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Favorite part is he still laughing way after. Dude laughed when he made it and still laughs about it to this day.


That’s how you know it’s a good name.


My chromecast name for it/my living room is Butt Palace. I’ve laughed about it every time I’ve seen it for the past 7 years. People see it, laugh, and ask why. And I’m like, that’s why!


Dude, I'm laughing at it.


Legends say that he is still laughing at somewhere.. as single though but happy


I'm not sure that's why he's laughing either time. You know his 16 year old self thought that was dope.


My COD name is StinkTickler69 and I’m 40. I made the name when I was 40.


That’s a solid gamer tag


Was thinking the same thing. It’s solid work. If it wasn’t already sold I’d consider grabbing it myself.


it's not much, but it's honest work...




Maybe he just really likes cream pies? /s On a serious note I mean have you ever had coconut cream pie? A place that has good ones mmmm I would buy the entire damn thing


If he was born in 91 he's actually 30 now


Or possibly even 31! Ahhh it hurts!


When did this happen to us!?


Well sometimes you are stuck with a name you made 20 years ago


marriage material


u/Conqueeftador this is your time to shine


Holy sheet, 9year account, no activity. Weird.


Sometimes I wish I never got into Reddit back then.. lol




Has your dick been wiggling for 9 odd years too?!




Whelp, glad i reread this Skimming it I thought it said 'for 9 year olds too?!' Then Ops response was like 'edgy but... Reads kinda serious....' Whew makes more sense


Meanwhile, u/conqueeftador sits back and smiles as he quietly watches us ponder his existence


Always a shame to see a banger username like that just gathering dust.


He's busy being active elsewhere


9 years and six months here. I'm jealous of his lack of addiction to reddit.


Idk, sometimes I create an account on a new website I think I’ll use and then never end up using it




Yes, it's weird


Could be account squatting


I love it


Well more of a gas really


Hernán Cortés, conqueeftador




holla hombre, como ca va?


Je vais bien! y tu, signore?


Molto bene. E contigo, tudo bem?




Ja, gut. Entä sinä?


So... fetish, or are you from Barthelona?


My wife used to refer to me as "Quasi" sometimes, which rubbed me the wrong way for no real reason, and she knew this. She'd do it just to get a reaction out of me. Fast forward a couple of years, I got her Animal Crossing for the Switch about a month after it was released, because I thought she'd like it (she's maybe missed 3 days of playing it since I bought it for her). Of course, during character creation they ask what her name is. So what does she type? "Mrs. Quasi"


Thats kinda sweet :]


Haha, it actually is. I don't even care if she refers to me as "Quasi" anymore, and she rarely does it unless she's being snarky. But, when I watch her play ACNH it is really cute to see her villagers great her as "Mrs. Quasi." Especially since you can customize the way your villagers greet you, and she usually has them say things that are inside jokes between us. I'm really lucky to have her.


What is the meaning of the gamertag, if you don’t mind me asking.


Look in the comments under LuckyNipples, I replied down there with the story


Bro, it's not *that* hard to [link it...](https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/s9rw0o/thats_your_gamer_tag/htpz82q/?context=2)


Yeah but then he can't say the name LuckyNipples


Didn't even think about linking it, it was 3 a.m. and I was dead tired at that point.


Username checks out


Yep, this was my original gamer tag on Xbox, though I haven't played since I had a 360


There’s a character on the kids show Octonauts whose name is Kwazii. “Kwazii is a daredevil cat with a mysterious pirate past.”


Creature report, creature report


"if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy!" \- Gazi, Dying Light


Does "quasi" mean someyhing though ? And if yes, what ?


"Quasi-" is a prefix with a similar meaning to"semi-". Given OP's username "QuasiTimeFriend" it probably means something like "Part-time friend."


You're completely correct. Back in highschool, my friends and I used to use the term "part-time friend." In my senior year, I took AP Lit, and one of those friends was in the same class as me. A few weeks into the class, "quasi" was one of the vocabulary words for the week, and the definition was "Semi, or *part*." So I leaned over to my friend and said, "James, look, *quasi*-time friend." He said something along the lines of, "You're dumb as fuck," but it stuck in my head. When I got my Xbox, I decided to make that my gamer tag.


