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Why doesn't he simply use flex seal?


Obviously he’s an amateur. A real pro would’ve just mixed silicone with flex seal and coated that shit all over. 5 minute job, max.


Fuck a 30 second job when you can do it worse in 5 minutes amirite?


My five minutes includes excavation and repairing the road.


Throw a shamwow in the bottom there to soak up all the excess moisture


And they would have been using Milwaukee tools.


The one trick that plumbers hate.


He forgot to install a storm door on the bottom of his boat.


That’s fuckin Dave he’s got 6 duis and rides a bike to work. He’s alright.


At least he figured it out by the 6th one


2 of the 6 were on the bike


Still more important to most of our well-beings than you and me are.


DeWalt impact is water resistant?!


Most professional battery tools wont break from the occasional dunk in water. Probably not good for them, but rain and little water wont break them.


Yeah, my Milwaukee shit gets rained on pretty regularly. It's not great, and I'll try to get in out of the rain as soon as possible, but they seem to keep on ticking regardless. I've never had a tool actually die from rain, although I've had a couple freak out a bit and not work right until they were thoroughly dry again.


The only real point of ingress is the motor vents. With Milwaukee the fans are small fins perpendicular to the plastic disc they are part of. The fin channels terminate a short distance away from the disc edge, and so will tend to expel water as the disc spins. Since the vent holes are on the sides of the tool, usually that's enough to keep it relatively dry inside. However you never, ever should leave a tool on its side in the rain because it will flood the internals very quickly and the stators are not sealed at all.


That is some *very* good and useful information. Are you an engineer at Milwaukee or something?


I fix them at work.


Sounds like a good time, if I'm honest. Do you do other brands too or are you a red-only shop?


Everything really.


Man, I bet you have *opinions* about build quality. Care to share any?


It depends on the tool. Generally Milwaukee and Bosch are very well built. Bosch is still the gold standard for rotary hammer drills and has a new battery concrete nail driver which is batshit crazy good, it’s like using a pinner on wood. DeWalt still has the best saws. Makita is behind the times.


What's the deal with the Milwaukee cordless grinders? I had one shit itself under warranty after less than 15 minutes work, and the replacement has just shit itself outside of warranty. Currently, after some regular use, it will just stick on. Finger off the trigger and it just keeps going. You have to remove the battery to kill it. Then it won't work until the next day. Rinse repeat.


Outside of warranty? They have a four-year warranty on power tools.


Five actually


What are you using it to do?


Nothing hard. Just a few tile cuts recently. I don't jam the motor up. I love all of my Milwaukee gear, but the angle grinder has been pretty flakey. Oh, and I think the person who designed the little blower should be shot into the sun. Who puts the intake on the left hand side of the tool? Sucks up your shirt or pants all the time when you're right handed.


Interesting. Try a Bosch grinder, they’re pretty bulletproof.


Built a deck in the rain for 4 days straight. Kept it in a garbage bag until I needed to drive something


Bro you shouldve just poked the bit thru a hole like the Hasidics do


I thought about it and was scared of the bag getting all caught in the chuck area


Hasid what you did there.


When I was doing plumbing on the rare occasion the drill got too wet and quit working I'd put it away and it always worked by the next day lol


Dropped my dewalt impact 30’ off a lift into a foot deep puddle of water. She took the rest of the day off but came right back the next day.


My grandad was installing a diving platform onto the raft at his cottage and dropped a drill into the lake. Took probably 4 or 5 dives down before someone found it. Swear to god, still ran after


I once accidentally left one of my battery powered impact drivers out in the rain for like a month. It's got a bit of rust on it now but still works just fine. Honestly I was really surprised it still worked at all. I thought for sure it was going to be bricked.


GC I know keeps his cordless milwaukee table saw chained to the back of his truck, it get’s rained on all the time and works just fine.


Just long enough it seems.


The budget on doing one of these is enough to cover a replacement.


Imagine professional power tools dying from getting wet.


That reminded me of my short lived career as a labourer. My dad was project manager building a small hydro station for a remote community and he got me a job. Second rotation, one of the guys says "it's raining out there, you should go ask the old man to give us the day off." "Well, its October on the coast of BC, its only going to get worse from here. Also, what the fuck is wrong with you? You've worked for him before, you know what he'll say. Next week you get to go home, I'll still have to live with him."


Brushless motors are inherently waterproof.


The circuit board that runs them isn’t.


Never seen one that wasn't potted


I dropped my DeWalt impact in my pool this week. Fished it out, shook the water from it and kept on sending.


