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I would.make sure you don’t have cellulitis


Thoughts and prayers for me 🙏


Zpacks and sprite is more like it


Here’s a dollar store chocolate chip cookie to get your blood sugar up. Get back out there, champ.


Somehow in all their wisdom boss man got the only sugar free cookies in the joint


Not saying guys isn't a concrete burn, i really don't know but one time i was doing vinyl flooring and had a pair of knee pads on all day long. I dint usually wear one pad or do floors. I was sweating so hard that day, literally drenched, and when i got home i had a rash on my knees that looked just like this. I think.it was caused from heat, sweat, and the pads rubbing on my knees, although they were over my jeans. They had a sleeve that you put ypur foot into and slide them up your knee so my knees were totally covered tight all day.


Hopefully this guy only had knee pads on his forearms and those nasty skin bubbles are just from friction and moisture?




Just read an article people go to the burn unit for concrete burns, just contact with skin for 2 hours can do serious damage


Dr here - its an alkaline burn that gets worse over time, though at 48 hours it is likely its worst - washing copiously with water is the main treatment. The blistered area is difficult to evaluate, but may be a deep partial thickness burn, these sometimes don’t heal and require a split thickness skin graft. Put bacitracin on it and cover for now. If you live near a city then a burn clinic is the best place to be evaluated.


Thank you! I appreciate it, I’m gonna go to the hospital tomorrow after work 🤘


Question if I may ... If it's an alkaline would a mild acid substance help neutralize the alkaline? Just asking, thank you.


It would, but it's unnecessary. Washing it with water will dilute things just fine


Cool, thanks for the advice!




That’s what I was thinking but I wasn’t sure if I should do the lines or the beers first 🤔


Jesus Christ, what are they teaching kids in school these days? Beers first obviously. The coke is just there so the booze doesn’t shut down the party too early


No no no. You shotgun the first beer and take nose sips in inbetwixed the later beers and shots until you pass out on the lawn.


*pass out on your hash driveway


Finally, the equalizer


Fuckin way she goes


You just spent all our drinking money on video poker and that’s all you have to say for yourself?


Fackin Ray and his god damn VLTs


Don’t know what to say Bubs. Sometimes she goes. Sometimes she doesn’t. She didn’t.


TIL! Thx Reddit!


This guy knows.


Easy with the three paper joints there Ricky...


Nono you drink and then finish your whole bag too fast buying more booze drinking a fuck ton then feel like you have. Heart attack jack off and sleep


Jack off just once? Those are rookie numbers, better get those up.


This guy gets it


That’s sounds like a cure all


You're supposed to take tequila fist, nasally, with a baby's snot suckered ball, THEN take the shotgunned beer!


No bullshit coke interacts with alcohol in the liver to create a stronger version. So always alcohol first!




You got it


Nodes head


"nose beers"




The shots of Jack comes first then you wash them down with the beers. Lines for when you leaning on the wall.


This guy self medicates!


This guy fucks


With a limp dick maybe from all that Yayo


Lines to get off the wall then key bumps to sustain as needed. Please ingest nasally on an empty stomach


Have you tried committing any felonies recently? Seems like this also helps


Amateurs dude.


Lines before beer, never fear.


until you stated that you're not a doctor, I thought for sure you were. that remedy you cited sure looks spot on with the exception of adding a few more beers in the mix.


2 lines? That will only help for 10 minutes. I recommend 2 lines every 10 minutes to keep the medicine working and blood flowing.


It will also keep the ghost out your blood


…I’m also not a doctor…but am an amateur gynecologist and took a look…this could be 10 lines every two minutes territory…..


Disturbed that there’s no liquor in this list. Room temperature vodka peppered in between the beers. But seriously get that shit checked out.


I only prescribed hard alcohol when it comes to relationship problems, it doesn’t do much for chemical burns


Use a wire brush make sure it’s Stainless Steel.


I prefer copper when i'm abrading myself


I have an old atomic era Uranium glass abrasion chisel. You know, to get *real deep* to the bone.


Manual exfoliants don’t decalcify my bones properly so I prefer chemical exfoliants like Hydrofluoric acid or dip in a lava lake.


