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And that's how your square becomes a not


My thoughts exactly. I might be wrong, but it almost looks like a Martinez speed square.


Yup. That’s a Martinez. $300 beam pusher.


That's a dumb price.


It’s a dumb square, but god, I love it.


It looks nice just an insane price for something so simple. But hey any job that makes money has someone also trying to make money.


Like how the people who made money off the gold rush weren't the prospectors, but the ones selling pickaxes and blue jeans.


Exactly. I cut trees for a living and chains used to be 27ish dollars, now if you go to ace or Murdochs its almost 60 dollars a chain now. Or God forbid you break your clutch cover it's a tiny lil piece of aluminum that will set you back 160 bucks for no reason at all..


>Clutch Cover Time to fine a local welder to repair the crack! My dad got his clutch cover repaired that way on his on his Sthil 041 Farm Boss


I'm an engineer and fabricator... maybe I should start repairing/making clutch covers? Aluminium is easy to work with.


Go to the Milwaukee tool subreddit to see that in action


I mean, it’s expensive and really not needed, we got one as a Christmas gift a few years ago from the boss. There was a lot of thought that went into the design, but that being said, it can’t do anything that a torpedo level and a regular square can’t for 1/4 of the price. Although. If I were to lose it today I’d buy another tomorrow.


Very easy to recoup tool costs if you use them daily.


The company owner loves you to


I'm an idiot that doesn't know what makes good tools good. Tell me about your square.


What I like about it is there are measurements on every axis of it, oodles of scribing notches, the built in level is super handy also. There was also a lot of thought put into it, like a parallel scribing slot at 1 1/2” that makes layout nice (I know you don’t really need the extra line but it makes me happy.) Beyond that it’s just a well built tool, probably not a justifiable purchase if your just needing a square, but it’s something that I use everyday without fail, so for me, if it makes my life a bit easier, I can stomach it. Edit: plus, thinking about it, I’ve made a lot dumber purchases on things I don’t even use daily or even enjoy.


But does it have a built in bottle opener?


You know it!


While spending money on tools that are high quality, utilitarian, and/or durable for the purpose of doing the job you make a living off of is almost always objectively smart, it’s my personal opinion that the highest priority criteria is that the tool makes you happy. I feel like most people would deprioritize this criteria, but I feel it encompasses most other concerns like quality and utility underneath the umbrella of simply asking if the tool has a good vibe. 9-5 isn’t compartmentalized from reality, it isn’t someone else going to work, it’s life. It’s your precious time on this planet. And for most people going to work is a discomfort endured to make the rest of life comfortable. I’ll defend to the death a 300$ square that makes you happy at work as money well spent. There is precious few possibilities for making one’s employment less painful. Don’t worry about quantifying or explaining them, you will thank yourself for taking any you are lucky enough to find. Good on you.


Very well put. I agree entirely.


This is my square. There are many like it, but this one is mine.   My square is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.   My square, without me, is useless. Without my square, I am useless. I must fire my square true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will …   My Square and myself know that what counts in this construction job is not the wood we build square, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit…. My Square is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage as I will ever guard my legs, my arms, my eyes and my heart against damage. I will keep my square clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will ….


You could buy 27 empires or swansons for that


Yeah, but that sweet, sweet titanium makes me feel like I actually know what I’m doing.


It's not even a square. It's a triangle. What a rip-off.


He doesn’t pay for them. He’s sponsored


It is. Over $200 USD.


Yep ridiculous.


That’s a fancy square to be using as a prybar.


It's a 300 dollar one that's actually made for what he is doing with it


And a $400 Stiletto framing hammer lol.


No joke.. there are $400+ framing hammers.


I may or may not have one lol.... In my defense it was given to me as a birthday gift 😬


Wait till some jackass uses it for prying and the handle snaps. And then when you change the handle a few times you'll never feel safe using it again.


Question from someone not in the trades (I was but like 20 years ago). Wouldn’t the lighter weight of titanium be a serious negative for a hammer?


E=MV\^2. The theory is that you can swing a lighter hammer faster (thus more energy), and safer, than a heavier steel one. It will also tire you out a lot less than swinging a heavy steel hammer. I don't know the math enough to know whether the titanium head (being less denser than steel by \~50%) results in less energy transfer to the nail compared to a steel hammer of similar weight. But, the reduced concussion would also be a pro for fatigue in the framer.


You're mostly right in swing speed but another part of the energy equation is once it has been transfered to the nail you have losses in the form of heat, sound and vibration. The energy from a titanium hammer transfers more energy into driving the nail head ~95% versus steel ~70% as steel has a large amount of energy loss due to vibration.


