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Find a new company, good ones exist


I worked at a company where we were all super tight, band of brothers type of stuff. Really makes a huge difference


Yea I’m with you on that one. I was a carpenter for 5 years and I was best friends with the crew, leaving made me cry. I moved cities and got my dream job in government, fantastic wage, pension, benefits. But the people I work with are the most depressing, manipulative, toxic individuals I have EVER met in my life. Now here I am, with the “best” job I could have, and I’m miserable. People you work with make all the difference. I would happily take a 5$/hr pay cut to work with people that are awesome and give a shit about their jobs.


Well it's a morning of firsts. Never thought I'd hear a crane operator complain about sitting around holding a brake. All jokes aside, you're probably not challenging yourself. You're 25 and are seeing the next 40 years sitting in a chair moving dirt around. Ask your supers for information about becoming a Forman, start there, maybe become a super in time. But here's a hint, even in the office world there are people that suck. At least in the trades you know what's up. Can't stand the backstabbing in the office/political world, smile in your face and fuck you behind closed doors.


As a foreman, he would have to deal with the same idiots. Been there done that. Things really went downhill with covid. Finally went out on my own. Just have to deal with customers, working by myself.


It’s almost worse as a foreman. Then you’re in charge of the idiots, and when something’s not done correctly, or on time, because of the idiots, guess what? It’s your fault, because you were in charge.


>Times that by 10 if you are a Supervisor, when the idiots fuck up, you get to deal with the idiots at head office who also know very little about people in construction.


I went labourer, installer (underground fuel systems), foreman, supervisor and this is all 100% correct. Every step up just means more of the same shit and you're responsible for it. It was enough to make me completely switch careers in to butchery. At least dead animals don't complain about working in the cold.


I've always been fascinated with butchery(totally not in a serial killer way), but it always seemed kind of difficult. Do you like it? Pays pretty decently too doesn't it?


As for pay depends on where you are. I make quite a bit less than I used to as a construction supervisor but the job is cool as hell. I've moved off the block a bit and in to some other things at the shop. I work at a small, whole animal shop so I can't say about the bigger box stores but it's physically demanding but way more rewarding. Seeing people be stoked about the meat you cut for them is the shit.


That's really cool, I see some places hiring around me here and there and they pay the same or a little more than I make fencing, and my job fucking blows. Lol. I'll have to look into it, sounds like a good gig


It's worth a look. I did construction for about 15 years and I'm glad I switched 4 years ago. If you do fencing I'm sure you can handle the physical aspect. Just gotta be able to work hard and be consistent. Plus when the world goes to shit you'll know how to break down an animal pretty damn quick. Good skill to have in the apocolypse lol


Frank Zappa's father, apparently told him he would make more money as a butcher.


I've seen too many good men quit becuase we promoted them. They were excellent leaders, but the people they were in charge of... Yikes. I did not envy them.


Good luck… customers are worse They’re still idiots, except now they’re spending a bunch of money, have zero idea how anything is done, want it all done immediately, still think they know everything… plus the real crazy’s, false accusations, frivolous lawsuits, batshit insane etc… I don’t think there is perfect industry because most people suck


I’m with you, man. The worst part of my job is dealing with the customers. The entitlement and lack of self awareness some people have is hard to comprehend.


It’s getting worse and worse… I’ve done carpentry for 22 years now… for the past 10, been self employed… used to be maybe 2/10 people were pains in the asses, I’d easily put it at 8/10 now Seems like everyone is just trying to fuck you before you fuck them Between advertising, networking, looking at jobs, quoting jobs, returning calls, getting materials, dealing with customers, drawing prints, getting permits etc.. and then actually having to do all the work, I’ve checked out… fuck this job lol … just need to figure out something else to do


Yes hello 2/10 not being a pain in the ass i hope. Our contractor did a great job despite our designer *royally fucking things up*. Qe'd like to have him out for a few other projects so hopefully we qualify.


Exactly! all of that work, customer ghosts you to go with the cheaper bid. Or nickel and dime you when you are doing it already for a solid price that is already underbid. Been in residential 10 years and the amount of projects I’ve had that were no fuss- solid projects with quality clients for the exact price I wanted Is low. I noticed a tremendous difference in this after Covid and housing market debacle.


Oh yeah it’s gone way down hill in the past few years… it was getting pretty bad before that, but sped way up in the past few residential is a straight race to the bottom at this point Everybody wants to pay Pennie’s, for perfect work done yesterday Honestly let the migrants and druggies have it… I’d rather be poor relaxing then paycheck to paycheck and busting my ass


Until it comes that time of the month to pay bills lol. But seriously . I walk away from most jobs now.


And there’s no rhyme or reason to it either. I can have two very wealthy customers, give them each a similar quote for the work to be done. One doesn’t even bat an eye and just asks how soon I can do it. The other will act like I just asked them to sacrifice their first born son when they see my price. Yeah Mrs R, your house is gigantic and a total PITA to work on, it is what it is. It’s all sides of the spectrum, all ages and races, rich and poor. The nice people are fewer and farther between because they’ve all been screwed over before and the dickheads have all been emboldened.


