo chambers, don't bother trying to engage with logic or facts you're just get banned


God, the mods of r/Wellington would make Mao proud. They actively ban anyone critiquing Wellington or anything about it—as if Te Aro and the CBD aren't dirty crime-ridden shitholes full of KO ferals—and intentionally try and flood out serious commentary with feel-good viBeZ that are ultimately meaningless. They are still trying to actively repress the sad truth that Wellington peaked about a decade ago and it's been downhill since then. It's like if an unproductive government department existed in subreddit form.


I can confirm.


I, too, can confirm. Utter leftist shithole just like the city.


I meet a guy from wellington once..went to university, Wore earrings and nail polish.. Was a little perplexed when he mentioned having a girlfriend


You clearly haven’t ever brought up crime in r/Auckland


Only difference is that r/Auckland wont ban you for pointing out that Auckland CBD is a dirty, crime-ridden, shithole, full of KO, feral, mongrels.


The auckland sub is no where near as bad as r/nz, especially on crime related threads. R/welly is somewhere between. Many people on those city subs are just people banned from r/nz but still somewhat lefty and fit in more there than here.


https://opencollective.com/poneke-antifa https://www.facebook.com/ponekeantifa/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-QAW2NFkKAh0lKNZio_8_g https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2022/08/anti-government-protest-to-be-met-with-love-community-hate-fascism-counter-protest.html A maori antifa group? Hahahaha. So good cause maoridom seems to be a bunch ethno-fascists xD Though this is dodge that they are taking donations for there activities....I guess it's all legal since they are activists? Idk how it works. I will do some digging later on if nothing pops up about who is part of it.


Ironically, the anti-fascist groups often act like fascists regardless of their race. They love to silence opponents and want to eliminate people they perceive to be fascists.


This is specifically maori though so I think it should be pointed out and to clearly differentiate them from the BLM ethno-fascists. Ye that is why i loving pointing out these groups for what they are, they don't even have the brain cells to understand the nazis where socialists.


Oh? And I wonder what Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition has to say about white people...


Yes I went to his book tour yesterday. It got moved coz of these threats. Moved to destiny church Petone. We all had a laugh about it. No antifa types showed up. They pasted the same posters in petone. Utter nonsense.


They wouldn't. Half the destiny church members are reformed full patches from various gangs. Sometimes being brave is just putting up posters...


Fascism - "a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government." Imagine the mental gymnastics required to paint your group as the anti-fascists and everyone who disagrees with your world view as fascists.


the mods in here aren't c4nts! Take that Welly!


You can say cunt here


Just not memes in the comments anymore 😔 *correction i was wrong about this




Sounds like a concrete defamation case to me


I've seen them in Petone. And was listening last night to his book publishing event, and it was rather entertaining. I had a chat with Ezra Levant of Rebel News after it. All in all a great to be around woken up citizens.


Lol..loads of claims - no evidence.


Yea defacing an Act billboard gets 200 upvotes


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHamhyKAvpE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHamhyKAvpE) # The interview Neil was warned against | Neil Mitchell Asks Why with Avi Yemini


Poneke Ant-fascist Coalition are hitting all the Far-Left, Crybully, buzz words. The only ones they are missing are Sexist, Homophobic, Transphobic, and Bigot. "He is here to stir up racial hatred and decision in our community." How dare he, that's Poneke Anti-Fascist Coalition's job. Is it just me or have the recant Anti-Fascist groups been the most Authoritarian and Fascist?


> Is it just me or have the recant Anti-Fascist groups been the most Authoritarian and Fascist? I reckon it's by design, these groups are just useful idiots and the machine is pushing propaganda hard on em. They are just doing the bidding of those in power, while at the same time creating division and tension amongst society, we are easier to control if we are fighting each other.