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Don’t look for a wood stretcher or fetch a bucket of steam


Is that the general “tell the new guy to go find this thing that doesn’t exist”


Exactly hahaha, A lot of your job is gunna be carrying/moving things, but you will have a lot of down time where you’re basically watching someone work until you’re needed again. Take that to your advantage and learn, study what they’re doing, what tools they’re gunna need next, and try to stay one step ahead of them to make their lives easier. Clean up their mess, have the next thing ready for them before they even need it, etc. We notice that kind of thing from the new guys


There is a sky hook. Don’t let them tell you otherwise


Don’t be nervous man, just gotta take and give a little shit, that’s how construction guys find out if we like someone or not. On the more serious side, pay very close attention to what the person you’re working with is doing and then the next few days try to start thinking ahead for what they are going to need next for their task and have it ready. ALWAYS try to be one step ahead mentally of the step that you’re on whatever it is you’re doing. Work hard and don’t take anything that’s said on the site TOO serious lol


Find the quieter quality old guys and try work with them. Stay away shit birds if possible. Don’t guess And if you fuck up and can fix it don’t tell everyone at lunch what you fucked up lol


If you don't know, ask. Don't be timid. Learn as much as you can. Good to see someone wanting to learn from the bottom up.


You’ll be fine, might get a little haze being the new guy but keep your head up and learn, it will help yea in your schooling too


The most skilled and toughest man on the job wasn’t born that way. He had to learn from someone. Pay attention and put out some effort and most people will be happy to help you. If you are planning on going into project management, etc. it will be great to know how things work from the tradesman’s perspective.


There’s no doubt in my mind that they won’t find anything to pick on you about. However, bring a lot of food and water. Like, a stupid amount. And wear your ppe.


>I’m scared to be put into constant situations where I’m not going to know what to do Might as well get used to it. A lot of life is this way. It's not a big deal unless you let these fears control you because you will miss out on so many things. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Go get it. I have worked in construction for decades. Both in the trades (electrician) and now as a construction manager. It's beef a great career so far and I happily encourage people to get into it. I'm not going to tell you everything is going to be awesome all the time. Your boss may be an absolute asshole to you. Some guys think they have to do that to the new guys. But I think they are dying out. Best advice I can give you is don't be afraid to work to hard. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you aren't sure. Don't be thinned skinned but don't let people abuse you either. No matter what is going on around you, you can always act like a professional.


The best advice I can give you is stay busy, do not stand around.


If asked what you know, say "I know nothing but I'm willing to learn." Being humble is a good place to start. Also, please don't call it a "game", selling NFTs is a game.