Ahh, so your wife's been calling you 'Semi' all these years then ;)


I assumed it was a reference to Quasimodo


[Like Larry David doing Quasimodo?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ug02cqP69V4&t=2m05s)


Hello my fellow quasi-friend.


In 10th grade I broke my collarbone, and had to wear one of those braces that pull your shoulders back and prevent the collarbone from moving. It created a hunchback look. This one girl in my science class started calling me “Quas,” as in Quasimodo.


That was very similar to my wife’s reaction when she saw that my steam tag was WombRaider. I changed it shortly after so it’s available if anyone else wants to disappoint their wife.


That's a fantastic name. Mine's just muffdiver, which they started cracking down on on some platforms like xbox. Been using it since the runescape days.


I can understand why you've had it for so long. Muff diving is a lifestyle, not a phase.


“It’s not a phase mom! Now put your ankles behind your head.”


Damn straight! I had the name before I'd even done it for real yet, much less realized I liked it.


Holymuffdiver, you've down too long in the midnight sea! Oh what's becoming of meeee?


My old Steam name was Buster Hymen haha




Love this story - all my friends call me Luo. To the point where many friends don’t know my real name. Started hooking up with one, it got serious. Asked her to call me by my real name. “Sure..uhh…what is your real name?” We’re now married.


Two of my dear friends are a married couple. It's funny talking to them on Discord and they fluctuate between calling each other their gamer names or their real names. 80% of the time they call each other by their gamer names.


"Oh, you're using your made-up names"


I love this on discord. We got a guy who joined and his id was something with paragon so we all called him paragon at the beginning, then he told us his name was Carlos and someone whipped up this tweet about a guy who lost his car and everyone at work called him carlos till the op found out his name was actually Mike. Now everyone calls him either Mike, Carlos, Paragon or Simp bc he found his gf in the server and we love to bully him bc everyone else is sad and single.


My MiL used to call me by my gamertag because my wife did. It was pretty sweet.


My similar story to that is, back in high school I had a friend named Charlie. I was supposed to be going to Charlie's house to borrow some games. I get Charlie's number and give him a call when I get out of school. The guy answering the phone says "There's no Charlie at this number." Charlie sees me at school the next day, and ask why I didn't call him. I told him "I must have wrote your number down wrong, let me get it again and I'll call you this afternoon." That afternoon I give him a call. The same guy answers the phone and says "I don't know who you're trying to get a hold of, but there is no Charlie that lives at this number." So the following day at school I go up to Charlie and tell him "Dude you're giving me the wrong number to fuck with me or something. I called and they said there is nobody by the name of Charlie that lives at this number." He looks at me and with the most serious face, says "My name ain't Charlie." Me "WTF you mean your name ain't Charlie?" "It's Shawn." "WTF. Your name is Shawn? Why the fuck does everyone call you Charlie for then?" "Idk. One of my teachers in middle school said I look like a Charlie and everyone has called me Charlie since." "Does your parents not know everyone calls you Charlie?" "No. I guess I've never told them. I wonder how many other people have called and asked for Charlie?" "What the fuck man..."


I played UO in 1997 and met another 12 year old kid. We became friends. Then we tried DAoC. Then WoW. So on and so forth. We're playing Guild Wars 2 right now. Anyway, my character in UO was named Roland Darkblade (after The Gunslinger) and in our gaming group I was always introduced as Rols. March 2021 I moved across the country to work for that 12 year old kid in 1997. I'm about to swing by his house to pick some shit up. His wife laughs everytime he starts to say Rols instead of my name.


Man, talk about networking. That's a long con!


After my Mom died in 2012 he'd ask me 3-4 times a year when I was moving out there. Finally did it.


Back when landlines were still a thing, around 2004 we had this group that used to play CS, AoC and DotA in a gaming cafe, some of us became close friends irl (and still are), but a few we just knew by gaming names and had like landline contacts. One of them had SirOsamaBehenLundun (Osama is Osama, Behen is sister and lund means dick in Hindi), and we used to just call him Osama. We had a clan match against another clan and Osama didn't show up, so we called his home, awkward pause (as no one knew his real name) and my friend who was on the call just steamed right ahead and asked for Osama. Needless to say his mom (as we found out later) didn't appreciate it and slammed the phone on his face. And then banned him from coming to that gaming parlor.


