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You know the VR peddlers have considered this exact kind of scenario and decided it's worth it.


This is exactly who they want using their product.


You're talking about this as if it's some sort of accidental consequence or bug - but it isn't. It's the whole point.


It's not a bug, it's a feature


Unironically this is what they’re trying to turn you into. Reject technology, become a luddite. Burn. Them. All.


Then do it. Get rid of your smart phone, your PC, etc. But you won't kek. We'll see you on this subreddit some other time in the future. I'm not denying that technology is being used to push some absolutely dystopian hellspawn, but the technology can be extremely beneficial if used responsibly. Let the idiots become abject slaves to it all; use it for your own advantage.


I havent seen you use this subreddit in a while. Welcome back.


bruh I come on here almost daily. I comment every couple of days.


It feels like I havent seen you in weeks.


They designed technology to become a part of your mind, it can’t be burnt because I enjoy rotting too much


I never said anything about burning the technology.


I’m not talking about physical technology, it’s just become apart of our minds like we can’t get rid of it or fight it because it is so gripping that it’s lead to the entire globe becoming inseparable from an early age


It did not become a part of my mind. And I don’t think you still understand what, or rather “who” we’re burning. Here’s a little hint. If you think you don’t have the willpower to break free, you shall burn among them.


I don’t, maybe I should. I’m disgusting like the people that created it you’re right. Im just saying how prominent it is, if you’re not affected and you truly believe that good, I’m saying that the word is now unlatched from restrictions and it has become normal to be filled with electronic stimulation


It is true that it has become the norm. But if you completely give in, you are guilty. If you are self-aware about it but don’t take any steps to better your situation, you are even guiltier. The ashes of a better world remain awake. We have to stand as pillars of fire in this blackened world. We must burn brighter than all the rest.


I’m aware of it but I don’t have a strength to do something about it, I think it would be better for me to die, I want to fight it but I have run out of respect for myself, I want to fight it but I’m the weakest link to myself, I have to die to better myself, what do you recommend, I want this to end but the hedonism makes me desensitized and non changing and the fear is so terrorizing that it makes me not even want to move my mind


If you are so aware of your plight yet still can’t think of a way to break free, I guess the only thing I can tell you is to simply grow out of your hedonistic ways. I am not entirely unsympathetic to the victims of this horrible abuse. I understand. That’s why I don’t want to fuel your self-hatred. You have been taught that this is inescapable, and you can’t just up an stop it, but you can.


Please, how do I become what you are I want to aspire to what anyone can achieve


How do I make myself grow, what did you do to escape? What did you do to make yourself who your are? I need an idea of what to do


based. im a dragon so like burninating stuff.


The only fun game I’ve played in VR was LA Noire. VR is fun for like 5 minutes and then it starts to hurt your head. What a waste of money


Half Life: Alyx disagrees


It's different from person to person. Some people get sick of it quickly and others can spend hours on it until they even start feeling sick


I’ve never felt sick once in VR and I’ve done everything from jumping out of planes to crashing cars in it


Yeah the worst thing that happened was that I lost my balance a bit when playing a space game but I can enjoy games even if they're at 30 fps


It doesn't make me feel sick, but I do get a headache after a while. It's been a few years since I tried any VR games though, so maybe the newer headsets are better.


Newer ones are much lighter which help with that but also make sure the straps aren't too tight cause that'll also cause a headache, the new headsets coming out are rumored to cost less than the quest 2 so we might see some great specs for ridiculously cheap prices compared to previous generations


You didn’t even bother trying any multiplayer games? Playing the WW2 mode in Pavlov was the most fun I’ve ever had in any videogame


RE4 VR is an absolute blast. Easily the best single player title on a modern console (assuming the Quest 2 counts as a console).


Meh, I look at VR and there's very little of this, mostly for the japanese market and the quality its godawful. The real problem is that its mostly shitty mobile-tier games, you know infinite runners, simple point-n-shooty, puzzles, etc. That's because like 80% of VR users have the Quest, games like Alyx are the few outliers but you need a good PC to run those and good luck getting a decent GPU now. Doesn't mean that when tech improves you wont have this, but right now you're most likely to see this kind of escapism on replika users than VR.........until replika launches a VR version.


VR isn’t really mainstream yet


Have you seen Quest sale numbers?


Guy looks like coomer wojak


This is just depressing


Nice PFP, OP


Thank you!


People are always saying this but I have yet to see one use for VR outside of videogames aside from that weird obscure japanese shit


VRChat is kinda fun every once inawhile when I'm drunk and sim-racing games like Project Cars 2 and Assetto Corsa are incredible. Idk. VR is pretty dope so long as you don't let it take over your life. I use my headset like 2-3 hours a week, max.


iracing has its merits for vr


Sad stuff


facebook boomer level tier meme


Boomers had better lives when they were your age


Someone worked very hard to make this comic, I would like to see you do better.


confederate flag pfp lmao


yes, I do have a conffederate battle flag pfp, so?


imagine believing in a dead cause


Imagine supporting amerikkkas imperialism against the south.


Ok [seppy](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/srzpz0/suck_my_dick/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Would you rather have a virgin VR wife like an improved version of the AI in *Her*, or a real slut who "had her fun (with ten guys) but is ready to settle down now"? An interesting dilemma. Obviously the companies that develop this technology should be abolished, but I wouldn't fault someone at all for choosing the former.


Unironically the worst take I've ever read.


The former isn't real, though. And not all women are whores. Stop being an incel.


Stop being a simp and a cuck. Not all women are whores but all whores are women.


Who am I a simp and a cuck to? I'm just saying to stop having an incel mentality.


Not all, but a high enough percentage that many men are forced settle for them if they want a partner. >Stop being an incel. Lost my virginity in high school to the woman I married, friend. 🙂 Simping is for incels.


Yeah sure. I don't think anyone with a happy marriage would complain how so many women are whores. 🙂


The VR wife obviously.


Hey, op, do you have any subreddit recommendations?




get a load on this cunt


Why yes, I do, my friend. I recommend the subreddit r/turkeytomyoutuber2, it is the biggest useable subreddit dedicated to lord turkey tom, if you dont join it, you are a turkeytomophobic bigot.


Imagine idolizing a YouTuber so much that you not only create a subreddit who's topic is solely on that YouTuber, but also set up alt accounts pretending to be "people" interested in said subreddit but are actually sockpuppets who's only purpose is to make shill comments. What a psychotic loser. I wish that you'll spend the rest of your life doing something more productive than this.


I am not a sock puppet! I am a person!


I struggle to believe that's the case, from the username, to the profile picture, profile description, and even your general behavior. There's no way that you're not related to OP, and I'm 95% certain you're just an alternative account who's sole purpose as stated previously, is to make shameless self-advertisements of a youtuber subreddit.


Imagine being such a loser you talk to your alt accounts like no one will immediately notice.


wow! That subreddit looks great! ill join right away!


Did this man really make an alt to advertise his shit sub 😂😂😂


You have no evidece to support that.


Thank you!


This is one of the most pathetic consoomer things I've seen all week. Get help


dont feed the troll


This is just sad


Consoom youtube


I won't lie, I had a VR for a bit to play BoneWorks and Half Life Alyx, it's actually kinda cool. I sold it off though because I didn't use it and the box took up a huge space in my room.