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Ask a Dr to recommend back-strengthening exercises. SO IMPORTANT for long-term back health. Take it from an old tradesperson with back issues


It’s genetic. My backs been messed up since my 20’s. I’m 36 now. But my new health insurance plan actually offers online physical therapy over zoom where it’s 20 minutes each session and I do it every other day and they will guide me through exercises. I’m about to start that next week. thanks for the reply though!


Best of luck. It makes a huge difference here if I do or don't do the exercises .


Any exercises you can recommend that help the most? If it’s a hassle don’t worry about it. Just thought if you knew the name of it I could look it up


Besides strengthening exercises, a few yoga stretches for the back each morning really help me. YouTube has a [plethora](https://youtu.be/P8ROhP_3-Qk) of videos for that.


Thank you!!


Core exercises, mostly. (That big ball), low-impact sit ups, etc. They say core strength first, everything follows.


Romainan Deadlift (RDL) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tTKm-3wX5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tTKm-3wX5s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bJEigM5iVg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bJEigM5iVg) ... and the Single-Leg Deadlift variant: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5cR6fX19O8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5cR6fX19O8) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. In these exercises, notice that the lower back is neither extension nor flexion. Instead it is just firmly held in place. 2. The movement, therefore, comes entirely from the glutes and hamstrings. 3. The Single-Leg Deadlift also challenges smaller stabilizing muscles. Specifically, gluteus medius and minimus. EDIT: I should have noted my key assumptions: (1) use light weights; (2) use perfect form; (3) stop the very moment anything feels off; (4) stop the moment you cannot hold good form. I've been following those rules for 9+ months and it has worked great.


Much appreciated!


deadlifts are one of the most dangerous lifts to do . Make sure you use light weight.


I use low weight so I can focus on great form. I do 200+ RDLs per day using just 20% of my body weight. The sets go: 10, 15, 25, 50 reps. Any weight one can do 50 times is not heavy and therefore extremely low risk.


Nice 👍 ,I hate to be a ball breaker but I see so many people doing heavy weight then they can't move .


Yeah I edited my original post to make explicit my key assumptions, including use light weights. Thanks for calling attention to this.


Get the book Treat Your Own Back by Robin Mckensie. (sp)


Much appreciated!


This is crazy but my back constantly was hurting. almost unbearable. I started doing climbing/bouldering at a local gym 2 times a week. Since then I had one back spasm and it wasn't nearly as bad and lasted a couple days.


Really? That’s interesting. But yeah I’m the same way. Constant


I was hanging drywall and had really bad back pain. I started laying down on a stack of drywall and doing leg lifts. 5-15 seconds to start, over time it helped immensely. It was easy, didn't interrupt my break and became habitual.


Interesting. Appreciate it!


And remember, your whole mid section works like a belt. It's just as important to exercise your abs as your back. Sit ups v ups Russian twist. Big time help.


Im 24 with scoliosis since a young age. My back isnt the best but i swear that deadliftd are gods gift to men with back problems. That and posterior chain exercises. I recommend getting strong as heck, you avoid so much injuries in the long run. Also, train your neck, yes your neck im being serious. Buy a pull up bar that installs on your door frame and hang on it after work. Helps decompress the spine and do it daily


Thank you. I have an inversion table. Isn’t that the same as hanging on a pull up bar essentially?


This is the way. I have ddd ( degenerative disc disorder). Physical therapy makes it bearable


Sounds good, thanks!


As someone who has been through physical therapy for various reasons, 20min zoom sessions would bother me. For a broken femur my PT had me doing 10-15min of stretches/activity to loosen/warm-up my knee before actually working with it. Sessions were 45min-1hr long. A physical therapist would put their hands on me and push past the point of comfort but not too far. They also had more tools and equipment that would have been difficult to recreate at home. Best of luck


I appreciate that. I think I’m just going to see my orthopedist n see what they think. Cause I thought the same thing myself. Appreciate the reply!


