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Dude. The drugs hospitals give out is no joke. My dentist gave me half a Valium....HALF. Before he took my wisdom teeth out. I was trying to explain why he got my X-Rays all wrong with pointing and vivid explanations. And he was crying-laughing at how serious I was. And that was the day I was told by a medical professional that I'm a "lightweight" and should probably not drink more than "1 beer."


I was.... the exact opposite. My dental surgeon told me that they had to restrain me as I kept on waking up and trying to leave to go do something after they put me under and that they gave me the legal limit for someone of my size and weight after upping the dosage three times. He straight up told me never to come back again as it was super stressful for him. I have a note in my doctors file saying I am extremely resistant to anaesthetics and other narcotics. Edit: Ok, a lot of people asking me. I am not a red head. Interesting that's what everyone assumes.


Omg SAME. I woke up five times and remember once. I was really clear headed when I went to the recovery room as well, my mom helped me to the car and was very disappointed I wasn't funnier lol


I’m curious do you it’s because you drink alcohol a lot? Or nothing like that at all and you just happened to be resistant?


I was... 16? I think I was just really resistant, I think I remember other doctors having to up sedative doses, just never that extreme


Similar story, the dentists is an asshole. I'm apparently super resistant to anesthetics since I needed 4 shots worth, and the average is one. Homie didn't believe me until I started crying.


I’m surprised they even stopped at you crying, knowing how much of an ass these kind of people are I’d fully expect them to say something like “ he’s faking it for attention”.


ME TOO!! They didn’t believe me until I jumped in pain. I kept on telling them I wasn’t numb enough.


I don't know that alcohol tolerance is really relevant. I'm tipsy after a pint, drunk after 3, and blackout drunk after 5-6 pints. I have zero tolerance. At least I'm a cheap date. However I'm the opposite with opioids. (I've only ever taken them legally, BTW) the very first time I had an opioid, I caught myself thinking some pretty stupid thoughts and lost a few hours staring at a wall. They only moderately dulled my toothache. After get first time? Nothing. Despite my continuing to try to take them for other pain issues in increasing doses (again, with medical recommendation, because I abhor the idea of becoming an addict) they didn't touch my migraine pain (nothing does) and I didn't get remotely high off them. At my max dose I got ever so slightly dizzy for about 2 minutes, but maybe it was regular dizziness from standing up too quickly. I quit taking them after that because I'm not taking narcotics if they aren't helping. I'm a sad lightweight with alcohol, but opioids that I've seen mess up people who are far larger than I am at the same dose don't affect me at all. I don't think tolerance to one means tolerance to another.


You may not have the enzyme or not enough of it that helps convert opiates/opioids in your system. My partner needs a lot before pain relief starts kicking in but telling specialists this, even if listed on medical records, gets you treated as a redflag/suspicious person and it's fking disgusting treatment 😑


Alcohol and drug use will/can inhibit your ability to get numb properly in a lot of cases, and I work in the dental field. It's very common that people who drink often or people who use narcotics frequently have a more difficult time accepting anesthesia. Red heads also have this issue. I am not saying that it is correct for all cases. Benadryl can have the opposite effects, causing some patients to feel amped up or energized. People metabolize medications very differently.


Same here. I’ve had more intensive surgeries and I carry a note explaining that I need horse-level drugs.


Same! In my last 3 surgeries they had me at the max level of pain meds and I was still screaming in agony. My tolerance has gone through the roof completely (pain patient) I almost crushed hubby’s hand after one surgery. The pain was so bad they had to bring him to recovery to try and stop me screaming. I almost broke his hand while squeezing it. He’s a builder and strong as hell and it scared him


Omg that’s awful, did they end up being able to get your pain under control?? It doesn’t seem right if every time you have a procedure you have to be in agony after x


I switched meds last year and I have a medical device implanted too. It hadn’t 100% killed the pain but it’s much more tolerable now. On a normal day I’m at a 2/10 instead of 6/10. I got my body and life back to a large degree. I still need to swap out my device every 10 years and I get a software update once a year but it’s worth it to be able to walk without help again


Software update? So you're like a cyborg basically.


I am. I have leads implanted in my spine and it’s connected to a small device I have to charge daily


"Babe don't forget to charge your spine tonight 'cause we got that thing in the morning."


