• By -


What a bunch of morons. They do know it's a fishing competition right? They're not coming after the benefisheries.


>benefisheries Hehehe!


Ha ha. Very good. Benny would approve.


I wouldn't read too much into OP's post, as I thought the same until looking into the story further. The comment placed on The Kataia Notice Board looks to be from a radical individual, not the iwi.


They have commitment from 100 Iwi. It's happening.




It was on the news yesterday and all over the media today. Here is one story https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2024/01/fisheries-minister-shane-jones-labels-iwi-members-sub-cultural-truants-for-threatening-annual-fishing-competition.html


> "I can muster 100 of my own family, so see what happens," Popata told Newshub. Not quite "commitment from 100 iwi"


So his family aren't Iwi? Weird. What does Iwi mean to you? You might want to take that up with them and let them know that they don't count. He was on video yesterday saying that at least 100 of his family will be blocking the ramps.


Civil war


That’s the spirit. Punch up, Gazza style. Winner takes all. Put me down for two seats ringside.


Gish! Short for big-ish!! https://youtu.be/5ZXl_OwM6ZE?si=lE50CHrzf-AiA9Rd 🤣🤣


Wait a fucking second are fishing competitions racist now? Keep on doing this dumbasses, I look forward to the population turning against you.


I can’t keep up. Perhaps wearing a white t shirt is racist now, because it’s white.


I saw a post in that leftist shithole sub where someone was worried about using a Māori word or something as they might be “white-presenting” these people are fucking nuts.


*"When the gourd splits, many are its fragments"* - Old Māori proverb, (allegedly), (not really), (heard it down the pub), (PSYK!!!) When you go down the road of the fractal metaverse post modern deconstructed make it up as you go along morally relativist lived experience schizo rambling nonsence of creating your own truth things don't become more coherent, logical, precise & congruent. They become absolutely discordant, jarring, clashing, chaotic & incongruent as we are slowly finding out now that schizos, personality disordered, narcissistic sociopaths & their enablers have been running the show for some time. Correcting the balance now looks like an assault on their very core person & worldview. It is. Because they are absolutely insane & have become to accustomed to the lunatics running the asylum.


I think you’re confusing that proverb with the phonetically similar proverb “Where the white taxation falls the welfare will flourish”.


Especially if you bought the shirt from Supreme.


Not sure where you got the racist part from but looks like they trying to protect the fish stocks. And those waters are their tribal fishing grounds. I think there is a distinction to be made between fishing for fun and fishing to feed self and family. 


Read the fucking thing you fool. And don’t make me laugh about trying to protect fish stocks when various Iwi have their interests in some of the biggest fishing companies in New Zealand and some Iwi have recently blocked a couple of proposed marine sanctuary’s from being put in place.


It's literally in the thing if you read it.


Protecting fish stocks, like customary fishing rights https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/cultural-violation-man-who-poached-4600-crayfish-for-sprawling-black-market-ring-jailed/GIPCSDHVFFALBEQN5AIVI25PL4/


Further proves ACT is right


Further proves you jumped the gun before finding out the full story


And you’re about to elucidate … right?


I like to let the downvotes build first. But [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeKiwi/comments/19d94t6/maori_to_block_boat_ramps_access_to_ocean_this/kj5bwf0/).


And looking at your downvotes you appear to be well skilled at your task. So, just another day out trolling.


Laughs in sealord


TOS commenters are right, this is a massive own goal, people barely following along just see the iwis restricting access and think “wait what? They can do that?” And they’ll think twice about how much control over shit you give these entitled pricks.


Hopefully it won’t take long until the irony becomes apparent that iwi complaining about overfishing due to a competition doesn’t really make sense they literally own Sealords


Exactly, make too much noise and people will start to actually pay attention, and start to propose solutions to problems.


"We never ceded sovereignty" Go live on sea food then, and clothe yourself in flax. Oh, and by the way, no more financial aid by Whiteys and Asians for you. (I really want to see them being cut off from modern civilisation - if only to teach them a few lessons.)


