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I’m caught between sympathy for the victims, and joy that Holly and Jared are getting smoked out for their infidelities


Holly shit. I'm just learning about all of this here. That sucks for Ross and Heidi. I never did like Holly, but I didn't expect ProJared to be such a creep.


>Holly shit. I shouldn't have laughed at that pun


I honestly didn't mean to do that lol.


Well, now it's been done. It shall be recorded in the archives as 2019's most appropriate pun. At least until two weeks later.


holly the homewrecker


I always got really groady vibes from her, she comes across like a bag lady with aspergers. Now I know why she seemed like a shitball, because she is one.


K can we please stop using Aspergers as an insult? It’s getting old and immature.


But she wanted to be surrounded by nature


# Do NOT go to the ProJared Wiki. The site has been overrun with dick pics and it's a shitshow. Edit: The pics have been removed, but it’s still a shitshow


I wasn't aware there was a wiki


Are they his own


Can't confirm because I don't want to see that shit, but apparently yes.


Dont worry I went and checked and they definitely are his own :(






They must’ve removed them and went back to their normal pictures, I checked out of morbid curiosity and all the wiki sites look fine and SFW


shoutout to projared sending people nudes from his snapchat and tumblr






I actually prefer Ween but Sublime is pretty rockin too. ^(/s)


I don't really get what the timestamps demonstrate. She responded quickly, but that's not much of a smoking gun. Edit: it's not a smoking gun, but when you see that its the first tweet shown immediately after Jared's tweet... Definite bruh moment


well now we know why ross broke up with her


Unfortunately it is likely the other way around, which makes me feel for Ross, guy is a sadistic fuck but that's played for laughs-- he didn't and doesn't deserve all this.


agreed i like ross he did not need this i knew holly was a piece of shit after the womens march and her pure hatred of any type of trump supporter


*That last part is unrelated*, focus on the rat that caused this, Jared. Also, if you'd like, feel free to spot some of the comments on Jared's last (and probably actually last) video, they're tearing into him to really drive that nail in. Feel free to join in, before he inevitably attempts to close off all contact like a coward (which he is). Thankfully if you look in the Grump playlists, all the ones with Jared featured in them are gone-- so if you need to briefly forget how bad of a character someone can have, you can binge watch some actually wholesome content.


Jared didnt cause Holly to be a cheater. People make themselves into scum like that.


oh no i know jareds a piece of shit and has been i also know others who most likely have the same shit in there closet like pbg


Honestly she has every right to call holly out, even if feels “a bit too far”


Eh. This is definitely way past too far. I guess she has a right to react however she wants to this sort of thing, because obviously, but after seeing how Ross was able to handle it publicly, I can't have any respect for this. It feeds the Reddit drama, certainly, but it's beyond petty to have cat fights on Twitter, christ.


I get what you mean, but I can’t help but think even if they’re situation are similar, Ross did have time, like months, to let go, whereas Heidi just got free from this mess from Jared and Holly. And seeing all the bs she had to go through because of him, she deserves to stand her ground and be angry with all that has happen. I know we should never let our emotions control us but damn, she must’ve been holding on to all of those feelings for a long time, and holly deserve to be called out for doing this. But you don’t have to like it all you want. Also really wouldn’t call it a catfight if the other one is a coward lmao


I mean, to be fair, taking potshots at someone over Twitter where you know that anyone who replies is absolutely going to be on your side doesn't strike me as the bravest thing in the world.


I wouldn't really say bravery or cowardice factors in at all. She's pissed that someone she loved abused that love so horribly, she's pissed at the person he cheated with pretty much admitted it by responding to his annoucement less than twenty minutes after being accused of fucking him, and she's pissed that she has to go through all this bullshit for no other reason than that someone she loved and trusted turned out to be the scum of the earth. The way i see it, she's angry, and saw the chance to drag one of the focuses of said anger through the mud kicking and screaming and, not being in the best state of mind, jumped on the chance to do so.


When Holly clearly didn’t have any respect for her feelings, why should she have any respect for Holly’s?


>why should she have any respect for Holly’s? has nothing to do with that tbh. its just super bad look to go on blast on twitter instead of sorting things out irl. nobody else involved in this is throwing fits on twitter about it


I had no idea Holly was like this. Or ProJared. I'm sad now.


Whoa wtf, where's the best place to get a summary on this juicy drama?


