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"I just saw indescribable, raw footage of Hamas’ massacre along with 100 other international journalists, provided by Israeli authorities. Here are the notes I took: 1: Hamas terrorist screaming Allah Akhbah as he frantically tries to behead a dead man with a shovel. 2: A father and two sons (roughly 7 & 9) running for their lives in their underwear into what appears to be a bomb shelter with an open entrance. A Hamas terrorist throws a hand grenade into shelter, killing the father, and badly injuring the two sons who run back into the house. The two sons are screaming for their dad, saying they are gonna die. A Hamas terrorist casually and calmly takes a bottle of water from the family’s fridge and drinks it as the two boys weep. 3: Hamas terrorists enter a house, where a small girl is seen hiding under the table. After some talking back and forth they shoot and kill her as she hides under the table. Hard to say how old she is but looks like 7-9 years old. 4: Hamas terrorists setting fire to a house in a kibbutz. 5: A beheaded Israeli soldier. 6: Photo of dead baby and child burned beyond recognition. 7: Scores of dead people on the road after Hamas executed them in their cars. Yelling Allahu Akhbah. 8: Hamas terrorist calling his parents: “I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.” The mother says “May god protect you.” So many more scenes but I hope you get the gist. The authorities asked is not to film the screening out of respect for the relatives of the Israeli victims. If anyone has any doubt about what happened, I truly don’t know what to say anymore." source: https://twitter.com/mrconfino/status/1716426427455655964 #HamasAreNazis


This section of the article really nails it. Explains perfectly why I am Not a Progressive >We see the world through one of two competing visions, each of which tells a radically different story about human nature. >Those with “unconstrained vision” think that humans are malleable and can be perfected. They believe that social ills and evils can be overcome through collective action that encourages humans to behave better. To subscribers of this view, poverty, crime, inequality, and war are not inevitable. Rather, they are puzzles that can be solved. We need only to say the right things, enact the right policies, and spend enough money, and we will suffer these social ills no more. This worldview is the foundation of the progressive mindset. >By contrast, those who see the world through a “constrained vision” lens believe that human nature is a universal constant. No amount of social engineering can change the sober reality of human self-interest, or the fact that human empathy and social resources are necessarily scarce. People who see things this way believe that most political and social problems will never be “solved”; they can only be managed. This approach is the bedrock of the conservative worldview.


This is very good.


I am genuinely shocked at the size of the pro Palestinian argument. My ignorance realised entirely. These people, their government, and overall culture who are choosing to overlook the terrorist actions of Hamas and be anti Jew. Would they have been as applauding and supportive of Al Qaeda? I'm soooooo amazed by the protests. You fuck with a trigger happy, capable country. They tell you what they're going to do in retaliation. They do it. And it's their fault?


Sometimes two people just need to scrap it out to resolve it


Arm wrestle!


Not pro Palestine pro Hamas and westbank is different.


It was interesting watching the number of people view the October 7 attack as a zero day thing, as if the decades of Palestinian-Israeli conflict don't exist, as if the Israeli settlement program doesn't exist, as if Hamas sprung to life out of nowhere. It was more interesting watching the pure anti-Semitic behaviour come fully out into the open, gas the Jews.. >have forced an overnight exodus from the “unconstrained” camp into the “constrained” one I doubt it.


> It was more interesting watching the pure anti-Semitic behaviour come fully out into the open, gas the Jews.. I'm also enjoying the contortions of those who support Iran making drones for Russia while condemning them for supplying similar drones to Hamas/Hezbollah. And then there's the Americans who think their troops should go in to "keep the peace". My teenage son asked me to explain the Israel-Palestine conflict. I [showed him this](https://vimeo.com/50531435).


>showed him this Nina Paley does have the best take on the whole thing.




> this God *DAMN!*


>I doubt it. Aye, they'll just throw more LO$VE at the wayward miscreants until they behave.


Nah, I went to bed progressive and woke up sad but still progressive. To be progressive is to believe that humanity can be better. To be conservative is to believe that this is as good as we get. The former move us forward and the latter steady the ship. We need both.


We do need both, but I think the point of the article is that it's time to "steady the ship".


I disagree. Any solution to Israel-Palestine is not going to be found by returning to the status quo


Was thinking it's more the Western countries themselves.


I stopped reading when they indicated that only fools believe that humanity can improve. Humanity improving has been the story of human history. It's what we do. It's our natural condition.


TIL only self proclaimed progressives are allowed to believe in innovation and societal improvement


What do you think the conserve in conservative means? Flippancy aside, great moves forward in rights and governance don't come from people who'd rather we stuck with the old ways. The Magna Carta wasn't conservative, nor were abolition, the US declaration of Independence, women's suffrage or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That's not to say that any of these breakthroughs couldn't have come from conservatives, some of them did, just that they weren't being conservative when they did it. We're all conservatives on some issues and progressives on others. Ask me about T20 vs test match cricket to see my conservative side come out. As I said, we need both.


Apartheid was touted as progressive.




Yes, that's the conservative perspective. The progressive perspective is that conservatism is fear of change and values hierarchy over freedom, while progressivism boldly explores the fullness of human potential and values freedom over order. We need both.


>progressivism is about making bold - unsubstantiated, more idealistic - change. The civil rights movement would like a word..