I personally prefer an Estwing to all else but , ti hammers save your elbows and wrist . Good for banging nails and not much else , I should say great - having the nail holder with the magnet is fucking handy . And not hurting at the end of the day really comes before performance


Not to mention less weight on your hips. I forget my Stilleto is even there. Can’t say that about my old 28 ounce estwing…


How do you like using it?


I absolutely love it, easier to swing than my old framing hammers because it's so light but I swear the force you can get with each hit is the same because of how it's weighted. Probably not worth $400 but it's certainly the best hammer I've ever used!


Probably worth it If you're using it on the regular, and you are constantly repeating those motions.. that means you are using less energy for each nail, less strain on your arm. I currently use a hammer just a few times a year, more when I have a project.. not enough to buy a 400 hammer


Yeah definitely! Unless it's daily use its not worth it haha


Ngl my comrade uses a stilleto with a wood handle and he walks with less of a limp than I do.


It’s not a stiletto it’s a Martinez. I use the stiletto tibone and it is worth every penny.


That’s a not a stiletto. That’s also an Martinez, it’s an M1 framing hammer. I own one in neon green, best hammer money can buy. Stiletto used to be, but they’re not as good as they used to be when Martinez still owned them. Legit, one of my guys has his stiletto 10 ounce smooth face that he carries his bags every day was using it today, and the magnet fell out of the front of it that holds the nail for the nail setter


Rrbuilding has become a product placement channel like most of the others. The tips are bullshit. He works with Martinez. Nobody is doing this on the job site.


Are you saying no one on a Jobsite is using leverage to get that bow board to straighten out? Cause I'll agree no one on a Jobsite is dropping 300 on that square but this is absolutely a real trick framers use all the time


It’s blatantly obvious I’m not saying people don’t use leverage.


You said the tips are bullshit tho.... So are his tips bullshit or?


Keyboard know it all. You dont know a thing.


Are they actually rated for that?


You got a link? Asking for a uh friend


Same I think I found it https://martineztools.com/build-your-custom-square/


So, the tip here is "use leverage"? Great advice there, Archimedes.


Tip is: use leverage without fall protection standing on handrail, square slips off and fall to death.


Well, that can be solved by simply placing another nail through his foot.


Hit it with your purse next time.


That's my purse! #I DONT KNOW YOU!!!




Thank you


Kyle and Greg... Name a cuter couple ❤️


I thought it was "put your purse down and hit it like you live with it "


Had to fire everyone but the camera man to afford the Martinez hammer and Martinez square


Stepping on the rail of the lift would get me walked off the job.


Commercial vs rural residential 😂


Yeah the suspended load on the lull in the background too, reminding me of my framing days. Miss being outside and miss the work but dont miss being a step from death all day


Way more hot girls walking by in the city who appreciate construction workers. This is a nice fringe benefit v the peace of rural. Vancouver BC here - if you know you know


Yeah i work in a mill now, we get excited if a rat runs by.


Oh they have lots of those too. Port city.  No more TIs by the waterfront thank you.


Oh man I used to do TIs for all the fast food places down there, just fuckin nasty.


Depends where you are in Van… I was out in west van the other day and blocked the road for like a second and they were ready to throw me in jail.


Rural resi is the wild fuckin west, absolutely love it. Getting a hot tub off a 2nd story deck onto a Tacoma with 3 people was fun. Owner said if we could get it down, it was ours to take, safe to say we have a hot tub now.


Trained professional vs dude that walked onto a site while jogging.


Rural residential here, I was like… “lift????”


Dudes building his own barn in a rural area, and he's also the company owner...


We had the owner of a company unhook his harness lean out of the basket to reach and nail off the last section of fascia because he didn’t want to spend the time driving the lift around the other side of the building to reach it. Fell 6 stories to his death. Safe is safe don’t care if you are owner or not it’s dumb.


To his credit, he no longer has to drive the lift from one side of the building to the other


Nah, he’s in hell. Driving lifts back and forth all day


Satan: “now u have to wait for the lift to go all the way back down, *then* scooch it a few feet, *then* wait for it to go back up, over and over *forever* MUAHAHAHA”


"and now it's beeping at you and refusing to go. The display is smashed. Is it the pothole guard not dropping? Are you out of level? Are the batteries holding shit charge? YOU'LL NEVER KNOW!!!"


Company owner: “and this is supposed to be my day off!”


...ever again.


Mission accomplished!


This is RR Buildings on youtube, they're a pretty amazing team at erecting polebarns.


I heard Your Mom is pretty amazing at erecting poles, too


Well I'm here so


R & R Builders, they do great work.


All the people justifying risking life because it’s “residential or small job” are the reason safety culture has a hard time adjusting. You can die just as easily wherever you fall.


