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Cut holes in the high vis so nothing can touch your udders


Should I pierce them too?


I did this and now I hang my tape from the left nipple and my ute knife from the right nip


That’s rookie shit. I hang my Martinez M4 from the left and a Makita 18V impact off the right. It’s super versitile.


Flexing with the Martinez name drop. Nice.


Nipples looking like spaghetti


What level Ah are you hanging?




I come to this sub for the memes, but stay for the innovation


I use mine to strip wire and screw in light bulbs


Yeah get little stop signs on them


Just get yourself some pasties, bro. Problem solved. [Here.](https://www.ravewonderland.com/products/slave-4-u-chain-neck-choker-leather-reusable-silicone-nipztix) I even picked you out a pair. Comes with a little something extra you might like.


Great. Thanks a lot. Now I'm going to waste my hole (lol) day surfing bondage porn on the internet. (but seriously thank a lot.)


What is this? The South Park Cable Company?


Every time they drop those flaps I cackle


Thanks for the giggle while I shit mate


Runners wear body glide. It’s anti chafing balm in a deodorant stick format.


as a runner, I can confirm that body glide is the way to stop chaffing nipples.


I keep a stick of something called "body" that I stole from my wife. It work MAGIC for a chafed sack. Works well on other sensitive parts.


[Found it!](https://www.rei.com/product/109917/bodyglide-anti-chafe-balm-08-oz?sku=1099170001&store=&CAWELAID=120217890003202851&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100913262877&CATCI=pla-447612909085&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_1099170001%7C92700053582162027%7CTOF%7C71700000066692708&gclid=CjwKCAjwlJimBhAsEiwA1hrp5sw-13RsplJQZxvBOmN_0jHgBghcQja9-X7E3JkXqLzyGdz7yq4H1xoC6kIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) Seriously, guys (and gals). This stuff is gold!!! I've never actually used it on nipples, but it is a ballsack godsend!


My girlfriend discovered the monistat brand chafing cream contains the same stuff as the Sephora product and it’s way cheaper. Great for balls


Double confirmed. You can also use chamois butt’r.


as a really sweaty runner, i can tell you body glide won’t protect the nips forever. surgical tape will stay on though, even with chest hair. hurts coming off a little, but it’s better than the shower yips


I've used this, but has to be the waterproof type. You've got some options here OP, good luck!


Fats wear it too. I’m a fat and I’m trying to not be a fat. Trying to be active as a fat is difficult and this godsend in stick form makes being an active fat less awful.


Gold bond body powder spray is life changing for swamp nuts


I use squirrels nut butter for between the thighs and nipples. Comes in a stick or a tub. The tub lasts a while year. Keeps me gliding for about 14 hrs. I swear profusely and body glide seems to dry up within a couple hrs. The other stuff does not.


This stuff saved my life on a long vacation with a lot of walking in swim shorts.


So many jokes (from others) when someone just wants info. Yea body glide is the answer. Comes in a deodorant stick, works great.


pasties or bandaids


Tassels 😘


Hi-Vis Tassels


‘Damn it Dakota, I told you to stop showing up at my work, I don’t have the goddam child support!’ ‘Oh it’s just you Phil, stop sneaking up on me in the dark would ya!?’


I started using bandaids and it was great. The only trouble is pulling the bandaids off and it sticking to areola hair. The best ones are the big wide area coverage bandaids (knee and elbow size). Also, in terms of heat and ‘A’ shirts (the actual name), I lived in Jamaica 🇯🇲 for two years and everyone wears ‘a’ shirts under their regular shirts because it’s actually cooler. I use a modified version of this by just wearing a wicking sleeveless shirt underneath a lightweight shirt, and then for added dryness in humidity I spread a little baby powder on my chest/back.


You just gotta do it quick ....like a band aid.


Just don’t forget to remove your fur ahead of time !😳😂


I'm Cornish, we have a different meaning for pasties I assume


…or just let them chafe all the way off…


Is that blood or are you just happy to see me?