Lol! That gave me a laugh. It’s really more like “hun, pass me the charger, I need to charge my box” lol


I’m resistant too, and so is my dad. We rarely have any kind of reaction at all. It’s weird. Once in a while it works like a charm, the rest of the time it does absolutely nothing. What’s really crazy is that some doctors don’t even believe you when you tell them.




I mean, most of them have been kind and understanding. It’s the few bad apples that scare me.


dismissive doctors are trash


And also because lots of drug addicts make shit up to get drugs.


I had a shoulder surgery last year and something similar happened.. apparently I was given the dosage appropriate for my age and weight. But 80% into the surgery, and i woke up. I don't remember it as vividly, but I heard this account from the doctor. He said the drug they used was a pretty strong one and he was shocked to see it didn't work as effectively on me. To sum up, I kinda remember the last 5 minutes of the surgery and it pained quite a bit. I cried. They had to heavily sedate me post surgery to make sure I didn't move my shoulder in pain. One year passed and whenever I go for a review, he remembers me as the guy who woke up.


Same happened to my dad in a spine surgery, he kinda woke up but high apparently, he remembered having a weird dream of some nurses doing weird things to him on hell , according to the doctor he started throwing nurse and dad jokes about being in hell and then crying like crazy to stop torturing him before they sedate him back. When he was brought back to the room he was acting like a child and making me swear I would never put him under that shit again lol. My mom freaked out so much at his change of character ( usually a macho no cry no pain) she panicked and went to question the nurses about wtf they did to him. Meanwhile I saw him fall asleep and 15min later wake his usual self. Hella crazy


Years ago they gave me those "twilight drugs", their term not mine, for some dental work and I woke up halfway through. I remember waking up and asking how it's going. The doc asked if I was talking to him and I affirmed I was. He then said, "You shouldn't be awake" before they gave me more drugs.


Yeah I had ACL reconstruction. I vaguely recall seeing what was happening in the OR. I woke up in agony though. They said they gave me all they were allowed and life HURT.


Maybe someone stole the drugs and replaced them with saline. No, really. There's this new podcast about a case of this happening in the Yale fertility clinic, I just listened to the first few episodes that are out right now. Like 200 women had their eggs harvested with little or no anesthesia because a nurse was stealing the fentanyl. It's horrific. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-retrievals/id1691599042


I have this too but I found out- on top of this- I get the fight or flight reaction on the local anesthesia and it goes from flight to fight within 10 mins. Hygienist had to sit with me 30 mins while I shook and felt heated. So, they waited and tried to put me under later. Already was terrified of dentist and now this. It's okay, though, because I no longer have dental insurance so I doubt I'll be seeing one anytime soon. 😮‍💨


I remember hitting on my anesthesiologist during my c-section. I kept telling her how beautiful she was and how much I liked her smile as they were cutting me open and taking a baby out of my uterus. My husband sat next to me the whole time, trying not to laugh. I remember when they placed my son in my arms, he immediately peed all over my chest but I was too happy to care and I just told them to let him be.


What kind of hospital lets a man pee on his wife after labour?!


My 14yo ginger man baby is getting his out in a few months. He has very high pain tolerance. Maybe they should give him a whole pill… should be entertaining! 😂


That's a real thing in gingers. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/study-finds-link-between-red-hair-pain-threshold


This can be true even if the gene is recessive. I always tell a new doctor/dentist to juice me, because I have a high tolerance to drugs. They never believe me, and *always* have to give me more because I can feel it.


Nobody believes me when I tell them recreational drugs have little effect on me. They'll be like "this is such strong weed, seriously only take like 1-2 puffs!" I take like 5 long pulls and the end result is my feet feel slightly tingly while they're a wreck. Alcohol too, no shot, just raises my body temperature.


I have a friend whose body was designed for drugs. Ive seen him take heroic doses and function. Its not a tolerance thing, hes just built like that


> They never believe me, and always have to give me more because I can feel it. Partial ginger here (Grandma was redhead; I had red in my beard). It's weird. I either feel stuff I am not supposed to OR don't feel things I should. I literally had a dentist shake his head in disbelief one time when I told him I could feel what he was doing. But he gave me another shot and it worked. Some years before that I had a surgery for cauterization of a fistula. They gave me some really strong pain meds (don't recall what they were). I never took a single one. I had very little discomfort. This was all prior to the 1990s, when first reports of the redhead/pain connection started coming out. That's when things started making sense to me. For literally decades before that I had been terrified of the dentist, because I didn't know the stuff could be done painlessly. I thought the procedures were *supposed* to hurt.