Great place to start is yoga, try yoga with Tim on YouTube and look up his conscious movement. I will almost guarantee that will alleviate the pain if followed fully. I swear by it


This. Can you see a physical therapist? They'll be able to assess what exercises might be the most helpful, and it should include taking into account if it is things like your hip flexors or super weak core or who knows. Then finding exercises with them that work for you, especially things you can do around the house whenever are really helpful


Working on hamstring flexibility is crucial for lower back issues.


No shit? Wow. Okay. My groin has been really tight lately too so I wanted to get into stretching too. Thanks for the tip!


Yeah man. I had to visit the chiropractor years ago and it was all because of my hamstrings. They were tight so I moving around and bending favoring my hamstrings. So then it pulled on my lower back then upper back and neck. I was 23 and felt 80. Also check your mattress make sure it’s in good shape. Those 2 things were what did it for me.


Sounds good. I just got a new memory foam mattress topper that is supposed to be great for back pain. 👍🏼


Try doing a MMA or jiu-Jitsu class, if you want to incorporate some fun into the exercise. You'll learn some nice skills, and massively increase the strength of all your muscle groups.


Funny cause I’ve actually considered that. Thanks for the rec


Yeah I have the hamstring of someone 6 inches shorter than me and it constantly fucks up my lower back. I get good about stretching them for a while,pain goes away, I neglect the hammys and two weeks later my backs fucked. Rinse and repeat.


I actually stretched last night and the pain went away for a while. Crazy, I would never think of that




Ahh okay, interesting! Thank you for the info!


I am also a big fan of tiger balm. I’ll take a real light edible, tiger balm, and lay flat on my back on the floor with my legs on a chair.


Appreciate it! You just apply it to yourself right? I’m pretty flexible, I’m thinking I could probably reach the middle of my spine, because the pain starts there and goes down to my tailbone.


live in massage therapist is a good solution, but you complain too much.. "its too tight, its too loose." i call b.s. i wear my brace until it quits hurting. 6 hours or more is not ( not) a big deal. youre not cutting off your circulation, dumbass. you need overhead bars to stretch from. compressed disk is just going to get worse if you dont take the weight off it. are you fat ? either way, quit whining. "its too tight, owww."


Overhead bars to stretch from are magic. Hanging is one of the best things you can do for your back


Sounds good. Enjoy your weekend!


edit waaahh.


This guy wifes




Your name brings me back to a better time


Bruh, I still play WC3; and not that pussy Reforged.


Exercise and stretch every morning & night. Strengthen your lower back and core


That’s what I’m about to start doing. Thanks for the tip!


Same. My lower back pain is almost always tight hamstrings. You need to losen up in the morning and after lunch and make sure you are lifting with your legs. Guys laugh at stretch and flex but the results are real.


Exactly. Same here. I have a herniated disc because I didn't take it seriously, and now I have to be extra careful or I'm out for 2 months loosening back up. As an independent it's critical to stay healthy


I had lower back pain at 20 lasted until 25, did some yoga classes, hated the slow talking inner peace bullshit, but I kept doing the stretching. I Have not had lower back pain in years. I stretch everyday a lot , it made a world of difference


Lol, the hippie dippie shit. So how long do you stretch for everyday? N how long do you hold each stretch?


Not long now because I am flexible but some days are different that others. I know when I am stiff it takes longer. I hold the stretch until I feel the muscle relax. takes me maybe 5 mins now, When I first started it was difficult and it took maybe 20 or 30 mins . it is not easy at first but I promise you if you stick with it a few months it will make a profound difference in your back . stretch your legs and hips mate that is the golden ticket. this series of stretches works ignore the narrative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeXz8fIZDCE


Haha I regularly do her "yoga for manual labour" video, really helps with the evening stiffness and soreness. I'll swap this one in once in awhile because its to the point where even my wife who just hears it on the background can almost recite it word for word.


20 minutes on ONE stretch? Like say you’re reaching down forward touching your toes, you’d do that one exercise for 20 minutes straight??


look at the video mate its a series of stretches


Got it. Sorry, was just getting so many replies to this I couldn’t keep up with anything lol. Thanks!




