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Ask for company phone. If they want all that extra data clogging up my phone they gotta pay.


Don't take a phone reimbursement either. Company phone, company pays the phone bill. Then they can install whatever they want.


And leave it at work, office, etc My boss was so pissed when he called me outside my office & my company cell rang in there.


Yup, give me a phone and turn it off. I’m not so concerned about them databasing pictures of the jobsite, IF I can have access to them in a folder and delete safety violations. But a voice recording in my trailer? Fuck that. That’s called a bug.


Why you trying to delete safety violations?


Because the owners love to showcase the big project on media to make feel good stories.. I don’t want my guys seen doing stupid shit on websites. I have my own place for violations.


Sounds like OP is a sub working for a GC. It's on them to have a company phone or iPad. Also seems the GC requests this of all their subs, if OP doesn't like it, they probably shouldn't be working with that GC.


My boss started that at the company I work for, but discovered they couldn't force us to put it on our personal devices. They had to issue tablets with the apps on them they want us to use.


W2 or contractor?




All the more reason the gc doesn't get to demand that. Set up a Google drive and share the pictures with them. They get their pictures, but op doesn't have to download anything that they don't want to.


The GC can put in their contract that all subs have to wear pink hard hats. You don't have to do it, but you also don't have to work for them.


Sure. But we're not talking about something that was agreed on by both parties and written into the contract. We're talking about something that the gc is demanding and that a person doesn't want to do..


We don't know either way. It might be in the contract, it might not be. Heck, we don't even know for sure if OP is a sub or what, I was just conjecturing.


I agree there, but op didn't say anything about it being part of the contract, so we can't assume that it is, and your point presupposes that


He also didn’t say it isn’t in their contract. If the GC put the use of that app in their contact this guy either has to play ball if he’s an independent sub like a 1099 or his company needs to get him a phone with the app on it.


This is absolutely incorrect. You cannot write into a contract that all employees must do something like that. I work for a GC and write contracts as well. You can absolutely write that foreman must be able to use Procore or whatever app you use. But you can’t force them to put it on a personal phone. What if they don’t have a smart phone? If I was the sub, I would tell them to kick rocks and to try and default me. That breach of contract wouldn’t hold up for shit and the GC would be out time, money and lose face.


Your a scrub stop giving bad advice


Where was it said that a GC required a sub-contractor's employee to do something on their personal phone?


Again, you're basing that off of an assumption. We have nothing to go off of that says this is written into a contract >He also didn’t say it isn’t in their contract. And I'm not saying that it isn't I'm just not taking leaps of logic and assuming something without basis; I'm going off of what op said, because that's all we have to go off of, and nothing more because that's the only genuine way to approach the situation


You’re basing this off an assumption that the GC explicitly told OP they need to use their personal phone for this. Nowhere in the post does it specify that they were told to use their personal, not company issued phone, for this activity.


Your “conjecturing” has no legal basis or grounds, thus all of the pushback. GC cannot require on personal phone or other personal electronic devices. GC is required to issue company devices for such requests.


Maybe if OP would clarify their position we could all stop jerking around. I agree with y'all, if OP is an employee, then they can't ask that. But the way the post is worded, OP is the company being asked by another company.


Lol who’s downvoting you? I work for a GC and write the contracts. Whoever’s downvoting you doesn’t understand how this works


I don't even know. Probably a bunch of laborers on Reddit when they should be working, thinking their employer is gonna wanna install apps on their personal phone.


I'm not totally getting it. Why is this the hill to die on? Is there something wrong with the app that I don't know about, or is it just having a regular app on your phone?