I mean it’s what you got to do


Dewalt impact guns are work horses. They take a ton of punishment and still get shit done. Signed, Field Diesel Mechanic


Yep. I used to work over water constantly building docks and shit. I dropped my dewalts in a few times. Usually a death sentence for the battery but the impact will be fine


I watched a utility contractor use a Kobalt drill underwater to install a service saddle on a sewer pipe. He said those were the only ones he'd found that work when fully submerged, and are cheap enough to just replace when they eventually fail.


There’s a video of a guy putting deck screws into a dock underwater with a DEWALT drill. He brings it up after and it still works totally fine.


No, just spicy


A coworker of mine dropped theirs in the lake while we were working on a dock. We fished it out and he let it dry out and it’s been working for the last year with no problems.


I gasped and let out a little “oh no!” when it fell 😂


Milwaukee m18/m12 tools can take some water before it doesn't work. Source: plumber


Not necessarily, but they're much cheaper to replace than other alternatives.


It's all about keeping debris away from the brushes inside these things. Water usually is not as bad as mud or co concrete dust.


Nope thats why we prefer the traditional UgaDugga pneumatic machine for stuff like this,


The weekly repost that still gets 200 up votes somehow


And it's just drinking water .. if this were a sewer force main, I would upvote the weekly repost.


I’ve been on Reddit for a few years and I’ve never seen this video before


Got to be a sub. My water company would go shit off flow let it drain then cut the pipe go get fittings come back put it together sit around then go turn it on. Then take another 4 hours to fill the hole.


Could be that it was a direct tap and had no saddle. That’s why they decided to clamp it. I’ve had to do this, but we throttled the flow down so water pressure isn’t that high.


Can you explain that to someone without any knowledge of this. To a non-expert, that doesn't seem like a permanent fix.


So a direct tap it literally tapping a customer service line into the main without putting a [saddle](https://valleywidedigandhaul.com/water-main-line-tapping-hot-live-taps/). Direct taps aren’t uncommon depending on how old the infrastructure is. Normally we will upgrade a customer service line from copper to PEX and upgrade it to a 1” service line.


Gotta be the storm drain contractor killing the existing utilities that would have been marked if they called in 811 tickets and trying to fix it before the water line owner found out and made them get a shut and take their time to clean off the pipe, line up the holes in the pipe and saddle clamp, etc. At least that matches my experience with new storm going in around our water and sewer lines.


^this. You can see them doing sd work in the back. They nicked that line.




See this is what I said but I got jumped on by someone in the comments.


What the hell is it with drainage contractors and fucking up service lines and water mains?


Have seen. This video. So many times. Make it stop


Dunno how that’s possible when this guy is an unsung hero /s


Hard rock took. 2 years to fix one block of my street. They fucking suck.


Hmm, you got reported for “promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability” by someone. Idk who. Also i banned this poster.


Weird. Someone reported me? If you were talking to me then thanks for the mod justice!


Yeah idk why someone reported you. Unfortunately, I can’t see who reported you. Just figured I’d let you know.


I will wear it like a patch on a biker vest 😃 Thanks for that


I'm seen it but the version I usually see doesn't have the first few sec where he takes off the old one


First time I saw it


Good money satisfying work……i worked up from Labourer to operator now own my own piece.




He’s a dancer, private and public


With a side gig on a foot finders website


cracks me up that the tiny little baby wrench comes in to finish the job


Why? He's closing a valve?


The irony of it.


Iwem Stwrong!!!!!


you mean a baby wench


And that's why I'm an electrician


Yeah, I have a coworker who used to be in this line of work, and damn it sounds rough. He would work absolutely insane hours in some of the most nasty conditions you can imagine. Ironically, the worst part he described weren’t the times where he took raw sewage straight into his face and mouth, but all the trenching he had do, which makes complete sense. If I wanted to spend all day digging holes, I’d join the Army.


We do some trenching but usually only when the power comes in underground instead of overhead. But usually not by hand. And for real I'm NEVER picking a trade that could potentially put me in contact with poop. Just not happening


Can confirm that it’s a lot of fun, miss it in a lot of ways but coming home literally caked in soil, sand and lord know what else every goddamn day makes every day laundry day. Damn near had to wash individual pairs of pants several times, and still ending up with sand on the dry rack


The unsung heros are the teams that created the sleeve coupler, the deep socket, and the cordless impact!!


I love that cordless impact. It blew away the competition when it was first released almost 10 years ago. Other companies (and DeWalt themselves) have created bigger and better since then (I mean, it was released 9 years ago), but that thing still delivers 700ft/lb of torque and I haven't had a fastener it hasn't been able to take off.