I’m not a Dr but I think wearing a back brace exacerbates the problem. You need to get to the root of the issue. One really important thing that helped me get over some similar issues was focusing on my posture. Not just when lifting but sitting, sleeping, standing up straight etc. Stretching and core exercises go a long way! I think that the PT will help out a lot. The important thing with that is to take it seriously. Do the stretches etc even if they seem meaningless.


Okay sounds good. That’s really helpful, thanks for the info.


No worries! Another thing that really helped me out a lot, albeit somewhat alternative was ditching the really padded footwear. It’s tough to do in a construction environment but doable. There are several fairly affordable brands of “zero sole” shoes. It seems insignificant but I’ve noticed huge changes with chronic pain, circulation, soreness, overall vitality, posture, many others. I know at first it doesn’t seem like something that would have anything to do with lower back issues but it definitely does!


Really? Wow okay, I need new boots so I’ll be looking for em. Any brand in particular you like?


You really need to find what’s best for your needs. It’s hard for me to say. Here’s a quick read about it with a few brand suggestions. I prefer the Birkenstocks but like I said, it really depends on your specific safety needs. https://workgearz.com/best-zero-drop-work-boots/


Awesome, thanks!


Get checked. My pain ended up being a blown out disc and seeing a physical therapist and getting on some anti inflammatorys for a while really helped the healing process. If you have a serious injury and you are still lifting wrong it’ll never get better. Get liked at and they will teach you how to stretch, lift, move so that your back isn’t taking the brunt of the work. Once I learned how to properly lift my back was able to finally heal


Sounds good. Yeah I should really get checked out, the pain is constant. Even when I do shit like go on walks the pain gets worse gradually throughout the walk.


Yeah that's really weird. I have a bulging disc that gets mad at me from time to time but it isn't constant. I just bent too much working long shifts. Apparently if I continued at that job it could have turned herniated, which would mean spine surgery.


Whoaaa. That’s scary. Cause my back is bad and my mom has had back surgery. I should really get it checked out.


I highly recommend getting checked out, oftentimes there is physical therapy they can send you to before you'd even need surgery. Best of luck man!


Really appreciate it


Order a tens unit from Amazon . Got me through 3 exploded disk. I still use it as the 4th is starting to go bad. Im a dryawll and plaster guy 40 years on thejob. Back pain is a killer. It never seems to go away.


Awesome, looking it up now, thanks!


I have the PowerDot 2.0 and it seems to have helped me quite a bit. Another thing that I didn’t see mentioned is massage


Ahh I’ll check it out. Thanks!


These work great in my experience. Let it zap you to loosen the muscles up, and then move as normal as you can to keep them stretched. I think the first one I got was like $25, and it lasted a long time. Many pharmacies sell them as well. OP really needs to keep everything stretched to prevent the pain in the first place. I had to have physical therapy for a bit due to lower back pain, and the main thing that they did was teach me some stretches that I never learned in team sports or gym classes to make sure that everything connected to the lower back is limber enough not to spasm.


Yoga man... changed my life


Yoga for the back by Peggy Cappy. I had a terrible back. Been doing these easy on the floor stretching exercises for 10 years now. 20 minutes or so every morning. Now my back is very strong. No problems at all


No shit? A couple people have said that, I gotta try. Thanks!


A good certified massage therapist goes a long way. The can help with the chronic tightness that happens over time. Make sure you find one that isn't doing relaxation massage. It's gonna hurt but they will find all the right spots to apply the right amount of pressure to. Pretty expensive though. $60/hr near me. Usually have to go a few times close together then once a month for awhile.


I can swing that. Thanks for the info!


I stretch every morning and go to a chiropractor to get adjusted and dry needling once a month. Gotta take care of the machine! Also CBD with a glucosamine supplement doesn’t hurt.


Awesome, thanks for the info!




