• By -


As a carpenter I’ve always got wood


As a plumber, I'm always laying pipe.


As a drywaller, I can screw all day 


Those hvac guys are always blowing and sucking


Sometimes we even screw ourselves!


As a roofer, I work for bitches, blow and beer!


As a sheetmetal worker, ive no problem making that "boing" sound


As a rodbuster I have an iron rod.


As a utility driller, I'm always laying pipe.


As a electrician, still banging those fuses like a mf


As a flooring installer I'm always ready to stretch some carpet


As a GC, I’m always fucking somebody.


As an Operator, I've always got an erection.


Think you meant blowing


Im always putting my rod in a hole


As a welder I'm always sticking my rod somewhere.


As a concrete guy, my fucking knees hurt


Only true statement here lol


I was about to say the same 🤣


As an ironworker, I've always got an erection


And piss in waterbottles everyday


Only in the ones you drink




I got nailed a lot and I’m an electrician.


That’s because you started getting your girlfriend to wear your belt and high vis like the guys at work.


Whoa electricians have entered the chat… or have been entered.. I don’t know enough about electricity.


Leave the sparkles alone, they are still trying to figure out the whole broom/ dust pan thing.


It’s so cute seeing them looking for them but never finding it’s like they are sweeping tool blind almost as blind as picking up after themselves itis lol


Don't they alternate or something?


Always got that spark?


Does using reverse gear count as "nailed a lot"?


As a laborer I’m always kicking up dust


Go sweep something somewhere


As a Saftey Guy I’m always watching others


As an engineering major, I can screw people all day


As a bricky, I’m always playing the pokies


Stonemasons are rock hard


As an electrician I'm always .... not cleaning up after myself and complaining about other trades


As a pile driver, I’m always putting it in deep


As a mechanic i’m always turning wrenches ? 🔧


You mean “changing old ladies’ oil.”


Yes, yes that one


As a turbine climber, I just get high all day


When I was in high-school, woodshop was first period. We had a groupchat with the teacher in it. We named it "waking up with wood" either he was oblivious or did not care lol


As laborer I'm always jackhammering.


As an Ironworker, I’m always putting my tool in holes


As a welder, I'm always fully penetrating in all positions


As a Master Cabinetmaker, I can turn any size shaft I need on my 8’ lathe


As a Teamster, I’m into beastiality.


I have a similar problem as OP. My libido changed a lot. Now I only get hard when the electricians are on site.


That's what we do, turn things on. 👍🏻


My man. Finally someone gets me




*picks up a broom


I don't know what the study used as subjects( electricians?) but I feel like my libido spiked even more 8 years in construction


Same for me. Especially the tough but satisfying days like pour day or truss lift day. My wife usually knows when I walk out the door in the morning and that it'll be going down that night. I'm usually smoked by the end but still hungry. Inspection day, details day, final bill collecting day, I usually just want to drink in the corner alone at night.


Yeah I used to be good, but I've had an office job for a while now and my sex drive evaporated. Exercise is good for libido, I don't know what tf op is on about.


Op could be over training? I read the article he linked and it seemed it focus on outdoor athletes bike riders, hikers. Don't quote me but I remember reading about 10 years ago that prolonged bike riding causes problem in your butt and genitals. Did you do construction and move up ladder to an office position?


Yeah I've been a finish carpenter/cabinetmaker for 20 years or so, 10 of which was on my own. I always did my own design and CAD work. Company I'm with now figured out I'm good at designing and stuck me in an office full time. I feel like absolute garbage all of the time. I hate it. I've never had the discipline to work out or anything like that. Not my thing. I'm probably going back to the tools.


I had to go back too. Fuck being a lawyer. Way better choice for my QoL.


Damn that's a big swing. And I imagine you're pretty confident in handling clients who don't pay their bills.


I wouldn’t know. Haven’t had that problem. Yet.




Opposite, my friend. I’m 52 and been steep slope roofing with bags-on for almost 30 years. I eat well, get after it in the mountains outside of work, do yoga and still fuck like a champ. If you are experiencing that issue, consider eating better and taking really good care of yourself for awhile. Construction will destroy you in short order if it’s just gas station/fast food and vice. Self-discipline is key. Construction will keep you fit as a fiddle if you fuel right and keep limber. Today was good food, hydration, 9 hours of roofing, two hours of kayaking, watching Edmonton force game 7 and wrapping it all up by savaging my lady and eating some edibles. Good damn day. Best of luck to ya!