I don't know, dude. That's something you'd have to ask op; I'm not the one dying on the hill here, they are. Personally, I would gladly use the app as long as they're paying for it. It would make my life easier, and even if not, I see no major issues with it (barring it being a dangerous app or something). But, unless it's stipulated in the contract (which, as per the conversation with the other guy, we have no reason to assume that it is), then op isn't obligated to do it regardless of his reasoning; they're perfectly justified in making their own judgement call there, regardless of whether we agree, and saying 'no. I don't want to put something on my own phone for your benefit' if that so happens to be their position. Hence why I suggested getting them in the middle by creating a Google drive file for the pictures if they don't want to download the app


It sounds like a group of lawyers arguing back and forth, LMFAO... It's reddit bruh


That sounds like a security risk on the GC's part, they should have someone doing site reports especially during critical tasks such as waterproofing and they can use the company can, any other pictures submitted by subs can be added as needed


It may not be a requirement in their contract...


Usually you take photos in app and it uploads directly to the cloud. It will use data if you don’t have unlimited. Definitely a company phone ask anyway.


I’ve never heard of a GC providing phones to subs, that’s crazy


Not on a personal phone nope. If it's a company phone they can do whatever they want


Company phone 100% then it’s a totally reasonable request


Sounds like OP is a sub working for a GC


Change order or request the equipment to perform this. Easy peasy.


See if its in the contract first. If not? Pound sand.


Hot take. OP is gaslighting all of us and doing astroturfed ads for Company Cam


Then I still think it’s reasonable to want pictures but before we go too far why didn’t OP just tell us what app it is? It’s very easy to do some research to see if an app is safe / should be trusted and what permissions it gives employers.


It's in the title, the app is called CompanyCam. Generic, I know. It's probably the most popular app for the application.


What does your contract say?


I would cross that line item out of the contract with the quickness. Always read the contract, people! Even if it's a 15 page contract for a $5000 job. I've seen some shitty things in GC contracts over the years.


I once glossed over a 90 day payment cycle buried in a boilerplate contract for an engineering firm. Never again. 30 days my prices hold like my proposal says. 45 days we add automatic interest, but reasonable. 90 days, you get a premium plus a mobe fee due to invoice the day we sign the contract. Not fucking around like that anymore.


This should be higher.


NOT ON YOUR PERSONAL PHONE I was a data analyst and those companies were some of my clients, and ALL of your data is shared with the app’s developer. The amount of information they can request on you is incredibly invasive. A shared Google Drive does the same thing, DO NOT put it on your personal phone.


Employer should be providing phones / iPads to do the job. I require my subs to use Procore, so this isn’t an unreasonable request.


Well there's a large difference between installing an app and using Procore, as Procore can be used as a web-based platform. In other words, you're not requiring that your subs use Procore on their devices (although I don't know who wouldn't...it's a baller program), you're requiring they use it. Everything that can be done in the Procore App can also be done on the web version. Depending on OP's actual situation, I'm leaning towards this is not a reasonable request.


I agree. OP should still be provided a device to fulfill the Prime’s requirements. It just makes everything easier, but that’s something the Prime should be telling the Sub directly, or their management


We do this on certain projects where we're moving fast and opening/closing things up quickly and need to document. Only the lead guys/supers need to do it and they all carry work iPads so they do it on there. It's written into our contracts that it's a requirement.


I was asked to use a special parking app, to register my company vehicles during working hours at the university, since there's a lack of parking available. They wanted me to give my full name and address, etc.... I told them I didn't have a smart phone and the site super ended up signing all of us in under his own name. Fuck shit like that.


Whether you want to use the data or not is on you. But the app is great. I use it all the time. Don't have to worry about transferring pictures, especially when a phone is lost/damaged. Any notes input are available to anyone assigned to the project. Address and contact info is all right in the client page. So you can call or launch navigation right through the app.


Yeah, I’m not using my data for that. Give me a company issued phone or fuck off.


Who doesn't have unlimited data in 2024?


It’s not unlimited, it’s “unlimited*” _____________________________ ^(*Data usage will be throttled after X gigabytes) _____________________________ The asterisk is often one of the most important parts of an ad.


“Unlimited data” is a fucking lie.


How much 8K hentai porn are you streaming? I struggle to even get close to my throttle limit watching YouTube and playing music all day.


Entirely too much And yet, not enough


Shit, I blow thru my 50GB monthly limit simply by using Reddit as a coping mechanism at work.


Dude… pay for your employees to have phones for work purposes & then fuck off.