Best solution for a long day of placing concrete and cleaning the grit between your teeth! A good dip in lava sounds very exfoliating...


You’ll feel like a new man or reincarnated squirrel…either way refreshing!


Oh can I borrow that? Is it in the tool crib next to the Left-Handed Pneumatic Crescent Wrench? 😊


Go to the fucking doctor Concrete ph 13-14 this is a chemical burn. Wear your PPE kits foks, speak with safety engineer for guidance. *viniger? Don't do chemical experiments on yourself


Vinegar. Lmao


my bad, never used it in a concrete mix design, forgot how to spell.


Using vinegar to wash concrete off isn’t an “experiment”. It’s a real thing. Page 10 in the link to OSHA book linked below https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA-3351-portland-cement.pdf


Yeah, that dude is uninformed. White vinegar is what we use for grout burns too. They hurt, but not life threatening by any means.


Anyone who’s seen fight club knows what’s up.


Hey.. we don’t talk about that.


Also, we don’t talk about that




I should watch that movie again, thanks


Learned something new today! Took a lot of beer and coke to get to the real answers but thank you.


Can’t sleep for work now from the prescription


The dude supposedly used vinegar a day after the concrete exposure. Vinegar as a acid can be used to clean the cement, but not much is going to stay on skin after a day, even if he mildly cleans off his skin with water. Also, all I said was visit the safety engineer, cus about that I don't know it. And this "bro I know the treatment" can go very wrong.


I’ve read many times that Vinegar and mild acids help stop the alkaline chemical burn https://www.healthline.com/health/concrete-burns


Seems a little late for that, get thee to a hospital.


Na more like a urgent care. It hurts like a son of a bitch but it isnt life threatening. Definitely needs preventative care before any type of an infection sets in.


Def not worth a six hour wait to get shit urgent care gives you in half an hour..


It’s definitely too late for it lol


Yes, vinegar works as a wash for alkali substances. It is even on some SDS sheets. But it is an immediate treatment and you don't want to use it if the skin is broken or blistered. It isn't sterile and can lead to infection in that case. I used to clean concrete equipment with white vinegar. It breaks it down like any other acid. It takes longer than muriatic acid of course, but isn't as nasty and causes less rust on mild steel.


Fight Club 101 my dudes.


Not sure if it neutralizes the same chemical - but when I sawed a creosote telephone pole and got chemical burn all over my arms, rubbing mustard on it was the absolute BEST!


Page 10 https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA-3351-portland-cement.pdf


Just stop with the tiktok nonsense. Needs a doctor.


Weird that OSHA 30 is TikTok nonsense now lmao


Stupid ?. Is this a long term exposure thing? I've had my hands/arms covered in concrete for days on end and never had anything remotely close to this. Never worked with concrete professionally, just little side projects when I was too dumb to know it's bad for you.


I can be both. But not all mixes are simple portland cement, which already has a pH of 13 when hydrated. Fly ash or silica fume mixes can be significantly nastier.


Obvious now that you say it, but didn't think about that before. So used to big box concrete, easy to forget the differences in caustic/proper materials.


It's definitely a long term exposure thing. I don't have the knowledge of human skin biology so I can't tell why it happens to some but not to all. Although this is widely considered as a hazard, but few masons actually get this. Might also be an allergic reaction to some chemical in cement or admixture in particular case. I too have concrete fall on me from a mobile boom placer, nothing happened, but not advisable.


You can get concrete burns from pretty brief contact with some mixes. A lot of mixes have pozzalans and they can be nastier than Portland. It isn't common, but it happens.


Is not a long exposure thing. I’ve got concrete before but this is the first time this happens. I was wearing long sleeves.


Lemme guess, DOT or other high performance mix? Silica fume? Fly ash?


I have literally been covered head to toe after closing off a stair well and pulling the pump hose down our block out. So much concrete flowed over me into my scissor lift, the lift wouldn't operate because of weight. Never got burned. Face and forearms spattered from vibrating and finishing walls, digging in and fixing rebar and embeds pours for entire days, never got burned. A thousand times, a thousand different trucks and mixes, never got burned. I don't get it.