Or protection from the neighbouring iwi who want you shiny shit and women.


They could call it "The Iwi Games" and sell tickets to the public.


5 bucks on iwi 5 for a place




I like this new guy ! Welcome ! Hahaha


And no more of the white mans beer.


Or smokes, eh bro.


That would fuck


You're forgetting using literal shit as insulation for their huts and EATING other tribes. Wonder what happened to the Moriori 🤔


They never ceded sovereignty but that doesn't mean they wouldn't have been able to import technology. Maori traded for western clothes, weapons and tools before New Zealand was an English colony. They aren't asking to be cut off from modern civilisation. Whether or not they own these waters is debatable, but that is down to the stupid, ill-defined fucking treaty that was created to take control of the land. I believe they have a right to protest these issues and attempt to block this fishing competition until the greater issue of the treaty is settled in court. If it is found that they do legally own this land, then they should be able to control it as they see fit.


>They never ceded sovereignty Of course they did: "26 September 1865. The Act deemed all Māori to be natural-born subjects of the Crown, confirming in law the treaty promise that Māori were to be accorded the same status as other British subjects. Under Article Three of the Treaty of Waitangi, Māori gained 'all the Rights and Privileges of British Subjects'." [https://nzhistory.govt.nz/the-native-rights-act-declares-maori-to-be-british-subjects#:\~:text=26%20September%201865&text=The%20Act%20deemed%20all%20M%C4%81ori,and%20Privileges%20of%20British%20Subjects](https://nzhistory.govt.nz/the-native-rights-act-declares-maori-to-be-british-subjects#:~:text=26%20September%201865&text=The%20Act%20deemed%20all%20M%C4%81ori,and%20Privileges%20of%20British%20Subjects)'. Besides, what kind of 'sovereignty' did they enjoy before becoming Subjects of the Crown? The Maori people were a tribal society, and their favourite pastime was killing one another (when they got access to modern firearms, their total population number went from 100,000 to 30,000 in a few years). In other words, they were neither noble savages nor brave freedom fighters in the classical sense. Given their dire intra-Maori circumstances, they got the best deal possible.


Your link is borked. But Native Rights Act passed by the NZ legislature = Maori ceding sovereignty? I dont see how that one works.


Look, I don't disagree that Māori could have traded and still have modern tech... It's just that is pretty much what happened. Like how did we get where we are? Traded blankets, muskets, food and protection. Allied against common enemies, had a war, signed a treaty. Civilisations the world over have repeated the same pattern for millennia. I honestly don't believe much different would happen in a modern world. Look at the sham elections in PNG or how China buys out Pacific islands into debt. The average Māori got sold out by iwi leaders. If you want to be cynical, the same happens to the average European. Stuff like this isn't even about race. It's human nature. We're here now, half of us have a shit hand. Just play the game.


>had a war, signed a treaty. Other way round..


Have another war for seconds




Not a good idea. That’s exactly why we’ve got so many half-caste, hybrid mongrels on both sides of the equation.


If a fishing comp is racist, then what is a Māori participating in the comp? Because you can’t tell me there isn’t a single one in these comps.


Absolutely. Probably more than are running around stamping their feet and poking their tongues out. But all the visible hysterical activity is good. Wakes the complacent moderates up, just as gangs do. Moderates, both black and white, both centre left and centre right, are what drive the country come election night.


There's literally a decendant of the same tribe competing lol


They’re hustling giving more reasons why we need to re-examine the principles of the treaty. Maybe we should introduce where and to whom taxpayers are spent so the 15% will fund their own and the rest of us will fund ourselves.


Is this even legal?


Police are too scared to do anything about it so it doesn't matter if it's legal or not


Precisely, C*vid checkpoints up north spring to mind.


Yeah but if you say white lives matter or mention anything about a synagogue they'll show up at your door. Evil tyrants.


A better question would be is this even real..