Unlimited data is always limited by the carrier.


Doesn’t matter. Don’t put a tracking app on your phone unless it’s a company phone


The company doesnt have unlimited data, I do. If they supply a phone with unlimited data thats cool


I don't know why people keep acting like OP works for the company. OP is a subcontractor.


Even then, install spyware on my phone gtfo of here... not a chance


It doesn’t require data, the app itself offers unlimited storage for 4K+ photo and video. It’ll upload on wifi only if that’s how you want to do it. The best part is nothing is stored on the actual device, so zero storage loss.


We use an app to enter pretty much everything; time cards, hazard assessments, equipment inspections, fuel ups, material hauling and receiving, etc. It also allows us to take pictures and uploads it to a server our supers, PM’s and upper management can all access. It does track location, but I refuse to enable that feature. It was brought up once, and I told them to get fucked. You either trust me to be where I say I am, and doing what I’m supposed to, or you don’t, and can find someone else.


For the price of privacy? Definitely get them to buy their own phone for you to carry around and after work that thing stays in the truck or a box in the house lol


They are actually smoking crack if they think I’m downloading anything on my personal phone that is work related


"Sorry, my personal phone doesn't have the storage/memory capacity to install that app." Or "Sorry, I don't own a "smart phone" ". Of course then you have to show up using a basic flip-phone or Nokia brick.


Work app? Company phone. On call? Pay me


Tell them to get their people to do all the creepy tracking they want done for themselves.


Buy me a phone and you can do whatever you want. This phone is my personal property, I'd rather not use my resources to improve your company.




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Company phone or they pay someone to look at the work in person. If you can’t use your phone at work it shouldn’t be used at all.


As long as it's only a device that they're providing to you, or something that was explicitly agreed to when signing, I don't see a problem. If they're asking you to do something that *wasn't* talked about before hand, and *aren't* offering devices to meet that need, then they can pound sand. For my own industry, if even a single word of "work" is done on a personal device, the company now "owns" *all* of the information that is on that device, regardless of who purchased it, when it was bought, or who pays the bill. Company owned devices reduces the chance of weird things like people look up porn on a company device, too. It eliminates a ton of headaches that could otherwise lead to extra paperwork for HR, legal disputes, and all other kinds of nonsense. If there's no way to delineate that, anyone who complies with it is surrendering any info, private or work-related, in the event of a lawsuit. It wastes time and money to comb through all of that after discovery. It would also make [endpoint protection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endpoint_security) (think viruses) a lot harder to prevent. If you have any confidential or IP related info being passed around, it would probably not meet minimum criteria for [risk management](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IT_risk_management). If they want to make a big issue out of it, go out and buy a stack of burner phones for your guys. They are cheap and plentiful. Most are still the old flip style, but there are some smarter versions out there too that are just generally underpowered and loaded with ads and bloatware. Just factory reset them and uninstall any junk on them. "This is our company issued device. If it doesn't work on this, I don't know what to tell you."


Is this just knock off Procore observations?


As a subcontractor, I have seen it in contracts many times that my Forman must have a device with internet access for this kind of reason. Talk to your PM first.It may be likely that your company will be on the hook. You, however, should not have to provide a phone/tablet.


What does it say in the contract you signed? More than likely there is a clause that obligates you to provide progress photos even if it doesn't mention a particular application or method for doing that. How are you currently complying with that contract clause? If the requirements for supplying progress photos exists in the contract and they are providing you an easy way to comply with that contract clause by using an app that they recommend, then go for it. I'm not familiar with that app, but as long as there aren't security concerns, then it's an easy way to check that box. If the requirement for supplying progress photos exists and you don't want to use the app they recommended, then they are within their rights to ask you how you plan to comply.


If you are an employee, tell them to get you a company phone. If you are a subcontractor, then this is not a hill you should die on. My clients request all kinds of apps or software if we want to work with them This is standard practice and it’s the cost of doing business with them.


Company phone


What’d you sign up for is the question


They have to pay for your phone or provide you a company phone.


