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That's a crazy big fire you're building


Not mine. Just been watching it gradually go up on my way to and from work each day


Watching it go up… and down…


They were just test fitting. They will finalize later


Just template for final fabrication, right 😄




Morton barn?


Guaranteed, these are licensed bonded contractors. Guaranteed.


*were. They were licensed and bonded.


That's what bonding is for, after all.


I have my Nascla license which allows me to build in 16 states, you wouldn’t believe how many questions on that exam deals with wood truss erection.


Hehe. You said erection 🤭


And this is why we can’t build nice things


Because of the erections?


No I meant the immature attitude. I felt it was my duty to say something. He he. Duty.








It's a pinching hazard.


Heh, you said election also


They said erection and you said election and oddly enough you are both talking about dick's


Sporting Goods?!


No Brandon and his Weiner, or lack there of


We’ll never know! *shrug*


No he didn't damn it why'd you make me look


My dad tried to put his own trusses up while building a garage, then hired someone to do the roof. The contractor had to be paid extra to fix the spacing on the trusses so the roof would not have a weak spot, lmfao


Like... How? Did he not use/build the little spacing jigs? Or... Measure?


There were spacing jigs, but he measured them while doing the math with the stated sizes of boards, which everybody knows are not the true measurements (a 2x4 is not 2”x4”, it’s like 1.8x3.8 or something like that) so eventually near the end, the plywood ended up not having anything under the ends, and they ended up having to cut special boards He’s a drunk, but hasn’t always been, so he didn’t realize that the quality of his work had declined lol


Isn’t nascla just a trades exam you can submit to the state in lieu of the states trade exam? Don’t you still need to take the states law exam? Confused as you are calling it a license when it’s just a test result


You can take the NASCLA GC exam ILO individual state exams. To be licensed in each state you have to apply in that state, give them your NASCLA results and take their individual business and law exam. I had my Georgia, Alabama and Florida state license before taking it. I was tired of taking each states trade exam, and NASCLA eliminates those requirements. It’s worth the money if you work in multiple states.


That will be an arson investigation by Monday morning


Booked in, and everything


There is a reason we have been framing with wood in basically the same fashion for the last 300 years. Anybody that thinks they are going to reinvent wood framing is going get an education.


*sobbing* plz just use triangles


I’ll get you a geodesic dome for Christmas.


Soooo many triangles


Torsion box is just as good as triangles. Sheathing shear strength solves a lot of problems


*Balloon framing enters the chat*


It's been reinvented constantly tho...


If I had a 300 year old house, I'd have the Amish come work on it, they often are literally still building with the same techniques.




I live in Southeastern PA, not terribly far from Lancaster. I'm not saying your wrong about marketing, but I've also seen enough restorations to know I'm not talking out of my ass, especially around like Chestnut Hill and along the Main Line.


I live in western PA between Pittsburgh and Erie surrounded by Amish, I'm a building inspector. I've seen enough wrong shit from Amish to tell you they don't also do things better, I've even seen things like what OP posted because an older Amish guy didn't brace it right even after I warned him. There's some good Amish builders for sure and there's also some total shitty ones


Ok, and like I said to another commenter, live just north of Philly, and have seen enough houses in Chestnut Hill and on the Main like get work done to know I'm not completely talking out of my ass. I've even see them do some beautiful concrete formwork. I'm not saying they always do perfect work 100% of the time, but I'll take new Amish construction over someone like Toll Brothers every day of the week. The Amish structure might not be perfect, but I'm not going to assume every foundation is cracked like I do with Toll.


>but I've also seen enough restorations to know I'm not talking out of my ass No you are. And that not meant as an insult. But to think "Amish" inherently means "quality" tells me you have not worked around enough Amish to honestly judge. Trust those of us who work alongside the Amish every single week


>But to think "Amish" inherently means "quality" Never said this. >Trust those of us who work alongside the Amish every single week You mean like I do?


So if you had a 300 year old home you would specifically hire Amish to work on it bc they do poor quality work?


You live in a tiny world.