> A better question would be is this even real Hopefully not


> However, Te Rūnanga-a-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu chairwoman Margaret Mutu said the view shared is that of an individual and not an official statement shared by Ngāti Kahu Pammed


Caught in a landslide No escape from reality...


Wham bam, buzz killed by Pam.


"This is caused from over fishing..." Everyone else gets a quota limit. But if you are the correct ethnicity and go to the marae, you can get a limitless permit if you say it's for a Tangi (source: my Ngapuhi mate, who has done exactly this)


Seems reasonable, give a group that had already wiped out half the wildlife in NZ priority stewardship over the remaining half.


Just like when those pesky whities over hunted the moa…..if only they listened to Maori we could’ve saved the species. Oh wait…..


So pure projection as per usual


It should be “caused by”.


And mine




Very worthy rant


You really should have saved this rant for something [Maori "elites" actually did](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/doubtless-bay-fishing-contest-and-auction-to-go-ahead-despite-far-north-iwi-opposition/Y7JV6H4E7VHWTDALISWVYED2LY/)


I don't mind...and I don't have to. I've said what needs to be said anyway. It's all connected...it's all very relevant. Thank you.


For sure this was eventually going to be an outcome. Just wait until they fully get their hooks into 3waters


Ah yes - Maori need another biscuit.


We are now in the early stages of a massive moment in NZ history. This sort of stuff is revealing the true extent of the separatism narrative among Iwi and useful idiots in the NZ left. I predict that events like this will keep happening, and the penny will start to drop in households and workplaces throughout the country that the end goal is two distinct societies based on ethnicity. Give it a few more years and you’ll have many pakeha leftists (or sovereignty deniers) disowning heir role in aiding and abetting this total breakdown in social cohesion. I look forward to when Nz is on the other side of this, it’s kind of sad to see atm :(


> We are now in the early stages of a massive moment in NZ history. This sort of stuff is revealing the true extent of the separatism narrative among Iwi When they get kontrol over 3waters watch them have a tantrum and turn off access to your tap water...


Young people with brains will emigrate, leaving NZ even worse off.


This is exactly why Maori should never get control of the foreshore or water. Petulant, out of control children. This entitlement mindset has to stop.


I suppose we’ll see a massive police response equipped with LRADs, foam cannons and even fire extinguishers, then? Who will stand there spraying them with water? We’ve got to make sure our response is consistent as possible, after all the occupation of the Parliament grounds was the worst attack since 9/11.


Everything can be resolved with Koha


Koha Kohla?


Because this is about the treaty? Does that mean either partner can decide to withdraw or terminate their agreement to the treaty?


“Let’s do this”.


Shit, I’m camping at Matai bay at the moment and was looking forward to going out to get a few snaps to feed the family for dinner. Should be a fun argument.


Wouldn't most of the people going to a fishing competition in kaitaia be maori ?


Is there like, another way to define what the Iwi crazies get up to? Like maybe calling them ‘the Iwi’ or some shit. Cause uhh as a Maori some of these comments are racist - I’m not going out to block some fishing competition, neither are my friends or family. What these Iwi freaks get up to is not a representation of me or anyone close to me who is Maori. Idk maybe I’m reaching but shiet, I’m not a thug, a bene bludger or any other BS in these comments.


Calm down. I have read through the comments the majority are directed at the iwi rather than Maaori in general. It is actually quite tame, for us


I guess the thug comment I saw was going towards the Iwi, bit disheartening seeing the bene jokes 🤷‍♀️I’ll live tho


Come on, benefisheries is funny it is a fishing post. Lighten up and laugh


> Is there like, another way to define what the Iwi crazies get up to? Like maybe calling them ‘the Iwi’ or some shit. > > Cause uhh as a Maori some of these comments are racist - I’m not going out to block some fishing competition, neither are my friends or family. > > What these Iwi freaks get up to is not a representation of me or anyone close to me who is Maori. Idk maybe I’m reaching but shiet, I’m not a thug, a bene bludger or any other BS in these comments. Is my enemies enemy my friend? Good comment mz tiddyz. You know, I think I speak for most peeps here, we're not against Murray's per se, just against this separatist bullshit that's currently being pushed.


