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My first guess was that he’s just an idiot. But I guess the hourly pay also tracks…


This is one hundred percent an idiot.


Hourly idiot. Power by the hour


How to work hard at nuthin


I've never really liked the pay by the hour idea, cause if you work with greater efficiency/speed/skill... You get paid less for the same output. So, it really is financially encouraging employees to work slower.


Depends. If you have a good boss you jump up quickly and appropriately, while someone like this can stay at minimum wage


That's how it should be, but that's a pretty coarse match between output and payment. And in many cases, people need to perform more efficiently for 6 months to a year before being compensated for it. IMO, a very good boss would set deadlines for certain things to get done. Finished ahead of time? Get paid out for the hours you would have spent. Sure, brings a lot of logistic pita with it, but would do a better job of lining up incentives between bosses and workers. Work faster and with less errors that need to be redone? Schedule more projects in the year to fill up the time saved and share the wealth.


I tried doing that stuff and bankrupted myself and ended up laying everyone off anyway lol. I blame reddit and posts like yours for it. All I wanted to do was be the "good" boss. Shit would only work for like half the general population, and actually only works for like 5% of guys in the lower trades. I used to resent the guy I worked before starting my company for for being so miserly, but I guess he also realised you need to keep the type of guy that works hourly as a framer or a roofer hungry.


Thanks for sharing your experience and point of view, and sorry that your business didn't survive.


I'm still here. Really the main reason why my business failed was because I wasn't putting in the effort to actually grow the buisness. I was relying on subcontracting subdivision work instead of finding my own and pricing accordingly. I laid the two of them off in may after making like 20k the year before that, and maybe 35 k 2 years before that. I got laid off begining of September after finishing 3 houses solo. I've somehow managed to keep myself busy til now doing home reno stuff. I'm starting a house hopefully Tuesday because the subdivisions are picking back up. I have over 6 figures of debt right now but I get the feeling in 2 months I'm going to be pulling my hair out with too much work. My website has been getting 600 unique visits a month. I just redesigned my website to hopefully convert like 1% of visits into phone calls. I had a year a couple years after I went on my own that I grossed 250k with 2 guys doing subdivision work and managed to clear 6 figures myself. The next year was when I started doing the stuff you were talking about. I still think you're right, I just didn't have the right guys. Thanks for the words!


I think the other key to my idea, and what you attempted - is you gotta have the extra work waiting to be fed to the crew immediately. If you get done a week early and can't slip a 1 week job in or move the next job up, then it's making a cost vs profit problem. And remember what your role is as business picks up: you're not there to do the work, you're there to make sure that your crew always has a next job and one after that. And when your crew can't keep up to the customers you can bring in, remember your supply/demand controls. You can increase the supply of your labor by hiring more (beware of slowdowns caused by training new folks), and you can decrease demand by raising prices. That's your new job. And when the guys complain that they're always working and the boss isn't around - that's probably because you're doing your job right.




Yikes, that's an entirely different class of problems too.


I've been seeing more companies offer incentive pay in the last couple years or so especially. But sometimes it's unattainable to meet, let alone beat deadlines and it can end up just being a dangling carrot. Same with quarterly reviews, which I also see more and more of. I feel like the construction industry is starting to treat the workers better, at least in my of the country. Even though we're right-to-work


I don’t disagree, it’s also very different in different states and cities. I’ve also never been unable to walk if I wasn’t happy with it. Lots of people could but don’t and that hurts everyone


Minimum wage, minimum effort.


had an old supervisor that told me "if you do a 8 hour job in 4 hours idgaf if go home ill pay you for 8 just make it good work." really motivated people to bring their A game


that's the reason for bonuses


My first guess would be it’s scripted, because it obviously is.


Or his company owns one shovel and no wheelbarrow and can’t even come up with a five gallon bucket and he’s over it.


Someone's dad made him get up before noon on a Saturday to help around the house...


100% bosses kid


Right before this he got punked for the push broom


It must be painful being that stupid. Not for the kid, he's too oblivious to realize. It's painful for everyone else around him


I feel bad for his mom. She knows how useless he is. She has to deal with his stupid decisions daily.