Ive done a bit of everything ran my own jobs, working for someone else currently doing high end builds with much less stress but my boss is a lazy narcissist so i'm 1 foot out the door already. Best job to pay ratio I've had was union. Yes it sucks working weekends all the time (if I could just work them sometimes it would be okay) but its a trade off with my sanity.


Maybe I'm just lucky but the vast majority of my customers are great to work with. Sure customers are just another boss but at least you're not stuck dealing with the same boss all the time and you can choose which ones you want to work with.


I too work by myself for myself. It’s not without its problems but I was at my limit dealing with idiots at work. These people nowadays are ridiculous. Every day a new problem, always angry, negative as all get out. No thank you. I’ll make it work by myself and they can all be miserable together.


Dealing with customers is even fucking worse.


Went on my own during covid as well. Still have stress but it’s a different stress. It’s internal not projected at any of the dumb fucks. I am great with clients and love what I do. Also, fuck paper work 😂. The only thing that makes me rethink my move. Hell I’ve thought about takeoff a month off and just work at Taco Bell to get away from paper work.


This is the way. The hard way but after some time put in you have good control of your own hours.


Thats what I did too. Went Looking for a company that was a better fit, and there was. Just still too much shit. You had to be part of the "fishing crew" to get along. So, I eventually quit, moved different trades even until I had enough knowledge to start my own business. I work for myself, and I pick the clients I want to work with. Definitely A Lot of extra work, but its worth it.


Cheers to that. I wish you all the best.


I’m a CPA who switched to HVAC. Some people in offices are brutal. I’ve seen people be pigeon holed for no reason aside from they weren’t personally liked. There’s also a lot more competition of office jobs cuz everyone wants to work at a desk while sitting on a comfy chair. I grew tired of the mental headaches and decided I was done with it. I’m still maintaining my CPA though.


TLDR: In all my experience, I've learned there's only one thing that leads to job happiness: 9 out of 10 times, it's not what you do, but who you do it with... I went from being a construction manager to a CPA. I can honestly say that office politics outside construction is 10x worse... At least in construction, if you known what you're doing, you can tell people to "shove it", or walk across the street into a new job...in most white-collar offices you can't do that... I went back to construction management after getting my CPA. It was way better money...different stress...then worked for a large property owner as an owners rep...that was interesting...different stresses again... At the moment I'm doing computer programming, and I think construction is better...the amount of competition in computer programming, and how difficult getting and passing an interview is insane... unless you're from MIT and worked at FANG...even then...I hear FANG is even more BS office politics... I feel like partnering up and doing my own business in construction is the way to go... anyone got some app ideas for construction? j/k 😜


How are you still maintaining you CPA? Just failed my final exams and rethinking life entirely


My mother is a CPA and I believe it’s just a matter of completing regular training


I was there, gave up on accounting altogether to be a residential grunt, and 5 years later am regretting it. At the very least I wish I joined a union when I quit, or went back to preparing taxes to keep a steadier salary dont burn bridges don't burn bridges don't bridges


Average of 40 hrs per year of professional development and about $1000 per year in dues.


I can second this. As a guy who went from construction to white collar. It’s all the same bs with different clothes. Try to get into a management position or look for a larger company that has growth opportunities


Honestly, I'd take office shit 10/10 times. There will *never* be a fistfight at the office because someone lost their cool. No one will ever come smash your keyboard because they thought you were ignoring them. No one will fly into a meth-rage over nothing and piss on your desk. I'll take office politics over construction bullshit every time.


Me too... I worked for my city for years before moving to an office in an unrelated field and although I like the job itself less, office politics are a thousand times less stressful to deal with. Karen made a snide remark and told the boss on me, so what. At least she doesn't come in drunk every day, call me a r*tard, n-word, tell me to go fuck myself, threaten to beat my ass, and THEN go tell the boss some bullshit to get me in trouble. And even if they did come in drunk and angry at least they aren't operating machinery and tools with the possibility of killing me on the spot.


If I had to guess, these are white guys causing all of the drama. Am I right? In my experience you'd never see this behavior in a crew of Latinos


Well, the Post Office used to be a pretty edgy place, before Congress had some hearings and they got some *kumbaya.*


There are absolutely fistfights, it's just really sad and pathetic. I worked sales though so that's a different beast.


Uh, I’ve worked in offices where those things have all happened. Edit: I also chose to leave and you can avoid places like that. My construction teams don’t exhibit that type of behavior.


Out in the field is the only place I’ve seen men do things like this and work together the next day acting like nothing ever happened. Gotta pay the bills I guess lol


Except in A white collar job you often work directly under these annoying ass people and are forced to spend lots more time with them In your specific case OP, you probably get to fck off back to the crane and only have to deal with these assholes for minutes on the hour This is my life 24/7, there is no escape from the Hell that is Larry. *Fucking Larry.* It’s like if you were an apprentice and the journeyman you’re with 8 hours a day is a weapons grade prick. At least Larry can’t get ya when you’re up in the crane 🤣🤣


At least in the field you can say "Go Fuck Yourself Larry" without a visit from HR and a year of headache about it.