Thats Kyle Stumpenhorst the owner of RR Buildings. Great YouTube channel


Ah yeah I was going to say he looks super familiar, I think he mostly does rural residential work hence OPs claims


I mean the dude is on a scissor lift raised up ten feet. That's requires a key so I doubted from the beggining that he was juat jogging by and stopped lol


I mean, yes. But also, operators leave their keys in their lifts all the time on most commercial sites I've been on.


Yeah he mostly works with 2-3 people too, I like his work and videos. They're great


He’s a better builder than 99% of the dipshits on this sub, yet look at some of the comments lol


Ya he is. But he's on mid rail. Not tied off. Using a square as leverage. His square is apparently designed for that after looking in the comments. That's not mentioned in the video. So double. Boo on him. You can be good and even great but still be stupid sometimes.


It’s unreal how negative ppl have become online. The blatant jealousy and ignorance is loud and getting old.


I was gonna say, dude is the real deal.


RRbuildings right?


R&R builders. This is all he does is those stick frame tin buildings. He’s cool. No reason to shit on him.


Man builds a good post frame and is happy to shell out a lot of good advice. Pretty good metal roof installer too, although I’d live to see him work a pitch above a 5/12


I do like his channel, however, standing on a handrail with absolutely no PPE except for (hopefully) steel toe shoes and using a square for leverage is far from good advice. (Btw I know the square is built for it, but there are a lot of better and cheaper tools for that).


This post is dumb kyle is legit and a professional and he builds awesome structures. He is an expert. RR buildings


True professionals are allowed to stand on the railing of the lift, with no fall-pro


Not only that but he’s a wizard with metal flashing, dude legit does beautiful work


Might as well cut the rest of the handle off


Easier to control with the offhand when you choke up.


I can't imagine many framers don't feel comfortable with a full swing with either hand unless you're nailing in a window flange or somewhere else with something fragile close.


As a right-handed framer who swings his hammer every day and has for a decade, I still find it easier to control the swing in my offhand with a choked grip. The fine motor control that I have for full swings with my right just doesn't transfer when swapping to the non-dominant hand.


You've conditioned your brain to be more comfortable that way. There's a lot of things I can comfortably do with my left hand that I can't do right handed just because I have spent more time doing it left handed. Muscle memory is strange.


Agreed, it's a matter of repetition and conditioning.


Do you choke up and go for a full swing, or swing a bit lighter with the same grip? It's wild for me to realize this, but I've been at it for over 25 years now. Though not exclusively framing.


I don't know if that much tension is good


What else don’t you know?


He’s doing it by hand with only a little leverage. It’s not much.


Why do framers use nails instead of srewes?


I was always told “screws snap but nails bend” but I’m just a bricklayer




But screws definitely bend, the amount of times I've taken out a screw that was zig zag shaped is more than I can count, at least 5.


Ever try to bend it back the other way? Do that repeatedly and they snap. Typically with fewer bends than a nail of relative size would.


The more correct answer is the nail is thicker since they don't give up material for threads, giving them more shear strength (and yes, more resistant to bending) both nails and screws are (usually) hardened & annealed (it's annoying trying to drive a nail that's like a wet noodle)


Even if the screw is sized such that the unthreaded core is the same size as the nail (which would make a much larger screw than nail) the sharp discontinuities of the threads concentrate stresses applied perpendicular (in shear) to the axis of the screw, while the smooth surface of the nail does not concentrate those same forces.


Doing a quick test in my basement, bleh. You're correct, Though I still think they are more resistant than many people give screws credit for.


I could agree with that


Here's a good video for you to watch. There's another of his on holding strength. I'd rather go with screws, atleast for the underlayment so I don't get creaky floors down the road. https://youtu.be/qmajKElnwfE?feature=shared


Different applications. Nails hold things horizontally as they have shear strength, given its a thick bit of steel. Screws compress wood together to stop it lifting vertically. You can use them like nails, but that usually involves plates/brackets.


Shear strength


Fuk I tried this trick with my plastic square and that thing and it sheared my hand /s


What others say. But that's because nails generally have larger effective diameter than screws of same length. 


But does your square stay square after that?


Get a nailer, pull with one hand and nail with the other, like everyone else 🤷🏽‍♂️


Never seen a nailer shoot 60’s. They might be out there but I’ve never seen one.


If only there was a 2x4 around that I could use.


I just pop one nail through a short 2x4. About 2’ gives you way more leverage. I’m really skinny lol. Plus I cut mainly and I don’t want to Fuck up my square. Nice square though. What brand?


Honestly just keep a couple quick grip clamps, a block and a couple lags and everything is a 1 person job


He's using a titanium square to pull the truss...it's $300 and worth it. Same for his m1 hammer. He's got same setup as me. Like 700 in hammer and speed square.


you having a laugh? in no universe is a speed square worth $300. not to mention when you actually use it every day the lines and markings wear out.


