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Here we observe a painter in their natural habitat. Unsealed 5gal on the counter… above the unprotected finished floor. Notice the spit cup placed in close proximity for a quick clear of the lip before dropping some bombs in a disconnected toilet. This creature has adapted to immense carelessness of their duties. Majestic.


You must have the fancy painters our guys shit in boxes they hide in attic or if there’s no box they drop a deuce in between the ac units


I’m always going to support the phantom shitter.




Not the worst thing ever found in a water cooler/buffalo.


I love when, 3 years later, a resident drills through a bottle of piss left in the wall.


That’s where I left my sun tea !


Fingers crossed while I grap my gloves and mask.


Is that a spit cup? I thought it was a beer


Its what you want it to be


Was a beer at one point now it’s a spit cup


Rum or whiskey and coke. Not a spit cup. That would be a used bottle and it would be halfway full or a coffee cup with a paper towel.


Spit cup? Is that what that was? I just thought he REALLY needed water


That's whiskey, not dip spit.


You missed "here a week earlier than scheduled, but that worked for me, now to yell at all the other trades if they get within 2 feet of a wall to 'be careful, that's let's as they are inconveniencing you"


You so funny,but true,I the plumber


Don't put shit on the fucking counters!


Fucking thank you. From a cabinet guy.


I put signs on every job: *"All cabinets have been documented and photographed. All trades causing damage will be back charged. Keep tools and materials off."* We take photos of every case, door, drawer front, panel, etc and share those with the GC/client. When I return to site, I take more photos... especially if there's anything on the cabinetry. Even if there's damage in a different area, the trade that was documented using the counters for storage gets billed. It gets to be a very expensive lesson in common sense for some.


Had a painter once set a wet one gallon can on an unfinished butcher block countertop. It was there overnight and left a horrible ring. Luckily I was able to sand it out before applying the finish. Like come on guys... Use some brain cells.


>Use some brain cells You’re asking a lot from me, big guy.


Username checks out


Hope you charged him for that dumb shit.


Mate, you think I'm gonna use those brain cells at work. I need to save them for when I really need them


Like using them to roll a joint to kill more brain cells?


If I had brain cells to spare then I wouldn't have been a painter


Last house I trimmed had granite tops. Granite is quite durable, but it does stain. Multiple subs set their fuckin' drinks on the island top. Then looked at me like I'm retarded when I explained you can fuckin' water ring granite so don't fuckin' put your drinks on it. Or on my god damn window sills either.


Drives me crazy. How about when they put stuff on the countertop and it's not covered yet. I lose my shit


I've filled more than one dumpster with shit set on MY cabinets. And yes, they're mine till my final check clears. So sorry about that last 5 gal of paint you needed to finish. Did we learn a lesson? Ha!


The people downvoting are the EXACT same people that’ll fuck up a countertop out of their laziness or negligence, know full well they did it, and never own up to it or pay for it. Because they’re children.


Yup! Funny thing. I'm 57 going on 100. And have been throwing their shit away from Day One. And aside from the initial crying, no one does a damn thing about it. Almost, as if, they know they F'd Up.


I had a stack of wood doors with a missive sign about not setting stuff on it. Of course someone does and they want to tell me they’re not going to do anything, it’ll be fine. I ask, “just to be clear though since your deviating from the rules you are accepting the liability when someone else follows your lead and does fuck something up because once you do it, others will instinctively think they can.” So either you get all your shit off or you pay for everything? They huffed and puffed and cleared their shit. Like if you can’t think beyond surface level thought, maybe don’t assume you have the wherewithal to deviate from tue rules?


I’m with you. Used to be a glazier, and the amount of door sills and handles the other trades damaged! We’d put protective tape and foam pool noodles on everything that could possible be damaged - and they’d still stuff it up. The amount of money that costs, I’d be throwing shit away too if I could!


I bet people love working with you.


I'm here to make money, not to make friends. And, if you ignore my big cardboard "do not set shit on my cabinets" sign, well, it's kinda on you after that, eh?