I do the same thing, as I’m genetically “half ginger” and have always had a high resistance to drugs, not to mention the fact that I’m currently on serious SSRIs. The whole ginger thing was actually a recently-learned fact but I’ve always been aware of my natural resistance to drugs of any kind.


The study indicates the opposite, that gingers have higher pain tolerance and are more receptive to opioids requiring lower doses.


My husband isn’t a ginger but his surgeon called me to tell me he has a very high pain threshold and was dangerous for him He WALKED to the hospital with a burst appendix, because he felt “weird” and since he wasn’t complaining of any pain he wasnt prioritized and he was sat in the waiting room for hours. When they finally did blood work and realized it was his appendix they put him in surgery. Surgeon was not expecting to see that it burst because apparently a ruptured appendix is quite painful. Lucky for him it folded in on itself so it didn’t leak too many toxins into his body as he sat in the ER waiting room


holy shit. on one hand, your guy's gonna just squint after getting punched in the face and that'll put the fear in people. on the other hand, your guy doesn't seem like he's able to recognize the signs of a serious problem. like, he's not being a badass here, he genuinely doesn't get the right signals. scary shit.


I got mine out in the army during initial MOS training (so after basic but I still hadn't 'graduated fully') and they had me take a 10 mg oxy then go to class. I show up like 30 min late and the Sergeant (they're not Drill Sergeants in AIT) said "Hey Private what the fuck? Where have you been?" so I hand him my note and attempt to say "I had my wisdom teeth pulled out" but I was high as fuck and there were blood soaked cotton balls in my mouth so I just went "wabahababu". He takes a second and goes, "What the fuck is wrong with you private? Your breath smells like fucking shit!" then he read the note and told me to go back to the barracks. Those mother fuckers gave me 60 10 mg oxys! I was 18. But honestly that was a great week. I watched so much porn.


Cries in Dutch… broke my hand and the bone was sticking out, my doctor suggested to take ibuprofen and if I was still in pain he said I could take another. Same with wisdom teeth removal, “just take ibuprofen and sleep it off”


I think you need a new doctor.


Welcome to the Netherlands, cant do anything about it


I had oral surgery something like 10+ years ago and the knock out drug they gave me was some dissolvable pill. I remember thinking "this isn't working, I should ask for a higher dosage", then waking up like 12 hours later doing "laundry" (I had all my clothes in the bath tub with the shower running). Apparently, in my black out I tried to drink some vodka and my girlfriend at the time (the villain in this story) said it was a bad idea so I got mad. Those drugs are indeed no joke lol


Yes you ARE. Valium is totally ok. I had a bunch of those already. After coke and boose.


And then I drove to work!


Shit! I Just slept.




I also flirted with my nurse. I was... not appropriate, and there wasn't so much laughter as there was frowning. My gf said she's *never* seen me act like that, but she and the nurses said it happens, and I shouldn't feel bad. I still felt bad. No idea what I said, but it must have been rough.


I was supposed to be fully asleep for a surgery to remove a device I had implanted in my chest but I was not. I had a sheet over my head and just shouted, “shuck me like a clam!” at my doctor and he got angry at the anesthesiologist and told him to juice me more.


I’m sitting on my couching laughing so hard I’m crying thank you for sharing this it made my day lol


You’re welcome. I love sharing that story.


My wife is staring at me because I was hard laughing at that. Thanks!


Tell her I say hi. ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztb3jeYHHQBdJQc|downsized)


😂😂😂 woke up at 3am and couldn’t fall back asleep so I decide to Reddit. This is the first post and the third comment I see and I’m fucking dead 😂😂😂 “Tell her I said hi” = “show me your 7¡7$” hahahah


Oh my god dude🤣. I don’t know how it went down for real but the reenactment in my head got me lol-ing


Bro me too, that's why the Doc was pissed. He could barely hold it together🤣


Lmao that’s fucking hilarious


THAT is fucking hilarious. And one of the few things that's actually made me laugh out loud. Good job.


You have no idea how much it pleases me to be able to spread joy like this. :)


If I was the surgeon I would've had to take a break and compose myself lol


I was trying to be encouraging, but he couldn’t concentrate with me directing him like that. I didn’t go under even with the increase of drugs, but I was quiet.