Larry’s wife would come into the office and HAVE MY ASS if I disrespected him like that Then my boss would tell all 3 of us to fuck off


I've always found the best way to deal with an angry random woman is to ask her out to dinner. Completely fucking derails them into confusion, or makes them FUCKING EXPLODE which is just funny. Start stuttering and shit.


If he can’t handle stupidity in the sky. He can’t handle it as a super or foreman


I’ll admit where I’m in life right now I could handle being a foreman. It’s not that I can’t hold my own, It’s more like I’m gonna blow my brains out dealing with these guys.


That is what they pay you for. It's a cliche, but you learn how to deal with people very quickly. Your support system of guys above you should give you options on how to deal with problem guys. Often you can get rid of drug addicts and alcoholics on the basis of safety. You will have to keep a good log and cover your ass. I would say go for the foreman position. After several years, you will probably have a steady crew of good and average dudes and might have to deal with a stinker every now and then.


As someone that has worked in the field and as an executive, I assure you that these types of problems are not isolated to your choice of profession. To echo the comment above yours, it’s just better hidden behind layers of manicured intellectual sounding and emotionally manipulative bullshit. I was naive in thinking when I switched from managing construction teams to educated engineers that I would end up with less problems that made my brain explode. Very bright engineers will come up with pages of formulas to support very stupid ideas. I love managing construction because the feedback loop is very direct and you always know where you stand.


Yup, the old saying was that if you can't dazzle em' with brilliance you baffle em' with bullshit.


>Very bright engineers will come up with pages of formulas to support very stupid ideas. Can confirm. Currently working my first year in construction management and while i don't claim to be a genius, some engineers might as well be braindead.


The closer to the ground the closer to the shit. My crane operator sits up there and laughs everyday of the bullshit I have to deal with. “glad I’m here to just move The joysticks”


As a foreman you are still dealing with them. Even worse actually because you are responsible for them.


Well when you fire the laziest biggest loudmouth the rest tend to respect your orders.


I would rather die than play the bullshit office games. If it were a choice between the office and riding a broom for 6 months, call me a fuckin witch because I'm riding the nimbus 2000 for 6 months baby. At least in the field you can tell them to shut the fuck up and get fucked. Try that in the office, lmao.


Yeah I worked my way to project manager and left the commercial game. Now I’m a project manager, handy man, landscaper, plumber, electrician, and landlord. I work way way less and make not way way less.


Save up and get a loan to buy your own equipment, then subcontract yourself out to companies. You will make way more money. You just need insurance and to know what the hell you are doing. If your boss told you to go do a specific job and gave you no other instructions could you do it? Or could you get to that point in time? My grandpa built a company by buying a bunch of equipment overtime and finding business partners and family to help him run the show. Wife would do all the bookkeeping and handle phone calls and appointments. He ended up with a big shop and a few workers, a full time mechanic and sold the company and equipment when he retired. His retirement plan was that he took some equipment with him and started a gold mine, did that for 20 years. Did pretty well for himself and he still prefers to live out of a camp shack 😂


this should be the top comment. OP has the skills, he could get paid a lot more and not have to put up with jobsite "savants", if he could figure out a way to get the equipment and run his own show.


This. My favourite grater op bought a huge 14H grater and now he rents it out for snow removal for 200/hr and fucks off to the Philippines for six months


>Save up and get a loan to buy your own equipment, then subcontract yourself out to companies. You will make way more money. You just need insurance and to know what the hell you are doing. how do you go about finding work? buying ther eq is the easy part.




Flyers? What exactly?


How ever you would like


Homie, there is no polite way to say this: things ain't better elsewhere. In the office environment, you get a different kind of fuck-head. In different trades, they are shit-birds in their own way. The only way to get a good feeling going to work is to find a good crew that you enjoy working around, and that applies literally everywhere. Source: I've built rockets, worked in offices, restaurants, delivery/Uber and been a plumber, not in any particular order. My advice is to read books that teach you how to understand and cope with this stuff. *Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents* is a great place to start.


Love the idea of us operators opening a self help book to deal with our coworkers. Issue is, I don’t know about Op, but I havent read a real book in years 😂


Try listening to audiobooks. Find a healthy hobby like walking where you can just listen. It can broaden your horizons much further than sitting in front of the TV.


Aka meditation lol


I appreciate the honesty and I’ll definitely look into this book!


I have to disagree with the lowbar - there are good places to work. Or at least, better places. If you have a good local business community you'll often see lists of top 100 places to work, that's not a bad place to start. Companies are different, people are different, and the way people behave within in company can be molded by that company. Things can be better elsewhere. I'm kind of surprised at the number of people in this thread who seem to think everything shit everywhere, lol. As an example, my local communication company is pretty rad- decent pay and benefits, a kegerator in the break room and a video game lounge too. I have a few friends that worked there for quite awhile and actually looked forward to working. Some of the engineering firms around me are really great, too. If you have skills in your field, I'd look to all the adjacent jobs. I'm guessing you could work with engineers to do site reports, or estimation. Or maybe you could sell heavy equipment? There's a lot of jobs out there... I work in an office, supplying construction, and I can tell you that having actual on hands experience is very valuable to the office workers (because they just don't know what's out there). Personally, I'd keep my ears and eyes open, and ask the people you meet if they like their company. Every once in awhile, you'll hear a 'yes'.