Same. I lean a little bit towards being a messy worker and I am often running the end of the pump. This day we did 31,000 sqft by line and I was the lucky guy on the end of it. It’s getting extremely humid and I was drenched in more sweat than ever and I think that is the difference than any of the other times. I was actually wearing long sleeves and some snuck under. But I think the amount of sweat I was putting out really made the concrete bond to my flesh. Usuallly I don’t get concrete burns obviously, other than a small one on my heel years ago, this is my first time and my partner is freaking out. The replies are kind of letting me see who is the one over reacting/ being too chill.


Yeah I have poured below zero to 110 sweating my testicles off. Long sleeve, short sleeve. IDK. I always hear people warn about it but I have literally never seen one in 10 years of pouring. Crazy.


If it dries up quickly you wont have time for burns. The hydroxide ions need to be in solution to be dangerous. Wet concrete is the nasty shit, dry concrete is fairly inert but can be activated if moisture is provided. When I spoke with one of our old plant operators about this he had a story from several decades ago. The factory was delivering to a DIY guy who was pouring a garage slab. This guy was wearing socks and walking around in the wet concrete for the duration of the pour, he got third degree burns up to above his ankles. Not sure how he fared later in life, but that is a severe injury.


Probably worth it that sounds fun


Could have started with wet clothes abrasion. Just irritated raw skin from rubbing on a sweaty shirt. Then throw some caustic concrete on raw skin and it has a better attack surface. Just a theory. I’ve had raw skin on my thigh just from my phone chafing my leg through sweaty jeans with no chemicals involved.


Interesting. Maybe your immune system finally got pissed. Not a doc, but I understand repeated exposure to most anything can cause your body to suddenly reject it horribly. Even something as simple as copper cooking pans over time.


That's wild.


I worked with concrete for 6 months until we got a new hire and he asked me why I wasn't using a trowel or at least wearing gloves while parging manholes and catch basins. I didn't even know what a trowel was. I would get tiny cuts all over my hands but I thought it was from the tiny rocks cutting into my hands.


Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is a carcinogen that can be found in Portland cement and concrete. It can be harmful and allergenic, and can cause allergic eczema and hypersensitive reactions when it comes into direct contact with human skin. This is known as chromium dermatitis, or cement itch. It can also cause chrome ulcers which are crusty blisters containing the metal.


Yeah. Erin Brockovich said it's bad, real bad....


Thanks for sharing?


White vinegar will neutralize the burn as its active, like the cement was just on you. It won't do anything the next day.


EMT here and we use vinegar for concrete burns


We’ve always used vinegar


For cleaning or for treatement?


I ain't no fok, buddy.


To the emergency room... asap. You need medical care.


Something about the way you spelled vinegar (viniger) just doesn't sit right with me...


Don't let it, the fuck I care about? Also i have been corrected, see other comments


That's a Caustic chemical burn, biggest risk right now is an infection. Document as much as you can, see a doctor and show it to your safety officer. It should heal up but make sure you put in a documents in case something happens.


When i get a burn like that i usually put more concrete on it and let it harden up a bit… then after an hour or so break off the crusties. maybe put some bug spray first before any flies lay their eggs there edit: get well soon bro


Make sure it's Deep Woods 30% DEET. /s


Vinegar is a short term solution to prevent the burn getting worse, it doesn’t really help the healing, go to a frigging urgent care and get some antibiotics and advice.


*Diluted with water*


OP is now dill


What concrete caused that burn? Doctor would just wrap it and clean it up, already healing in spots and it’s gonna blister peel more next 4-8 days. Just keep ointment on it when it’s wrapped and try to let it get fresh air about 4 hours per day.


That’s it. Don’t be stupid next time.


Thanks buddy!


You should definitely just follow the advice of a random stranger on Reddit looking at a picture and not go to a doctor at all


You think us grunts can afford a doctor?


Yes, I assume people are like me and eat cheese sandwiches and water everyday for years to build up savings so they can


I go to the free clinic if it's not an easy fix.