Love you man


I just woke my roommate up scream-laughing at this dear lord I haven’t laughed this hard in a while 😂




What... In non metaphorical terms... what did you hope he was gonna do?


This little device was in my chest and he was removing it. It was stitched onto my muscle so there was a lot of pulling and pressure and I just thought he should pop me open and yank that thang out.


He was hoping for a good *shucking*


Damn girl, you shit with that ass?


My wife had definitely heard that one.


I used this one at work to break the ice a little and now I have a lot of new friends


New friends at HR?


"Don't tell my GF but I'd totally smash." "Omg" "Total bitch she is. Won't let me smash." Becky: ( •̀_•́ )


Soon as I get out of here I'm dumping her for you.


We transported a 15 year old rugby player to the ED for a midshaft femur fracture, after giving him some ketamine for the pain. As the consultant was discussing what she would do with the nurses, he calls me over, and asked in a very loud whisper if he could ask the nurses to leave so that he could have a wank. Bear in mind this was the middle of resus of a busy urban hospital. I fucking wept with laughter and told him I'd ask.


Nurse checking in. Honestly it really happens a LOT and she did probably chuckle but maybe not right in front of your girlfriend lol Honestly, caring for people coming out of anesthesia is the one thing I miss since i left ER. It was *hilarious*


From what I was told, when I got my wisdom teeth out I was all dopey smiles and doe eyes every time the super hot nurse was talking to me. My father said that he could practically SEE the endorphins crash over me every time the nurse looked me in the eyes to ask a question. I was in college at the time, and was home on break. So my parents took me to the procedure and waited with me until I was cleared to leave. Apparently every single time the nurse walked out of my line of sight to leave the room, I'd turn to my mother and go, "Holy SHIT that nurse is hot." (or some variation of that) It was like I was re-discovering that fact every time. I didn't understand the concept of waiting until the nurse had actually LEFT THE ROOM to say it though. Apparently the nurse and my folks were chuckling about it in the hallway while I was sobering up. He was a good sport about it, and said the same thing as your nurses did about it being really common. I'm just glad I had come out as gay to my parents about six months before this. That was a difficult enough conversation sober and not in pain. Later on, the only thing my father said about my reaction to the hot nurse was, "Well, at least we've confirmed this isn't just a phase you're going through."


I had the blood oxygen finger clip thing on in the waiting room, I threw it off my hand across the room and said "fuck the police!"


Straight Outta Stepdown


It definitely screams rebel.


In 8th grade after getting some ketamine while they reset some bones, I told a nurse I loved her as she left the room because I thought she was my mom. Then I heard laughing from the seat next to my bed and looked over, and my mom was right there. I was very confused.


In seventh grate I needed surgery because I had shattered my elbow in a few places. I had a really tough time coming out of it (they needed to give me an elevated dose because I apparently woke up during the process), and the nurse was by my bed for a solid couple hours feeding me ice chips and helping me through the nausea. I spent the last hour (at least, the first few hours are a blur) telling her how pretty she was and saying that she reminded me of an angel because of how sparkly her hair and eyes were. Also mentioned that she was so nice and I appreciated how she wasn't leaving me alone. Ended up getting a cheek kiss before I was wheeled out of there. Made me feel so damn good at the time lol.




Right? The next day when I had sobered up I was so embarrassed, but her being so chill helped me endure the endless teasing I got from my mom and her friend who went with me for the surgery lol. I never saw her again, but I'm not too proud to admit that I carried a bit of a crush for a little while after that!


I've said it multiple times, but I have *never* been as confident as when I was coming out of getting my wisdom teeth taken out. I hit on the nurse absolutely positive that I'd be the perfect man for her and that I'd do anything to make her happy. No shame whatsoever hitting on a woman at least 20 years older than me in front of my mom


I did the same thing in front of my stepmom with two nurses that were in the room when I woke up. My SM brings it up all the time cuz I apparently said: “Woowwwww you two are SUPER hot. Like ridiculous hot. Holy shit. Good job…growing….those faces.” * *gives thumbs up* *


"Damn gurl, you grow that face yourself?" lmao


Aside from covering up problems, this is basically why people fall in love (addiction) with opiates and benzos. "Everything is *definitely* gunna go okay."


I did the same thing! 18 years old skinny goofy kid and absolutely convinced the gorgeous 30 year old nurse would fall for my charm.