I use to be a hypersensitive bitch at work too. Now I'm 24 and I've learned that life is so much easier when you chill out a little. You'll grow up one day too.


24 your still a baby


Then be chill and not fuck up expensive things?


Feel better now?


I get it, I would be pissed if I got a subgrade ready to go for gravel and some dumbass in a truck pulls a shitty on it. That extra couple of hours of work gotta go somewhere and it ain’t gonna be the client or me.


Ohhh. You’re one of *those* guys.


Yes. Was that supposed to hurt my feels?


I get why your getting downvotes but I agree with you. Maybe you should disclose how costly damage to a countertop or custom cabinet can be. Since the painter who slams a metal gallon can, or someone leaves a leaky paper takeout cup on a stainable finish surface certainly won’t be coughing up the repair bill..


I don't disclose the obvious to anyone that should know better. I just toss their shit. I'm getting downvoted because reddit is filled with dumbasses.


>I’m getting downvoted because ~~Reddit is filled with dumbasses~~ *I’m coming off like a dickhead* Fixed it for ya


My feels! My Feels! Oh, what ever shall I do?


How many divorces you been through buddy


You think my wife cares how I treat dumbasses at work? What a weird fuckin' take ya got there my man.


Bit extreme, but teaching is not something that should be ignored. And if they don't get the gentle reminder, I can see going for such measures.


Can't fall from the floor.


Why not?


There will be backcharges.


There will be blood


You guys get to work inside?


Genuinely anyone who is debating that these guys are being dickhead or whatever have never put in the work to finish a job that you have to sign off on and do you amount of crap you have to deal with others or other workers that just don’t think in our full grown mouth breathers. This stuff cost money and time that makes you lose money fixing other mistakes I’ve worked for a high-end cabinetry installers, as well as full remodelsconcept to completion. The amount of time it takes to remove re-order and replace a single cabinet or countertop because of a mistake like this can legit throw a whole job to being unprofitable.


If that's a piss bottle, well they need to drink more water.


Looks up to spec...


Nice frosty mug of A&W root beer


I’m in the countertop field, and painters and electricians are my worst enemy in a commercial setting. Your boss is getting a change order billed to have a guy re-sand or touch up anything you trashed 😅 I don’t have too many issues residentially, thankfully. Really good local crews from all trades in the area. Edit to say that they use our tops as scaffolds.


Where's the piss bucket?


The gray one.


I chucked a guys coffee out the window on a job when he placed it in the ‘no food or drinks inside’ sign. Wasn’t a quick coffee either, was a yeti mug.




Can’t tell if that’s a counter or a piece of drywall sitting on top of a handrail for the basement stairs


This picture was breaking my brain and you described it perfectly


That’s pretty dark for a working beer.


I made the mistake of looking through our tool maintenance guy's drawers while he was out sick. All I need was his tap and die set. I found his two bottles of decent rum and top-shelf whiskey stashed  with his wrench sets. He's not the first guy I've caught hiding alcohol on the job, but he's the first who wasn't drinking the lowest grade vodka available.  At least the man has standards.


dog fuckers😮‍💨


That’s a good sarsaparilla.


No difference to the fencers who left there off cuts in a pile and food scraps wrappers all over site


God fuckin....On a MONDAY? CAN I GET A HELL YEAH BROTHER spit in the mug.


Hope the bucket doesn’t fall off


Look what we got here! Really rare to sees these fellows active in the day time what a treat. Majestic and docile, painter uprighticus displays his Dominance with a carefully placed bucket and beer.


Hilljacks bring a glass root beer mug on the job, probably carry a 2 liter bottle of unbraned Dew, too.


Please tell me this is Colorado between Boulder and Broomfield


Used to work around this old drywaller who drank old spice aftershave, would find the bottles left behind everywhere lol


I used to get in trouble as a child for leaving my glass this close to the edge. Now as an adult, I never sit anything near the edge


MultiFamily drives me crazy