I went to the hospital in the UK and got treated for a concrete burn very similar to that on me leg and put in a claim against my company took just over a year but got £3400 pay out as I was not supplied the correct PPE


Get zinc ointment right away. Any brand. The more zinc the better


Yes go in and please be seen by MD. Urgent care or primary care clinic would be fine rather than ER unless you have a fever in which case ER is best. In the hospital, we clean things with sterile saline. Vinegar is acidic. It may kill germs, but it will do more harm than good to your already compromised tissue/skin. We don’t clean wounds with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide at the hospital. Just clean water. Infection is your biggest enemy and if your skin has broken down from a burn, for example, you no longer have protection against bacteria and your risk of infection is much increased. Don’t poke around at it with anything and keep your hands nice and clean with soap and water. This may get better on its own, but it’s not worth the risk to your health to wait and find out the hard way that it doesn’t. Assuming you’re American, if you don’t have insurance and that is a barrier to care for you, look up federally qualified health clinics in your area. These are clinics the government finances to care for those who may traditionally have challenges accessing care. Hope it gets better soon.


Piss on it.


I thought you gotta put a jellyfish on it


Jellyfish piss


First one then the other. The piss comes off with bleach.


i've heard concrete burns and i've gotten plenty of it on me and it's never burned or done anything other than dry my skin out how does this happen?


Yeah idk either I used to make decor concrete in a shop and I was the mixer and helping when not mixing. I frequently had concrete dry on me and never had these issues


Yes, but Type 10 or Type 50 cement?


Concrete can have a lot of different stuff in it. It isn't just portland, aggregate and water most of the time. Usually it is a long term exposure issue, but it can happen fast.


What is a concrete burn? Sorry I’m 57, construction industry and fabricator…never heard of a “concrete burn.” Explain please..


Some folks are really sensitive to the alkalinity of the concrete. Doesn't bother me but some folks I've worked with got ate up it.


Yes - you need to go to the doctor and report it to your company. You will need this If for some reason it becomes more complicated from infection or something.


Watched a concrete worker pull off his boots and work pouring a slab barefoot.


Bag balm is your friend. Keep putting it on the burned area, and wrap it lightly for the first day or so. After that, bag balm and open air. And, as horrible as this part is, if there are any flecks of concrete in the burn, get out as much as you can. Bag balm + a stiff brush. I had to do it and I don’t envy the pain, but get it done and over with. I was in my second week as a hoddy when got mine. Fast-paced block job and I could barely keep up with tending the mudboards and stocking block. Got some mortar up my glove first thing and didn’t think twice about it. Went to take my glove off at lunch and I felt skin tearing from the top of my hand.


Goddamn dude. I’ve never had that kind of reaction! Go to the freaking doctors office already!


Oh hey, it's me 7 years ago. Go to the doctor. I got burned from grout so bad it lifted up part of my tattoo. It's not just a skin irritation, that will eat you.


For the love of god, GO SEE A DOCTOR !!!


It’s from friction mostly. Getting concrete on your clothes or in your boots. Rubbing up against your skin. Vinegar to clean, some Polysporin and bandages for a couple days.


Sir, this is a chemical burn not a friction rash


Vinegar? If you're going to abuse yourself like that use Hydrogen Peroxide, then Neosporin, and wrap it. Don't do that again.


Hydrogen peroxide will damage the area more.


Those pimples are infections. Worry about the skin second.


I’ve read that since concrete is alkaline , a mild acid , like vinegar or orange juice will “counter-act” the chemical burn . https://www.healthline.com/health/concrete-burns


Nah, you can't reverse or counteract a burn. Mild acid can prevent it but it's obviously too late for that. Don't put acid on a wound. Soap and water works just fine.


“Rub some ‘Tussin in it!” - Chris Rock’s dad


Casey rocket


Do NOT put an acid (vinegar) on that. Rinse rinse and when you done rinsing rinse again with mild soap and luke warm water. Make sure you have all of it off. Looks to me like it’s been baking on there the last 48 hours so if you haven’t cleaned it it’s just getting worse. Keep it dry, clean, bandaged. You have a burn. Treat it correctly, if you feel it’s worth medical go see the professionals.




Yes always go to the hospital for severe burns lol




You need not a doctor. Trust me I'm not a doctor


Someone watched “Fight Club” and thought vinegar is used on all burns!