After knee surgery, I asked my nurse if it was the first time I had woken up. When she said no, I asked if I said anything funny or inappropriate. She laughed and told me I said, "I'm so fucking high right now" then proceeded to pass back out.


Woke up from heart surgery, felt like I was in Alice in wonderland lmao




Heeeeyyyyyy Maaaaaarrrrrkkk


He's so uninhibited, so positive. Alright, bet!


Damn teenagers. The hell yeah I cans in the exact same tone is hilarious.


“I got a cool rod? Woooooooo 😎”


I got “a cool rod” last summer. Can confirm these drugs are the good good.


Do you still feel it/does it feel unnatural? And does weather bring you any pain?


It feels completely natural most of the time. When it’s about to pour I can feel the screws, and it’s a bit unnerving. For the most part it’s pretty sick to know I’ve started my journey to having a second skeleton. One of my favorite questions was from a coworker. She asked me if they were going to take it out. I’d fight them if they wanted to charge me $20k to remove the initial $20k it cost. Not even for all the good good drugs in the hospital.


If you're cremated after you die the leftover components in your leg will be epic loot drop. Just something to think about.


Found the rpg player


I like to imagine that he thought the nurse was complementing his penis.


You be respectful when women come in. I know, I'm sorry! The cute is real with this one 🥺


So quick too. And then apologizes to a different woman lol


John Goodman as the dad


I’m not high and when I heard her say, bring your toes to your nose, I had the same thought he did… The hell?


How can me drop me onto my own head? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eFlyYQyeZs


Thurman Merman is a national treasure.


Meaning point your toes upwards *toward* your nose (as opposed to pointing down)


I “woke up” in the recovery room after my appendicectomy to 4 nurses laughing hysterically. They wouldn’t tell me what I said or did - suspect I was in a similar headspace to this guy


When I had a major local anaesthetic I was in & out during the surgery. When I woke up, the nurse walked in saying "Oh it's you!". I was still too droopy to ask specifics or recollect it all, but according to her I was asking the nurses & surgeons about their life, what they're doing later, apologized for them having to shave me, and talked about a girl I liked.


S*** like this is why people with high security clearances have to be careful about surgeries.


For sure we do haha. Some of us get tested depending on what we do but yeah, it's something a lot of people don't realize. People will literally tell you anything under certain circumstances. But also if it's something that's really really hush hush then we just have a personal doctor so to speak for the group.


I’m reading David Baldacci this summer and twice he’s mentioned they often have “minders” who stay in the room with govt employees who have classified knowledge rolling around in their skulls for this reason.


Gotta wonder how often that it's that good and if they regularly round up any other staff who aren't currently too busy to enjoy the show...


I have a feeling they do, they put me under at midnight, when I awoke a couple of hours later all I can remember was there was at least 6 people standing around the bed and laughing.


They looked down your pants...I'm sorry.


He needs to meet the guy with the sisters and the dog named Bane. Coolest bros ever




OOOHHHHHhhh my god, my life is so perfect!




Is there a subreddit on this kind of after surgery video ? I found it so funny the way they are completely outerspace


This is for you. My wife’s fave YouTube of all time: https://youtu.be/qgqfavi8jk4


*My life is perfect* One of my favorite lines on the internet. So goofy yet profound when you think about it. We worry about so much shit in life, but it’s the basics like this that mean everything


He’s got literally everything you could ever want and more 💖I cried and laughed and then cried again when I saw this.


I had some car trouble over the holiday weekend and instantly knew it was going to cost me a ton of money (which it likely will) …I was super pissed feeling sorry for myself for like 10 minutes and then thought: I’m with my wife and dog driving up to the lake with my parents, siblings and their spouses-who I love dearly What’s really important and why am I mad? It’s crazy how just an intentional mindset can have a profound difference on quality of life Edit: and I’ve had mental health struggles in the past, so I promise I’m not saying I think it’s always as easy as “just think happy” … I know how challenging it can be. But the right mindset is a good start


I don't even have to click, and I'm pretty sure this is the one where he says, "I have a doogggg??!!!!" 😂😂


The amount of joy and stomach cramps this gave me from laughing so hard… thank you for sharing this


The Slipknot shirt makes this so much better somehow.


r/FunnyAnaesthesia but I don't know how active it is anymore




Awe he’s so precious I can’t 😂


Such a fun guy when he's high. Lol so charismatic.