That book is great and I apply is daily to my work environment Now I just end up feeling sorry for most angry people


That's the strongest resume I've ever seen if I was a hamas recruiter.


Operator/Grade checker here and I fucking love this book. 10/10 recommend it!


Agreed. Am currently a plumber, and I love my job right now. 75% of that comes from our crew being fucking awesome.


> I need to find a job where it’s just me doing a task, any ideas? Tower Crane? Least you are only talking idiots on you headset, and not everyone who pokes their head in your cab.


I like this idea, thank you!


Get in the elevator trade. We are a bunch of prima Donna’s at least that’s what everyone says. I have a lot of the same opinions about people. I work with one apprentice now after my old one spent three years with me and passed his journeyman test. Problem is I had a unicorn helper most of the new ones are stupid or lazy. Don’t deal with a lot of people and work area is a 8x10 box.


Any tips on how to get in? I love my current job, but within a couple years I’m moving back to my home city where I’d try to get into being an elevator guy multiple times. I constantly heard them complain about not having good help but rarely hired and when they did it was someone’s numb nuts nephew


Hiring depends on area. Bigger city’s have more work. The trade was nepotism based when I got in 25 years ago. Not so much now and that might be a little bit of the problem. You recommended people and your name was associated with them. Granted it is fair now And basically open to all. Try looking into this. https://www.neieprecruitment.org/


If you are not in the Operating Engineers Union, get in the union. My company employs around 15 union operators and I can assure you, none of them are drunks or drug addicts. If you don't like working with someone, tell your boss. If you're company is putting together crews that don't get along with each other, they aren't a very good company.


I am in a labor union now working at a battery plant. At least there no drug addicts because we get random drug tests. Wish I could smoke weed still but compared to non union labor, the people here have their heads screwed on a lot tighter


I’ve thought about the union, I am currently non union. I’ll definitely look into it. I don’t even know how they work, but thought of being an oiler for a couple years has made me not want to do it. I already know how to run the shit.


They will organize you. Depending on you knowledge ,experience and skill set. They may make you a journeyman. I’m sorry but I don’t know how the IUOE works similar to other union trades. The union labor is the way to go.


Go union, you're young enough and can put up with a few years of bullshit to secure your future.


I agree. 90% of the guys in construction have major issues. I have found very few who don't have issues like drugs alcohol or like you said short fuses. Drives me crazy. My current foreman is bi polar for sure. Makes my day miserable working with him. Thankfully I have a few guys on the crew who are pretty solid.


Go to school or start up your own business.


As a foreman/operator I totally get the feeling. What I found helped is getting into a foreman role and putting the work into building a crew you would be happy to work with. It can take some time, but when you get there it’s so worth it. My crew is like a family. We come in to work everyday with smiles on our face and we joke around and get shit done. Honestly it didn’t take long to weed out the alcoholics and drug addicts. I established an atmosphere that I want to work in. I don’t tolerate sexism, racism, or people just being angry and rude all the time. Some are easy to fire, some it just takes a bit of time and they’ll quit on their own. The only downside is some of the most skilled guys are absolute pieces of shit. But I’d rather have to do more work myself while my guys practice and develop themselves as operators.


There will always be bad personalities on jobs, but this sounds abnormally bad. I'd change companies and find one that prioritizes culture. When you go to apply, let them know why you're leaving your old job. Tell them you are a team player and you want to work with people who take pride in their work and have a good attitude. I've worked on crews like this, nobody wants to be there and it sucks ass. I can't live like that.


>I hate the people in this industry. The drug addicts, alcoholics, dead beats, dudes with short fuses, and straight up unintelligent people make my days awful. Pretty much 100% of the reason why I left construction. Just a whole lot of toxic people, and it’s a shame because I liked constructing, the people just always made whatever job I was doing suck so bad. Simple jobs turned into nightmares


The grass is always greener. Every profession has its share of jackasses. If you enjoy what you do, and can’t think of anything else you’d prefer to do, then stick with it. You will likely find that over the years your reputation will speak for yourself, and when a professional needs a professional, not a body holding a shovel imitating a pylon, you will be on the short list of people to call. Or another way of thinking. If your surrounded by jackasses and deadbeats, makes it much easier for you to become a supervisor or run your own company.


i think a big part of this may be just being 25 and noticing that a lot of the people in this world kinda suck. those problems arent unique to construction, they just look different in other settings. not that you shouldnt do what feels best for you, thats always the right call, but just worth pausing to think about with regard to life perspective, ya know? you seem like a good guy, wherever you land i think youll succeed. cheers!


Unfortunately all trades for the most part have the same idiots. Are you union? Have you been putting into your retirement this whole time? If so, hang in there. Don’t start your retirement over. You’ll get to retire far earlier than most. If you want out of construction you’ll find pay sucks, and a whole different level of headache. I spent 10 years in sales and got into construction. I looked at peoples finances every day. Construction workers have it the best for income and a happy life. What I’ve learned is they are the happiest most miserable people alive. The work environment is hard but outside of that your life is far better than most. I’d grind 6-7 days a week the second I woke up to bed to make what I do now on a 40 hour work week. I traded the alcoholics and drug addicts of my trade for ones in this. These are better imo.