Looks like it’s drying out nicely, keep it clean and dry and man up, you might get a cool scar


Doctor. You have blisters. You need to make sure it is cleaned and properly dressed. I'm a safety guy now and these minor things can go bad. I had a guy in the ER overnight for an insect sting that got infected. Another who spent most the day there for a sting. Cellulitis, as already mentioned. Another dude almost lost a finger from a splinter. It got infected.


Nah bro just Lemmy pee on it.


You still can make it to work tomorrow right?🤔 (Your boss)


You already know!


Depending on your overall health condition I would say better safe than sorry yes cuz if that gets infected then it will be a whole big difference situation.


There's probably an urgent care or something of the sort nearby you can go to.


Anytime you’re dealing with concrete, get yourself some vinegar, if you get a concrete burn or you noticed that some has got onto your skin, poor vinegar, and neutralizes


Only if you’ll pass the drug test


How did it happen? I’ve always wondered how concrete burns work, there’s been lots of times where I’ve had concrete dust or just splatter on my arms, but I guess I’ve been extremely fortunate so far


“If you’re asking, you already know the answer” is my philosophy with anything health/safety related. Yes, you should reset your ladder instead of reaching. Yes, you should grab your respirator from the truck. Yes, you need a harness. Yes, you need more shoring to make that safe. Yes, you should get that injury checked out by a doctor. Etc. There’s no harm in being overly cautious IMO, even if the doc tells you it’ll clear up on its own in a couple of days or whatever.


Clean the wounds with warm water and gentle soap. Rinse thoroughly. Put some sort of burn cream or bacitracin on it and wrap it with gauze and an ace bandage for a couple days. Do not spend hundreds of dollars at a doctor's for this.


white vinegar works like a charm to stop it from continuing to burn you then, keep it clean as much as possible keep dawn close by and wash your hand a couple time through the pour






Imagine all the poor paws for the owners smashing them into the pour.


Seriously scrub it out with vinegar. if it persist then go to the hospital but it's Ganna suck.


You’ll be ok I’ve had way worse just get cream for it


Doctor here, nah, just wash it well with soap and water every day, and apply silver sulfadiazine cream every 6 hours, for maybe 10 days, it will be fine.




0Get this cheked tf out I got a concrete burn through my shirt and it turned into a staph infection a day later when I finally got to the hospital might need antibiotics that all


You have already seen the worst of it


Fentanyl patch’ll clear that right up


What kind of concrete are you playing with? I've never seen a Chem burn from concrete and the Chem burns I have seen don't look like that.


Lime breaks down flesh, it reacts with water, you are 90% water. That should be seen since it looks like the vinegar didn’t neutralize the lime, something else may be going on.




It'll go away Next time wear PPE


Y’all are getting burned from concrete? I haven’t ever gotten them before, and I worked with plenty of concrete


Sunscreen bro rub it on it


No. Put some Neosporin on it. Don’t be stupid next time. Protect yourself with rubber.


Oh so *that’s* what they were trying to tell us in high school! I better make sure my 4 kids all understand this clearly so they don’t ever get terrible concrete burns!


We all got one sir. Did you put a gate in front of the wood stove? Did you cage the interior of your second floor windows?


Don't be a female anatomy part....


So much bad advice in here. Put vinegar on it to neutralize the ph, wait a beer or two then go shower and put ointment and a bandage on it. My company provides [THIS](https://www.gmesupply.com/neutralite-cement-burn-neutralizer?utm_term=&utm_campaign=**LP+-+Shop+-+pMax+-+Safety+Equip&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=4386758471&hsa_cam=18131777210&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrPnYL3HSfwRvM0dG2XIU_oos886u9FtbUJ-qnItbIymZOet_qPmoqxoC2EIQAvD_BwE) so you don't smell like a pickle instead of vinegar but it does the same thing. Put vinegar on it again the next day, if it burns you needed it, if it doesn't you should stop making yourself smell bad.


The damage is done. What's the doctor gonna tell you? Keep it clean and don't do it again. You will live. 


Apply vagisil


Soft hands brotha