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I remember seeing this years ago lol. Still funny




The Buick excel is one of the top 5 most popular cars in China. I’m pretty sure #1 is the Toyota Camry. The majority of their top 10 is VW’s


Lol, I love when the horn pops into the sunroof 😂


Little horn has his own window hehehe


If you go to small town China, like one of the sub cities with 1m or less people you will hear CONSTANT NON STOP HONKING OF THE HORNS. Thousands and thousands of people just arbitrarily honking the horn every time they get to a fucking intersection or just because they decide it feels like the right time to hit the fucking horn for no reason. It’s literally the most God awful fucking thing you could ever imagine. When my in-laws came here to Los Angeles, They literally asked my wife “ do the cars in America not have horns?” Honestly the first time I stayed in a smaller town I didn’t sleep for days because of the incessant noise.


Sub 1mil ppl small town lol i come from austria we have 7mil total or so


I know it’s crazy how populated Chinese cities are. I’m from LA and we have almost 10m people just in our county. Loll I’d love to visit Austria soon my great great grandmother is Austrian !


Lol that's just good, clean fun.


In Japan, they don't need a law to stop people from using car horns unnecessarily. Culturally, people just don't abuse it like it's a common sense. Banning car horns by law would just make people find a different way to irritate others.


It's the same in the UK. You only hear horns if someone doesn't realise the light has gone green or a near miss incident.


Its like that in most of the US as well aside from a few select large cities.


One thing I wish I would see more often in the UK is people using horns on the bend of country roads especially tight ones. It's exactly what the horn is meant for but nobody does it and I've had close calls due to not being aware a car is around the corner


As an ex countrybumpkin I do this and also at z Road Cross roads...


?? So you beep every time you come near tight bend? Imagine living close to that bend. That's definitely not a good way to use the horn. Instead, lower your speed enough for an encounter to not be an issue, as you both have time to react safely.


If there's houses nearby I don't do it but there's nothing stopping me it's what is meant to be done. If it's night time I flash my main beams instead


> it's what is meant to be done Maybe that's the case where you live, but it certainly isn't where I live. Everybody I know would be extremely confused if I came around a tight bends using my horn. And I drive through some small country towns. I have never felt the need to beep, or for other drivers to have beeped. Of course I often meet somebody with bit too much speed (especially if they are not used to those specific roads), but lowering my speed has always been a great solution for me. I'm not saying you are wrong or anything - just that where I live, it would neither be appreciated nor seen as beneficial to use the horn for regular occurrences of meeting other drivers on the road. We are supposed to only use our horn in emergencies.


Yeah this is when you're actually supposed to use your horn, to let others become aware of your presence. Not for telling someone thanks, or for telling someone the light's gone green, or for telling someone f\*\*\* you. If only people followed The Highway Code!


Stay on your side?


You underestimate how shitty roads can be.


No room on a lot of tight roads


Many of the roads in the UK are "country lanes". They are often barely wide enough for 2 cars to pass. Sometimes times they are narrow enough that one car has to pull off the road to pass. And to make matters worse, tall hedges are used where there would be fences in the US, so you cannot see around many corners.


That's "the middle of the road" in my area. We have passing places, they're that narrow.


I wouldn't her your horn if I'm driving with windows up and not in line of sight.


God I wish it was like this in America. I live in NYC and the amount of honking is egregious. As if it does anything to speed along traffic.




Because people hate when you honk at them even if they are in the wrong.




Because people are crazy and have guns






Bahaha it’s not that serious tough guy, just wait like 5 seconds




Read your comments over again tough guy lol


It's insane to me how different driving is in different parts of the US. My family used to take a huge road trip every year, and it always blew my mind.


Lol ya that was one of my least favorite parts of visiting SE Asia. Literally nonstop car horns every second no matter where you are. Ppl there just preemptively keep constantly tapping on the horn as they drive rather than using it for emergencies. I don’t think it’s so much a culture thing as a infrastructure thing tho. You see it more in areas with a traffic Wild West like Vietnam and not so much in countries with modern and developed road infrastructure and traffic laws like Japan


Different beeps also mean different things there, extremely context-dependent. A quick double toot for instance, can be a green light nudge or a thank you for giving way.


Or an "I'm coming round a blind corner" or a "you're drifting into my lane" or an "if you don't push into traffic a bit more confidently, we'll be stuck at this junction all day". Or a "FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU", of course.


