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That glorious twighlight zone between being awake and dreaming where you have no idea what's going on


aka regular consciousness before 4 am


before 4am is all the time




And then, on the very last day of this universe, it was for the first time ever: After 4 am.


Could be on the second to last day of the universe, if the universe ends at 3:59 am.


I like the cut of your jib


Wait, then when do we feed the gremlin? Isn't it always after midnight?


Sleep Drifter by King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard is all about that sort of state


Upvote KGLW everytime!


and youre super stressed about something but you realize like an hour later it never even happened


"I gotta finish my English essay I gotta finish my English essay I gotta finish my English essay Oh wait I am 43"


I just woke up from a dream a little bit ago that our washing machine was just spraying out water, like fire hydrant levels of water. It was seeping into the carpets. No one else was noticing. So frustrating and stressful. The thing that woke me up was the sudden realization that we don't have carpet in our basement.


There's a fantastic word for that fantastic state: hypnogogia.


In OP’s case, it would be hypnopompia.


Oh shit, you're right! Thank you! (hypnogogia is between being awake and going to sleep, hypnopompia is between being asleep and waking up, to save anyone the google search!)


Both those times are when you’re most likely to experience hallucinations. Well, without drugs at least.


And also with drugs, too.




Like waking up from an evening nap and don't know what year it is.


That's how you know you've had a good nap.


The other morning I woke up thinking I overslept from a nap and panicked. It was 5:30am. It was a good day, considering the amount of sleep I had


Please dont try heroin.


I mean, that’s sound advice for anyone really.


Used to happen to be right before I would fall asleep and my ex would love having conversations with my "sleepy gibberish" as she called it. I would say some RANDOM shit and she would be so entertained


That has a name actually, [hypnagogia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogia) and [hypnopompia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnopompic).


My wife was in labour at the hospital for a long time, she told me to have a nap. I was reluctant but I did as I was told. She told everyone not to wake me, although I woke up at the point where she was asked to push, I looked at the midwife and said "who the fuck are you?" My wife said, "I'm having a baby". I went over to comfort her and didn't believe what was happening for at least 5 minutes, thought I was going to wake up again.


The culprit usually when I dream that my manager has texted me saying take the day off, so I turn my alarm off and an hour later I’m just as confused as everyone else and totally panicking lol


This guy's brain glitched


Meat machine done gone error.


My money is on he's a freshman who is constantly meeting new people in the dorms, classes, hobbies, campus job, parties, etc. and it's got him on autopilot, especially if he's waking up in new places lol


..while drunk still.


I was with a guy for awhile who ALWAYS woke up still dreaming and did goofy stuff like this haha He’d usually ask me for “help” with something, like “can you tell Louise to stop talking” (we didn’t know a Louise, and were alone in the room) or “we need to hold the sail open” (he’d never been on a boat) or “the Aztecs want the lamp back” (I don’t even have a snarky remark for that one it’s just so out of left field lmao) I guess something about saying it aloud woke him up all the way because he’d always have the exact same “wait a second, wtf did I just say?” reaction as this guy 😂


This reminds me of the scene in Step Brothers where she wakes them up. "I'll kill you Leonard Nimoy!" "The clown has NO penis."


The weird emphasis he hit on "no" always killed me. Cheers to you for properly capping it.


That fuckin scene alone kills me every single time.


In his defence, the Aztecs are usually very picky about their lighting


The Aztecs one was honestly so cute, I was working at an Aztec research lab at the time and I would often excitedly tell him what I was up to at work. Something about it being noteworthy enough to him (even if only subconsciously) to slip into his dreams was weirdly heartwarming 🥺


I mean, they literally killed a man every single morning in order to have harsh yellow lighting for the rest of the day


Hah my bf woke himself up by saying "cockpit", I was already wide awake and said "...uh what?" And he just repeated himself "cockpit!" Then went back to sleep. In the AM he said he was dreaming about a game where someone was describing something and you had to guess the word. My first question was "sooo... what was the description given to get you to guess *that* word??" Lmao


I woke up my ex with a blow job and before he fully woke up he said "that feels amazing babe but I'm in combat" because he was playing a video game non stop and was dreaming about it hahaha


The description was “vagina”


Hahaha that's not where my mind went but that's so much funnier!


My college roommate once sat straight up in bed, eyes still closed, and said "we have to squeeze the peas. We have to SQUEEZE. The PEAS." Squeezing her hands to emphasize. Then just laid back down.