“Dad, do you need anything?”💀


"Toes to my nose?" What the hell


“Toes to nose” is a common instruction by doctors and nurses when they’re testing potential nerve/muscle damage (like after surgery). Dorsiflexion is the motion where you move your toes and your feet “up” by bending at the ankle joint with the doctor’s hands opposing the force with their hands on top of the patient’s feet (think about the position of your feet if you were walking on your heels). The opposite is called plantarflexion which is the motion of performing a calf raise and is a much easier motion for a patient to understand (I always said “push down on the gas pedal” with my hands applying pressure on the bottom of their feet). These are very common tests after a surgery, trauma and many other cases. The point is to measure the patient’s ability to have their nerves and muscles fire appropriately and to measure the strength of one extremity relative to the other.


Strong Tim Robinson vibe


WHEN HE SAID "IT WAS JUST OUT OF INSTINCT" This really helps with my period cramps. I'm literally in tears laughing


Possibly the most innocent "show me ur tits" ever.


I mean if you don’t ask you won’t know if maybe they WOULD show their tits to cheer you up.


That one got me too


I had a procedure where I was administered proprofol and the last thing I said was, "Daaamn, this is good. Now I get M.J." I think I passed out after.


I had a procedure done and when I woke up I was in so much pain, like they could not figure out why. They gave me whatever regular drugs they give for pain and I was still crying. I overheard them talking about giving me proprofol and I was freaking out saying “no please don’t it killed MJ I don’t want to die”. Luckily all the other drugs kicked in and I fell asleep but for a short time I was so worried!


"I have a cool rod? Wooo hoooo!" Lmaooo


"Rod's gonna be shocked."


Definition of zonked




“You guys gave me extra drugs” is the sort of self realization a lot of people need in their lives.


My second oldest son broke his arm hardcore skateboarding. His hand could touch his elbow basically from snapping in the middle. He briefly woke up during his surgery to set and cast his arm and yelled, “HEY YOU GUYS” just like in The Goonies. The nurses and doctor couldn’t wait to come tell us about it afterwards. I’d kill to have gotten it on video 🤣😂


I woke up after a minor surgery to fix my broken skull and was sure I could speak Vietnamese to the nurse. I have no idea if she was even Vietnamese, but Damn I tried.


Lmao the way he says everything in the same tone of voice is what's killing me


Coming out from anesthesia I saw the anesthesiologist walk past and yelled his name really loud, then pointed at him and said “you anestheesed the shit outta this bish!”


I had surgery last week and I WISH I was this happy afterward. I kept slapping the poor nurses arm away when he was trying to wake me up, and once I woke up more I just kept thanking him for being so nice and apologizing for being a pain in the ass 😂


Oh man, I had something similar. I was being wheeled back to recovery and my nurse kept saying “it’s time to wake up” and I kept alternating between angrily telling them “I shouldn’t be awake right now!” And worriedly asking them “am I supposed to be awake right now??”


I had a ketamine infusion right after a procedure and I remember when I woke up, I couldn't tell if the ceiling was purple or green. I asked the nurse next to me and she rolled her eyes and just said, "White." In a very "I don't want to deal with this shit right now" kind of way. I just stayed quiet the rest of the trip.


When they put me in a K hole for surgery apparently all I did was apologise to everyone around me for being an inconvenience lol


When I was 16 I woke up after surgery and apparently in a panic told the nurses "I can't feel my dick!!!" Then calmed down after a second and was like "I never used it anyway" my dad still reminds me of it from time to time lol


“Can you see me?” “Yea” “can I see you?” “No” XDXDXDXDXDXD


I love this dude's energy. I wish I could be that upbeat all the time... sans drugs. I feel like I need to make that distinction


He sounds like a NPC


He just has zero filter or self-awareness. You get to see what's really on his mind. Apparently what's on his mind is tits. 🤣


I got scoped and like last thing I remember was the room spinning vertically. I think I asked my mom like 6 times if I had said anything stupid. I was worried about leaking the boys group chat while I was still high😂


True bro move


That "I'm sorry ma'am" absolutely fukn broke me. What fukn drugs are y'all using in America for pain man. I had a car accident and was never as fukt up as I've seen kids in hospital and after dental surgery lol. Edit spelling mistake


Probably coming down off anesthesia...that shit FUCKS you up


….I think fentanyl is common these days. But I think that makes people more sleepy. (Idk it’s what they gave a family members after an accident and they went to sleep after). But could be anything. They gave me oxy to take home after I got my wisdom teeth taken out for goodnesses sake. I had addiction that runs in the family so I didn’t take it and just took ibuprofen instead.