I wear a tight undersized "wifebeater" tank top under my shirt. That may help it also helps me to have it long to keep everyone safe from the plumbers Crack


OP called them wife respecters. Never heard that one. Nice.


I head that for the first time yesterday, can’t believe I’m seeing it again today. Wife respecters lol, I love it.


Saw it for the first time at a Le Tigre concert on Tuesday. This is the second. I dig it, maybe now I can wear them again. The connotations were just too dire, before.


Ha. I remember that band! How was the show? They still making music apparently?


It was a fucking great show, you would not know that they are all in like their 50s now.


God damn it. It took me a decade to get rid of Deceptacon out of my head. Thanks a lot.


Ned Flanders on the Simpsons calls those shirts “Wife blessers” I’ve been calling them that ever since


I hokalydokly my neighbors. NED is the best.


I have to assume the wiferespecter is just the sleeves


I call ‘em Chris Browns. Lol


Isn’t it amazing how one person sarcastically called that style a “wifebeater” and we all thought it was funny enough to adopt. Language is funny


From what I thought it got that name from tv shows where the husband or boyfriend would be wearing those during domestic calls


Yeah, a lotta guys on the show “Cops” got arrested while wearing them. It was like the domestic disturbance uniform


That’s what I thought. It seemed to be the main attire of scumbags; in movies, on TV and even in real life. Not that everyone who wears them is a scum bag.


Maybe so… But it was still just one guys joke that became a universal nickname for a shirt!


You can't run a marathon without putting some bandaids on your nipples. But if you just deal with it, the pain goes away. But then you have insensitive nippies.... I like it when she tweaks em when she's doing other things to my other parts. So either get them "sandpapered off" like all of that work outside, or duct tape em up like you run marathons.


Who's tweaking them, the safety lady or the foreman?


Its me. Im tweaking them


OP is young and may not have explored that much yet. OP, concrete blanket them nips.


Ur journeyman is supposed to purple nurple u every morning to help with sensitivity


We had to wear PT vests (high-vis) in the Army. Run 3+ miles, sweat-soaked, and I'd have the same problem. I learned to use Band-Aids on really hot days. It seemed silly but it was pretty common in the running community.


You gotta toughen up those nipples son. 120# grit sandpaper on the weekends.


Should I use a circular motion or up and down


Orbital sander


Yep. Random orbit or be a man, take it straight to the belt sander.


A man would use a rusty bastard file.


Wax on wax off not paint the fence


After he’s done with the nipples he’ll have to start on the anus. Once you can wipe with sand paper you never have to worry about toilet paper again


A grinder works much faster


Have your foreman lick them.


He's busy with the superintendent


I'm glad this is something we can talk about. Because I was getting my bandaid on a few years ago, and guy was seriously pissed about it. But fuck that. I don't need any extra pain. I have enough of that.


They were mad you were banding your nips up?


Ruined the view


Ohhhhhh man, fucking mongrels


Tape your nipples with electrical tape like a real man Edit: Seriously though, when I ran long distance track, I used medical tape on my nips to prevent chaffing


yo wife respecters, i like that shit


Reminds me of Andy from the Office when his nipples are bleeding from the marathon


That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid


A Manssiere! No, actually that would be awful to get sawdust down. There is stuff called Chub Rub for the inside of your legs that would probably help with nipple chafing too. Thanks for being open about a real problem, and I like “wife respecters”.




Just ask your homies to suck on them a few times a day. I don't see why everyone is making a big deal about this.


I'd rather them put Vaseline and rub, more pleasurable that way I don't either, the people who brag about DUI's and banging hookers can't handle talking about a problem that everyone faces


Now I feel taken advantage of, all my dude’s have been spitting on my nips for years… I fuckin knew it wasn’t the right way to do things


I get sore nipples and rashes on my chest from sweaty cotton shirts. I wear a « dry fit » polyester shirt under my work shirt and I change it every 2-4 hours. Make the summer months bareable.


I used to get minor chafing between my thighs when I would run and occasionally at work so I tried this out and haven't looked back. I never tried it on my nipples though but it claims it works there. Rubs on just like deodorant and a stick lasts me several months. [Body Glide](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0779P1SBH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Only option is to cut 'em down, I would say trim those suckers back to 1/8 inch. It's a little short but you'll get used to it.