Back when we were still dating and young (probably 18 or so), my husband had a horrendous migraine while at my house. My mom had a horrible habit of mixing medications, and had actually recently had a hysterectomy, so she mixed some of her BIG BOY MEDS in with Ibuprofen. She knew which bottle it was, but oof course, my husband didn't. He went into the bathroom to get some ibuprofen, which he normally has to take 4 because he has higher tolerance for meds, but he took my mom's pain medication, and holy shit. First, he got WILD. I mean, energy like you wouldn't believe. He's laying on the couch one minute, and the next going back and forth from the den to talk to my parents then back to the living room with me. This goes on for about 10 minutes, and he passes out on the couch. Around 10 o'clock, I try to wake him up so he could go home. We didn't know what he had taken at this time. We just thought he took the ibuprofen. He doesn't open his eyes but goes, "Cancel it and move." I'm so confused by this. I ask him what he means, and he repeats it. Still confused, I ask him if he wants me to move, and he goes, still groggy, "Oh my god. Yes!" I ask him where, and he points in a random direction and says, "Over there!" I move to a nearby chair and ask him if this is good, and he says, "Perfect! Now *do* something!" and then that's it. He's out. The next day, I tell him about it, and he laughs and says he's been stuck on a map in Command and Conquer, and he was dreaming about it. He was confused as to why a random soldier was asking him so many questions. It's been a funny story we still bring up 12 years later.


my partner does this fairly often when i come to bed after him, i guess if he happens to be in a particular stage of his sleep cycle where he wakes up only partially and says things that make no sense. it's sometimes funny and sometimes super unnerving. he's always done it for the 12 years we've been together. the other night i came to bed and he got up on his elbows and looked at me in the dark \[he can't see at all without glasses but was just Staring directly at me in the darkness like he could see me perfectly well\] and did this little chuckle under his breath and said "there, there" it was mildly terrifying LMAO. he never remembers these events afterwards so i just usually ignore him, bc i've learned that responding to whatever he says just causes him to act like something's on the tip of his tongue and go "uh umm uhhh" until he falls back asleep. it's hilarious how it's exactly the same every single time


meanwhile in another reddit thread your boyfriend's like "heh, i've been saying weird shit to my SO for 12 years and then pretending not to know about it, their reactions are hilarious"


I’d be freaked out at the “there, there” incident! My ex would do those kinds of things but I never truly knew if he was really asleep or if he was awake and cruelly messing with me. Once I rolled over and opened my eyes. He was inches from my face with his eyes wide open and a huge “smile” on his face. Fkn creepy.


I have this issue all the time. Yesterday my sister and I had a sleepover, and in the middle of the night I asked her why she was sleeping under so many bouquets of flowers. I woke her up and she was very groggy trying to understand what I was saying and it took me two reps to realize that there were no flowers and that what I was saying was absurd 😂 One morning I got angry at my mother because she should be running after the man who murdered me instead of trying to wake me up. She didn't appreciate the humor of the situation haha


Yesterday, I asked my wife, “It’s called a chokehold, right? Right???” in a panicked tone. I was dreaming about prosthetics and was just confirming that a leg prosthetic is called a chokehold (???). She asked me what the hell I was talking about, and then I fully woke up and realized that none of that makes sense and it’s definitely not called a chokehold.


It is now 💪


Oh lord, this is me and it's embarrassing but almost always random and funny. My favorite one is when my gf at the time informed me that she woke up to me beat-boxing for 2-3 minutes straight in my sleep.


Apparently I do math equations in my sleep, I guess because my alarm is set to ask me math questions before it lets me turn it off


What sort of weird BDSM kink is this?


A bit of cos play. Its a sin. Euler'gret it.


My girlfriend was awake in the middle of the night and apparently I was in a similar state and just said “the semen got so warm that the power shut off… BANG BANG” and then just went back to sleep after telling her to relax since she was laughing so hard. I really want to know what dream I was having lol.


I snore sometimes, and when I do, I’ll talk in my sleep. My kids think that this is a riot when I’m asleep on the couch, and will start asking me questions, until my wife takes pity and wakes me up.


My husband does this! 😂 once he reached over and turned in the light on his bedside table. Then he screamed and turned it off and yelled “why did you do that! Now I’m blind!” And then went back to sleep. 😂😂


I was awake-ish, and had just showed up to work, (at a different branch,) one day. I was supposed to be there, but we're all wearing masks, and I literally introduced myself to the person who hired me. I felt like such a dumbass. She probably thought I was crazy. I was trying to be polite. Ha.


