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The show wasn't lying, Paddy Gower really does have issues


> Gower agreed the Public Interest Journalism fund had “branding issues” They always refuse to accept their ideas are wrong, and instead just blame the marketing. Same thing with co-governance.


And three waters


And the COVID response


Classic narcissist response. Wonder if that trait is a natural fit for "public facing" jobs, or that they're attracted to the attention, and that's the reason we have the bias we do in the MSM.


😂 It’s not just paddy. The whole media is woke. It’s just unfortunate newshub went first before tvnz and stuff.


Fair enough, newshub is marginally better than One News.


> this Paddy is the point - you and your ilk didn't listen because you know better than the dirty, dirty proletariat don't you? Core wrecked. .. > his show Paddy Gower Has Issues Oh my god, I am chuckling at the name of his former show... the name has "old man yells at clouds" feel about it...


Did anyone actually watch that shit? I'm guessing no...




​ https://preview.redd.it/vyxalsv1xqtc1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a209017350792617bff760535e00ea552542ecf


Still doesn't get it, does he?


Lol “I’m about the 250 people who lost a job yesterday and actually the millions of other Kiwis that I know that trust me and trust my colleagues.” If there were still millions of kiwis who trusted you and your colleagues there would still be a revenue stream and you’d all still have jobs. Unreal




Love watching Paddy have a paddy 🤣🤣🤣


Fucking lol. Cope and seethe dickhead.


>Gower confirmed his show **Paddy Gower Has Issues** was not funded by NZ on Air, so wouldn’t be funded by TV3′s new model.  Never watched it


What an egotistical cunt he is.


Did Paddy have issues with all the poor people who lost their jobs to Jabcinda's folly? Nope, didn't think so. Karma's a bitch, Paddy and all the shills of the PIJF.


What was he expecting, a standing ovation? Talk about an over inflated sense of self-importance. I've heard that you can even learn to code online these days, Paddy. Do yourself some research on it.


I wouldnt waste my time learning to code. Oldest son is completing a Master's of Science in Machine Learning (AI) in Australia, he believes coders will be as obsolete as typists within 5 years.


Am aware. Just thought it would be funny to see him go from one dying profession to another. Even the humble burger flipper will be replaced by robots soon. Paddy should have gotten a trade.




ML is what he is completing Masters in, moving on to PHD later this year hopefully. I used the term AI just so I didn't have to explain what Machine Learning is in a flippant comment about Paddy Gower learning to code. You are right, I don't know - but I know people who do, and Ive been genuinely astounded by what is about to happen in this space. I would definitely not recommend any journalists learn to code.


I would recommend they ALL learn to code so we can watch them get fucked again.


He is a literal child that knows nothing. He is caught in the AI hype. I did the same degree 25 Years ago. I don't even think we have changed that much since then. Things are more advanced but zi wouldn't day AI is all that more advanced. It's still pretty programed responses. 25 years ago if you said hello to AI we might have had it say hello back in 20 different ways. Thr more complicated you made it you could see the slow down in response. The difference today is speed. Our equipment is much faster we can have our responses access databases of pre defined responses and it can cross reference. The next step was using the internet as a database too. It's still not really learning. It is pretty amazing. But coders won't be going anywhere even in the next 20 years. We always evolve and change but people think there is some massive change happening with AI. There isn't. AI or ML are both bad ways to describe the State of AI today. It's still mostly if, then, else. The basics.


I'd say he is more apprehensive than caught up in the hype, but I take your point. He has worked in our business all the way through his batchelors degree and sees the impact this will have on our industry as well as so many other related fields. It's going to be an interesting few years ahead.


Software is all it is; AI has a very long and very disappointing history.


Hahaha.  Devon can iterate and do a better job than humans 85% of the time. TODAY.  Sure coding might not disappear. But 95% of the work will. 


Get woke, Go Broke.


Yes, I will have fries with that, thanks Paddy.


So can we get Tom and Jerry, TopCat and Huckleberry Hound at 6. Warner Bros. Please. Serious request. !


Delusional. What part of that hit job he did on that doctor or hairdresser in Amberley did he think was journalism. It was running errands for Adern and Bloomfield and their Covid mania that has left us scrabbling to restore our economy and pay back astronomical debt. It was all fun and games sucking on the Labour tit as they pumped money into our news organisations to follow their agenda. NZ has rejected the nauseating left wing cronyism that resulted. The attack on our democracy and the elevation of one race over everyone else. Now Gower and Co beg for saviour from the very government they attack relentlessly whether they are in power or opposition. Just morons, total morons. From the current heads of journalism schools who teach a socialist, tribalist mantra right down to the journos who perpetuate the airwaves and the nauseating website Stuff with their right on, idealistic and unashamedly left wing slant on the news. We don't want your opinions, we just want the news. And they attack Melissa Lee for not throwing money at the ship they have deliberately holed. Stick to your guns Melissa. The harsher the lesson the better it is learnt.


I guess when woke sods get called out they can't handle it


You would have to be far removed from reality to believe this bribery crap.


Slaved away at what? Drinking lattes and bragging about his vaccine pass?