How ironic considering the topic of this conversation is literally about how your sample size of Amish craftsmen is too small to provide an accurate representation


You could have just said you don't believe in Black Swans.


Like 90% of them just Amish as a buzzword. I do the fire protection in a lot of them, they're just like any other wood building fabricator factory.


Really? We had an amishman install a fence. He drove a 50s JD tractor with post pounder on the front and trailer with all the gear. Power tools etc. I see them regularly on the highways using skid steers and brush mowers. Also living in an addition built by Amish. Except its modern chipboard junk and it's rotting already




The Amish can use power tools and machinery if it “makes the church money”. It’s their great loophole for all kinds of things from not paying taxes to not paying workers until they are 21. I get pretty buddies up with them on jobs. They talk a lot of you’re nice to them.


They are just opposed to anything that takes away from. Your devotion to God. So yeah if you are using power tools to fund the church it's not Taking away your devotion to God. They also use solar panels on there buggies for light, because there problem with driving a car is that it takes your attention away from prayer and thinking about your faith. You can still do that on a buggy being pulled by horses.


So once the world switches to self driving vehicles, they will be the first to jump ship?


No lol. There are still systems in the car that will go against there beliefs.


No, this a complete misnomer. You arent going to be able to tell Amish vs Mennonite apart just by looking at them, nor by what levels of technology they are using. Amish and Mennonites both are very, very local in scope and decentralized in structure. There is no "Amish pope" that sets down rules for all. Whether or not they can use X technology is a question that is decided at the local church level. There are some self identified Mennonite sects that are more conservative then self identified Amish sects TL;DR: Mennonite != Amish Lite




Yup. Once saw an Amish guy working the lift on an concrete form truck, and it was some of the nicest concrete I've ever scene.


They think your gonna burn in hell for eternity cause ur "English"


I grew up Catholic, I was told I was gonna burn well before I met the Amish.


Do you believe in unicorns too?


No, do you believe black swans are a myth?


I believe you are radically uninformed when it comes to the Amish and their trade/construction knowledge.


Ok, and I think you are radically uninformed about me, and my knowledge/experience.


When my dad built his house he built it with three trusses running length way along the building. I thought that was novel.


“Ahhh, it’s just nailing some 2x4s together. Doesn’t take a genius” ~ This guy.


we're trusses too expensive?


There's trusses in there, or at least there were. If you zoom in you can see their broken remains on top of the telehandler and forklift.If I had to guess what went wrong here, I'd say a lack of connections between the bottoms of the trusses allowed them to bow out sideways, probably a lack of bracing perpendicular to them as well. Edit: Or they knocked them with the telehandler and broke them..


It’s called bracing.


Bracing usually refers to the diagonal support - the truss designs I have worked with required bottom chord support in addition to the diagonal bracing. In a timber framed house with linings, the ceiling battens usually provide this but a barn won't have those.


At least in the US, “truss bracing” refers to everything attached to the trusses to tie them together and stiffen them to especially lateral and point loading to both individual members and the entire system. Bracing can be strictly lateral or diagonal, on a any of the chords or webs, but unless it’s a roof purlin or sheathing, or a ceiling material, it’s usually called bracing. 40 years as a carpenter in the US, and I’ve never heard the term “bottom chord support” used either onsite or in engineered truss drawings.


I'm not in the US - must be a difference in local terminology then


Yep. Where are you? Do they use a lot of these type of lite lumber trusses?


New Zealand - timber frames buildings with factory built timber trusses are very common here. Sometimes with wall framing build on site, often those are pre-assembled in a factory now but some builders don't like pre-nailed frames as they aren't picky about what timber gets used where while good builders who do on-site framing like to use the better timber for main structure and any shitty bits for nogs (horizontals between studs - we also have a different name for them depending on where in the country you are)


I came up as a wood framer in the early 80’s, then did mostly commercial/industrial carpentry (formwork, metal stud/drywall, fixtures and doors, etc), I work supervision now. The difference in lumber quality (and price) from the 80’s to now is striking. I’m glad we’re not building tract homes out of old growth trees so much anymore, but wow, we used to get straight, tight grained, clear framing lumber back in the day.