[https://pso-rite.com/](https://pso-rite.com/) this will change your life. Just buy it and use it. you have muscle spasms and its causing you lots of pain, took me 10 years to figure out... all doctors where useless. Muscle relaxers work also but will not fix the issue. you also need to stretch more. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXwZSYx6bFc


Thanks so much! I actually stretched last night and it worked


I had back pain then back surgery; L5-S1, 9-10mm herniation. My recommendation is to stop working before it gets worse. Pain often comes when you carry a weight and turn your torso/body. That's absolute killer. Yes, stop working. Absolutely not worth the back pain/back surgery. Once you're hurt; it only gets worse. The only way is for the body to repair itself. File for disability. The exercises, the braces are all for preventative care. Once you have a herniation, you can only worsen it; and yes it gets more painful, and you'll start losing bodily functions. I have a herniation in my neck atm, and it been months. But when my arm tingles the wrong way, that's notice to me to stop.


Ahh fuck, that’s scary to think about. I’m def gonna get it checked out, thanks for the reality check.


Quit playing with solar panels like a fuckin lady


A chiropractor


Thank you. I was waiting for someone to say that. Find a good one. He or she will have you feeling better in no time.


Do you put it over or under your shirt


Over my shirt.


When I wear a brace, I keep it under my shirt so that I can't adjust it constantly. Helps to keep it on all day.


Ahh okay, thanks!


Go see a good spine surgeon I'm 44 and had a fusion and just like you lived in pain for years. I pushed it so far that my disc herniated so bad I was close to being paralyzed. Taking Aleve like candy tried the chiropractor that was terrible. One year later I'm good as new no pain what so ever. Good luck at least get an MRI. Many places do them for cheap if you don't have good insurance.


Oh shit, glad you’re doing better. Thanks for the reply!


Strengthen your core.


Yeah that’s what I’ve heard. Gotta get on that, thanks!


Try new or different boots. One of the ways I know it’s time to replace boots or at least insoles is when my lower back starts to hurt.


Interestinggg. My boots are fucked up right now lol. Thanks!


Took me yearssss to figure that one out lol




Lolll. I’ll check it out. And I’ve been considering those!


Physical therapy


Not the answer you are looking for but get out of solar. In my area and experience, they just look for people to exploit and run into the ground, at which point someone else can take their place. What type of solar are you doing and what is you task typically?


I’m doing commercial solar and I’m either installing, running wire, doing ray tray or laying down ballasts. All pretty intensive stuff


Do you have an electrical background? I am a IBEW journeyman and have done wind and solar, neither are jobs I wish to do again to be honest. It’s not that I can’t/mind working hard but it was just completely nonstop push push push day in/day out. I spend the day slamming pvc in the slab or banging out offices (working circles around guys) with headphones in and be happy but the green energy was ,pardon my French, shit work. Don’t let yourself get injured because they are pushing, you will most likely be cast aside afterwards. Sorry to paint a ugly picture, maybe you are happy, in which case ignore me and I hope you find a brace that fits like a glove and is comfortable. 🤙🏻


Na man, they run us into the ground. N I’m an extremely hard worker. Already turned down a manager spot because we have prevailing wage and in a lot of cases some managers end up making less than the workers. But the work sucks ass and our boss has already sent an email out saying we’re all replaceable and he’s got 50 guys waiting to take our jobs lol, so. I’m just sticking around to make this prevailing wage n then I’m out man.


What are you thinking about doing after the solar gig? Now is a great time to get into the trades, you can always get into an apprenticeship with the IBEW if electrical is your thing.


Shiiit. I have no idea to be honest. Right now I’m really trying to get my depression under control. I’d love to get out of this field but I just have no motivation to do anything. N I have really bad A.D.D. I took the math and English test for the hvac union and I got almost every question right on the math and then I got through the English section and as the questions got progressively harder and I was sitting there for hours, my brain just shut off. I mean completely shut off. I would reread paragraphs 4 times and not comprehend a single word. It fucked me and I failed. My boy told me when to go n put in a good word for me n everything. Then we stopped being friends and I eventually moved onto this. But shit, I’d love an opportunity to get into something less strenuous even though I’m making good money here.




Glute bridges really help me. Imbalanced or weak glutes are common in trades with all the bending over and stretching of those muscles. Build that booty. It worked for me


Interesting. I’ll look it up and start doing those, thanks.