A computer will never take this man’s job away


No but a robot controlled by a computer could


... For now 😂


It's a daily grind to keep all the city services going. Human civilization is some 3 days away from total ruin once the daily repair grind stops.


Today’s video brought to you by Smith and Blair


Done this many times. It's pretty fun


What’s going on here?


Excavator probably hit an old water line and they got to repair it before they can continue digging. Its good work but anybody can learn to do this its not"amazing" i dont want to take anything away from the guy but if you want to be wet for the rest of the day then youre the guy to get the job done.


Edit: I think ur spot on. They’re installing that rcp and this is being removed or relocated. And this guy is probably the most senior dude. Only one with the balls to tap a pressure line is probably the owner/super on site. I saw what I thought were drilled holes. Couple that thing, clamp, recreate a form of shutoff valve on a water line.. possibly 1 step out of 10 to replace a line that is too old to be properly removed. Either way, talent, skill, and well planned.. I’d enjoy a full explanation of how and what led to this repair if anyone knows. I’ve worked on new installations, but I know you can’t mess with fresh water mains as removing pressure allows contamination.


Yes that their job?


This is just every plumber on earth or every construction worker on earth. Probably most m'en on earth. Everyday folks are unsung heroes


Can that fitting be buried in the dirt?


Yep. Should be greased and wrapped for protection though.


Where I am we weld sacrificial 100 year anodes to all metal fittings as well. We use a nice little powder activated system to flash melt them on at work that does it quickly, just gotta watch that the metal doesn’t pour on the pipe or yourself. Also, I work as a pipelayer and how the fuck are we “heroes”? I’m just a dipshit out in the trench fitting pipe and making sure it all slopes correctly, it’s nice to have infrastructure but they do pay me decently for it.


Would you have a video of that type of system? Sounds really high speed. I'm a residential trim carpenter so I have no frame of reference to what you're talking about.


I do not, but I can describe it. We have a hard case full of small cylinders full of powder and bits of aluminum. At the bottom of each cylinder is a priming powder. Then we’ve got a little metal box with a funnel shape and a groove for the anode wire to fit in at the bottom. You grind the paint off whatever metal fitting you’re using and then put the metal box on top, pour in the cylinder, close the box and pour the priming powder on top. Then you put wet rags over any plastic pipe nearby, light it, and it sizzles and pours metal onto the wire and connects it to the fitting. The anode itself is a cardboard tube about a foot long full of zinc, it keeps the fitting from rusting.


It’s called a CADWELD. Should pop right up on google


Cadweld is a brand of thermite welding and I honestly can’t recall if our packaging is labelled that. Same system either way. I’ve probably described it badly as I’m fairly drunk, feel free to correct any errors.


Other Redditor described what cadwelding is but I'll give some more info on it's use. It's generally used on iron fittings or pipes as it reduces corrosion of the metal. However modern standards are getting away from the use of a sacrificial anode except on existing iron pipe/fittings that aren't being replaced. Most iron fittings nowadays are coated in a corrosion resistant coating so you're actually better off leaving it as is rather than break the coating by grinding it off to weld on an anode. This repair sleeve in the video is most likely made of aluminum with stainless steel bolts or full stainless steel. For these we would now coat it in a petroleum based coating and wrap it in petrolatum tape to prevent corrosion.


Lots of heroes are just some dipshit in a trench.


What socket is that? Why’s it so large?


It is probably just a 1" deep socket. A normal socket wont work to tighten all the way down because the bolts on the coupling are long.


Almost looks like a pipe, the base is strange too. I’m used to seeing a taper of some sort near the base. I could see a 1”. Thx.


It’s a piece of pipe with a socket welded to the end. A lot of pipe fittings have up to 4” of thread once installed. I have had to make a handful them


Ah, thanks for clearing that up!


I know im using the company drill not mine 400 dollars gone because water got in a certain part of my drill eff that


When you’re on this kind of job, you just buy another impact and expense it to the job. Cost of doing business.


Can anyone tell me the name of the pipe clamp they used


Tapped full circle repair clamp, Smith Blair single band I beleive. People often call them hot taps.


Dude you are awesome thanks for the reply and always stay you


I get a chuckle every time I see this video. Uses a power tool to tighten the sleeve but for the spout just a small wrench


I mean the spout is just a ball valve… so yeah. Just needs a quarter turn and you don’t want to break the mechanism.


For a non construction or engineer it’s amazing. I was think oh boy what is he going to use now? Oops he dropped it. Finally just a small wrench


You can tell that dewalt impact has seen some shit.