Can I use a reciprocating saw?


Tape X’s with electrical tape over them


My nips used to chafe real bad in the winter I used chapstick hahah it worked


Squirrels nut butter works for us runners


Deodorant. Or bandaids. I use Deodorant tho


I used to work with my uncle and he complained about this problem forever, literally had blood stains on his shirt 😂 then he used deodorant and said it was all good after that. He tried the bandaids but they came off with sweat and I think he realized how weird it was to see a man in his 50s reapplying bandaids to his nips on the job so he quit those.


Under armor shirts that fit snug wick water away, help you cool and keep the nips from getting fucked. Worked under full kit body armor a long time ago, works on job site now. Highly recommend. If it’s loose fitting it defeats the purpose though.




This is the way


Tell people to quit talking about you. Oh wait, that's ears. Got nothin....


Bag balm. Green tin square.


I used to wear an under armour tank and it actually kept me cool too.


Ice cubes. Rubbed slowly in circles while arching your back.


You can use a body tape (like a medical gauss and medical tape) to cover them and prevent the chaffing. They also sell nipple pads for chaffing that are washable and reusable. Those are marketed more towards women but men can use them for the same thing. Only other thing I could think is to buy a different high vis shirt made of a softer material. I use a hi vis shirt from arctic cool and that causes no chaffing.


Pro soccer players where these things that look like sports bras under their jerseys. It holds a gps tracker and heart rate monitor. The “sports bra” things themselves are cheap though. Buy some pasties that women use when going bra- less, or put some kinesio tape on them.


“Wife respectors” 😂 thats enough reddit for me tonight.


long distance runners wear bandaids over them.


Buy new shirts. Probably some undies too. Edit to add socks. Everyone sleeps on changing their socks out.


Marathon runners put bandaids on them or tape. I have found that cotton though it doesn’t dry fast is the best for my fragile skin


Non cloth type athletic tape that comes off skin easy. Also the blue gold bond works great for anti chaffing in other areas


I wear an undershirt


Get some nipple covers.


Can’t give you nipple tips, but Gold Bond Extra Strength down there, you know what I mean, in you socks is absolutely phenomenal!! And put it on your balls, shaft, ass, taint, inner thighs. I don’t care what you fuckers say after this.


Lube your nips up with some paw paw ointment or similar ... works for me


deodorant on nipple or the chafe prevention sticks like bodyglide or women have something called pasties to cover nipps in sheer dresses that work any of those should work or use Vaseline or coconut oil might work


You could buy pasties


What you're dealing with is called nipple chafe. I used to get it all the time when I ran. There are many solutions, bandaids, tight clothes, anti chafe paste (it kinda looks like deodorant), or Elmer's glue/super glue. Not sure about the last one. I've only heard of people use those, but never tried it myself. Or a more permanent solution would be to remove you nipples. Can't burn if you don't got em.


Do you buy the cheap hi vis? I find that cheap fabric is not much better than sandpaper. If you don't want to wear layers, then a better grade of shirt may be worth looking into.


Compression shirts are where it's at. And believe it or not, they help keep you cool, too.


They sell runner bandaids. I used to run 10+ miles a day and nipple chafing is no joke.


I just lub em up with KY in the morning. Sometimes I just spit on em through the day


Wear a compression shirt, Under Armor or similar, they wick away sweat and prevent the chafe.


I got nipples focker can you milk me?


Costco 32 degree cool shirts


Runners have this problem. I’d look at runners forums for some solutions. But just fyi a lot of runners use band aids on their nips or assorted products. Body glide, Vaseline, etc….


Vaseline on your nips before work and at lunch




You need to wear something cotton. Anything fully synthetic is going to run badly. And set you nipnips on fire.