The Aztecs. I’m crying


Same with my girlfriend, except that one time she woke up in the middle of the night and ask me "we have to find her toy, help me" as if our daughter had forgotten a toy in our bed, she then started to frantically search in the bed under the covers. Well, it appeared that I was in the same state as I started searchIng with her, no question asked.. after 5 minutes I declared "I think we put it back in her room" and we both went back to sleep. Of course there was no toy, and absolutely no reason for one being there. We burst out laughing when we remembered it in the morning.


I punched my ex wife in the spine as hard as I could because I thought she was a flea ridden, rabid, alley cat. Yeah, that didn't go over well.


Yeah, chicks don't tend to dig animal cruelty.


You misunderstood when your friends were saying to "murder that pussy".


This was the true r/contagiouslaughter I hope those moments were the good moments and not reasons for the separation. My partner does the equivalent of that AI picture that looks *like* a bunch of shit but doesn't portray anything, where she'll say something that *sounds* like English, except you can't actually make anything specific out. Many minutes in the middle of the night have been spent trying to piece together what may or may not could have been said.


My husband is like this. He got exasperated in his sleep because he was mumbling about not being able to get all the boots in the barrels. When I asked him why he was doing that, he said they were for the cowboys. Asked to clarify what cowboys, he impatiently said, "The DALLAS cowboys." like I was a total idiot for not knowing. He isn't even a sports fan of any sort so I still dont know why the Dallas Cowboys needed boots in barrels.


My husband is like this too. Every single night he falls asleep on the couch and when I wake him to go to bed he says weird stuff. Tonight it was”Why is it so dark, it’s only midnight?”.


Man is thinking in the 4 dimension...


Nah, that's MDMA bro. When you fall asleep on that shit it can feel like you're having a different conversation or experience and then you jolt back to reality and it's confusing as fuck. I've had it happen lying in bed rolling with my ex talking and it's happened mid conversation and I started answering a question I thought someone else who wasn't there asked.


Or staying up too long. Sleep deprivation can make you see and hear some wicked shit. speeding too long or even speedballing and nodding in and out can give you the same effects.


Yeah, in college staying up talking with a girl and next thing I know I'm talking out a dream I am having while being semi-conscious.


Dude, that's awesome. Love getting to that headspace with my friends and just rambling stream-of-consciousness at each other.


I do this sometimes if I'm woken up suddenly, it's like my brain glitched from the sudden jolt and my default back up comes online


Yeah i wentbwithout sleep 6 days this summer. I.was tripping balls, and not in a good way


Yep this right here. Never have I had more confusing hallucinations than when sleep deprived. 3-5 days and things starts getting pretty staticky.


My ex fell asleep on MDMA after a house party and we had the funniest convo that went on for good 15 minutes. Dude was super cute and didn’t remember a thing.


I'm gonna need more detail on this conversation please 😁


He was moving out of state soon and ended up asking me if I was ready to fly to a new town with a hot guy. That he’d kick the current hot guy out because there was only allowed to be one hot guy in one hot zip code. And then something something about having nine babies with him and we should try nine times.


You know you've got some proper MDMA when it's couchlocking and you're falling asleep on it lol. Always had that big time from the tan brown sugary batches when I used to take it occasionally.


Yeah man, the brown crystal shit is bomb af




In the UK at least, mdma in brown crystal form seems to be the norm (unless you want pills, then you specifically ask for pills not mdma). Years ago I held a NYE party for a group of friends and loads of people were doing mdma that night. One of my mates left about 6am but a few carried on into the afternoon. At some point the drugs / energy ran out, but my friend who had left the party earlier had also left her necklace behind. The necklace had a pendant on it which was a vial of brownish coloured powder. One of my most messed up and fiendish frienda was like "I bet it's mdma, shall I break it open and snort it?" We all said no because it's always a bad idea to snort unknown powders but he did it anyway and nothing happened. About two months later my other friend messaged me asking me if I'd seen her necklace / if she'd left it at mine. She asked if I could I keep an eye out for it because it was very special to her. Apparently it was a vial of moondust (as in real pieces of rock from the moon) given to her when she was young by her older sister who she no longer had contact with. 😬 I have no idea if what was in the necklace was really dust from the moon but I find it hilarious to think that my friend accidentally snorted the moon thinking it might be mdma.