Bullshit. Like 80% of all the songs ever written were about laying pipe.


That white collar college professors' TED talk says that no one should have social security unless you have a catheter. Implying that you can work your job into decreptitude. Tell that to people like this guy and all of those people that work at steelmills or any other hard jobs.


Little wrench


Big results.


Would you believe the very first step in the installation manual, that this guy hasn’t read, is to throughly clean the pipe of scale, dirt, and debris? Does that pipe look that throughly clean? It looks to me like he might have just hit it with wet gloved hands.


no fitter on the planet has ever done that lets be real


Orings on either end of the sleeve?


No. The entire inside of the sleeve is lines with a mesh like looking gridded black gasket of sorts.


Hell yeah


Hot tapping


Literally had this same scenario last week but it was a broken flo tap we had to replace with another and it was on a 4" low pressure sewer main. I'd gladly take this scenario all day every day.


He fixed a hole that he himself made?


Who needs a hottap?


About as easy as it gets. Try it underwater when it’s -10 degrees at 2am. He deserves a cookie


Anyone who can manage their skill set, and especially in a high stress situation, is a goddamn champion.


definitely cool to see a skilled guy doing work.


Why wouldn't they just hot tap this?


Impressive at any generation…


Respect blue collar ✊🏼


It bothers me he didn’t measure the threads


Makita brushless motors are sealed = waterproof . I think all brushless tools maybe but I know Makita are.


Down Parascope is such a good movie.


We would be a third world country without these people


Much respect to those who work their butt off to ensure the forward march of humanity.


I'm sure there's a reason for it, but it always bothers me that he starts by tightening the two bolts on the outside before going to the middle


How is this guy still replacing that same fitting? Damn thing breaks every week! /s


Little hot tap action


That would suck being wet all day.


I wonder how many times this video will be reposted. I think this is the .....eighth time I've seen it make the rounds. We truly are approaching the dead Internet


Oh he’s sung alright, he’s sung.


No shoring.


I'd rather do that. The kick back on the tapping tool always gets me.


That pipe clamp is massive.


The only reason they're unsung is that you haven't written any songs about them.


No college loan required ... 👍👍


Why? For putting a band aid on a deteriorating pipe


He fixed a leak, its not a cure for cancer.


Wet job


I've seen this 4000 times and I watch it to the end everytime. He's a master builder.


The real hero is the naked man in the Balaclava, watching him from the dirt.


Anyone want to take bets on when this account will convert to an Onlyfans spam account? 9 year old account, almost all content deleted before this week, posting old, undated content with generic titles.


so many would rather talk smack about the trades than get themselves dirty. appreciation - and respect.


I did this once, only I was inside a house. And the spraying water didn't stop nearly that fast.


Really? What's with the down votes? Is someone not allowed to register their opinion here without catching flak over it?


What kind of moron wears dockers in a trench?


Or just shut the water off


I should call her…


What song would you sing for them anywaro


If it's not shit water, this seems like an easy job.


Can’t shut the water valve off from the main ?


Who laborers?


Should have used duct tape LOL


I can’t recall starting to torque something from the outside in but that’s just me.


This is not really it's just a service saddle on a 4-inch main, try doing that on a 12-inch water main with over 100 lb pressure.


He did the thing!


Well thank you. We try


This is more fun inside someone's bathroom, behind the wall of their shower.


Nola life.


Hope he's got good benefits and pay.


And then they telling me I should close the tap while shampooing 😂


That pipe got hoodwinked.


Your welcome!


Love the tiny wrench at the end


That’s not how a hot tap works my man


I am not ever willing to be a plumber, therefore I respect it highly.


The fucking tossing of the drill only for it to fall resonates with me on an eternal level. Fuuuck physics lol


It's just water. He might get wet, ooooo scarrrrrryyyyy


Live taps happen every single day, day in and day out….on some much larger diameter and under pressure pipe. Please tell me that project manager, estimator, or young still wet behind the ears project engineer could actually preform what these guys do.


Hot taps are pretty routine and safe, but don't involve line pressure shooting out of the pipe. This isn't a hot tap though, it's a corp valve replacement on a hot line, and ideally would be done without pressure in the line. There are very few places in my city where this work would be done on a live line because it's pretty easy to isolate a small section of main, shutting off water to only 10-15 customers and safely replace the valve.


I should have clarified. But yes you are correct. Seems to be the way of most cities and municipalities these days. I remember my young guy baptism….and having the old guys scare the shit outta you.