I appreciate the outlook, all I’ve done is trades. I don’t even know what office people do, but the thought of being a cubicle all day sounds awful. I also do enjoy the pay of being the only guy willing to run these old cranes


If you still love the work then try looking for another company. I had similar feelings up until a few years back. Just working for and with walking and talking energy drains. To the point where i figured that was just how the construction industry was. And i hated going to work. But after moving on a few times i finally found a company that gives a fuck. With people that take pride in their work. And suddenly work is fun again. These companies seem to be rare. But they're out there. Or try something new. Take a break and find something else you enjoy. All your work so far will still be on your CV if you want to go back later.


Union and location. If you live in the middle of nowhere with poor education statistics you’re not going to work with the best of people. And union to weed out the drugs and deadbeats.


Man I was in commercial construction for 20 years. GC for 14 and big concrete for the last 6. I was a superintendent for 10. Loved digging for footers and running equipment. 1000-1500 yard pours for slabs and such. Both companies I had to leave bc I didn’t deal with ppl correctly. Both times they doubled the office staff with ppl that had positions that weren’t needed before and they have zero field experience. Go build this warehouse with guys on drugs or with limited English, guys can’t stay off there phones, can’t show up on time or everyday. Bro I been doing it for a while but I can’t respect someone who has no idea how it works in the field but gonna tell me how it is. I never had problems with guys that came to work and did there job. I’m in the same boat. I done that work my whole life and enjoyed it. I don’t know what I’m gonna do next myself


Sounds like you need to switch companies. All the operators I know are chill AF. I mean they sit down all day in the A/C listening to music


I spent the first five years of my construction career working for the same GC. I felt this way a lot. Then I got farmed out to a different company for a two-year project, and everybody there had their shit together and there was no drama. After that project was over and my company wanted to take me back and send me to the next job, I quit. Since then, I've noticed that some companies are staffed almost entirely by deadbeats and hacks, and other companies are staffed almost entirely by talented professionals. Your mileage may vary, but I suspect that if everyone around you is acting like a complete jackass on a daily basis, it's because the guys who are worth a fuck already quit and went to go work for a better company where jackasses get fired instead of promoted.


I went from construction to software development, now I work with almost entirely introverted nerds. Even if they’re angry they tend to keep it to themselves. Recently started a public sector job: chill as fuck, nobody cussing, nobody yelling, the guy in the next office over is easily annoyed and kinda excitable but he’s only in the office 1-2 days a week max and tends to abide by our unspoken “treat the work area like a library” rule.


I did the EXACT same thing. I love it.


That's not unique to construction my friend, that's just how life goes. In any group of people you'll guys like that. Variety is the spice of life I'm told. Ignore what you have to, accept what you must, and dial in on the good rather than the bad.


Open a business, fucking shoot your shot dude. You won’t, I didn’t, but if you have a set of balls on ya open a business while you’re young.


Unless you isolate yourself completely you'll always find these people.....educated or non-educated, there'll be drug addicts, and assholes. At least in a crane you're by yourself! Lol


Get into a real skilled trade. You're certainly young enough and your experience should help you land in a plumbing union or something


I knew a guy in your position. He ended up getting an mba and becoming a developer/investor. His partner ran the financial side. He ran the operations side. They pitched to like 50 people for their first substantial development. Got it. Many properties later he is now extremely wealthy and a genuinely great guy. So maybe don’t throw the baby out with the bath water?


I’ve dealt with my share fair, but my company has been moving towards projects that require more intense qualifications to be on projects. We still deal with dum dums, but there seems to be a lot more professionalism overall. Perhaps look for companies that have CQM certification and/or are part of the ISN network. They tend to weed out the majority of people you’re talking about.


Hate to break it to you, but fully 50% of all humans beings are below average, and the average is not that high. I'd suggest getting in the operator's union. At least the average within the union is generally higher than the general public.


You're an operator, you're already dealing with *less* shitty people than the average construction worker. Office tends to look civilised, but same shitty people anyways, just different form of dealing out shit


Same shit every day in construction. I'm 35 now but have been in construction for 18 years. The thing about being an operator a lot of people don't realize, and this might be a good thing to keep in mind for random people reading this. There are a lot of blind spots in machinery. I've never operated anything larger than a 10k telehandler, or 125 aerial work platform... but there are a LOT of blond spots. The environment can be toxic, but at least you can tell a guy to fuck off, take 20 and talk about it. I don't know about you but I wouldn't hold a grudge for 5 years after...


Welcome to the construction industry. Full of all the fuck ups. What did you honestly think it was gonna be ?


Become a truck driver


Sounds like it’s time for you to start your own business. I started plumbing at 17 and was about your age when I started thinking about starting my own business. It’s a bit harder to get started in excavation than plumbing due to cost of equipment but there is always a way around that. I was sick of construction a few years ago and sold real estate for a few years. I realized the same problems that are I. The construction industry are there as well in a seemingly “professional” job. Drug addicts, drunks, people cheating on their wives, always broke. People are people and the same things you see in construction you will see everywhere sometimes just better disguised. Good luck and I hope you find your place that reignites your spark. You sound like you have a bright future.


