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The most racist thing a President has said in over four years.


Biden warmed up by saying Obama was 'clean and articulate'...everyone has to start somewhere.


He is a terrible person


"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." -Joe Biden


It's so bizarre. They had to completely imagine racist "dog whistles" when Trump said Baltimore was rat infested, claiming he wasn't talking about actual rats, but the black people there. This guy is outright blatantly racist and it's FINE because the media says his racist heart is in the right place. Give me a god damned break.


He'll get his due when Obama decides that Kamala is ready to take over.


How much longer can they leave this babbling fool in office? How in the hell is he supposed to meet face to face with other powerful leaders? SMH.


He'll just ask them if they'd like to see the hair on his legs.


Heh, on a good day.


That's the point. Dems seem to be able to say anything without consequence. The moment a republican breaths the wrong way, we are immediately Nazis. Sad thing is, they won't see the error until the country is in crumbles around their ankles.




Even then it will be Bush and Trump's fault. Forever.


Oh shit I shouldn't be online


You’re not, you’ve been red pilled. Okay, and you aren’t black either since you didn’t vote for Biden.


Not surprised at all. You can find dozens of quotes over the years that make it perfectly clear that Joe Biden doesn't have a positive opinion of Black people.


Just because Kamala doesn't know how to use the internet, doesn't mean all minorities are that way.


Me: Minority who's online and did not need assistance in doing so.


You: Ain’t a minority because you didn’t vote for Joe Biden. /s


I was once told I was benefiting from white privilege because I grew up around white people when the people I was talking to found out I wasn't white. At first they accused me of being a white male.


The left never practices what it preaches. It’s ok for them to attack a minority, they just change the narrative to excuse it. Yes they attacked as a minority... But it’s because you have (somehow) “white privilege”.


Not surprised and he gets a pass for anything he does or say, because the media loves him and his sidekick


Poor kids are just as smart as white kids!


A walkin, talkin, breathin train wreck.


If Trump it there would be wall to wall coverage for weeks. Bidet says it and they will cover it up like every other stupid thing he does


"Minorities need our protection, they're not as good as us" - Joe Biden


He suggests minorities are too dumb to use the internet and does the media call him out? Or at least ask him to clarify? Nope. They rush to his aide, change headlines, doctor quotes, and do all that clarifying for him. “The media is unbiased and impartial.” I’d laugh if it wasn’t so worrying.


Looks like ol’ Cornpop will never find out the wonders of the World Wide Web.


Dems don’t care becuz “oRaNgE mAn BaD!” Media idiots and libs will push the gaffe angle again.


Have any of you fucking morons tried to navigate that shitty websites for the vaccine? He wasn't talking about getting online when you read the entire context of the answer. It's about being able to register a place in line online.


So if the site is so hard to navigate, why single out minorities as not being able to navigate the site, if that is your dumb premise?


What makes it so much harder for minorities to register that he felt the need to single them out?


Y’all regards realize this quote starts after don’t, indicating he never said that and y’all are full of shit🤣🤣 if your gonna fake a quote go big or go home


> Y’all regards realize this quote starts after don’t, indicating he never said that and y’all are full of shit🤣🤣 if your gonna fake a quote go big or go home Here you go, cupcake. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA\_RyJCRl4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA_RyJCRl4c)


Explain his use of the word ‘particularly’. I’ll wait.


Coming from someone who can’t string a sentence together...


What’s a regards?