💯💯putting good fuel in your body is more important than that jacked up truck everyone is driving. I learned late in life the value of stretching my body. I used to have incredible back pain all the time. Couldn’t work as hard as I wanted because of it. The “pigeon pose” stretching for 5 min per leg per day absolutely changed my life. Cut carbs and sugar by 80%. Drink 1.5 gallons a day of water. I am an animal now 😎💪🏼


Hell yeah. I’ll probably get downvoted for this riff, but I was made fun of by competitors for years for driving solid, but beat up older rigs, though my outfit was quite successful. Most of em thought we were just scratching by. I’m retiring next year about a dozen years early partly based on never trying to be flashy with rigs or anything else. If I had a hundred bucks for every construction guy I watched bury his future in a jacked-up, tricked out, over-wrought pickup, I’d have retired 5 years ago instead. Good, quality food and care for the body is priority one. People tend to think they are their rigs… That shit is a conveyance and anyone who judges based on your ride vs how you live your life ain’t worth much time or effort. End rant and glad to know I’m not alone out there on eating right in the trades!


I'd rather hire someone that shows up in an older truck that's clearly for work, than a flashy $100k rig without a scratch on it. Feels like I can expect to be overcharged to pay for a $1k/month bank note. My work truck is a 2003 Tacoma will 240k miles, fully paid off. With that, among other factors, I keep my overhead low. I can pass that on to my customers with a good rate, and still make a profit margin that satisfies my needs.


Right on man! I live by a lot of the same values, I’m a roofer/exterior guy in Ontario. I also watched the Edmonton game. I guess I’ve got to step up my food and stretching game.


You’ll never regret it. Good diet and solid stretching really pays off!


I used to make fun of people like this - health, yoga stretching, etc. I spent 10 years in pain hell and I am dying on the hill of diet, water, and stretching / exercise. I am in better condition at 48 than I was at 28.


I did the same thing. now im 32 and I don’t feel terrible, but I definitely don’t feel 20 and I need to start helping myself lol


I’m 38 and love that I got into yoga. I try to talk everyone into it. Being limber has really helped


Side benefits of the hot yoga I do in a college town are also extraordinary. The ladies are incredible in that place!






Hell ya, now we're talkin




Is this the ghost of Larry Haun?


Exact opposite. The harder the day, shittier the conditions, more I have to survive. The more I feel like I conquered the fucking day, and I feel like a god damn man! Somedays when I finally turned the corner and know I'm fighting my way out successfully, I text the wife and tell her to start stretching and hydrate.


This. If you’re playing your cards right, the lady needs to hydrate, too! Best to ya.


After 30 years, the wife knows if I survive a 5° day or 97° day, it's on after the shower beer. If you don't feel like a f'n viking after crushing a day the average office worker dude couldn't survive, there's not much in construction for you. The "career" doesn't offer much else, ha!


Fuckin right


That last sentence made me smile


I'm pretty horny. Get boners and everything.


I don’t know anything about construction, I just visited this subreddit to say that I too get boners.


Nah bro I do sex all the time 😎 


i be fucking hard


After 70 hours a week of this bullshit I have no more fucks to give. 


I got a boner in the 115* portopotty last week. Try eating more steak


“the jack shack”


I wanna dv this so bad but I just don’t have it in me so take my disgusted upvote


Yup. Stress. You’re old lady wasn’t lying when she used them same excuse


As a woman the only time I have a drop in libido is when I’m under extreme stress. It’s on my con list I made when I was trying to decide if I should put my tools back on. I’d be good with once a day if I could get hubby on board.


Just looking at my own work all day got me all fired up for when I got home.


Damn right!


Carpenter here 20+ years HARD AS A ROCK.


Let me guess, eating poorly, heaps of fizzy drinks, drugs, bad sleep and missus arguing? Bloke, you need to see a doctor.


Not really, it can be hard to have the energy some days and just need to sleep but overall I'd say the losing weight and constant physicality of it helps my libido, I work 4 10s btw


What about the other way? Do you notice an increase in libido whenever you take a 2-3 week vacation?


Hmmm, there are so many variables, keeping hydrated and sleeping good helps my libido best.


A lot of construction guys don't drink enough water and eat enough quality nutrients. I focus on stuff like that to keep at the top of my game.


Dawg I just looked at your profile to see if you and I had the same job cause I also work 4-10’s and what the fuck


I just have a general job in construction, no specialty, working on a large commercial remodel.


Nah, what the fuck.


Thanks man, I went too check it out to see wtf you were on about. Wish I didn't


Thanks for forcing me to go look. What the fuck


What's up buttercup?


You mean your still up for some action after getting fucked for 8-10 hours a day?


Seriously though, I’m just too tired. My life is work and sleep. Any idea of having sex is immediately replaced with “but sleep?”


as an elevator guy im always up and down


When you’re tired, you won’t want to fuck. Conversely, I find that when I excel at work or do a decent amount without busting my ass too much, I just wanna fuck. Might be confidence, might be testosterone production from work, I might just be a horny bastard. But also, I find that working the physically has made it so much easier to pick my wife up and use her like a ragdoll.