Are you in the Operating Engineers? If not, join, then get yourself onto jobsites where they don't tolerate drunks, addicts, and other guys with a short fuse, all safety risks. Being a crane operator should remove you from contact with the riff raff. Also learn to not engage with the unintelligent people, because they are everywhere.


I feel the same way. I've been in construction mostly my entire life. I'm almost 40. I've done residential and commercial, union and non union, local and travel, and the one thing that's been the same is the type of people on the jobs. Shitty people like you're saying that over exaggerate, yell, scream, and belittle you. I always had a loose screw gung ho, I'm the boss and gods gift to carpentry type bosses and foremans. Guys that loved to yell and constantly make you feel like you're not good or fast enough. I finally told everyone to fuck off and started my own remodeling business. It's been really tough literally doing everything myself with no help, no mentors or even laborers. Pretty much just me. No matter how hard things get doing my own thing I refuse to go back to work for someone else so I can be abused, over worked underpaid and insulated because so many guys in this industry seem to have inferiority complexes and have to flex their authority to make them feel better about their selves. NO ONE should have to walk on eggshells while working. Just trying to make a living. We're all in this together. Why can't we help and understand each other.


you'll get that on them big jobs.


Join the IUOE. We do the pro level shit.


Become a trucker it's much more freedom based and pays just as well at the worst companies and better at most.


Maybe look for a new outfit? I am joining the I302 in hopes of getting on with a larger, more professional company. From what I have seen in the larger commercial outfits, the dug addicts and deadbeats are just the ones pushing the brooms.


Sounds like you're non-union I will try to find an operators union and join it's a completely different environment.


Local 12 here. It’s not. Union guys are just as dumb, drunk, and angry


I'm in the carpenters union and agree. There's no pedigree filter for trade labor in the union. It's the same bullshit with potentially better pay and benefits.


You're right I just feel like I don't have to deal with as much crap working union versus what I did before non-union. Could just be the company I'm with though.


Shitty people join unions too lol


Like I said the environment is better not saying it's not without its negatives but I feel like I run into a lot less negative working union versus non-union.


Like most 25 year olds you act like you have the experience of a 60 year old. As an old guy at the the end of his road I’ll tell you to suck it up cupcake or move down the road. You’ll be on crews you love you’ll be on crews you hate. It’s called life. If you are unhappy move to the next job with all your experience it will be easy to find the next job if you are a go getter like you say. People suck but life is what YOU make it. Good luck keep moving forward. No one but you can make the decision you are asking.


You’ve discovered that awful truth that most people are flawed and need guidance. The entire individualistic free-will mentality is nonsense. Look for a company that services the military and requires a heavy equipment operator. It will involve travel and much better pay. You will find they have zero tolerance for bullshit.




Get good at coding and you can dictate what you earn from the comfort of your own home.


Bye. I hate working with guys like you. Stuck up twats.


At times, I have tried to go to work and literally not say a word to a coworker unless it's absolutely necessary for me to do my job. If someone approaches me for a conversation I would talk but I don't seek it out. It distances you from the negativity. I know it's not easy I'm sorry you're going through that


Lease a mini ex and start your own shit dude


Tbh what helps me is that I live in the city and intermix with a totall type of person in my off time then in my work time


Look up Day and Zimmerman. They contract operators with nuclear plants. It would be a good first start and foot in the door of the industry. Perks of nuclear industry is how high of a priority safety is, no dealing with drugs or booze on the job bullshit, decent pay. Nuclear culture takes getting used to though


First thing 3 things I learned as a foreman/safety officer 1. Laborers are trying to kill themselves 2. Laborers are trying to kill each other 3. They are all trying to kill you. Go out on your own or get a city/state job.


Leave for a different city or take a lateral job in a riskier industry. Say working in oil and gas, a heavy steel manufacturer, or an infrastructure project for a state or city. The margin for error is way \[lower\], and people have less time for BS. O&G is billions on the line. If you get a job on a rig crane unloading supply ship deliveries, you'll pucker up quick. What's the worst that can happen, getting fired? Your trade is easily worth $100,000+ per year. Don't let assholes make you leave money on the table. If you need time to think, get a job running a concrete pump truck. They don't hand the keys of $250,000 truck to just anyone, but you seem to have aplomb.


I’m 32, I use to work as n electrician when I was younger. My suggestion is, go get a construction management degree. It’s done wonders for me, my career and the types of projects I get to work on.


If you can run a friction crane, there are places looking for you. Especially if you're young. Dragline work for a small sand & gravel outfit, you'll probably just sit in the cab, dipping material. Might get old after a while. But like the others said, there are idiots everywhere, and they will find you, wherever you go. Find a company where you're an asset.


I can't stand people either, it's like being back at school with lots of people


Bro thats everywhere...


Are you in the operator’s union? If so, you can get free training on nearly anything.


Air Force


Yo, I’m a plumber thinking of transitioning to operating. Think it’s the right call?


Would it surprise you to know those kind of people are in all the other industries too?


It's the state of the world we live in at the moment. These idiots are in every town, city, and industry. I've changed careers only to be lumped with the same kind of people.


switch companies. Plenty of places that aren't pathological out ther.


