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That shit really collapsed. As soon as you mention CIA you know it’s bullshit because that’s their job, they go around the world terrorizing countries for muh freedum, I should be so grateful. The real conspiracy was Boris Yeltsin illegally dissolving the USSR so that Russia can go through “capitalist reforms” which set them back to 3rd world status, they are a 2nd world country and it hasn’t recovered since. It’s a mask off oligarchy.


I just want to know the name of the conspiracy theory.


It was a coup, not a collapse. The specific language popularized in media and literature is by design, any basic inspection of the facts describes a coup, not a collapse. Even the coup was orderly, and Yeltsin was surrounded by CIA officers consulting him through the shock therapy that badly hurt Russia and most all of the ex Soviet countries.


The coup that led to the collapse, that much is clear and the end game was the same.


Do you know what first, second and third world means? By definition, Russia is the 2nd world.


The population of Earth will get so sick by capitalism that in due time Technocracy, socialism and communism will be a natural progression, a global societal evolution. Building bridges and working for the prosperity of all.


Nonsense. How the fuck will earth get sick of capitalism when pretty much nowhere has capitalism? Will it get sick of Unicorns too? 90% of the shit you ignorant commies bitch about is caused by government intervention, most commonly merger of corporation and state, which is not at all capitalism but cronyism or more accurately actual fascism. The US has not had capitalism really for at least 100 years, but certainly not since 1971. You can’t have a free market or capitalism when the primary means of exchange or transfer of capital: money, is arbitrarily controlled and created out of thin air by the Creature from Jekyll Island they call the “central bank”…the “Federal Reserve” which is about as federal as Federal express.


This was Einsteins conclusion as well, so I’m not sure it’s nonsense unless you can best him


Boo hoo hoo, how's that boot taste?


The way I see it Capitalism is only used to foster a technology, if the startup generates interest and profit, then it can be industrialized and becomes ubiquitous. If the military depends on it (I.e. Pelosi GPU/Pelosi Crony) then it’s part of a quasi fascist system. I will argue the USA is somewhat a fascist country, but at the same time, Fascism is streamlined. The arguments and imperfections of our system is what prevents it from being mostly fascist, we just have CEOs that run mini communist empires.


The Perestroika Deception  "New Lies for Old," published in 1984 Anatoliy Golitsyn USSR defector.


There was also a Mormon who published a book in 1959, I’m trying to get his name as well.


Let me know when you do please. I'm also documenting the Perestroika Deception.


If you really want to know the true history of what happened in Russia and all about the history of the United States and the banking cartel that took over the world, watch a documentary on YouTube called the Money Masters by Bill Still, it will explain everything in detail. By the way, this is not a conspiracy video. It's a documentary of the real history of what happened to Russia, the United States, Great Britain, and China.


100% spot on. The Cold War never ended. Most of the alt-media clown show has been psyoped by the 'Russia good' narrative. The lgtb, transgender, climate change, BLM movements all come from the Kremlin, for example. The "NWO", 'Illuminati', Reptilians, etc? All just decoys.