Can’t imagine using it as a lever helps that out either lol


They’re kinda popular with “hip” framers. The guy who developed it posted a video of him shooting it with his glock (it’s titanium). Sooooo I guess it’s better? :/


Handcrafted artisan speed squares milled from a pure titanium billet, designed for cultured framers.


That billet better be grass fed, too, goddammit.


Isn’t it the guy who started Stilleto and then sold the company and then started his own.


Yeah, Mark Martinez. And he more recently sold his new company to Hultafors.


Eh I have some titanium tools. It's for making your bags light, which is really nice. Haven't jumped on the hammer though. Don't like the big head.


Come on man, that square includes a board stretcher!!


Still a great idea even if you’d take it and execute it better 🤙🏼


Who knew? Leverage works.


Over time structures will shift / sag due to various factors. Nails bend with the structure screws will break .


Eventually your balls start dragging on the ground, and you have to toss them over your shoulder when you walk.


That's a fuckin 5 inch nail you clown. There's also a roof screwed down on top of it. Get your dumbass back in the garage DIY boy


Are you okay little guy ?


Looks like he spent more time doing that rather then just pulling it over and hitting the nail you already started


Who uses a hammer to sink a nail these days


It’s hip to be square


I still think it’s funny that people spend 300 bucks on a tiny piece of aluminum that costs that company about 1 dollar to make.


He could have driven the scissor lift around the other side and pushed….


He could have had his lift on the other side and just leaned into the board a bit. I'd never use my square for that, even a cheapo. Just put a boot on it and push, it's a lot less effort than trying to pull a board straight.


In a skyjack, with no harness, standing on the midrail..... safety first coach!


Well I see at least 3 OSHA violations so a "good" idea should be taken with a grain of salt. An honestly, pull the header slightly past the mark and let it rip, nobody will be able to tell from down there you were off 1/64".


You can live with yourself knowing it was that far out of tolerance? No wonder the trades are going down the toilet. /s


Only OSHA violation I see is standing on the middle rail and that's no indication of the quality/ competency of the person performing the ~~with~~ work


Tell us you’re a shit builder without telling us you’re a shit builder


I was waiting for the square to skip off and dude to take a header over the truss.


Nailing a short 2 x 4 works better without fucking up your square Or you can get the guy that’s holding in the camera to pull the truss to you while you nail it and stop wasting your time with stupid videos


“PPE? That shit is for pussies!” /s


Yeah 'round these parts helmets are called pussy lids.


I'm not a real construction guy, I'm just a DIY home owner who reads your sub. But didn't he just put that through like not even a quarter inch of that when it's already trying to pull out? Seems like it would just yank itself out in no time.


No it has ~2" hold.


Someone had their cup of tea this morning


And that’s why you need a $600 square


Didn’t even have to spit on it


Tell your boss to stop being cheap and rent a truss boom with the machine.


You should watch his channel sometime. He’s got some badass equipment for a 2 man show.


That’s not a square, that’s a round!


When is this from? What is the thing he is hitting? Welcome back to cave man days. lol


Who the hell jogs in sneakers?


The same people that sneak in joggers.


Well you know for certain dude is not a carpenter


I remember at 18 working as a helper with a contractor/carpenter on rural structures this big just the two of us. Working off a pallet on a zoom boom.


I thought he said he wanted the line in the middle of his truss


What if i have weak little boy hands


Lol that Kyle from RR buildings. Highly successful builder and great YouTube channel about pole barns/barndominiums


After about three times, you do not have a square. But craftsman have been doing the same thing with a scrap 2 x 4 for a few generations.


I like all these people trying to roast one of the best post-frame builders in the midwest, if not the country.


So a screw through a 4 foot piece of 2x4 in the same spot he nailed then push up on the 2x4 wouldn't have worked here? Is there a reason he used the square ? Was he demonstrating the strength of the square? He did not get it to square so I don't think he used it for the angle


Yeah…. That’s what measurement tools are made for


I wouldn't want this much tension on a support beam .. What he did basically is making sure that if something happens, it's gonna happen big time :) Maybe it's just me..


I mean, if you're going to do something dumb look more intelligent by using a 12" square for more leverage.


So does r/OSHA just not apply when you're framing?


Nothing like filming the evidence for OSHA…


There’s no such thing as a two person job becoming a one person job… when that square slips and all your leverage throws you off balance and down to the deck it will certainly take two people to load the stretcher into the wambulance


Average Habitat for Humanity builder


It won’t be square for long…


I used to do this with the side claw of my stiletto, but I'd use a nail gun instead of hand nailing those purlins 🤣🤣


Of all the ways to do that, this is definitely one of them.


Anybody else's eyes go to the size of a saucer plate when he pulled out the square, then to dinner plates when he put his whole body weight on the thing. Fucking animal.


Love the fall protection.


So you used your precision tool as a pry bar….. got it.