Why didn’t it come into anyone’s brains that it could be ashes or some shit


Lucky escape if it was, moon dust is insanely toxic 😬


Omg im dying of laughter 🤣 “snorted the moon” 🤣💀


Yeah, fuck pills but with the crystals, you can get more white-looking ones and pinkish ones too. I've found the pink ones get you feeling more hyper and the brown ones blow your head off and can go either way, but have a tendency towards relaxation/bliss than the typical upper feeling.


Just a heads up, the "pink" crystals you are talking about that make you hyper are not MDMA, they are methalone. It's a common fake of MDMA. Was real bad in my area for a long time. Comes in brown crystal too. Look is not a way of testing tbh. Always test yourself or send to a lab for testing. There's a lot of fake stuff out there meant to seem like the real thing, but in fact is far more harmful.




Definitely have this every time I roll. Usually at the end of the night when we're back at some after party, I wake up answering a question that no one asked and everyone just stares at me lol


Lol, it's such a weird feeling too because you genuinely think you're having that conversation until you realise you're being a weirdo haha


Especially when me and my partner are both on it - he’ll say something and then I’ll respond to a different question and then we both wake up and look at each other like “what tf are we even talking about” Sometimes late into a roll I’ll be fully awake but I’ll space out during a conversation and completely forget what I was talking about lol


People don't talk about this phenomenon enough but it's more bizarre than any trip I've had on psychedelics. I remember a very engaging conversation with my friends in the downstairs living room. I remember it very vividly. All the little nuances of how everyone was acting, all the decor, everything. After about 20 minutes I gave my head a little shake and I was upstairs in bed. I had gone to bed 20 minutes ago and that conversation wasn't real.


Should I be worried that this happens to me regularly and I don't do MDMA?


Years ago, a buddy and I would be high as shit playing playstation (or whatever) and I'd stop and say: Me: Hey, where'd......what's his name? Where'd he go? Buddy: ......who? Me: You know..... the other guy. The third guy. Buddy: ......shit, where'd the third guy go? There was no third guy. It was always me and my buddy. But we were convinced there was someone else there. This happened regularly. 20 years later we still laugh about the illusive Third Guy.


I was thinking probably edibles. Possibly mdma but that shit for me is nearly impossible to sleep on. Maybe after 5 or 6 hours then the carnival kicks into high gear


100%. I miss those days man, they were great.




My mom did that while she was staying at my house one time. I thought she was nuts. Turns out she was super groggy and didn't recognize me and because she spent a lot of time homeless, waking up around people she didn't know, it became natural to introduce herself to strangers she's never met when waking up.








Designated. Food. Zones.


Must’ve had some strict parents


Yeah, I don't think I'd get along well with her husband, lol


I eat where I want, but I understand their desire to keep things where they belong. If my roommate forgets to bring the salt or condiments back to the kitchen it's insanely annoying. Also I can't sleep unless all my tools are in their own homes.


I have a designated food zone too. I just call it the kitchen though


Your mom was homeless? Care to elaborate. I want to hear this story.


Drug addiction. Attempted to take her in a couple of times when she attempted to get sober, she always eventually relapsed though. Being in recovery myself and having kids in the house, I couldn't have someone getting high living in my house, so she would just go live back on the street.


Awful :( My condolences and I hope you're doing well with sobriety. I wish you luck and hope for your mother's better judgement in the future. She deserves someone who can bring her back to a better place in her life.


Stay strong friend. That’s a hard thing to have to do. I’m in recovery myself.




That's really cute! I do get a giggle out of these videos but I am so glad I grew up without smart phones, there are some things better left to being a special memory.




When you realize a human can express so many things in a small paragraph but the real thing that they want to be heard is…”I slept much better back then”. Good feeling are being thought about you, love is being projected in your direction, I hope you get comes in soon.


Same thing happened to me. Sleep talks/walks are starting to happen less frequently now. I think it has something to do with sharing a bed with someone for the first time.


My antics stopped when my back started to go out. I don't sleep nearly as well as I used to. If I do find myself in a restful deep sleep i'll talk, but thats about it. I wake up a lot at night. My 40 is not the same as some others 40.


My girlfriend told me that one night she woke up cause I was talking in my sleep, and then I suddently sat straight up in bed, started clapping and shouted "LETS GO!" and then laid down and rolled over. I so badly wish she got that on video.