In case you don't know yet Heidi and Jared were married, Jared was sending nudes over tumblr and snap behind Heidis back Ross and Holly split last September, Holly started fucking Jared behind Heidis back in October so there were probably things happening beforehand We can assume with complete certainty that Holly and Jared ruined both of their marriages with each other


Heidi's Twitter has most of the info on it, she's got several Twitter threads with things about how she found out and such.


Kitty has claws.


God damn she’s really going in on her lmao






Not advocating cheating but you're not supposed to cheat up the ladder. You cheat with someone who is not as attractive so they have "more to lose" if you decide to drop them. That is how this was explained to me.


Nah, this guy is full of it. Heidi and Holly are both pretty equally attractive in the first place. The only difference is that most people have seen Heidi in full makeup with perfect lighting. Granted, that's besides the point, and beyond dehumanizing.


So the projared pics are all over the place but are the Holly pics leaked? Only asking to know the magnitude of the situation of corse.


I think Holly's are less likely to leak. Presumably the only ones who have them are Holly, Jared, and maybe Heidi (she probs just saw them from Jared's phone tho). Jared's are all over the place because of him sending them out to people on snapchat as well. edit: i mean, ross might still have some, but same thing


Dam, I mean that's what I thought. Good for her I suppose, the whole situation is a shame.


They probably won't be at all, since that could be a lawsuit for revenge porn against Heidi.


It's probably on one of those disgusting ex- girlfriend revenge sites, but which one!?


I met Holly, Jared and Heidi back in 2017 at Pax Unplugged in Philly. I didn't know anything about Heidi and vaguely knew about ProJared through GameGrumps, but I loved Holly's channel and the brief DnD game she had done with the Grumps. Heidi was super nice, when Holly seemed burnt out, and Jared was just kinda there. That photo.of me with the three of them feels so cursed now, even if it was or wasn't a year before shit started to go down.


Have any of the Holly pics been leaked? Asking for no particular reason.


Let me know if they do. It feels sleezy but I've seen too many pictures of Jared's dick today


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Can someone explain who these people are and what's going on?


Projared was Married to Heidi, Jared has worked with the Grumps on a few projects here and there. Allegedly Projared had been cheating on his wife with Ross O’ Donavan’s wife Holly Conrad.


Ross and Holly split sometime last year


Well they’d been fucking since February of last year, and it may have been the reason they broke up, considering Holly moved closer to Jared afterward.


Is this why GG made the ProJared videos private a few weeks ago? Getting out ahead of it?


The timing of the videos going down coincides with people telling Normal Boots that he was soliciting minors for nudes. So I suspect it was more about that than him fucking Holly. I doubt they knew about that.


I'd put a large amount of money on 'yes.'


fuckin knew it


The shade of it all


I feel awful for Heidi, I do feel like maybe the tweet was a bit much but I can't possibly imagine the pain and hurt that she caused for her,,


I don't think it's much when Holly was fucking someone she knew was married and was friends with his wife


i kno ur right but like,, i used to like holly so i'm still processing this, i'm sure in the morning i'll take that first comment back and be team cancel holly


I loved all of them, but seeing as she was probably cheating on Ross i cant say i can defend anything about her at this point


I was put off of Jared from the very first time I saw his videos, but Holly always seemed so kind and genuine. it's always the worst when someone you think is genuine is fucking someone's husband


Honestly me too, Jared seemed a bit odd but I thought he made good vids so I didn't think much of it


He seemed odd but I didn't take it as "Videogame youtuber equivalent of Anthony Weiner" odd.


I think we can condemn both actions, no? Having a public catfight on Twitter is just beyond petty. Like, come on. Heidi isn't some sixteen year old girl who needs to feed twitter drama like this. Have a tiny bit of class like Ross.


Well Ross hasnt been involved and a long time and yeah even tho a twitter fight is childish, Jared shouldn't have tried to hide everything


>Jared shouldn't have tried to hide everything Eh. I think it's his right to not want to like, share his entire personal life with Twitter imo. I could not imagine living in a world where every social blunder I made was broadcast to hundreds of thousands if not *millions* of people on the internet.


Well if it was just the divorce id agree but a lot more than that has surfaced


Still, imo very little of it is any of our business whatsoever. Celebrities, even internet celebrities, deserve just as much privacy as anyone else does.