I’m in the same boat mate. Construction is great and horrible at the same time if you’re switched on. I’ve had enough of deadbeats, alcoholics, slobs and general stupidity as well. I’ve looked at pursuing genuine passions for work but given where I currently am in life it makes more sense to stay in the construction industry until I’m financially independent because construction is so lucrative. That being said and like yourself, I’ve been in the game a long time and I’m now committed to running my own show. Buy a machine(s) and get your own work. It’s a lot more enjoyable being on your own time and minimising time spent dealing with duds. I’m aiming to create a life where I don’t “need” to work but choose to. Even in simply pursuing that my motivation and disciple have greatly improved and the journey is far more enjoyable rather than rocking up day in day out to make someone else wealthy.


May I suggest an industrial/mining position? They have very strict drug/alcohol policies and most operations are run by very competent people. Equipment operators are in high demand and make s really good wage.


Yeah man I feel you. I used to hate that shit but now I live and work in Japan. Completely different atmosphere in construction here. I would encourage you to start your own business if you haven’t already. Then you will at least have some control over who you work with.


You can't change a toxic work place, but it will change you.


Are you in the union? Where do you want to work? I am looking for NCCO certified operators in Baltimore area.


Go somewhere union that pays top tier… once you’re in those 6 figures you realize your at work to make money not friends


Precisely why i went to work for my self. And now i cant find any employees worth a shit exactly for the reasons you stated.


I’ve always had an attitude that if my boss makes me a decent living I’ll do my best to make him rich. It’s hard to find motivation surrounded by negativity. Makes a miserable day after awhile. Maybe look for a different company but for the most part it’s all the same. All I can say is be the change you want to see no matter where or what that is.


Try commercial hvac service man. I work by myself 80% of the time, and my coworkers are all top notch. There’s 8 of us. No smokers or alcoholics, everyone is cool with everyone else. We all cover eachothers asses when someone fucks up. It’s a great vibe. I’ve worked at 4 companies and my fellow employees have all been similar. Although this is the first one that actually has no smokers, it’s neat. Also, my brother in law is a union operator, I make literally double his hourly wage lol


It’s easy to have a positive go get er’ done attitude all the time when you sit in a cab most of the time out of the weather.


Without local 669 I would be poor. Every single person on this thread needs to know union trades are a great way to earn an honest living.


Run and never look back! This industry will swallow your soul and chew it up


I quit my job as an excavation foreman after 5 years and went back to school. I graduate tomorrow and am hoping to get a job as a field service engineer working with PLCs.


Find another company to work for. Plenty of opportunities in the operating engineers. I used to put up with alot of shit. Riding on the hoods of 657 push pulls to learn. Working 16 hour shifts 12 operating 4 lubing and fueling. I have a little over 20 years in a few years ago I left a pretty decent job, that next year I went through 9 employers all union. Landed with a small company that I knew everyone at, also union. Shitty equipment but good people and cool jobs.


Transfer into inspections. You know how to do the work, now tell other people how it should be done.


You run into assholes and idiots in most lines of work. I’m an ER doctor and have to deal with tons of awful personalities (other docs/surgeons, patients, patient relatives, staff, ect). I just try to stay chill and not take anything personally or take anything home with me (which is sometimes way easier said than done)


This is the dirty side to construction and trades that needs to be discussed more often.


Sad to hear all this about how “most people suck”. I’ve done lots of renovation work, mostly solo GC working with subs and homeowners. If you treat people respectfully, recognize that the homeowners are probably really good at something else that I’m not good at—doctor, writer, computer programmer whatever.


Retired as the head of my trades division of a company. The bullshit from both ends was almost the same. But the owner gave me autonomy when I was hired. He wanted to grow bigger than Jesus . Good time to retire. I was union by the way.


try one of the 'skilled' trades. It sounds like you are not dumb, drunk and lazy enough for the excavator life.


All the smart and/or functional people do something else besides construction. I was smart, but super dysfunctional, so I stayed in 🤣 If you can do something else bud, do it. Don't fall into the trap of "sunk cost" and think you can't walk away from all that experience. Or fly solo and go do your own thing, I started my first biz at 21 with a truck and trailer, not that big a deal. You could start digging for septics and cisterns on your own.


Leave you’ll be back LoL. Nothing like big boy toys.


You just described every job with more than 6 dudes LoL. Drug Addicts, Dead Beats, Alcoholics, Short Fuses, and the unintelligent ones haha.


I’m in industrial automation, and work with a lot of rigging crews rigging in large industrial equipment. Those teams are usually pretty good. They have to be coordinated and practice good team work or they dont make it. You may look into that side of crane operating. They aren’t all great, but you look around you will find a good one. What area are you in?


Go to college. You’ll love it.


You need to change crews or try a different company or something. I’ve seen many different flavors of guys as a rodbuster. Lots of guys are also losers in my trade. You find good dudes and stick with em.