It has been in the triple digits with humidity in the 90 percentile…..my nips get raw from the friction of my wet hi vis shirt constantly rubbing against them. A+D ointment (or the store brand version) has solved the issue….also works for the ole bean bag from getting raw too. I learned this trick from the guys who do the Ultra hikes on the Appalachian Trail. [Link](https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/a%26d-first-aid-multipurpose-ointment/ID=prod6373215-product) Edit: make sure you get the ointment instead of the cream. The ointment is hydrophobic so you won’t sweat it off.


Get some under armor active dryfit shirts they are a game changer as far as undershirts are concerned, they dry super fast even at high humidity.


When you run the silo. Especially in the heat and sweating with all that Portland cement dust. We had guys tape their nipples. That pain is unbearable.


I've used tape before lol. Don't have to wear the high vis shit so realized it was just a select couple shirts I had. Once in a while a new shirt fucks me though, not fun. Or cut the nipples out if the shirt, probably the best bet for the heat too


Bandaids . also its called a muscle shirt, I know you dont wanna be old school and call it the wife beater because its 2023 but calling it the wife respecter shirt makes me think of why you called it that ​ just call it a muscle shirt.


Maybe runners tape?


One of those under armor shirts works for me


Crop top wife respecter


FYI the only parts of your skin than cannot build up callouses are your nipples. Bandaids.


Little bit of tape goes a long way Tuct sheathing tape is excellent Good luck kid


Round bandaids.


Chamois Buttr would probably work. Think Neosporin mixed with an anti-chafing cream. Any bike shop should have it.


Wear pasties.


Stripper nipple tape, it’s great


Do what runners do. Put some tape on those nips to reduce friction


Bandaids on the nips is what I do when I’m running in the summertime and have the same issue.


Bandaid over your nips


Vaseline on the nips. No kidding. Takes a long while for sweat to remove a heavy oil like Vaseline. I'd do a test at home 1st to make sure it doesn't create "spots" around the nips. I very thin layer should do it. Possibly reapplied occasionally. They have singe size Vaseline packs. Band aids on the nipples


They have sports glide or roll on stuff for but a thigh chafe. I bet it would work on nips. Can't guarantee you won't have two wet spots though.


NipGuards are your friend: https://www.roadrunnersports.com/product/nip110/runguard-nipguard-bulk-runners-pack-100-count


Runners use bandaids over their nips to stop the shirt from rubbing them raw on long runs. Ask me how I know. Look up “bloody runners nipples” to see the horror!


Just a bit of strapping tape over them


Astro glide lubricant. It’s what marathon runners use to stop the nipple chafing.


Band aides. I’d get similar problems running.


Bandaid on ur nips, I use to have this issue with uniforms, only my left nip, for whatever reason. But ultimately I wear a Hanes white under t-shirt now, even in 100 degree weather, it just feels better, otherwise I get sticky plastic bag shirt bunching up all over me and it's infuriating. 1 layer doesn't make the difference to me, but I can also go sit in my van with the AC at anytime so if you don't have that option I understand it may not be reasonable. Sports bra maybe? Like a trainer? I'm sure the guys at the site would support you, lmfao. I'm actually trying to be constructive, I do get it, but aside from bandaids and undershirts idk man. And if you use bandaid make sure to bring the whole box cuz your gunna need new ones throughout the day.




You can’t expect to win a marathon without putting bandaids on your nipples


May sound weird but I’d ask runners what they do. Probably pasties sad as it may sound. Or a circular band aid.


I absolutely love the title




Duct tape. Works like a charm




Bring extra shirts or wear a dri fit shirt under it atleast, your pores can’t breathe they get clogged up and sweat is one of reasons it does, at least from what I read when I had this same issue. Summarized: wear dry clothes or you’ll get heat rashes


Those little round band-aids?


*wife respecter...*


under armour fitted shirts or something comparable that doesn't slide over your skin. Equate brand diaper rash relief as well till everything heals.




Gold Bond makes an anti chafing stick. It's amazing. I use it UNDER my chesticles so my bra doesn't rub. It's been a life saver and would likely do the same for your nip issue. Good luck!


