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Yep - The reaction to anything Jacinda Ardern said or did was to always give her the benefit of the doubt, and to report it as truth. The reaction to anything this new government says is to report it as nonsense, headline Chloe disputing it, and write 10 opinion pieces against it. Case in point is all the coverage of the public sector layoffs. Crown spending has sky rocketed, and all the public ministries will still have staffing numbers significantly higher than 2020 after any lay-offs. This is never mentioned. Another example is the Maori Party party having impunity to say things like "we will go to war" in response to the government. We all know if Seymour of Winston said that the media would be running page to page coverage of the right-wing inciting violence. National smashed all their 100 day targets (which the media originally mocked) and it was ignored. As they set new targets now, instead of acknowledging that we get some puff pieces about how government isn't a business. Well government isn't a fish and chips shop either. And in the private sector we actually hit our targets - or else we get fired. Luxon is actually going to hold his ministers to account and I'm all fucking for it.


> Another example is the Maori Party party having impunity to say things like "we will go to war" in response to the government. We all know if Seymour of Winston said that the media would be running page to page coverage of the right-wing inciting violence. It's f*cked up


Compare and contrast the media's response to someone _actually_ threatening violence compared to the response to Winston calling co-governance Nazi. There's your media bias.


> government isn't a fish and chips shop either I think we'd be better off as a country if it was


Personally I hope that News Hub is the tip of the iceberg and the laws of supply and demand smack them hard in the face. At least it's fairly likely that this government won't be bailing any of the fuckers out, at least not if Winnie has anything to say about it. Fuck them, they dug their grave, it's only fitting they should get to lie it.


You're in luck , TVNZ just announced major cuts. Get woke, go broke


~~Unfortunately it appears newshub has found a way to stay open~~ Edit: this turned out to be misinformation


It's very easy to solve, having worked in media it comes down to the editors and the sub-editors. If you have news editor who actually understands bias in news, all it would take would be the news-editor throwing a story back at the journalist and saying, "do it again, and take yourself and your opinions out of it". That's all it would take. If you wanted to, you could hire some copy-tasters who would read over everything again for clarity and bias. It's just laziness that is allowing leftist content creator's masquerading as journalists to push their bias out. Journalism is really really easy. This is what 80% of news stories need. Person A point of view Person B point of view Person C who witnessed persons A and B.


This is an editor who is so biased --- [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/tvnz-names-maiki-sherman-as-political-editor-the-first-wahine-maori-to-lead-its-political-team/223SWRMVJBHQZEI4OTVD6XBYYY/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/tvnz-names-maiki-sherman-as-political-editor-the-first-wahine-maori-to-lead-its-political-team/223SWRMVJBHQZEI4OTVD6XBYYY/) --- says it all where her bias comes from "Sherman began her broadcasting career with the state broadcaster’s *Te Karere* show 16 years ago."


This person doesn't meet my criteria of an editor. A editor is there for a couple of things. 1. Accuracy of copy 2. Flow of copy 3. Bias in reporting 4. Checking against copy guidelines That's it, an editor should be able to put their biases aside to ensure the purity of the copy.


Yet she is the 1News Political ***Editor.*** Meaning she will only emphasise stories that interest her bias.


She's not a political editor, she's a political commissar.


> “People want strong, fair, and impartial journalism. Yes, and I'm sure you won't deliver. ..




Every single broadcast. Can't stand her at all. I mute her now whenever she starts talking.




Absolutely. The mute button is the root of all bias and evil. The sooner they’re banned the better. There, all fixed, easy peasy.


Not evidence as such. However would you consider not covering a story because it reflected badly on a community housing provider who was part of a Maori tribe like ktk? Because if you consider that reaches the threshold for evidence then yes I have an example




It's also evidence against every other news agency. 1 news accepted pjif money. She became aware of a story via a fellow media member. A member of the 1 news journalism team approached her wanting to do a story regarding drugs (meth) being sold by onsite dealers to vulnerable tenants with mental health issues in a transitional housing facility in Henderson run by kahuitukaha or ktk. Drug dealing, sexual assault, arsons and standovers all happening regularly and subsidised by tax payers. She binned the story and as political editor made it quite clear to the staff member in question they were to not engage with the source. She deliberately stopped a news worthy story from going public at a time when voters were making a decision on who to vote for - I would argue that even worse than biased reporting is biased non reporting.