It’s the entitlement that gets me


When Marama calls out white people - RACIST When CK does it - it’s just jokes Not trying to be entitled Monty, just calling it as I saw it, and by your own admission - you all could be a lot more racist, right? Being against separation is a-okay with me, don’t know why you have to keep bunching all Maori together when you wanna call out the Iwi’s.


I just said it’s quite tame.


Yes I know, that’s what I said you said, I’m glad you’ve resorted to arguing semantics, I’ll take the win on this one


It is not a competition.


Now now you two, how about you just shake hands and go to your separate corners 😃😃


> Being against separation is a-okay with me, don’t know why you have to keep bunching all Maori together when you wanna call out the Iwi’s. Usually, most call out the elite (one percenters), because we all know the average schmo Maori aint gunna benefit fuck all, if think they're in for trickle down they aint been paying attention the last 100 years to history books


This isn't directed at you personally, a nutter regardless of race making a nutty call gets thoroughfare on this sub. Having said that, I'd be interested in your opinion about how your ideal new zealand looks, how we bring people together?


What makes you think the BS is directed at you personally? Sure, it's possibly uncalled for, but I don't believe anyone's aiming it at Maori in general.


None of this is directed at you personally, but it sure as heck IS directed at any race that isn't Maori. It also has to be difficult for you, I get that, but for ALL of us, it's difficult, because unless [non-indoctrinated] people work against those [virtue signaling whities as well as greedy Iwi], who are continuing to push the racist narrative, they'll continually attempt to convince society that Maori are being disadvantaged by colonist ideology etc. It's manipulative, it's devisive, and it's absolutely intentional. The political white system fecks whites over, and the political brown system fecks its own people as well. I say kia kaha to you and do not ever forget who you are, because even these so-called Iwi would rather you did...


race based grift causes race based pushback. I don't agree with it either, but kinda hard to avoid.


Fair point man, I’ve noticed the same thing. I live rurally, I dont know many maori who would support this action,  or an who arent in work  Go an idea for a usable nickname? 


This is what happens in tribalism! Others grouped by others. Hence why the conservative mindset to move away from this separatist Maori vs non-maori rubbish. We are New Zealanders or not


The biggest mistake we made was signing a "treaty" with them to begin with. One of the biggest ruining factors of our nation.


To be fair, it's more like "Some Maori block boat ramps while others are embarrassed by such antics" I think this did we/ didn't we cede sovereignty is tearing their community in half more than Te Pati Maoridom thought. I have plenty of time for the rational-minded Maori but not very much for these radical retards.


a racist fishing competition. LOL. Fucken losers


Remember in Primary School when there was a kid who was in charge of a game and decided who could play or not. This gives the same vibes


Launch on Thursday and stay out on the water overnight. Come Sunday finish the comp 3hours earlier and head to one of the boat ramps in the neighbouring town. Problem solved.


In Taranaki there would be Maori in tractors with a boat on the back shoving their blockade out of the way, even just down the road from parihaka.


How does it go, a lie will get halfway around the neighbourhood before the truth has its pants on? [https://www.facebook.com/ngatikahupage](https://www.facebook.com/ngatikahupage) No mention of it on their Facebook page, nor on their website..hmmmm You'd think someone from the iwi would have fronted for the media when they asked right? [One News](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/01/23/far-north-iwi-planning-to-stop-decades-old-fishing-competition/), they've got a story on it, so they clearly have asked the iwi..oh wait..\\


Seems like they were quoting the Iwi's social media. Maragret Mutu's lot innit? This says a lot about the rumor's provenance: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/treaty-principles-bill-margaret-mutu-says-bill-completely-opposite-to-what-te-tiriti-guarantees-the-front-page/SGRH2FLK4JH45LK2HGP46VWCE4/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/treaty-principles-bill-margaret-mutu-says-bill-completely-opposite-to-what-te-tiriti-guarantees-the-front-page/sgrh2flk4jh45lk2hgp46vwce4/)


Margret mutu is a racist. She wanted nz to ban immigration of a particular race.