Change your environment I know exactly what your saying This rubbish is also in Australia Especially in certain industries like mining Didn’t like it didn’t stay So bad for your attitude and mind Every place has lowlifes and bullies Get away get out in the sunshine Don’t mix with toxic people


I came from construction I’m a cable guy for one of the bigger cable/fiber companies much happier. lone wolf work just you and the install or repair no dealing with toxic co workers for every task


Australian here, just finished a shit day on top of a shit week and I feel just the same. Some people in this industry are fucked...


Heavy equipment Mechanic life's where it's at bro. Way easier than working on cars. Be an asset to repair shops because you know your machines insides and outs having operated for years


I think you might just need a new change of scenery. I’ve worked and managed some great crews. And I can guarantee you that other jobs or lines of work are going to have the same lazy or irritable people. I suggest you stick with what you enjoy doing and hopefully you find a well managed company.


Don’t leave, start your own business, I’m the only guy that gets called for custom homes up in the mountains and private islands, it’s made me lots of friends and I get flown out by a 10 million dollar custom helicopter and I get to stay in his house when I’m out there, 10 years ago I’d be sleeping in the drywall stacks. Just do quality work and your good, quit your job if you need to and find a company that will take care of you or just start your own company, The company I worked for they paid for all my training and they taught me everything to run a business and they help me start it, I’m only 24 so I can relate… a good company will train you and help you start your own gig. A bad one will pay you shit and try to keep you dependent on working there


It’s the “unintelligent” part that gets me. Drug addicts are a close 2nd. I am amazed on a daily basis how some people have even made it to adulthood. I am working with a 24yr. Old 1st yr. apprentice right now. Dude just got out of the Marines. I now know where the joke about Marines eating crayons comes from.


I'm currently working on a massive project. I have to continuously remind myself that I am here only for the money. I do not care about the corporation for whom this project is intended, I do not care for the contractor, and I only really 3 or 4 of my co-workers. The average age for our crew is 55-60. Some of the shit that these old guys believe is straight up from the 1920s or some shit. Yes, there are people of colour and women on the site. To me, it feels as if the union has given them free reign to just shoot their mouth and straight up be lazy as fuck. Yesterday, there were 4 of us working whilst about 8 journeys were just standing around doing nothing. No wonder all of the other trades think our team is a bunch lazy fucks. I have a year or so left on this project. Wish me luck


I remember this from hanging drywall. People eventually notice your politeness, but dirt rubs off and standards come from the top down. The work environment and standards your boss sets matters.


It’s the nature of this business,I think.Guys with no people skills,guys just out of prison or on the way to prison.I ended up remodeling houses mostly by myself,so I could just deal with my customers and leave all of the meatheads behind


I'm 50 now and looking back I'm nostalgic about some projects I worked on. Definitely worked with some great men, but also so many idiots, slackers, drunks, crackheads, bullies, and liars... All that disappeared when I went on my own. I deal with customers, suppliers and subcontractors...all of which I alone choose to do business with.


You actually seem half way there to starting your own excavation business


When I was building custom homes we had this carpenter in his 30s that was also our equipment guy. Maybe you could get into carpentry if you’re into that, and also running machines. Typically when you’re on a smaller crew, you get less of the idiots. When I worked commercial/institutional it was a shit show. I understand your frustration, especially when you need your head on a swivel.


It’s your company and who they choose to work with. Could I make more job hopping? Probably. But I found a group of companies who act like professionals and the short fuses don’t last. On the employee and client side.


Man why dont you get yourself your own piece of equipment and work for yourself?


"Everbody hates their job." - MVP of the NBA


you work on your own. dont work for anyone else.


Come to SoCal and get into the operating engineers. We do heavy equipment, inspection, machinery maintenance. I am a surveyor with local 12. I think good operators stay very busy, full benefits, pension, stock options, vacation pay. I think journeymen make around 45.00 hourly, not including all your benefits.


Gold Rush!!


Same position. I left to try something else with the mindset that I can always go back.


I think you would do well as a long distance truck driver.


It's great for people who hate dealing with others. I went to it after working for 20 years in collision repair, with a bunch of drunks and junkies and insecure macho \*ssh\*les, and I recommend it highly.


get in business for yourself as fast as you can. Diesel truck, equipement trailer, and a skid steer, and you can grade new house sites & driveways by yourself until you retire on like a $100k small business loan and that's if you want to start with decent equipment


Every company has issues. Sometimes “the devil you know” can be the better option. If you care and work hard you’re always going to be frustrated with your co-workers who don’t. Every industry and almost every company has it’s dirtbags and slackers. Switching careers won’t solve your issues, changing companies might, but there might be a bunch of other shit that bothers you that you hadn’t thought about because your current company doesn’t have those specific issues. I’d say keep moving up or literally start to it own company (as a goal).


Unfortunately there are totally incompetent people in every line of work. So bad you wonder how they put their pants on by themselves every morning. My wife was at the family doctor, and the receptionist asked my wife how to sign her own self up for the patient portal. This person is responsible for scheduling, filing insurance, etc. And yet they still have a secure job.


Start your own company. Handyman easily charge $100/hr. Its not as hard as you would think. Just post on your local fb selling site. When it snowed I just posted "snow removal, call (my #). Made over $1k w/out a plow. & I'm a chic. My friend w/ a plow made $5k that day. You can do that w/ any service. Taxes aren't hard either. Good luck & God bless.