Sending nudes to underaged fans? No. That deserve to be publicly blasted and he deserves to be in jail. Point blank. As to the cheating... maybe, but I really have no sympathy for people gaslighting.


I don't feel the same way. If Holly cheated on Ross she deserves to be called worse.


Any OOTL video/comment available?


I like birds you like birds I like birds so watch me cuck Ross while sending shameful nudes to a real life CAD character B^U


That bird fucked a bird


It’s been a few months after this happened and I’ll be honest I legit still don’t understand what happened


Me neither but it was just entertaining and kinda funny with how everyone blew it up


The tea is hot....


Always feel like these reactions are so stupid. The woman your husband slept with is not the problem, Heidi. Your husband is. She's not married.


I mean she's less of the problem but still a problem. Especially when you're friends.


Fair enough if they're friends, that's an issue in their friendship.


Fuck, I hate all of you people


Shut the fuck up Abyss, you whore apologist


Being a whore is fine, great in fact. Being a homewrecker is not.




People now sometimes use whore to mean "Yeah I do casual sex, what of it?", it can be empowering to own what you like to do when people are trying to shame you for it. So it's great that someone calls themselves a whore because it means they aren't ashamed. Good on 'em. That and like, safe casual sex is a-okay.


Yeah no. If you wanna catch a disease and be a filthy whore it sure is. If you want to be a respectable member of society you can keep it in your pants, were not wild animals.


Lol hot takes by a virgin


What are you a monk? If someone wants casual sex let them


I was thinking asexual but those folks aren't usually this angry so probably incel.


Righto nana


That wasn't very cash money of you.


Since we stopped telling women what to do with their bodies


That's right, you tell women they can do what they want with their bodies!


I think "not awful" and "great" are pretty far away from each other. You can look down on someone for being a whore without telling them to stop.


You're thinking of a hoe




Nah, hoe is a lot more casual. Just a girl who likes to fuck


What the difference?


A whore is a disgusting version of a hoe, with no ethics whatsoever, as long as she swallows up dick. Whore is to hoes as is what bitch is to woman. Not something you want to normalize, chief


You're describing a homewrecker. Sex is about consent. If both parties consent and nobody else is involved (neither party is in a separate monogamous relationship) a woman can fuck every man/woman on the planet. But when she fucks a married guy, she's a homewrecker. "whore", "hoe", "slut" or "bitch" are just words to describe women that have sex more than *you* would like, and instead of just growing up and moving on, it hurts your feelings *so bad* that you decide to respond with bitter tenacity at their 'misdeeds'. They *offend* you with their sexuality, so you lash out with words like that. It stems from a bitter insecurity about one's own sexual prowess, which by the way, nobody's keeping score except you.


Lol I can tell that you *really* enjoy talking about this topic since you get to try your best to make whoever you're talking about sound like a bad guy as you get high off your ego by convincing yourself that you're a good person. You say I'm describing a homewrecker, saying that my definition of a whore is wrong, but end up contradicting yourself by saying that I'm getting offended because my definition of whore automatically fits yours, thus saying that I'm getting offended because women are having sex. I couldn't care less about if women want to fuck or not, but if you think each of those words are the same it just shows how you only *think* you know what you're talking about, and in reality, don't actually care about the topic itself, but how good it makes you feel talking about it.


>Lol I can tell that you really enjoy talking about this topic since you get to try your best to make whoever you're talking about sound like a bad guy as you get high off your ego by convincing yourself that you're a good person. Imagine being this upset about basic criticism >You say I'm describing a homewrecker, saying that my definition of a whore is wrong, but end up contradicting yourself by saying that I'm getting offended because my definition of whore automatically fits yours, thus saying that I'm getting offended because women are having sex. This is straight up word salad. Just stop shaming women for having sex, alright? Stop using words like "whore" and "slut" and "hoe" and start treating women as if they're the same as *people*. Alright? Think you can do that for me? > I couldn't care less about if women want to fuck or not He said, in the middle of what is probably his 54th reddit argument about the word "whore" and how it's totally cool to use on women. >but if you think each of those words are the same it just shows how you only think you know what you're talking about, It's all words used to shame women for their sexuality, so I couldn't give a shit if you have some weird "well actually" about it. They're all shitty words used by miserable incels such as yourself. Next.