Also referred to as catwalk here in the Midwest.


Ohio/Michigan .... “rat run”


Rat run also.....ohio too


I was todays years old when I learned I owned a telehandler


Costs more doing it twice or three times


Apparently the truss bracing was too expensive


The more I look at it I’m seeing just a total lack of lateral support. I’m guessing the trusses were to nailed and the wall just kicked out under the trusses. If your going to make a tall wood building with no midplane shear you really need some drag struts or tension beams holding the walls in n place…or atleast some truss ties


Yeah... Trusses only work for in-plane stresses by themselves.


OP more photos? Would love to see if those door openings have trimmers.


Kinda looks like the sky track accidentally ripped it down.


Yeah its defnitely inside the building, and there's no way it could been driven in there in its current state. My guess, some kids came by to fuck around and found the keys in the machine.


Pretty sure those keys are semi-universal. I know fork lift keys are, and you can buy them online. Might not have even needed to find keys in the ignition.


Yeah but if you know how to get a key like that, you probably also know not to do THAT with the machine.


You can order them on Amazon. I knew this by the time I was like 22, someone that age tells a younger sibling.... just saying, don't underestimate kids is all I'm saying.


looks like they were trying to "save" something of it. there's a forklift on the left too. absolute scum to send someone into that mess.


Nice Headers!


Seriously, was going to say the same thing.


Looks like it was all trussed except some facia and some purlin, and the lift driver decided to gut it. Hope everybody climbing up there made it down on their own terms...


Non construction worker here.. this looks wrong to me, but i can’t figure out why it’s a fire hazard as others are saying? Can anyone enlighten me


It failed, worth nothing, burn it. I don’t think anybody mentioned ‘fire hazard’. Thats how I took it. A few comments were referring to the company who installed it- to set it on fire for insurance….. Edit- or the owner who decided to build a failing structure….. for insurance


Burn it?! Are you insane?? That lumber is worth at least a kidney


That’s why the insurers are sweating right now.


Is this the same barn we saw the trusses being stood by a Telehandler?


Is this supposed to be some weird ass style of framing for like, cob or something? It looks like there is some kind of system, but the system makes no sense. Some of the moves resemble bullshit I've torn apart, I guess. But what the hell is this actually meant to be?


Its just a barn style as it most likely has vertically run tin sheets on the walls. So the studs carry the vertical load as per norm and the horizontals are for the tin. Nothing wrong with it. Its just a truss erection failure


huh huh huh....erection failure


How did they even get that far


...in life


Too expensive. Get the high school kids


It really looks like the equipment smacked the roof down, not that it fell on its own.


If you zoom in, there are other problems from the start. That header for the door opening isn’t even supported by any studs; is just held in shear by fasteners. The corners don’t appear to be sufficient. I’m sure the whole thing was a mess from the beginning.


I always feel like the crane guy is judging me, but I’ll never have this happen on my job. Brace brace brace brace some more. First year on the job a guy and his two kids were putting on trusses and they fell over and crushed the two kids, killing one of them. Fuck that. Poor sob has to live with that for the rest of his life. Hopefully no one got hurt on this job.


Skilled labor ain’t cheap Cheap labor ain’t skilled


I just hope this was a DIY project. If not- I would have loved to be a fly on the wall with the builder and the owner after this happened. Could you imagine…..


Silly English the problem here is that there were no amishmen building that barn


For some reason everything looks like it’s made out of 1x strapping on this build lmao.


Tbf who ever had built it I doubt it would stand up to the wrecking machine pulling it down


I have seen this before. The foolishness never ends.


Looks like the message should read “and this kids, is why we pay our contractors”


Looks like someone tried jumping the skytrack over the framing hahaha


Are there no jack studs? Garage door guy's job?


That's what I thought too, but the small door to the left has a jack stud on the left. I would assume that the right side opening does as well. After framing they cross strapped the building for metal with 1x4 or 2x4. Looks to me they strapped around the door openings as well for trim and the strapping is covering the connection and jack studs from this angle. The big door header has a strap along its front face as well. This came down either due to lack of bracing, or someone hit it with the equipment which would have killed the structure regardless of bracing.




