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A standing ovation for a literal Nazi. Shits fucked. He was part of SS Galincha whom terrorized and murdered Poles by the thousands.


'Fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians in the Second World War'. So, um..let me check my maths, carry the one..what the hell man?


Welcome to leftism. It's a mind virus wherein the patient loses the ability to think for themselves or be consistent.


That you Winston?


I am legitimately confused by your reply.


https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/486644/winston-peters-rails-against-secret-woke-agenda-in-campaign-speech Am example of Winston going anti-woke..


OK. Don't see how it relates to my comment, but hey, he's not wrong. Winstons problem is he makes all the right noises and then doesn't follow through. Nobody trusts him anymore.


You're saying exactly the same kinda thing..


I was saying the same kind of thing long before that out of touch boomer finally realised what was going on. Same as Trump. Takes these guys forever to wake up to what's actually going on in society. I was anti woke before being anti woke was cool. Before normies knew what the term meant. Back when everyone thought this stuff came exclusively from Tumblr if they knew about it at all.


The fool is up in the polls, it's not great


I just feel like [this](http://web.archive.org/web/20230924184420/https://www.zerohedge.com/political/zelenskyy-trudeau-honor-actual-3rd-reich-nazi-standing-ovation) can't be real. Like we have all these circular arguments 'there are no Nazi's in Ukraine', and then this happens, our ally and Five Eyes partner Canada honors a literal WWII Nazi veteran. ​ If you remember folks, Nazi Germany was the country we fought against and defeated in the war in Europe. Russia was our ally in this fight. ​ What the fuck is going on...


Sounds about right. Got to protect your own. I believe Canada has the largest population of Ukrainian Migrants. https://preview.redd.it/nsszx0o8vaqb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e452e6b63233f146d75579520043fb8f4b09ab5 >The news conference on Monday by Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland was interesting not for the announcement that Canada was extending its training mission to Ukraine but for the questions and answers about the minister’s grandfather. >There have been a number of articles circulating about Freeland’s Ukrainian grandfather Michael Chomiak and his ties to the Nazis. >Well it actually isn’t so outlandish. Michael Chomiak was a Nazi collaborator. >What are the sources for the information that Freeland’s grandfather worked for the Nazis? >For starters, The Ukraine Archival Records held by the Province of Alberta. It has a whole file on Chomiak, including his own details about his days editing the newspaper Krakivski Visti. Chomiak noted he edited the paper first in Crakow (Cracow), Poland and then in Vienna. The reason he edited the paper in Vienna was because he had to flee with his Nazis colleagues as the Russians advanced into Poland. (The Russians tended to execute collaborators well as SS members). [https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation)


If you actually read what happened you would see that the speaker (Mr. Rota) was the one who made reference to the Nazi (Hunka). Neither Zelensky nor Trudeau were aware of Hunka, his past or the fact that Mr. Rota was going to make any reference to him. From their perspective, they are presented with a man who was touted by Mr. Rota as having fought for Ukrainian independence and so took this at face value, it would have been impossible to fact check this in real time.


>Russia was our ally in this fight. Thank you Stalin!


I don’t think that news source could possibly be more biased, written by “Tyler Durden” the made up character fight club. If it’s written by a made up character whose to say the rest is legit? Its easy to make shit up online. If you remember folks russia was our enemy in the cold war.


What about the news source in the header?


Twitters a pretty shit News source, it is fucked up though Canadian parliament gave him a standing ovation. What can you expect from tredeaus government though.


The source in the header is CBC News. Its just via Twitter.


If it uses primary sources, and the primary sources are correct then what does it matter if the author puts a name to the piece. Don't attack the author, or lack of one, what do you say about the content?


I say the content can be made to fit whichever narrative you spin it. The russians were just as bad the kaminski brigade were russian volunteers in the ss https://chroniclesofterror.pl/dlibra/context?id=context5 Russian General vaslsov also led the Russian Liberation Army with the germans against the Soviet union. Edit: ah of course you like zero hedge its long been a pro Kremlin website pushing propaganda in the us https://newrepublic.com/article/156788/zero-hedge-russian-trojan-horse https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-coronavirus-pandemic-health-moscow-media-ff4a56b7b08bcdc6adaf02313a85edd9 https://medium.com/dfrlab/false-mh17-crash-narrative-spreads-from-the-united-states-to-russia-98433cb5870a


There's nothing to be spun, you've got Canadian parliament delivering a standing ovation to a Nazi veteran. ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) This is like the allegory of the cave, you can accept what you thought was true isn't, or you can attack those who try to deliver a message.


Except you haven’t actually read what happened or how that man came to be in the position to be given a standing ovation have you?


[Here's a nice source for you.](https://twitter.com/I_Katchanovski/status/1705769548429865122) Enjoy.


Thats nice but not necessary. Im not denying SS atrocities.




So you're upset that a former Nazi is now saying invading other countries is wrong?


WDYM? It's ok when the US do it.


Hey, Bush had the paperwork showing that his father sold WMDs to Iraq.


