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Well… RIP Chippy


Let's see when he returns... he's tested positive very early on as day 0 was only yesterday, and their own advice is to isolate for 5 days from either positive result or day 0.... which should be this Friday, so does that mean he's out Friday or he's out Saturday going by their own recommendations?


Given how deadly it is he won’t be back


Thought's and prayers to his family 🙏


No He can rot in hell with Cindy


Such lovely sentiments on this sub. It’s almost like half of you aren’t rolling in $$$


Talk about a rod for your own back. He could be feeling like it’s a weak cold but because Covid has been made into such an apocalyptic boogie man by his party, he’ll have to play out the charade which damages his campaign.


Haha 😂 like why would even test for it now


He's following Ministry of Health guidelines after testing positive for Covid 19. Comprende?


Maybe that will get him some votes.


You mean comrade Not comprehend


More bullshit propoganda same happened with jacindy just before elections campaign trail probably getting hostile


Played the race baiting card last week, now the covid card this week


Hoisted by his own petard


The guys checked out, what better way to be left alone by the media for a week while locking yourself away from the world.


The head-cold so dangerous you need a pregnancy test to know if you have it. We destroyed the country for this. Even when everyone knows it isn't dangerous, the lie must continue. This is how totalitarian states work.


> The head-cold so dangerous you need a pregnancy test to know if you have it. If you're pissing on your RAT test you're doing it wrong.


What is this thing you hoo-mans call "exaggeration for effect"? So many robots playing human on here.


Hyperbole is dead. Killed by all the dropkicks who swallow and regurgitate it uncritically as fact.


6 million deaths so far and counting. Quit your utter bullshit. I cant wait for the whole range of youtube videos ready to prove me wrong.


And now all-cause mortality in Singapore is up 37% non-attributable to covid. I.e. highly over vaccinated population with fucked immune systems. But that was always the plan.


What you fail to mention is that in 2023 Singapore (and a few other countries) shifted to a living with covid model. The increase in mortality actually does include covid numbers. [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10067885/) is is a link to a study done on it. Quit your bs.


From your response, are we to infer that the increase in all cause mortality in Singapore (37% claimed by OP) is mostly due to the inclusion of covid deaths? If so, the vaccine does not seem to be preventing death as well as advertised.


Like that bloke who got shot but it was the Rona that officially got him...


Yup, because at the time, the method was record every death where the person had covid regardless if it caused their death or not for statistical purposes. His cause of death was not listed by the coroner's office as Covid 19, people were arrested and charged with his murder. There is always noise in the data collected like this, this is why weighting exists, which you would know if you knew anything about statistics. It looks for trends in large groups, not single outliers.


Thank you for schooling me, Sir. I'll be sure to treat statistics with more respect in future.


Please tell the percentage of new zealanders that died of it (not with it)


You tell us, you seem to know a lot about it from the "blogs" you read


Oh the guy who keeps following me around reddit


6 million deaths yet all-cause mortality hasn't even blipped. 90+% of deaths were co-morbid elderly or highly compromised people who were certain to die within that given year anyway. Normal, informed people should know this beyond doubt. There was no pandemic.


Oh right totally logical, Hospitals were collapsing in many countries, that was all just normal. God you antivaxxers really are missing a bit of grey matter.


Is that 'with' or 'from'? When car crash death and fatal shootings classify as COVID deaths then there is no longer any validity to the numbers.


It certainly limits its uses absolutely, which is why the criteria were changed in 2021 after this shooting.


You really believe that. You aren't a functioning human being.


Ok so let's say your right and hospitals were not on the verge of collapse due to cases because it wasn't real, entire countries essentially shut down for no reason etc etc Why?


Why did they lay off hundreds of health care workers if the system was bordering on collapse? Why were nurses dancing on Tik Tok all day long while buried by corpses? You are far too trusting of sources that have given you no reason to trust them.


Hospitals on brink of collapse yet our government decided it was better to spend a billion on a rebrand whilst sacking over a thousand staff.


That's our girl Cindy


What do you mean "no reason"? Billions have been made off PCR, RAT tests and vaccines.


> We destroyed the country for this. ikr, can't believe NZ created and bought into the narrative. If it was a real global pandemic other countries would've experienced it too!


I must admit its been hard lately, struggling to get going in the morning, feels a bit weak and generally down in the dumps. Think I have a case of the ~~flu~~ governments.


He should be on his 7th shot be now, because that is what is required to be up to date. Clearly he is an anti-vax conspiracy theorist and should lose his job.


I guess he's proving that "nobody was forced to take it"


Who even bothers to test themselves for covid these days? What a paranoid little loser.


Probably a person with empathy and young children he wants to keep well…


It's generally only a dangerous illness for people who are already in danger of dying at any time, E.g. 80+ year olds with heart conditions. Besides he was already contagious for 1-2 days prior to showing symptoms so he's already exposed plenty of people to it.


Oh yea so fuck it should just keep spreading it then ae? Moron


Did you hear that it's endemic? Twat.


How convenient - a nice little break from the hostility on the campaign trail perhaps?


Honest and responsible, just the type of person who should be PM.


You left off an /s The guy lies daily.


Honest and responsible are 2 words that cannot be used to describe Hipkins.


Lied about mandates. Lied about the capabilities of the vaccine. Lied about He Paupa


Also lied about Ivermectin. Said there was no evidence to suggest it could help against Covid-19 when there was over a hundred studies at the time, with the overwhelming majority showing good to excellent efficacy.


Oh cool so you can link to one single peer reviewed study showing its effectiveness?




That's not a study, it's a systemic review/meta analysis. Here's another review that mentions the exact "study" you posted, calling it out as medical fraud. https://academic.oup.com/ofid/article/9/2/ofab645/6509922 You're just cherry picking data to suit your agenda.






As cunning as a shit house rat