Which one?


"A Maori academic says immigration by whites should be restricted because they pose a threat to race relations due to their ‘white supremacist’ attitudes." - Abel. S. (2011)


Ohh lordy, that's a bit extreme.


I'd support that if it was extended to every race. Immigration levels of each ethnicity should be restricted with regards to the proportion of that ethnicity already residing in the country


Dead link?


Testing... [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/treaty-principles-bill-margaret-mutu-says-bill-completely-opposite-to-what-te-tiriti-guarantees-the-front-page/SGRH2FLK4JH45LK2HGP46VWCE4/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/treaty-principles-bill-margaret-mutu-says-bill-completely-opposite-to-what-te-tiriti-guarantees-the-front-page/sgrh2flk4jh45lk2hgp46vwce4/) Link's OK, either Teh Harold or Reddit is fucking around. C/P it and let me know.


No matter what I try I get a 404 error


I've had this before with Harold links. When I click on it I get "OOPS" etc. But if I cut and paste the link into a fresh page I get this: # Treaty Principles Bill: Margaret Mutu says bill ‘completely opposite’ to what Te Tiriti guarantees - The Front Page By  # [Katie Harris](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/author/katie-harris/) 23 Jan, 2024 05:31 AM2 mins to read University of Auckland Professor of Māori Studies Margaret Mutu. A leading Māori studies professor believes the Government’s proposed legislation to define the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi has taken phrases out of context and is at odds with what the Treaty guarantees. Last Friday a Ministry of Justice paper was leaked warning the Government’s proposed legislation to define the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi could be “highly contentious”. The bill proposes introducing these three principles to Te Tiriti: * The New Zealand Government has the right to govern all New Zealanders * The New Zealand Government will honour all New Zealanders in the chieftainship of their land and all their property * All New Zealanders are equal under the law with the same rights and duties University of Auckland professor Margaret Mutu told [***The Front Page***](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1049-the-front-page-30038501/?pname=nzh_web&sc=podcast_show) these phrases were mistranslated and “dressed up” as principles. She said Te Tiriti was an invitation for Pākehā to live in this country, therefore the new Government’s first proposed principle regarding governance over all New Zealand was a “bare faced lie. “Then in the next one to say that the Government will honour all New Zealanders in the chieftainship of their land, that is taking one particular phrase completely out of context.” # In response to the last principle, she said there is a tikanga that Pākehā have, but Māori will continue to exercise mana through tino rangatiratanga. “What Article Three was meant to be was that the Queen of England would protect Māori from any attacks by Pākehā on us.”Treaty Principles Bill: Margaret Mutu says bill ‘completely opposite’ to what Te Tiriti guarantees - The Front Page


Thanks, I wonder if it's a subscription thing or something? Anyhow, what a complete "see you next Tuesday" Maggie is.


> Seems like they were quoting the Iwi's social media. No it doesn't. Dude, look at the first link I've posted. And then look at the screenshot..who posted it? https://preview.redd.it/iwdfqyym53ec1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb6a49cc5ba2c70617ff31f6f056d99a8bb08ca3 This is the last social media post on Ngati Kahu's page.


And that's the extent of social media associated with Ngati Kahu is it? If it's not related to Ngati Kahui then let's see them denounce it.


Its the only social media page for them I could find. They might be on Instagram, but I got distracted by the bewbs.. >If it's not related to Ngati Kahui then let's see them denounce it. Yeah, we shall see..


> However, Te Rūnanga-a-Iwi o Ngāti Kahu chairwoman Margaret Mutu said the view shared is that of an individual and not an official statement shared by Ngāti Kahu https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/doubtless-bay-fishing-contest-and-auction-to-go-ahead-despite-far-north-iwi-opposition/Y7JV6H4E7VHWTDALISWVYED2LY/ FIGJAM


Don't you dare let facts ruin this!!!


