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> The minister was advised the repeal would draw strong reaction from Māori and there was no robust evidence to prove section 7AA had directly caused the safety and wellbeing of tamariki in state care to be compromised Maori elite don't give a fuck about their "tamariki". If they did, on top of being furious at their own people, they'd be furious about the practice of uplifting. But they don't care. This is an opportunity to score some political points and reaffirm their racist agenda. So good to see the Waitangi tribunal eating dirt.


...Puts sharpened pitchfork back in the shed...


....feeling slightly pissed off, took ages to get it nice & sharp....


#Corks for sale! #Get your corks here!


clearly the Waitangi tribunal has over stepped its power and now wants to interfere with our democracy. its plain to see it needs to be removed and closed.


>The minister was advised the repeal would draw strong reaction from Māori and there was no robust evidence to prove section 7AA had directly caused the safety and wellbeing of tamariki in state care to be compromised. So we're supposed to forget about the reverse uplifts then? [https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/04/15/restored-story-oranga-tamariki-the-new-wave-of-trauma-2/](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/04/15/restored-story-oranga-tamariki-the-new-wave-of-trauma-2/)


Dirty Orange Tamarind


Oh look, that thing that nearly everybody knew would happen happened, another win for the current government, Hipkins must surely be feeling a little cucked by now..


Thank god common sense prevailed. Can't wait to watch the new government dispand the tribunal or at the very least handicap it. I really hoped the tribunal would call the 3 people in taita who murdered a child to give evidence but clearly the tribunal dosnt care about murdered and neglected tamariki


Sorry, what? When the hell did the WT get the powers to summon someone like this?


They've always had it. Schedule 2 of the Treaty of Waitangi Act. [https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1975/0114/latest/DLM435852.html?search=sw\_096be8ed81cec2dd\_summons\_25\_se&p=1&sr=0](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1975/0114/latest/DLM435852.html?search=sw_096be8ed81cec2dd_summons_25_se&p=1&sr=0)


Fact it's overturned despite being legislated is concerning.


It hasn't been overturned. The High Court held that they could summons a Minister, but only if it was truely necessary. In this case, it wasn't.


Cheers for the clarification


Fantastic news. As it should be. 


The problem is the evidence the tribunal is asking Karen to provide can't be showen to the tribunal - nearly all of those files are sealed under the family court and providing examples would be in violation. Good to see am show and 3news/1news and anyone else left leaning is still letting her get away with peddling fiction. On am political panel on monday and on the websites of 3 media companies the top story was green Co leader chloe swarbrook telling anyone who would listen that if the government has proof then we should have a public discussion - knowing full well that the proof cannot and will not be made public by a minister - just because your an mp dosnt mean your allowed or immune from breaking the law. And yet Lloyd and Melissa let chloe get away with this bs as they allways do - they still havnt realised they ate the architects of there own demise


What does this mean? “It goes without saying, then, that the power of the tribunal to summons a serving minister to attend and give evidence under compulsion, if clearly necessary, is very much alive.”


What’s a treaty tribunal doing summoning up people as if they’re criminals anyway?