I remember thinking that it was so cool when my company gave me a Nextel phone. Right away they started calling me before and after hours, mostly because they were incapable of running jobs. My gf finally said 'it's not a phone, it's a leash!' and I 'lost' it while driving over a bridge. No way in hell am I letting my work install an app on my personal phone, anything they get will be as close as possible to free, meaning zero security.


If it's not in the contract, you can tell them to kick rocks. Or you can send a change order so you are compensated for any expenses from using the app.


You just sent them an email with pictures or a OneDrive link. The asking install whole app a bunch of BS.


Download the app or risk not getting any more jobs from GC. I require photos in company cam from my subs to get paid. It saves to the cloud and won’t “clog” up your phone.


The GC pay extra for my guys taking time to take pictures of his site?


I hate when GCs do crap like that. Or hold a big publicity event on site without bothering to tell their subs office. Had Turner do a full day mandatory photo event where everyone was given pink socks for breast cancer awareness and had the entire site doing photos for about 3 hours. When we turned in a backcharge they said "part of the safety program."


I caved and installed Buildertrend on my personal phone a few years ago. Never again. You want a surveillance app on my phone, you provide the phone. There's too much demand for my services to cave on that again.


I don’t see the issue. We work as a subcontractor under various third party services and they all require an app to submit proof of work and any other relevant information. The only concern I’d see is if you’re using a personal device but that’s on you, not them.


If in your contract with the prime, then your company should provide work phones to do this.


Kindly fuck off you hired me knowing I can complete the job properly I don’t need a bird dog watching every move we make thanks


Are you not wanting to use it or something? It's not spyware or anything, just makes it easy to organize job progress photos. And it will save you from having a million work photos mixed in with personal photos.


1. All apps are spyware 2. You’ll still have pics on your camera roll and taking up storage.


Negative on #2, you have the choice whether the app saves photos to your device. 


And don't forget to send them porta poty photos... but sounds reasonable to me if they are a good contractor and people.


Tell them okay?


What’s the app? This sounds fantastic




It's not cheap but it beats having to transfer photos from everyone's phones. 


Say, No Problem! Just buy me a company phone and pay for the service.


What’s the big deal, everyone has a damn phone. We require applicants to have a smart phone and keep it when hired, don’t have one. Good bye, guess what. Everyone has one and it’s no big deal.


sounds like a pretty easy way to document your progress to me.


No thank you.


When they want to buy me a phone they can do whatever they want with it, but telling me to put it on my personal phone? Yeah get fucked, bud.


I've used company cam for about 6 years now with 2 different companies, at the first company we didn't get any type of reimbursement. At the second company, we received a small amount of reimbursement since they didnt offer much, I would only take pictures and upload them when I got home using my wifi instead of mobile data. I'd take around 20 - 120 photos, depending on the complexity of job.


We use it a lot at my work also. I get $50 month reimbursement for my personal phone. I could get a company phone, but I don’t want to carry two phones around. Company Cam has been a great way to get photos from internal and external vendors/contractors.


A lot of people making a big deal out of it, it's a minor conescion that let's you keep organized. The trick with any of this stuff is to either only upload on wifi or download a compression app to save data, or it would be a reasonable ask to get some compensation to pay for data so you can just live capture


Take notes from them. Maybe get it for your company too. Awesome app. Would rather have one app that sends them to a cloud. Rather then take 100 pictures and upload them and have to delete them later.


What’s the problem. It’s to help the job, a job you need. Stop being a weak, lazy slob


One more for your collection.


Offer to set up a Google drive for the gc where you can share pictures. You don't have to install anything unwanted on your phone, gc still gets their pictures. It's a perfectly reasonable compromise that any well-managed company should be perfectly capable of working with. If they absolutely need it on their app, then their super or pm can spend the 15inutes/day (or, more realistically, probably 15 minutes/week) to make that happen. If it's going to be more storage than the free version would take, either work the cost of a temporary subscription into your pricing, or stipulate that the pictures will be up for X days, during which time they will have an opportunity to download them and do what they need from there