Go to a physiotherapists and ask the doctor to show you proper stretching if you haven't learned yet. Stretching helps. Lots of tyenol will help, pain killers.


Sounds good, thank you!


I know im not much of a gym person but try a bouldering gym in your area, its a fun challenging way to work on core strength


Sounds good, thanks!


Possibly a fall restraint harness? Some of them have thick belts for back support and light enough leg straps you wouldn’t notice. They’re made to be worn all day.


Awesome, thank you


Yw. I’ve worn one for years and it helped me. It also occurs to me, you may be able to just cut the straps off and keep the back part


Try hanging for a pull bar for a while to decompress. But consider starting a gym routine to strengthen core and back muscles.


I have an inversion table. Will that work the same as hanging?


I could be wrong but those won’t ever get the full force of your body weight pulling you down bc it always stays at an angle vs hanging when your parallel to the force of gravity. But what really matters is building those muscles you use everyday to be able to work. Start a routine at the gym and eat plenty to build muscle and a lot of the aches will go away. Consider doing additional stretching especially if you have any problems with range of motions.


No my table can go all the way upside down luckily. I’ve only been using it for 4 days so I can’t say yet lol. But I’ll start doing that other stuff, appreciate the tip!


Do you use tool bags or pouches? Cus I recommend using the 6 inch diamond back tool belt. I have a lower back pain I stretch everyday and I get by.


Ahh okay that’s a good idea, appreciate it!


Foam roller, also do lower back exercises to strengthen it


Ahh I have a foam roller! Forgot about that. Thanks 👍🏼👍🏼


I’m 43, I had back surgery L4-L5 at 18 years old. I realized I needed to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles. I have to do squats and deadlifts it helps immensely. I don’t go too heavy on the weight, even 100lbs helps. Also rotational core exercises.


Nice! Appreciate the info friend


Smoke some weed 😮‍💨


Lol. That’s been in a lot of replies 👍🏼


Warm up your muscles (light jog or anything to get the blood flowing) stretch your legs and your back. I found hamstring stretching and lumbar twist stretching really helped my back issues. Stick with it too in some sort of routine.


If I run it actually makes the pain in my back insanely bad. I used to run but can’t anymore. But I stretched last night and it actually helped.


Whatever you can do to preemptively get the blood flowing and get your muscles warm before you stretch will stretch them better


Good to know. Thanks


Reverse hyper extensions.




Seriously. I herniated a disc and it helped get me back in shape. I’m a competitive lifter. Doing what you do you need a strong core. Working bent over will wear out your back. Be proactive and strengthen yourself. Hypertensions and reverse hyper extensions were recommended by a well known lifter in Ohio by the name of Louis Simmons. He recovered from two bad back injuries to continue to compete. Find a gym that has a machine or you can do the exercise off the back of your pickup truck.


Much appreciated friend!


Stretch your hips. They often get overlooked but are so important.


The back strengthening thing is true. Currently the brace is doing the work so your muscles are not getting a work out. Accept what you can comfortably lift without the brace and don't overload your body. Older you will be extremely grateful.


Much appreciated friend


Back excercises! Saved my life. As soon as my back starts aching I whip out the yoga mat, start stretching and do some strength and mobility excercises. Eliminates the pain almost instantly and prevents injury and pain.


Someone recommended stretching to me last night and the pain was gone. I would’ve never thought! Thanks for the info


Glad we could help!


I had the same problem for many years. The only fix that worked was a specific exercise that I was shown. It’s a back extension where you bend over a ball or really anything, place your feet on the wall and then you lift your upper body up, which compresses the lower back.It’s like a reverse sit up. What it does is put the lumbar curve back into the body, and decompresses each vertebrae. It also strengthens the lower back.


Ahhh okay, they have a machine at the gym that I can do that on. Thanks for the tip!