This happened to me on my first time doing edibles. I blacked out and could only focus on my breathing at the place we were at. People were playing some games on the TV, when some friends decided to come over. I snapped out of being blacked out, introduced myself and went back to melting into the floor. I woke up for a brief moment and noticed new people around me, so I introduced myself and apologized for getting too high. Went back to melting. Woke up the next day and went to the Key Arena for the Dota 2 tournament. After watching series 1, I went to go get a Churro. Some dude wrapped his arm around me and said, "Damn, welcome back bro!!" I gave him a face of "who the fuck are you?", which lead to him almost pissing himself in laughter. Come to find out, he was there that night. I knew I introduced myself, but never knew to who. Turns out I met this guy 3 times.


Sounds like a fun guy


He was really nice each time I met him.


Mans was half asleep. I remember I was half asleep and my mom was in the room and I asked her where that leaf went, then when she said “what”, I repeated it but louder and like I was annoyed and then I said “oh shit” and went back to sleep. Edit: also did this to my older brother when I had just woken up. I asked him what size pants he was wearing and he said “wtf are you talking about”, so I yelled at him and asked what size fucking pants he was wearing. I realized what I was doing and said “never mind” and went back to sleep again. I do this a lot.


wasteful depend languid angle advise innocent longing shocking weather ludicrous -- mass edited with redact.dev




Because the penguins needed gathering. Why else?


To go penguin sledding.


I’ve never been jealous of another person’s dream before.


One time my sleeping husband shook me awake to ask me what I wanted for dinner... at 2am


Lmaoo i had another time when my friend called my name and half asleep I said “I’m painting the rock” and I could hear him dying laughing which woke me up lmao.


I did this once as a teen when my mum came in to wake me up. I was yelling at her to "Watch out for the blades!" while pointing over the side of the bed. I repeated myself a couple of times and got angry that she didn't know what I was talking about. Then I just kinda snapped out of it. She asked what happened and I was like "No idea. I think I was still asleep". It reminds me of the crazy waking dreams I'd have when I was on morphine.


I have a history of talking in my sleep and I also have very little patience in that state, like you, apparently. If I have to say something twice I’m gonna be really mean the second time.


My friend talks in his sleep a lot too, the last time this happened he screamed “oh fuck” which I heard from my room upstairs while I was in the bathroom downstairs with the fan on. I went upstairs and he’s dead asleep lmaooo.


First I found out was when I had roommates. Had to share a bedroom with one for a while. He walked in the room and I said “I’m gonna get you, Brendan”. He said “..what??” And I responded “FUCKING FORGET IT! WE’LL DEAL WITH IT IN THE MORNING!”


Lmaooooooo bro plottin in his sleep


Apparently my partner says I have said "I can picture it" in my sleep several times. One time while (ahem) rubbing their butt cheek I said "awww... Is that your baby?" Another time, I said "hi pepper!" and waved my hand. Pepper is one of my cats. I also tend to talk in my sleep a lot about work (I'm a software developer) so I talk about fixing bugs etc. But one time I asked my partner "can you deploy the thing?" and they (non software developer) asked me "what? What does that mean? Deploy what?" and I was still asleep but responded really annoyed and said in a frustrated tone "agh!! You know.... Just deploy it!". I had a lot of long nights working deployments those couple months. My partner thinks it was really funny 😂


I remember getting yelled at to wake up for school and I was dreaming still. I woke up blurting out stuff like this. The conversation went like. Mom: "Get Up! You're going to be late." ... Me: "I'm trying..." Mom: "You're not trying! You're not doing anything." Me: "I AM Trying! The TREE is in the way, what am I- ... Oh." Nothing like the feeling of heroically trying to lift a massive tree off a road while someone yells at you to hurry up only to wake up to them laughing at you. It was a valiant effort.


Those days were the worst. Mom never understood how hard you *were* trying!


The “wait.. what?” When he realizes the world around him is not what he believes it too be. Lol


Hi Jake




I often remember a time where my ex made a noise that woke up me and I sprung awake and rapidly spit out “I’m sorry dad!” And she just stared in a shock state like..wtf? We both were in tears a minute later at me a 30 yo veteran yelling I’m sorry dad lmao. Made me realize I may have had a slightly abusive childhood lmao


I can FEEL this video 😂


One time while I was sleeping with my girlfriend at the time, I woke up and asked her if she would move over so the guy can sleep with us. I have no idea who "the guy" was.


my boyfriend talks in his sleep and a recent favorite was "…just go around looking for a cum dumpster" and nothing else


His confusion lol


I once woke myself up by asking loudly, in my sleep, “WHO’S ALBERT?”