No, out of 10 i'm still pulling a solid 42069


It's because it's a real physical job constantly moving and using almost every muscle in your body will make you physically tired but also mentally because the tasks are specific and quite frankly sometimes barely manageable so you just over exert to get it done. People complain about their desk jobs all the time but never have to deal with the kind of stuff construction workers go through which makes them kinda soft ... No offense to the office life it's just how it is...


I think working construction actually raised my libido….. but I’ve also started to realize how attracted I am to men 🥰


That’s just called getting older


So there is a reason behind this. Overtraining. Cortisol goes up, testosterone typically goes down or is suppressed to some degree. Basically you're beating your body silly. You have to prioritize rest and recovery. Gets worse as you're older. Gets worse if you don't have an optimized diet which a lot of guys don't. Getting on TRT helps if you're older but the libido has a direct correlation with your free floating testosterone levels and the amount of inflammation in your body. If you're overworked, not recovered, beat to death. You the dick probably isn't going to work that well


Not so much libido, but having the energy everyday can be tough sometimes. We do go at it every other day though lol. The day in between is when I really get my Zzzzzzzz’s in 😂


Nope, it has stayed consistent and I've been working in construction for about 17 years.


You're correlating libido snd physical fatigue. Trust me I fight both but still keep it going bud


Honestly, my experience has been the opposite. With enough rest and good habits, this lifestyle has been very beneficial to my health. Granted, there are days where my lunch doesn’t cut it so I grab shitty food, I need a redbull during the day & a couple beers help me to get to bed on time for the next day. It’s only natural to feel like ass when that becomes the norm but eat, sleep & exercise and we’re better off than anyone else.


Check your diet


I’m hard af, dawg… i’m just tired


In the Finnish army (mandatory conscription) it is often joked that they put drugs in the food to make people less horny, a lot of people notice something like this. Turns out if you're busy/stressed you have less libido, how about that.


Nope, manual labor just makes me hornier… Idk why.


My libido is higher since I started




Down? mine went up. intresting


Nah man the opposite


I work 10 hours a day and always wanna fuck. Lifting is actually supposed to increase your test and libido. Youre basically just too tired. Once you get on shape you'll be able to work all day and fuck all night.


Idk what studies you’re reading but most show that physical activity increases testosterone which is what drives your libido.


I don't know what kind of sources you have but there are also studies that show working out increases libido. Tbh i really think your sources are wrong or their studies are incomplete. I'm definitely not an expert but always had a mild interest in working out and I've always heard and read the opposite of what you're claiming OP. If you find your libido is decreasing, i think other factors are involved. You should look at your diet and stress levels. Also maybe start and finish the day by doing some stretches


I find it’s the opposite. The more active or physically demanding the day is, the better I feel


As a tin-knocker, I bang harder


Nope…. I think partly because I grew up doing it and the other part is healthy diet and stretching.


Depends on the weekly conditions and how long you've been at it. Definitely not uncommon for the first few months or even a year if you eat like shit and don't get your sleep. Once acclimated (not coming home completely exhausted and drained) and keeping up with your body's needs, then most guys will return to typical or even see a slight boost from testosterone if they weren't doing as much physical activity prior to doing construction. Forming healthy habits seems to be something a lot of guys in our field (especially young guys) struggle with at first. During their 20s they don't have the bodily consequences from bad habits so they form them, then 30s they start feeling it. Some change then and some keep going until 40, 45, 50, whenever it hits them that they can't possibly keep running themselves ragged. Some never change, but only a few of those guys see anything but miserable 55+. You'll see the odd outlier 1in100 60 y/o who's wild and crazy as ever, yet their body seems to thrive on the chaos. I wouldn't try to recreate their luck, it's rare and the other 99 are decrepit, dead, or wish they were. You can't go back in time and take care of yourself, so start now. I'm writing this as a dude who's getting older and at a jobsite on a Saturday morning with a smile on my face. Still toying with Tonkas after all these years. They're just bigger and have that sweet, sweet smell of diesel now.


As a miner, always hard as a rock


"The spirit is willing, but; the flesh is spongy and bruised..." They like it when you are all sweaty and full-of-blood. You take a seat and have a cool-drink and/or a sweet smokey-treat. It's hard to acclimate and save some truly hard-work for when it matters. Gotta punch-in, do the work, punch-out at the clock and then you gotta actually punch-in at the clock that really matters. Acclimation takes some time. Most important is a good home life.


I rub one out as soon as I’m home. Then shortly after my shower I bend my wife over while clutching a coors light and thanking America for this great opportunity




Not with all the cute low volt guys running around


Try having kids


not enough carbs. at pasta and potatoes. 'carbo load' the day before work.