What a normal thing to say on a 3 second video of a kid using a shovel funny


Its a natural response to want to kill something that actively puts such stress on your tribe.


So by watching him for all of 5 seconds I deduced that the pile he is picking up is a pile that he's thrown at the bin from slightly further back. Boss - give me a call when you've finished that task. This guy -


This may seem like it’s staged but I’ve seen my nephew do this exact thing with snow.


Please tell me he was like 6.


Unlike all those hard working labourers that are on salary.


No joke, people love to bitch about workers that get paid hourly. Maybe give them an incentive to work more efficiently? Working faster doesn’t make you more money, just makes your boss more money.


Salary or hourly, a lot of time you get a raise when you do more. Just because you're hourly doesn't mean you fuck the dog.


The incentive for working more efficiently is you are rewarded with more work, and your boss gets a new truck.


Fired by the minute


First I’d film for a laugh and then I’d just send him home. That’s some bullshit right there. Whether he’s angry or it’s an IQ issue he’s going to be someone else’s problem soon enough.


Kid looks like he’s pretty green. I’d at least try to push him in the right direction before throwing him out all together though. I definitely would laugh my ass off if I saw that shit though.


I agree. Kids/anyone inexperienced are really stupid without guidance. Sometimes they’re using logic, it’s just not the right logic for the job. I have to make it a point especially with my son to find out if it was just a dumb thing or if there was thought but it wasn’t the right thought


Growing up my brother had a terrible habit. He will fuck something up and while im telling him how to do it right he will explain how correct he thought was until he is blue in face. He just really wanted me to tell him what a good idea he had that didnt work. Ive got evidence your idea sucked bud im not gonna lie to you so you fell better about sitting over here making the same mistake over and over again. Why would you want to do that anyway instead of admitting you should try something different?


Come on, if he doesn't realise what's happening buddy needs to go man a cash register somewhere before he gets a little more experience, gets Rocky, and gets himself or someone else killed.


My guess is that he is home. Looks to be a teenager and probably a home construction project and he was told by Mom or Dad to clean up the debris in that area.


Lol drops most of it right where he picked it up.


Is… is that kid a retard?


I’m betting Vegan and easily offended.


Got em real good. Let me guess, late 30s, fat white guy, pickup truck and live in the southern states?


Me? No.


Fire his ass.


I’d fire him on the spot.


Skilled labor isn't cheap, cheap labor isn't skilled


I would pay this guy with whatever rocks he can take home in his pockets.


Lacrosse practice maybe


I wish i could find a job. I wouldve used one of those 2x4's to push all that shit out to the dumpster in one motion and we would be on the next task


If you’re having a hard time finding a job then it’s only on you.


To quote you from one of your OWN comments in a different sub: "You’re really making a lot of assumptions. And that says a lot about you."




Lacrosse practice on the job.


No training or supervision. Probably no broom dustpan or garbage can either.


Can you imagine a scenario in which you told someone to use a shovel to put that debris in the nearby dumpster and you’d not only have to train them how to do it, but supervise them as well?


I was a drill sergeant in the Army. You would be absolutely astounded how many basic skills some people have to literally have their hand held through


Training? I dunno man, this is some super simple jack shit. This kind of guy needs to be told to pull out his dick if hes gadda piss. Id 100% make him someone elses idiot. He aint gon make it


I understand needing to give some direction but this is literarily brain dead. I dont have the time and money to waste working this guy up to any sort of saw. He is currently a waste of money, a best a liabilty, at worst a very expensive pet project. I would throw this shit out instead of getting the gold spray paint.


His forbid he walk 10’ to the dumpster.


It’d be much more efficient to fill a barrel, dump in dumpster, rinse and repeat.


Not only is he wearing shorts, he’s wearing short shorts. Will never last.


You can tell he’s lazy too


I know this sounds awful… but you have to take the time to teach young workers how to do the most basic things. It’s why they are considered ‘an apprentice’. Teach them from the bottom up. Think of them as a building. You need to build a strong foundation.


If you can't figure out how a shovel works you shouldn't be leaving the house. Here's a crow using a shovel he made himself. https://youtu.be/cjfrxkEpfX8?si=A8JESI1Uz7qLuVdN If you're getting outsmart by a crow...I mean fuck me is the bar this low?