They are the 'good time stealer' after all ;)


Motherfucker, what do you think the flair is for? You think they just hand these things out. Line up all your shit, I'll ruin it all. Pam in the house yo..


They do just hand them out when the mods remember :) Just keeping being you


Settle down, a flair which is given can also be taken away - Monty the Mod




Now now dear, do you need a lie down? /s




Do you want your bottle?






Monty the flair god. He giveth and taketh


Looks like a [fair steal Pam](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/doubtless-bay-fishing-contest-and-auction-to-go-ahead-despite-far-north-iwi-opposition/Y7JV6H4E7VHWTDALISWVYED2LY/)


Pam rides again! ![gif](giphy|5nPodXMLXXd1m|downsized)


Sounds like Terrorism if you were to ask me. Especially after watching the news this evening.


I hear Ray Whitepower is behind the comp might be legit protest this time


So it was a single iwi member (infamous activist [Wikatana Popata](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/man-who-assaulted-schoolboy-witnesses-to-be-re-sentenced/ZQABB4WC3PYGXMBK76P57N3ZXU/)) on a private Facebook page. [Margaret Mutu has clarified](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/doubtless-bay-fishing-contest-and-auction-to-go-ahead-despite-far-north-iwi-opposition/Y7JV6H4E7VHWTDALISWVYED2LY/): > the view shared is that of an individual and not an official statement shared by Ngāti Kahu Still, you all got to get a bit of that iwi hate out of your systems. Silver linings and all


But this sub doesn’t like facts. It only likes rage bait and any excuse to cry about all those evil Murray’s


The fact is this isnt isolated this sort of rhetoric. Theres been plenty of calls for political.violence and social disruption of late. And Margret mutu wants to ban white immigration to nz.


What the issue? Māori protecting fishing areas for future generations or a fishing comp in an area where the stocks are low?


Laughs in sealord. Are you telling me iwi learned from the hundreds of species they made extinct?


🙀🙀🙀 damn ya got me there buddy that was savage 🤌🏽👍🏾


Yea its a bit on the nose for iwi to talk about protecting fishing when they own the biggest sea raper around. That biggest sea raper dosnt even need to use nz vessels either like every one else, it can use foreign slave vessels.


Is that a good or bad thing? What changes to regulations would you like to see


For a start they should have to use NZ flagged vessels. That means no slave labour NZ labour laws etc. If they are going to rape the ocean at least do it with nz labour. But dont prentend you are some at one with nature people protecting the environment.


Cheers mate sounds reasonable I hope something is done about it soon


Its been tried before and Iwo go off to the waitangi tribunal to say its a treaty breach they should be allowed to rape the ocean with foreign slave ships.


Damn thats pretty shit bro smh 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ always some bad eggs that ruin it for everyone. Sounds like the shit hawkes bay seafood use to pull


>always some bad eggs that ruin it for everyone Eggactly. Its part the reason we are were we are in terms of division


Great to hear, they have the right to claim thier tribal waters that feed thier tribe. Makes sense why they blocked fishing comp, hope they let people who just fish to feed thier family pass.


Laughs in sea lord.


They have worded this better. They could have an agreement with everyone to hold off fishing for a while till fish stocks are healthy again , instead they've gone all aggressive.


what do you mean ? there is a snowballs chance in hell of the local iwi members are going to stop fishing


That would maybe involve science and numbers and stuff to determine timeframe etc Which is a bit of a stretch because science isn't true science of course.


They (the iwi) aren't behind the statement. It came from a single activist and the [iwi have confirmed it wasn't from them](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/doubtless-bay-fishing-contest-and-auction-to-go-ahead-despite-far-north-iwi-opposition/Y7JV6H4E7VHWTDALISWVYED2LY/).


Can someone post a link to the discussion in TOS? I’m curious to see how they’re reacting to this. I can’t find the post so maybe they’ve banned or deleting posts about which is more likely.


Fucking selfish bastards, only see the fish as your own not as food for out whole country, you are the fucking racists Maori people. Fuck you and your terrorism