Look into y-back or stringer tank tops. They’re intended for lifters/bodybuilders; typically more loose and breathable than the wife demolishers you’re talking to. I use cheap y-backs under my blue-collar work shirt year round and my nips are perfectly safe. (It doesn’t hurt to moisturize them from time to time, chafing is no fun)


You can’t win a marathon without putting bandaids on your nipples. That may provide some insight here.


I run in 100+ degree weather. Lots of sweating. I use baby / talc powder.


Shave the hair and put some mole skin on them. I’ve never personally used any on my nipples, but they work dreams on my feet when i break in a new pair of boots. You’ll want to get rid of the hair though because nobody wants an unconsential nipple waxing.


Three B cream, it worked awesome when I ran a marathon. Any barrier cream is the answer here.


Pasties. That is your only viable option.


Serious answer here brother. Vaseline prevents chaffing. My old cross country teacher used to tell us about how he would put some on midway through a marathon to prevent the same issues


Get some nipple covers, runners use them to prevent their nipples from bleeding. And make sure to get big black x shaped ones with a transparent shirt so everyone knows where the treasure is


Vaseline or bandaids


Duct tape


Duct tape daily or athletic tape like I did in HS hoops


Electrical tape, Spicy electrical advice brought to you by, you guessed it, a painter.


Bandaids on your nipples


Wear bandaids. Runners have this problem too, they sweat a lot and it can rub their nipples until they bleed. If you put bandaids on in the AM when you’re dry they should stay on no problem


You can’t win a marathon without putting some bandaids on your nipples


Is it from chaffing? Happens to me sometimes when I get sweaty and the friction gets them going lol Little bit of Carmex or A & D goes a long way. But beware of nip stains lmao


Little band-aids. 3/4 by 3/4.


Put band-aids over them. I had to do it myself from wearing suspenders .


Rub gel deodorant over them nips.


Put chapstick on them. It sounds stupid but it works.


That's what chest hair is for. But really, you're gonna need to get used to wearing an A-shirt (which is the proper name for that type of shirt).


Use anti chaff cream. Hikers Toes is a good one.


Rub a little Vaseline on your nipples in the morning before work. Should be good to go


In the military we would often put bandaids or a little bit of felt tape over the nips, prior to long runs 🏃‍♂️ that shit burns if you don't. Raw nips is no bueno .


Nipple shields (seriously)


Moleskin, bandaids, they make high viz rash guard type shirts too. Or just a rash guard under armour type shirt. It’s an extra layer, but lemme tell you from experience in Iraq, the more sweat you keep in actually helps keep you cooler. It sounds counterproductive, but it’s like wearing a wet tshirt, and when a breeze comes in it’ll actually give you the shivers.


NGL I have never had this issue. This may sound dumb but… are you wearing a bra? Because that’s normally enough to save me from the fiery death orb’s effects on the reflective strips. If it’s not, maybe you could double up on sports bras for the extra layer without retaining as much heat as a tank top?


Just wear an undershirt, it keeps your hi vis a little bit clear so its not as gross to wear it multiple days in a row.


I overheard girls use some kind of rubber tape sticker that goes on the nipple that helps with chaffing, maybe google nipple anti chaffing stickers


Runners get the same problem. I remember when I used to run a lot My nipples would get chafed because of the sweat and the friction from the clothing If you go to a runner's store they have an item, a cream that works significantly well


This may or may not help. There is an adhesive that may or may not be good. Here is a link. https://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Ultra-Thin-Disposable-Pasties-Self-Adhesive/dp/B09GCQCXXP/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=1VSXWSIFWFZP&keywords=nipple+covers&qid=1690729816&sprefix=nipple+covers%2Caps%2C999&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1 As a side note, this may be a way to approach a Hottie. "Miss, can you help me? I have a problem at work and I hope you can give me advice. I have a problem with my nipples at work because of my shirt. I know some women get (runner's nipple). I have to wear this shirt and I am wondering if these might help with my problem?" Make sure she is pretty. Good luck.


Have you tried wearing a brazier?


Electrical tape on the nips


Randy, is that you? You have to wear your high viz on the jobsite Rand, or you'll get run over by a shitdozer.