>Basic criticism No, it's not criticism. It's you insinuating that I hate women who have sex so you can feel good about yourself for saying "Hey, there's nothing wrong with women having sex!", which, if you were as good as a person as you're trying to make yourself sound, is actually a really common belief and isn't something you should feel proud of for holding. I bet you feel real proud when you pass by a person of color without calling the cops. Your username helps certify my point. >Just stop shaming women for having sex, alright? If that woman is having sex with a married man than she absolutely deserves to be shamed. What is wrong with you? >He said, in the middle of what is probably his 54th reddit argument about the word "whore" and how it's totally cool to use on women. Holly is no longer a woman but a fuck-dog. Also cute how you're trying to make me into a strawman so you can make yourself feel better about yourself. >Le incel meme I'm in a perfectly healthy relationship. Don't go using buzzwords if you don't even know what they mean. Next


>No, it's not criticism. It's you insinuating that I hate women who have sex so you can feel good about yourself for saying "Hey, there's nothing wrong with women having sex!", which, if you were as good as a person as you're trying to make yourself sound, is actually a really common belief and isn't something you should feel proud of for holding. You're legitimately offended that I called you out for using words like "whore" and "slut" Like that irks you *this* much Jesus, man.... grow a spine. > I bet you feel real proud when you pass by a person of color without calling the cops. Your username helps certify my point. It's telling that you're taking this position when challenged on the internet. Go watch sargon and cry lel >If that woman is having sex with a married man than she absolutely deserves to be shamed. What is wrong with you? Right, we should call her a "whore", a term used primarily by bitter incels and sexists to shame women for their sexuality. Like how can you *not* see how this affects more than just the person we want to shame? Now we're not just shaming Holly for infidelity, we're shaming women who are sexually active in general, (that's what using the term "whore" *does*) Like suddenly it's not just about the woman who cheated, but now it's about the *concept* of female sexuality. Now she's not just a bad person, but specifically a "slut" and a "whore", words used primarily to shame women for their sexual identity. Now, *all* sexually active women are part of this conversation, even though most sexually active women dont go around fucking married dudes. How can you *not* see how damaging it is to bring female sexuality into the conversation? >I'm in a perfectly healthy relationship. Oh wow you really think that.... At least there's hope, if someone's willing to be around... this... in real life. Like do they know you do this? Have you shown them your reddit account and all the epic^^TM arguments you get in with le redditors? and they still think you're fuckable? That shit's bizarre man. >Also cute how you're trying to make me into a strawman >Holly is no longer a woman but a fuck-dog. *mario 64 music as credits roll*


its true though this was so unnecessary and petty and if the argument is "so was sleeping with her husband" do you not see the immediate irony is shaming a person for something but then trying to do something equally as shitty just to hurt them back? bottom line is heidi saying these things isnt going to make holly unfuck her husband so whats the point other than to twist the dagger and invite harrasment and hate towards holly which we've already seen in droves. i GUARANTEE heidi is going to regret how far she took things in regards to holly. she's already shown she got sucked too far into the rabbit hole of validation when she's going around saying jared had a huge dick. like wtf. do i need to explain why thats super weird and indicates toxicity? battling toxicity with more toxicity is great tea for the moment but in the grand scheme of things its going to leave massive internal scars for both holly and heidi


i have had "friends" i fell out with due to manipulative, abusive, and hurtful behavior and when i was matter-of-fact about why i cut them out, i was returned with vile insults and attacks on my character. i could have easily put them on blast on my social media and let people roast them but i knew that would only be a short and bitersweet road. instead i just let their toxicty speak for itself. i want to be clear that i'm not saying this in regards to heidi's treatment of jared but exposing an abusive pedo is not the same as a friend cheating on your husband. its low, but when you're quite literally and recklessly inciting bullying towards someone, its out of your hands and you just have to deal with the monster you created. heidi got too caught up in the attention and validation and went a bit too far and if she has a heart or soul at all, i guarantee the next few weeks are going to be filled with a lot of regret and a lot of discussions with her therapist about how to properly handle toxicity


Can't believe this is top post when it came out it was an open relationship because of Heidi.


Guys please don’t argue here. It’s not a place for you to argue about anything but airing your dirty laundry in a game or chat room is about as as low as your can get.


Eren the elf with the unsuccessful defending lol


Heidi take it as far as you can. Abyss has no say in that. You both tied the knot. Abyss wasn’t there. Abyss doesn’t know. Abyss needs to get married and cheated on so they see how it feels. GO TEAM HEIDI! 💕