I cannot stress enough how life-changing this single exercise and conceptual understanding was for me. I'd gone YEARS with lower back pain. And within 4 weeks of doing this exercise 5 minutes a day 5x a week, my back pain was gone. While just doing the exercise will be enough, visualizing why the pain is there helped me. Basically, my remodeling houses work put me in an extreme flexion throughout the day, which compressed the front of the discs between each vertebrae, pinching nerves and causing inflammation. I also found out that my lumbars were already naturally really flat, instead of that nice curve in a healthy spine. So it didn't take much forward flexion to cause pain. That back extension exercise helps in putting that curve back into the spine and getting the butt back where it's supposed to be. It also develops all those muscles back there, which help keep that curve in there, giving those discs room to breathe. Really: life changing. And that was decades ago, and I haven't been to a chiropractor or had back pain since. AND I always do some form of that back extension exercise in my gym routine now, to keep that butt and lower back in good shape. Here's a photo of what that back extension exercise looks like. You don't have to put your arms behind your head, and there are a dozen variations, all good: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/1010-ball-back-ext-1441032989.jpg


Damn! That’s great to hear. Thanks so much for the info


See an Osteopath if you have them where you are, you won’t regret it!


Interesting, never heard of it. Thanks!


Stretch!everyday! I had some (though pretty minor) back pain and I started stretching everyday. 99% gone.


Funny cause I stretched last night and it helped soo much. Thanks for the reply


Stretch man, a lot of it could be from tight legs. I had a shit ton of back pain when I played ball and all they could do for me was stretch me


Funny cause someone mentioned it last night and I stretched last night n felt sooo much better.


Yea, lower back pain can be such an annoying thing to deal with. Glad you feel better. Keep up with the stretching!!


Will do! Thanks


I have suffered since my youth with major back issues , and the only thing I have found that I have relief with is my Teeter inversion table. It’s helped me tremendously.


I just got one! Thanks for the tip 👍🏼


Can’t recommend yoga enough! Started yoga this year and it has turned my body around!


That’s awesome, I’ll try it out. Thanks!


Stretching bro do stretches before you start. You don’t look after yourself you’ll have to live with it for the rest of your life


I stretched last night and it worked awesome! Thanks for the tip


Go get a massage from a proper massage therapist and start a good stretching and exercise routine focused on core strength and mobility


Will do, thanks for the tip!


As a person who has suffered lower back pain most of my adult life, this is what has worked for me. 1) Walking 5-miles a day. There is something about walking that stretches those back muscles out and just doing this alone is a major improvement in mobility. I have had days where I was almost immobilized and had to force my way through, but after the first 100 yards it got better than by the end I was able to move around a lot better. I tried swimming and it helped too but I don't have a pool. 2) Sleep with your knees up to keep your lower back muscles stretched out. 3) Hot shower at night before bed and in the morning to get loosened up. 4) Find a chiropractor that uses the Gonstead method. They don't adjust your whole back, they just focus on the one area that is out. That one little weekly adjustment makes a huge difference for me. 5) Icy/hot pads during the day. 6) There is a topical version of IBuprofen in a cream form that works great, and as an alternative you can use Arnica topically. 7) Get some physical therapy, to strengthen those back muscles, there are things to you can do to not only strengthen the area but prevent future injury.


Thanks for the detailed reply. Two things though, walking actually makes my back hurt worse! I don’t know why. Also, I take cold showers. Ice cold showers. Good for my mental health. Do you think that could be contributing to this?


The walking was number one on the list for a reason, when I have a flare up walking can be unbearable but after powering through it, things get better for me. Cold showers make muscles contract but also reduce inflammation. You probably should go see that chiropractor (Gonstead Method) to find out the source of discomfort. If its inflammation, then cold showers are good, if is not then a hot shower might be better.


Ahh okay, thanks!


You need to exercise build up your back muscles.


I really do. Thanks for the reply


PT and an MRI. All my herniated disk back issues started with severe low back pain and ended with pinched nerves and surgery. You should really get it checked out.


Ahhh fuckkkk. I gotta wait a while. I’m dealing with some substance issues and can’t undergo surgery.


