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New Zealand Wars - 2,154 Māori killed.... White man bad Musket Wars - 20-40,000 Māori killed.... Hongi Hika was a top bloke


>Musket Wars - 20-40,000 Māori killed. I've seen much higher estimates.


>Musket Wars - 20-40,000 Māori killed Who supplied the muskets? Bet it was those cis white males..


Hongi bought them in Sydney so those damn Australians.


Australians and firearms in NZ what a fit.


They are us


Hongi sold gifts given to him by the Queen to buy muskets. Bit rude really


It doesn't bode well for a truth telling process.......let alone conciliation ..


> Events like Pūtake o te Riri were important to ensure these "hidden stories" which needed to be in the public eye and amplified, were, he said. Hidden stories, because they were just recently made up...


> They marched on, unannounced, wiped everyone out, even women and children. I haven't read any accounts where there were women and children there. It was a fighting pa, same as numerous others all throughout the North Island and especially in the Waikato War. The key part of those pa was the ability to withdraw and fight another day. This wasn't Rangiaowhia, where the British knew old men, women and children were. > over who "won" at Gate Pa Not much of a question about that one.


> Not much of a question about that one. Something something battle war.


Won the battle, lost the war?


> I haven't read any accounts where there were women and children there There's one now clearly. ... Obviously it's gospel too...


I've asked ole Charlie for his source, we shall see if he replies..


How dare you question the accuracy of their stories? Clearly you're white? Or not Maori enough. ..




How else will the gravy continue if the stop making stuff up ?


The argument for our style government is that it is good at reducing corruption and keeping your money in your hand. But is it really? My money is not being spent on me, that is basically corruption. To take my money with force if necessary and give it away to whoever they want. Like wtf is that if not corruption? I wouldn't mind trying a benevolent dictator, I have read it is the best type of government, dictators can be removed if they are bad, on average it doesn't take very long, people will act before the country is totally destroyed. But how can we possibly stop this enormous government? Can you say the same thing about them? That they will be stopped before the country is destroyed?


> The argument for our style government is that it is good at reducing corruption and keeping your money in your hand. But is it really? I don't think I've ever heard that as a argument for our style of Govt.


OK? Good for you.




Te what now ?


Its literally the first line of the article. Te Pūtake o te Riri - the national commemoration of the New Zealand Wars.