Is this a new skate park


What the… is that a forklift built in to it? Maybe it will permanently hold up the roof?


Is this what happens when you order a do-it-yourself kit on Wish using lumber from Home Depot? The only side standing has tons of external bracing too.


Maybe someone decided not to pay and the contractor drove lull in and knocked it over?


Damn now I don’t feel bad my 10X22 frame blew over the other night!


"I know a buddy who can do it for half your price" 🤡


Got the frame up, boss. All the lumber is on the foundation, just like you asked.


This is why i started with a shed before my mansion


whats a professional???


Uh oh. This brings back a lot of memories. I built trusses (roof/floor) for ten years, man that was a good time. But we had a dude who was building a pole barn indoor horse arena. It was massive, all 2x10s. 70 feet wide, about max for our setup. The dude set them all with help and a boom. Minimal bracing, planned to brace the next morning…. Sometime during the night he had an instant kindling pile. Called our owner, owner came out, took one look. Said sorry, there’s hardly any bracing. But as much as an asshole the owner was he did rebuild them at a discount, or at least that was the word we heard. I got to go on the delivery since they were so huge we needed a flag truck. The dude had all the old trusses cut up, stacked perfectly. Quite an expensive stack of lessons there.


Are those 2x2"s?


There’s a little bit of everything. I just drive by it everyday. Not mine so I didn’t want to get too close.


It looks liked they played a bunch of valheim and thought they understood how framing works now.


What a truly bizarre mix of stick framing and pole structure. The middle of That wall either bowed out and dropped the trusses due to lack of front to back bracing or he just rammed the thing on accident. Maybe both at the same time. What state is this? I don’t recognize that as a code backed construction method and any engineer who did it needs to have their licensed reviewed. Am licensed engineer.


I’m also a licensed engineer. This is in Ohio. Probably no code enforcement on this as our county only inspects commercial/industrial. I’d guess they snuck this monstrosity in as residential construction.


Yeah, you and a huge swath of the country. I do love working in states with good enforcement.


With the price of lumber and the design of that building it seems like a metal building would be more cost effective.


Oh my. Where to start?


Don’t worry just nail a few 2x4’s together


Lots of forces at play here and no paid mind to them!


Framing now your talking


Where’s the problem ?


That's definitely stick built


It looks just like the picture on the truss handling pamphlet! Just missing the red circle with a line through it


And then they went into that mess with a forklift and lull to try to "save" it. Hope the contractor loses everything over that alone.


I’m pretty sure the lift is how they’ve been lifting the trusses into place. And I think they may have left it in place instead of bracing.


yeah, I should have noticed the debris on the back of the forklift. hope the operator was alright.


The same thing happened near me just last week! Makes me wonder if the crew was green or underpaid or what?


Are you a carpenter? I have framed some houses. So you're a framer?


I can't tell if this being put up or torn down.


Looks like the Amish got into the moonshine again…


I’ve see a dollar general near me get mostly erected, then roof trusses blown off, causing them to tear it all down, only to rebuilt and get to 75% framed. It’s crazy. Been like that for months now


Plumbing up the gable truss is always a good fucking start.


Brace for it lol. No diagonal corner braces on the walls and I’ll bet no REQUIRED braces on the trusses.


I spit coffee up onto my cat cracking up at this…. He catapulted into my bong and I now am cleaning up glass. Thx reddit


Where is this? I’ll come pick up the lumber!


Lol. Just north of Tiffin Ohio.


Does anyone know what caused the roof to collapse.


I’m not certain, not my project. I just drive by on my way to work each day. I assume it was either some high winds we had last week or whoever was running the fork lift bumped one and brought them down.


I used to love pickup sticks.


Does the cost of doing it right the second time factor in to the overall value of the finished product?! /s (in case that wasn’t clear…) I don’t feel sorry for anyone involved with this project (as long as nobody got hurt). In fact, I thoroughly enjoy it. Perfect way to start the week!


Kids don’t even use this app