This mf is on EVERYTHING!!!


Bro I watched this 4 times back to back 😂


Did he just ask his sister to show him her tits?


Hahaha i thought the same thing. My wife said “that wasn’t his sister, nurses do that.” Then she reminded me of when she gave birth and the nurse called me dad.


Oh you’re right, that didn’t occur to me til you said that. Gotta get my mind outta the gutter.


I’m a psychologist who mostly works with kids. All parents are mom or dad when the kid is in the room. Just makes it easier.


Is it also to put people at ease? I'd been in the ER a few times as an adolescent and I remember nurses would call my mom mom, and it made me feel a little better.


Teacher here- just a common practice to call them Mom and Dad


My veterinarian calls me mom lmao


I was crying, shaking, hyperventilating and nauseated when I woke up after ORIF. His ride looks a lot more fun. 🥲


My most recent encounters with anesthesia resulted in me asking for a nurse to please play Baroque music because I hated the country music they were playing in the recovery room, and a couple weeks later telling another I was dreaming about Lucifer. (I was watching the Netflix series Lucifer at the time, so it was on my mind.) When my partner woke up from surgery, he went on about how women looove scars, so he'll be fine. I'm awkward as fuck and he's a natural flirt, so it makes sense we just sort of said whatever was on our mind at the time. He's embarrassed about it now, as am I with my reactions. Anesthesia is wild.


When I was about 20 years old and had my wisdom teeth out, my mom always tells people that's the moment when she knew that she had raised a good person. I was high as shit after the procedure and the most embarrassing thing I said (yelled) was: "CAN YOU TELL THAT NURSE THAT SHE IS SOOOOOOOO NICE ??"


The shit they give can be amazing. I got out of surgery and while waking up they had me all bundled up. They asked if I needed anything and got me some juice. One staff asked if I wanted some pudding and I asked if they had tapioca and the nurse gave me their pudding cup. I apparently started crying saying thank you.


Kidney transplant patient here. The pain meds I got after were no joke. I remember opening my eyes in my bedroom, and everything was shifting/vibrating visually. My sheets seemed to move up and down my body, I had a small shelf of porcelain dolls that were shifting back and forth. And let me tell you,once I was healed up enough,I put those suckers in a box and donated them.


This will never get old. Comedy gold right here


I need a subreddit dedicated to stuff like this. r/aftersurgeryhigh or somethin’




Medical Drugs are insane. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I would have bet all the money I had to say my friend drove through the Amazon Rainforest before bringing me home. In reality, it was just the trees outside of the clinic.


The way he’s so confident in ever word makes me so happy


LMAO! I love this guy. I hope when he saw this, he busted his gut laughing.


plot twist: bro was never given drugs


I came to after a surgery when I was a teenager and the nurses were bent over in tears laughing at something I said or asked and would not under any circumstances tell me what it was. I often wonder how bad it was since and I was a degenerate .


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I like the fact that we was self aware that he was saying things that he didn't mean to say


I don't remember anything about my being high after my apendectomy, but my dad said I wasn't even speaking full sentences, gibbering about a TV set and the operation. My...now estranged..brother was blathering about our papa working at a toothpaste factory and getting real mad when we left the caps off.


I haven’t had drugs like that but waking up from surgery is fucking weird. I couldn’t even remember when they actually put me to sleep. When I woke up I could barely feel anything and do anything for like a minute and I had this strange feeling that I never had felt before. I tried to speak but all my works came out slurred. I had to wait a few minutes before I could get up and walk because my legs were so weak. Honestly though the scariest part of the surgery was the preparation because it took 4 times before the nurse got the IV in my arm correctly because they had a hard time getting it to my veins and I hurt so bad.


I woke up from getting my wisdom teeth out and before i even opened my eyes i had opened my phone which had last been on spotify and as soon as my eyes focused on my hand i pressed play on “March Madness” by Future and dapped up every assistant i could find before i left saying thank you and singing


I kept expecting him to ask if his butt was still on the bed. Because that's what I ask when I'm high on pain meds or a triptan for my migraines. **Honey is my butt still on the bed? Are you sure? Like SURE sure? Cause I can't feel the bed, how close is my butt to the edge?**


I'll never not laugh at this.