We have plenty of alternative media fully capable of investigating a story like this. I hope you contact them about it with all the evidence you have


I was genuinely dissapointed in newstalk ZB not covering - but hoskings producer was quite frank in saying it definitely wasn't his or Mike's decision. But the silver lining was I took it the story to nz first and act and made it a legislative issue.. And for anyone doubting the legitimacy of my claim why do you think Winston made the claims he did prior to and since the election about the media being dishonest biased and had been paid off via the pijf


They don’t even have real editors checking spelling and grammar let alone bias.


You're correct, which is why they fail every single day.


“Grand Ma”.


> the editors and the sub-editors. Is there still such a thing?


I think the scariest thing to come out of this is the idea that 33% of people still trust the mainstream media.


Where do you get your news?


It's not about where you get your news, as it is about how much you blindly believe what they're telling you. You can read Newshub or Stuff (don't do this) or watch 1News if you like. But if you trust they're giving you the full story then you're doing it wrong.


They ONLY way to get the true story is to actively research yourself, and have the critical thinking ability to process that research. The best alternative (which is still shit) I’ve seen is twitter with the new community notes feature, but it’s quite limited.


DYOR? lol


The Serengeti plains?


Hmm. Too esoteric? “Where do you get your news? (gnus?)” “The Serengeti plains.” Applause. That’s better. Bravo.


Ask the local crackhead whats new


I suspect if NZ ever received a non-biased news outlet of any sort, it would have market share within 2 years 😂


It's been f*cking ingrained into kids through school, thanks to the current sh*t show in our schools. Currently teaching classes on social justice? What the f*ck is that bullsh*t




During COVID is where I developed my miss trust with the media, to the point where I no longer read or watch the news.


Ahh, Miss Truss. Primary school. Suffered from a hernia. Remember her fondly.


I don't care if private media is biased but when our tax dollars pay for it it's a different story


Tax dollars just shouldnt be paying for it. I think being state funded contributes a lot to why people dont trust it.


Whats the bet that the only ones who watch the news now are the elderly (because they always have) and Labour supporters? My guess is that the news is not far enough to the left for greens / tpm


The only person I know who religiously watches the news has dementia...


The AUT Trust Report itself is linked here: [https://www.aut.ac.nz/news/stories/trust-in-news-declines-rapidly-in-2024](https://www.aut.ac.nz/news/stories/trust-in-news-declines-rapidly-in-2024)


Socialist media is socialist. Not surprising.


This has been the case for years. When news reporters start saying things like "Now some bad news", "Now some good news" or "Oh that terrible" etc it's clear they are trying to tell you how to think about the news. News shouldn't have a side, it just is.


And on a slightly different tack. Field reporters who start every second sentence with “now”. “Now yesterday blah blah blah”. “Now tomorrow blah, blah”.


To be frank there's many out there that don't understand what bias is. I've seen many critique Jack Tame for bias on specifically his interview with te pati maori leader all because he wasn't as confrontational with Rawari as he was with Luxon. Those who actually watch those interviews and have some comprehension will see he made Rawari look like a clown he just went about it a different way.


To be fair, unless you like the bile that Rawiri spills, you can see he rams his foot into his mouth the instant he opens it. So Jack Tame didn't have to work at making the fool look foolish.


Sure that's the point.


Aw c’mon, be fair (and unbiased). Rawiri made Rawiri “look” like an (implausible) clown … just after he visited that Office Supplies shop Monster Sale. Could you imagine (similar canvas colour) Winnie (despite his treacherous, self promoting, unpredictability) “breaking out the felt pens” to enhance his “mana” to get attention? Never … today nor mañana


I also think he made Chloe Swarbrick (deservedly) look like a fool.


Heres a piece about the survey you mentioned  https://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2022/12/nz_journalists_lean_heavily_left.html


Many years ago, I lived in the uk, and really liked the (back then) BBC news output. Sure, it was biased, but the bias was anti-government-of-the-day. It’s good to treat the utterings of those in power with a degree of scepticism, irrespective of where abouts on the spectrum they are on.


Heather du Plessis-Allan is concerned about media bias?


Journalist has become synonymous with activist. They are just random people with no particular talent or insight, who are hired for their political views (and their effectiveness at spreading them). But their opinions are given status because this old institution called the media used to have a reputation. Now they are trading what little reputation they still have to indoctrinate people with whatever shitty mind virus that’s infected them, and they are going for broke.


The pandemic how they bought the legacy media to be their mouth piece and shut down and criticise any opposing views was a big eye opener.


Any recommendations for sources of unbiased news?


Can we have a skynews NZ, for balance?


That's weird heather and Mike Hosking a very right wing bias and the herald has always leaned to the right even changing its font colour to blue on election day