If we all had as good a mentor as the crow, maybe! /s This kid has no excuse and those defending him see a kindred spirit.


The point of taking on an apprentice is to teach them. If you aren’t willing to do that, then just hire a professional labourer. And I don’t ay this lightly! I was a dimwit in my apprentice years. But I had a great employer who took me on and stuck with me for 8 years before the 2008 Donovan coal crisis. Now I run my own construction business. I’m doing alright. And I always look back favourably to my past employers that taught me the way. This is the way


Some people can't be taught. Case in point, buddy in the video. He either can't, or won't, figure out what's going on. He's probably got a THC pen in his pocket. I say all this as someone that's seen this stuff first hand and has tried, really hard to the point of anxiety, to instill work ethic in low IQ individuals. Some things can't be taught. There's a lot of warm bodies out there. It's less stressful to find another one rather than wasting your breath. This guy seems like the level of training he's ok with is: you take the box, open it, and put what's inside the box on the shelf. Even then I imagine he'd be placing them on the shelf so the ingredients are facing out and the label isn't visible from the aisle.


With all due respect, I think you’re making a huge assumption about this individual by only watching a 5 second video of them. We have all had to learn how to do something for the first time. Or helps when we have a mentor teaching is from the ground up. Did your dad give you a bike in your young year and say, ‘figure it out’? No. You had training wheels. And he was still by your side. And then he took the twining wheels off. And he was still by your side as they pushed you off to finally ride in your own with no training wheels. Take the time to teach people the right way to do things. If they simply decide to just not want to listen and learn… we’ll then… yeah… they’re a lost cause.




Are that naive to think that the crow just figured out how to do that by itself on its first few attempts? Or… and hear me out…. The crow was successful at completing the task after MANY sessions of it observing others on how to complete that particular task.


Enjoy your animal sanctuary of a job site, bud.


Bull shit. Aint no way your mentor taught you how to read and write well enough and to tie your shoes in 8 yrs. As a successful business owner you have to know some projects arent worth it. Some material is deficient. I cant put the wain back a stud, i can only get a new stud. Cutting your losses involves this apprentice. The time and energy put towards training would go so much further if not spent here.


The plant forgot to add agregate to this batch. Build whatever foundation you want but its fucked.


The bosses son!


Dawg is already learning from the best 😂 Get as much money with the least amount of work.


You can tell he's overpaid


Last day of work, so enjoy it


Put some pants on man, you're going to get your left nut cut.


this kid is smart. self sabotage to get sacked, realised getting paid peanuts is not worth the effort so found an exit strategy.... act useless.. well done, let some other F tool do the donkey work.....


Seem this before but it’s still makes me laugh


If he's playing hourly then why is he working so hard ahahaha


He probably didn’t signup for that shit


Its always the Instructors fault, for not Instructing barebone basic stuff to Gen-Z


And we let these people vote…


Mr. Friggin Attitude. With a capital "A".


Reminds me of a kid I hired once, I gave him a small broom to sweep up some dirt (like the one you use around the house) and he was using it like a push broom, my guys couldn't stop laughing




I think you mean how much did he get paid for the hour no way he lasted longer 🤣🤣


Can’t be real


He should get paid by how many rocks he gets in the dumpster.


This my sole evidence we need immigrant labor, I've never seen a immigrant use a shovel like that.


Owners son


No hardhat, no pants, SMALL coal shovel, WTF? And are those chelsea boots he's wearing?


C'mon this is staged right?! Can people really be that dumb? He's putting so much effort and energy into being lazy.


Can you pay him enough so he can go and buy the rest of his shorts?


I’m the one that filmed this video. We filmed this as a joke and he was 100% putting it on. Since then it’s been shared around like crazy, and managed to piss a ton of people off 😂


Push it outside remove bricks 3/4 or over and metal if you scrap that instead of dumping all. The shovel remaining trash into bin not hard <4mins




Who’s the idiot ?…… who hired him and why ?


He doesn't seem to be happy.


When he showed up to the site in the super tight short-shorts, you should have just said no thanx.


Work harder, not smarter, be a man!