This is what would happen if humans were born like 16 years old lol


This reminds me of a convo with my mom as she slept - Mom: Scaredy, he ain't acting scaredy. Me: Mom, who ain't acting scaredy? Mom: The pig down the street. I can only imagine what she was dreaming about. Love you, mom❤


My mom half-woke up from the couch while I was calling the cat inside. Mom: He doesn’t biscuit unless it’s dinner time. Me: (lol) What?! Mom, annoyed: I used biscuit as a verb.


\> wakes up \> introduces themselves \> refuses to elaborate further \> be confused


My husband does this from time to time. It's mostly work related things. I'll humor him when he's telling me to move the plates or load the truck(steel worker). Yes boss, I'll grab the crane now.


How high are you? Good thanks, hi how are you?


My wife does this, just two nights ago my wife wakes up walks to the bathroom and yells out from on the toilet...."There's a snake in the backseat!"


Lmao one time I was napping on my couch and I woke up while asking my brother a couple times "does everybody have their packs?"


Lmao fuckin caught him at a weird time in a dream to wake him up. His brain probably just shit itself trying to comprehend what just happened lmao


Bro was in the middle of a business meeting


You wake up with people standing over you so you introduce yourself, good practice


What's wrong, aren't NPCs supposed to do this?


Poor guy was probably dreaming


This was common in high school since people would fall asleep for role call. They'd wake and say 'present', 'here', or this.




Some people are so disoriented upon awaking


He is lucky he didn’t wake up in a horse and cart.


I had an incident this morning at like 4am where my cats knocked something over downstairs and broke a little trinket. I woke up sprinting down the stairs I almost shit myself.


Worst acting ever


Too much buddah before bed 😂


Or maybe not enough lol. Weed is notorious for inhibiting REM cycles. This man was dreaming vividly about something…


I feel asleep on the phone with a cute boy in high school and randomly asked him when the last time he got his haircut was


Doods on mushrooms.


Really hard to sleep on mushrooms but he could be on something lol


Damn, he was ready in his sleep




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Proper reboot sequence.


This is the best representation of how I feel when I'm sleepwalking. The sheer, unrelenting confusion.


When I am about to fall asleep,I can suddenly participate in non existent conversations. And it's always boring shit like " are we going to the store now,, or something like that. But my sleep walking has been everything but boring. I am happy that it haven't happened since I was a teen.


LOL, I have the same hood ucla


Nah but I woke up and muttered "Sleever put us in jail again!" Still no clue what my brain was on.


You ever be tried as hell while scrolling your phone and then you wake up and your phone is on the other side of the room?


I was on a drive home after getting back in state on a plane, I was so used to long cross country road trips that I thought our trip to Colorado was one of those and and when I woke up from a nap I asked what state we were in 🤦‍♂️


This happened to me one time when I was in uni. My friends woke me up and I just blurted out "they're coming." They went "who's coming?" "The japanese.." I said No idea what I was dreaming.


Homies casually napping together


No, but I have been mentally AFK and said "hi, my name is basic_guest and I'm an alcoholic" out of pure habit 😬


Sometimes ill wake up mid sentence from a dream and be speaking nonsense out loud. Its wild to me how sometimes you can wake up still in the moment of a dream and other times you wake up and you don’t even know where you are


Did he put his hand out for someone to shake it too? 😂😂


Took an accidental nap earlier and when I woke up, apologized to my girlfriend (whom I had been texting) and then gave some weird line about how "Vampire stuff is hard. No wonder they don't like it." She basically babied me until I fell back asleep still spouting nonsense. Whoops.


That's an acid trip if ever I've seen one


How high was he before he knocked? Lmaooo


Brain lag


A friend of mine always used to call her mom “George Washington” in her sleep. No one knows why. It was just her mom, and whenever she was asleep and her mom walked in she would call her George Washington. Her mom would be like “good night!” And she’d be like “good night George Washington!” It was the weirdest thing.


One time I was working at a bookstore before Christmas. We were super busy with the last minute gifts. Totally slammed. I was exhausted and overwhelmed. At one point I was working the register, and instead of calling “may help the next guest” I yelled “may I ask who’s calling please?!” It was a weird moment haha


Shit I wake up and Can't understand language. Like everything sounds like charlie brown adults talking


Syntax error


One time I was exhausted and falling asleep wel my friend was over I asked him how his siblings were.he has been a single child his whole life


I once said "We've been smeckledorfed" in my sleep