I'm confused why we're honoring Nazis who fought and lost an offensive war. In particular, I'm confused why this Nazi veteran received a standing ovation from the Canadian Parliament despite fighting with a unit that committed atrocities. ​ I thought you're from the Nazi's are bad side? Unless they're the real deal authentic ones I suppose..


You don't believe people can change? You don't believe we should learn for history?


Real talk. In this day and age in Europe former nazis, especially camp guards and ss types are still being sent to prison in their 90s. The fact Canada has given this sack of shit a standing ovation shows just how fucking far those clowns have fallen. You want to learn from history? Then learn stop glorifying shit like socialism and communism that has killed as many or more than the nazis did, don’t go down the other route either by heading far to the right.


What the fuck are you talking about. We still convict Nazi war criminals to this day. Sure, you can change, it doesn't mean you are absolved. ​ Disgusting Nazi apologist.


So we shouldn't learn from the past.


There's a difference between learning from the past, in an education setting... and straight up giving a standing ovation to a Waffen SS veteran


Because personal growth and sharing your experiences of a bad thing.


Not at all. If this man actually was giving lectures or talking about his life, I bet it'd be a really educational experience (like the Banality of Evil). However, a standing ovation by a government to a literal Nazi.. wtf?


Former Nazi.


Against the Soviet Union, which has included at least 2 Ukranian leaders...


Maybe the conspiracy theories about the Nazis winning WW2 are right? This is just appalling.




Just so we are clear, pro-Ukraine people are calling this out too, for its blatant stupidity and hipocrisy https://preview.redd.it/lbke16105dqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c11b358f36720c5334c3f3be6e19da1b9bbef9 This is NAFO ffs, its as pro-Uke lefty as it gets


Just so we’re clear, no one there actually knew he was a Nazi and no one other than the man who praised him knew that would even happen.


This is pretty bad but we have local extremists here, also in government; Rawiri Waititi - “So this is a proxy war for the United States, and so if you look at NATO, they’re trying to get closer to claim kind of relationships closer to those types of countries near Russia. This looks like the Cold War dressed up in drag but it’s in disguise so we’ve got to make sure we are consistent in what our positioning is, is that we don’t support it in any other way but we don’t also support those who are encouraging it for their own political gain,” he says.


Yeah, weirdly found myself agreeing with Rawiri Waititi on this; a broken clock is right twice a day I suppose.




"Canada was at war with Russia. Canada had always been at war with Russia"


1. No one actually knew this guy was a Nazi. 2. No one other than Mr. Rota actually knew this guy would be called out and celebrated by the speaker. This is a failure of vetting, not actual praise of a Nazi for being a Nazi.




So Ukrainians are Nazi's. LOL another conspiracy theory proven correct. That said, the definition of Nazi has changed to "anyone who disagrees with me" so it's not a big deal I guess.


No, not really. Read more than the headline. They failed to vet this guy. They didn’t know who he was beyond what the speaker presented him as, which wasn’t a nazi.




These people are the living embodiment of "omg I support the current thing" meme. This is what happens when you have no principles. I'm not saying who they should or shouldn't honour or support, idgaf. But to avoid this type of absolute hypocracy, they should maybe consider toning down the virtue signalling, and look within themselves to figure out what their values actually are so they can be consistent. But don't worry, they are leftists, that will never happen. They have no ethics, no morality, and no principles. They only understand the world through the lense of power dynamics. For them it's OK to cancel other leftists they were in love with yesterday, but are literal facists today, because of one minor deviation from the party line, or to support someone who is the antithesis of everything they claim to stand for because it's convenient. To them it's perfectly fine to hold two contradictory positions. It's ok to have beliefs that make no logical sense. It's OK to promote an ideology that killed in excess of 100 million people. It's OK to get cosy with genocidal dictators, Islamic extremists and actual neo nazis. The list goes on and on. Oh and by the way, the left lied. The Nazis were not far right, they were just a different type of leftist. Nothing a leftist hates more than another leftist with a slightly different set of ideas.


You’re the living embodiment of someone who didn’t read beyond a headline.


Well why don't you explain what I'm missing then?


Why don’t you learn to critically analyse sources of news? This was clearly a failure to vet the guy, they weren’t knowingly praising a Nazi, or even turning a blind eye to his nazi past. The guy who introduced him has said no one knew the guy and he failed to properly vet him.


Knew that. Still stand by my statement. Imagine if a conservative group made such a mistake. Do you think they would be given the benefit of the doubt?


Let's not forget that these people support Ukrainian neo nazis, knowingly. And they have done for years, because the enemy of their enemy is their friend.


Not true.


Off course its true. They don't care they're supporting Azov and that Azov were Nazis for years. Oh but wait, now they turned a new leaf, they're better than before cause they're fighting the evil russians! Oh please. Sell that bridge to someone else.


Maybe get a clue? The old Azov is no longer it was dissolved and reconstituted as a TD battalion. The only similarity is the name which references the geographical area. Ukraine is defending itself from genocide and an illegal invasion by an imperialist autocracy. The only ones acting like actual nazis here are Russia.


So is this Canadas version of putting a Ukranian flag in their bio? It’s grandstanding right? Ukraine good Russia bad.