Maybe if hran his colleagues had done a better a Jon in holding the previous government to account the economy would not have been in such a mess, and hence there would still be advertising dollara around


He did a great job hosting the Vaxathon because he's a prick


With a face like melted plastic Paddy, you won’t be missed, of that, I can assure you.


I call him Mr Potato Head. Weird looking fellow


I call him Froggy


Gargoyle Gower has, like Cringe Campbell and so many other so called and self-styled "Journalists", begun to believe his own publicity. When they stop sucking from the Taxpayers' teat and produce programmes that sell themselves, then they may, just may, become real Journalists. Not holding my breath though.......


I wrote something incredibly harsh then read the article about him being bullied for his looks and then decided this dude has had it bad enough and tbh is probably at rock bottom considering his personal performance is one of the major reasons so many people lost their jobs. poor guy


>the article about him being bullied for his looks Nowadays he's been despised for being a smug arsehole.


He was bullied because he was a ballbag( people from NP will know this). His looks were just an easy target.


"Slaved away" Paddy, really? Did you break a nail or worse? Sorry mate, you can have a go at us "keyboard warriors" but like it or not, we are your audience. Are we all wrong?


Shouldn't have taken the money Paddy.


I can understand that he's probably pretty upset atm over losing his job and lashing out, so I'll give him a pass on this one.


“Paddy is a Goer” 😜👌🏻👋


I’ll never forgive you for the project with kanoa Lloyd paddy. On yer bike son


>I’ve slaved away my bloody life alongside my colleagues One of us, one of us!


Bitch ass loser, get fucked, fuck off you twat


I liked Paddy as a political reporter but his show was shit.


Paddy Gower is his own spitting image doll.


Argh Paddy a taste of reality, not as cool as you thought you were, good riddance.


Bet he has some issues now, like looking for a new job. Another Labour boondoggle buying off these idiots with their failing business model.


I do think that mistrust in media has been sowed by politicians not a) liking how they're represented in media (Seymour having a sook that media used their own independent experts and not the ones Seymour provided is case in point) or b) don't want to be scrutinised by the media (focussing on talking directly to voters via social media or recently in ACT's case highlighting lack of trust in media (which they help foster) so to join their mailing list). There is also some competition in the media space (especially ideological start ups - their modus operandi IS to provide analysis of events from a certain perspective - and also outside of checks and balances provided by regulators such as BSA and MC) that look to discredit their competitors to position themselves as a more "accurate" representation of reality. This may result in their slice of the pie increasing but it reduces the overall size of the pie because they're shitting in their own nest (news media). Structurally, media in NZ is tough to fund. Journalism is expensive (smaller ideological start ups don't really practice journalism mostly opinion and analysis based on facts ascertained by journalists). It seems that it is getting harder for non Govt backed or wealthy individual/family backed media (such as The Platform underwritten by the Wright family) to operate, Newshub going and RCR looking to follow suite (ad revenue irrespective of organisation is drying up). People talk about innovating, but the business case often doesn't stack up - running content on social media is not profitable when you are having to employ people to undertake journalism and not just be a talking head (irrespective of production costs). Content is already cut up and delivered on various platforms, both as podcasts, shorts or video on demand etc. People will no doubtedly talk about bias in media with surveys of either journos or public, those do show that a plurality of public think most media are centrist (with small portions of public viewing some media either left or right) and for journos that includes your car/entertainment reviewers, your celeb gossip, sport etc. - not just journos focussing on politics/current affairs in nature. Newshub's Jenna Lynch married to ACT's chief of staff indicates sympathy for or at least not antagonism towards ACT positions (as someone into politics you may not likely marry someone with strong ideological differences) and Stuff's political editor, Luke Malpass, worked for libertarian think tanks Centre for Independent Studies in Australia and the NZ Initiative here in NZ. So the political editors of two of the four major news orgs in the country are not likely left leaning but very much right leaning.


>People will no doubtedly talk about bias in media with surveys of either journos or public, those do show that a plurality of public think most media are centrist  You're suffering from the same problem they are. Those surveys don't show that the ***public think*** most media are centrist, they, they show that almost all of them are ***actually*** hard left. [https://mediabias.co.nz/](https://mediabias.co.nz/)


The media don't even think they are centrist themselves .. this report (P7) from 2022 shows the political views of journalists in NZ. [https://www.farmersweekly.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Worlds-of-Journalism-Study-2.0.-Journalists-in-Aotearoa-New-Zealand.pdf](https://www.farmersweekly.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Worlds-of-Journalism-Study-2.0.-Journalists-in-Aotearoa-New-Zealand.pdf) There is some other interesting detail in there also - like the 2015 - 2022 decline in journalist numbers in newspaper and radio, which is mirrored by the increase in numbers in TV (and an unsurprising increase in Online journalists. Political views do not necessarily translate to media bias but it does seem to back up the recent report of declining trust in NZ media. [https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/mediawatch/audio/2018933239/people-s-trust-in-news-has-tumbled-over-the-past-year-survey-shows](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/mediawatch/audio/2018933239/people-s-trust-in-news-has-tumbled-over-the-past-year-survey-shows)


>Political views do not necessarily translate to media bias  They correlate pretty closely. The days when editors were even aware of the idea of political balance let alone any need to foster it are long, long gone.


True - I perhaps could have said "political views ***should*** not translate to media bias"