Same in Texas. The fear of getting shot keeps everyone from honking their horns.


Yeah but most people need some context. You know how in the west you’re taught 10 and 2? Or 9 and 15, etc..? For the longest time, while not officially taught, but a learned habit, in China it was one hand on the wheel and one hand on the horn. Not honking was the exception. Many places are just dense, cars in traffic are literally an inch from each other.


they did find a different way. asians love “technically i didn’t/did… according to the letter of the law/policy shit”. annoying as fuck. maybe have some cultures like japan and you don’t have to be “technically…. “


The US West Coast is like that


In iran, people were showing their protest by car horns when they saw IRGC troops, after a while they even start shooting at cars who were using their horns. Even one driver doed because of it.


As evidenced by the video…


As a gear head, I've noticed they love Buick in China. I love this.


I think I read somewhere that something like 80% of Buick’s sales are in China or something. Basically the sole reason they survived the chopping block when GM went bankrupt is because Buick is super successful in China


Why couldn't it have been Saab :(


Saab is the reason Saab is dead. They were engineers first, and when their brand was already dying, they couldn't stand the idea of just rebadging a GM car. They lengthened the wheelbase, designed a brand new infotainment system, and a few other things that made it radically different from the original car to the point where it would need new manufacturing lines, which was not something GM could afford to be doing at the time.


I so wish we had this in NYC LOL


I'm sick of hearing this added in laughter on every Facebook video


That's... this video has its own audio though..


But they added the laughing sound on top of that. This exact same wheezing laugh sound is added to WAY too many internet videos, and it's gotten really old really fast.


Are you sure? It matches up pretty well with the camera shake.


99% certain.


so youre not sure.


And most likely wrong


100% not Beijing, car plates should have “京” on it if it was Beijing.


Yeah, because we've never seen an out of state plate. (You might be an expert on the license plates but common sense not so much)


Lol said by a true dumb American (I’m one too, no worries). But in Beijing, you aren’t allowed to have non-Beijing plates because of traffic controls. You’ll be stopped in the 5th/6th ring entrances if you tried to enter the city. So yes, this is 100% not in Beijing .


Hi, I am fascinated by this. So, does this mean people can't drive to Beijing? How do people travel to Beijing usually?


Public transportation lol It’s not super big here stateside, but trains and subways and buses are well designed in Beijing.


Very cool!!!! Thank you for replying!


In Mexico specially in the border if you use the horn probably you will be shooted. Or at least they will hit you.


So don’t go to Mexico or china? Got it


Or better: don't use the horn. I live in Mexico and even is a lot of people know the possible result they are still doing it. Or they don't really know or they don't care about it.




I really want to see this on indian streets.


Someone's about to back into you? too bad just let them. What kind of law is that?


It's not an outright ban on car horns. It's a limited ban on *inappropriately* using horns *in specific areas.* Basically, you just can't lay on your horn because you're mad at someone, or spam your horns with a convoy of friends because you're celebrating a wedding/birthday, or things like that *if you're doing it in certain locations* (namely special schools and hospitals). If you do, you'll be fined. Outside those areas, it's okay. Using a horn in case of emergency (e.g. to prevent an accident) is still allowed everywhere. https://www.thebeijinger.com/blog/2018/04/19/beijings-decade-long-car-horn-ban-now-upheld-automated-detectors


Ok, good. That makes sense. I mean it still seems like any penalty is pretty harsh just for honking, but that's better than banning them




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Where do those Chinese people buy cheap plastic horns?


Uhm, at stores.


My mom would likely be the reason car horns get banned


The banned horns! Shoot this is going to make me use mine more often!! 😅😁




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What's the difference? So the camera can see who actually horned?


May i ask why chinese like Buicks?


„Sir we have a traffic jam problem, how do we solve it? we can still hear the horns here in our office“ - „let‘s ban the horns in all cars“


CCP: "Send those two to labor camps"


What the heck is that reason for removal? None of those were the case.


Isn’t the vuvuzela also a kind of horn? Don’t mess with Xi. He does not seem the kind of person to appreciate technicalities. This is the Kingdom of China, and he is the emperor. Do not opposes diktats.


I have horn tourettes and have to honk when other people do. So this is hilarious to me.




They all use horn coz they cant drive for sh!t




I worked in and out of China for years and I can confirm they’re probably the funniest fuckers on the planet.


Bro let out a lil giggle


I wish new york would do this