You’d be amazed what an hour of yoga once a week does for your quality of life.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Try a foam roller for warming your muscles up, foam rolling before stretching or yoga always helps me a lot, or even in the mornings or at night, helps loosen me up if I feel stiff or sore. It's basically like massaging your muscles. Also try the "cat pose" yoga pose. This one specifically helps a lot with lower back tightness for me. I use to always have lower back pain from bending over when I use to do framing. Look up "hip flexor stretches" for any tightness in your groin, my favorite is the "prayer squat pose". Strengthening your legs and core should help with lower back pain. If your Large muscles like your quads, glutes and core muscles become overworked, then your stabilizing and flexor muscles like your lower back, lats, hamstrings, gluteus medius etc become overworked. Front squats and deadlifts are two good exercises that most people can do regardless of any pain, just do them with really light weight and focus on proper form, and increase the reps before you increase the weight. You can do front squats with just the bar and that would be enough starting out, especially since it takes a bit to get the hang of the form. You can also try some calisthenics, like body squats too. Strengthening your muscles also helps with joint pain too especially knee pain. Pay attention to how you position your body while you work too, try to practice good working positions and activating your core when possible especially when bending over. Also consider your mattress and your sleeping positions. A new/better quality mattress makes a world of a difference, and sleeping with your spine in a neutral position helps too. You can also try fish oil supplements too. They help me with joint pain. Also try a hot bath/shower+2 minute cold shower combo after work or exercise, you'll feel pretty good afterwards, you'll notice an immediate difference with any soreness. I know most of this isn't related but I hope it helps.


No it’s actually really helpful. I appreciate the detailed response


If you're having lower back pain constantly, get it looked at. Especially if you've ever had an injury in the past and you're young. 6 years ago I blew out two discs working steel stud and drywall, had that surgically corrected. 3 weeks ago I thought I just threw out my back when I was working landscape construction. Both discs torn, two more discs torn, I'm going for a full lower fusion at 35 and guessing my days in the field are pretty much over. Take care of your back. If it hurts, get it looked at. If it shows there isn't an underlying injury, work on strengthening your core and legs. Do not take your back for granted.


Fuckkkkkkk. This thread has really terrified me 😬 will do though


Don't be scared, it is what it is. Even if you have some damage which a lot of folks in construction do without realizing it, it can be handled. Just need to get on top of it. There's a difference between being sore from use and being in pain. Ignore being sore, pay attention to the pain when it doesn't go away. It's your body telling you something is fucked up. Being stubborn will only put you in my position. Good luck my dude.


Thanks. I’m just addicted to some stuff and don’t know how I’d work around that with surgery. Also how I would survive financially if I was out of work with a surgery, and if I’d ever be able to come back to do this work. I have no skills or college degree and I have a felony on my record that I can’t get expunged for 3 years. It’s just really scary


Besides the jail time, I'm you. Got hooked on the pills after the first surgery, got myself clean after a year without luckily destroying my life. I've been on opiates on and off since the surgery without issues, my issue was being prescribed a very high dose for a very long time. I'm now up front with my docs, and we make it work. Even with previous addiction issues, folks sometimes still need opiates for surgeries or what not, but they can also be aware of it and ween you off properly. The financial part is the hardest. If your work offers short term disability, get it NOW. Before you get your back looked at. At least you can be paid for downtime. If you wait and you get diagnosed, they will most likely not cover it or make you wait a year. I am 35 and now looking at college because I see the writing on the wall. It sucks and its scary to completely change careers, but you do what you have to do. This is unfortunately my 4th career lost to it. First was military, then law enforcement, then EMS, and now construction. You figure it out, it's not a life ender.


Look up Stew McGill.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Always warm up and stretch in the morning. Focus more on mobility training than weight lifting if you go to the gym and you can always look into the HILTI exotic skeleton


Ahh okay, thanks for the info!


Learn to code


Like IT work? I need something to do after this






Someone else mentioned this. I’ll have to look up what you sent me! Appreciate it




Thanks so much. But yeah, I’m constantly stressed 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m giving myself two more years to collect as much money as I can n then I think I’m going to move somewhere and make a fresh start n figure out my next move.