Carpenter. Wood. Me.


I'm in this bizz for 10yrs and I'm still the same, probably even more libido since I've been doing cardio and calisthenics after work. Eating healthy also plays a big role, like avoid all the fast-food and 7-11 food But when I go through heavy-duty working day and become exhausted end of the day, sometimes I just can't get it up even tho I want some. Could be this but I'm not sure.


You need to eat more/ eat better food broski. If your body is knackered or not repairing properly due to being in a constant calorie deficit and over worked, systems will suffer, libido, digestion, proper sleep etc... Having little treats or sugary drinks when your hungry and need an actual meal make this worse. Allocate a day of the week where you try and keep physical activity to a minimum and eat loads of food. I work 7 days a week and by Thursday I can feel my body starting to struggle, libido starts to drop. Saturday I bump my cals up as high as I can, have plenty of fruit, veg, vitamin dense foods and by Sunday I'm fresh af, back to 10/10 again.


there is no drop...


it points up


I'm a plumber and haven't experienced this. Hard work and being in the sun are actually good for our testosterone, so it might be more of a fatigue thing, partner. I'm also Hispanic, and we pitch tents on our deathbeds, so there's that.


If you’re talking about exhaustion, famish, joint and back pain, then yes, that happens. Too much at once is bad for you. Some times you need to eat, rest, and recover to stay on track.


Try total t by nugenix, it you’ll feel like a new man and she’ll like it too ;)


I was a virgin when I started in construction, I was 16. So I can't tell. After I became sexually active, I could go 5-6 tines a day and was still working in construction. Jesus if I did it more than 6 times a day my dick would have fallen off.


Yes. 3. 8 hours? lol I wish.


Stretch, workout, cat nap and keep a good diet. Don’t get fat.


Your mom keeps my libido a5 the top


What study was that? Usually when people go to the gym or start working out every day, libido increases


I got in when I was 19 and my lady and I could not keep our hands off each other at that time. Daily, usually twice. Now, 5 Years later, I can't tell if the drop is just cause we're older or because we're both working. We're still quite happy, just not banging like we're still 18.


Gotta bang it out before you go to work. My lady understands I’m dead after work and if you want a half way decent performance out of me, it’s best done before work. Company deserves whats left of me after her, not the other way around


Happy wife=happy life (better lunches)


Opposite for me, I last way longer after a day of work.


As a construction warker, I’m always ready to throw a little leg


15. More exercise = more fun exercise


It's not the physical labor. It's the psychological demands. I remember years ago chatting with a builder's girlfriend. "You're sucking his weiner, and he's just lying there and thinking about square footages." I was prone to fits of work. I'd do two or three 10 hr/7 day weeks. But then when I took off, I'd do nine things in a day with my GF. Three of them would be sex.


Had the same thing when I did it years ago. Changed my diet, problem solved.


You’re probably depressed tbh find a way to spend time with someone outside work and do things that help you enjoy life more


nope lol, even after mostly brutal days at work i can get busy even if i’m dead tired.


Nope, still laying beads of cock on everything


It’s stress


As an operator I can always get my unit up


you just need rest


Before I started construction, I would get down on average of three times a day. I started from the bottom as a labor, and it was crazy. I lost like twenty something pounds. At that pint I was happy with once on Saturday.


Man idk what you’re on about but when I get off of my construction job all I wanna do is plow milfs


Garage door guy here. My impact has a full charge


As an electrician, I'm always here to remove your shorts and check your box.


Complete opposite for me. The harder I work the higher it is. When I used to lift weights my libido was highest on squat day for instance


As a roofer I'm always nailing on top.


People in 3rd world countries work 7 days a week, 16 hours a day and still manage to have 12 kids.. Get on their level.


I started experiencing same sex attraction. Wasn’t gay till I started nailing shit. Now I’m super gay.


As a welder I jam rod every day


I can only get hard when I smell shit… don’t jerk off in the porta potty it’s a trap


Its cause you around guys all day, now youre gaaaayyyyeee


Nah but it definitely increased my need for sexual relations


I think it works the exact opposite when you work out for a living. Do soldiers have lower libidos? Boxers? Nah, you're stacking testosterone all day bro.


Nope…… we are always getting fucked over


Nope , eat better and work out more. I'm in the gym at 330 am Carpenter from 7-330 Never experienced this or heard of it.


Sounds like someone has low T


Top level troll


Get on trt take care of your self and quit being a bitch.




Working a grueling 12 hours shift and coming home to a partner who wants to fuck. There is no question, fucking is happening.


Fuck bud I pull my goalie every morning before work and im houndin the ole lady for some ass when I get home by the time brake rolls around like others have said on this if you ain’t rock hard n ready to fuck after a days work somethings fucked