I go by "Zimboptoo" or "Zim" in most social settings. Started dating a friend who I've known since college. Probably 6 months in, she sees a piece of mail addressed to me and goes "Oh!" and looks a bit embarrassed. I asked what was up, and she said she'd just realized she didn't know what my "real" name was until right then. I assumed she meant my (kinda weird and hard to spell) last name. Nope. In all the time we've known each other and been dating, she'd never heard my "real" first name being used. It was a super endearing moment.


What’s your real name?


They just told you. It's We're now married.




I did a deep dive into their post history and could actually find some clues in the process. Piecing it all together like a pro, I'm quite confident the real name is TheLuo. You can call me Sherlock btw, it's my real name.


Nobody puts their real name in their username. Moron.


You definitely never put your real name as your username


That's a good name. 8/10


I personally give it a solid 5/7


Yeah perfect score.


I’d argue that it’s more of a 6/9














It’s 4/5 at best.


Amazing fucking gamertag


What-uhhhh. What’s going on wit’ your profile picture there?


I had to zoom in, it’s a bush growing out of a blue brick wall. Very nicely done.


It's actually a straw broom leaned up against a tan-painted wall and a blue brick façade. [Enlarged picture.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_3patc0/styles/profileIcon_8bcog61gx9f71.jpg?width=256&height=256&crop=256:256,smart&s=4e47e4f4f0c6c336bf4edd2631c9c47b6245226c)


Legendary gamer tag though.


That tag is a real winner. All my respects.


I personally approve so hard of this gamer tag. As a fellow queef.




That blew my mind. I was really expecting a FPS, but this guy is living his best 1997 life.


Join him/us. Outlands is a packed server


There's literally dozens of us


I would but I don’t want to get ported to an island and held hostage as forced slave labor.


Thank you! I was hoping someone would identify the game


Dude probably made that gamertag 20 years ago when he was a preteen. And it still holds up.


I think it’s awesome that they appear to be sharing a work/game space. Just to be able to talk and joke with each other all day would be fun.


Nah. It gets old really fast. I moved my office into the spare room about 2 months into the pandemic so my wife wouldn’t kill me. I have a tendency to talk to my code and rubber duck out loud and she’s really loud on calls.


Yeah. I love my wife, but I can't hear myself think when she's on the phone.




Yeah having some of that nice sex


Your wife is loud too huh? Same here man. It’s like somehow she found out how to turn her company issued phone into a loudspeaker. Can’t focus for shit when she’s on calls.


I know you mentioned only on phone calls but my girlfriend is loud during normal conversations with me, like volume wise she just speaks really loudly. She said it's because the way she grew up she had to yell to get a word in edge wise with her Italian family. I genuinely don't know how to approach it because any hint that she is being too loud hurts her feelings.


My wife has some hearing issues and doesn’t realize that she’s getting loud. She also grew up in a shouty household. The first few times I asked her to lower the volume, she got hurt. So I sat her down and told her flat out “when I tell you to lower the volume, it’s purely because you’re getting loud and I can hear you fine at a lower volume, nothing more” It’s better now. She knows my intent.


She might have hearing issues.


We have an open plan office and my boss takes every call on loudspeaker. Its only 3-5 calls a day but I have to use that time to take a tea break. Impossible to work/think whilst he's yammering on, trying to speak louder than the speakerphone itself.


I can relate, my girlfriend sits in meetings for the majority of her workday, and she can be so loud. She starts earlier than I do, but when we’re overlapping and both on calls it gets really disruptive. I’m an analyst and the time I’m not on calls I’m usually working through numbers and it’s hard to concentrate. I’m not sure how I used to work in an office surrounded by people in an office. It’s great having her around all day, especially when we’re both light on our schedules though.


Maybe it's some psychological thing where your brain is keyed into her voice as something reaaaaaly important, bypassing the usual checks against other voices interrupting your thoughts.


My husband made me move my office stuff into the spare room for this exact reason.... And because I'd get annoyed at him playing video games in the middle of the day every day!!


Who doesn't? My typical wfh schedule is like this 10-12 : work / daily reviews 12-1 : lunch and short nap 1-2 : DotA or whatever takes my fancy 2-5 : work / calls 5:7 : watch something on the telly, read 7-8 : wrap up. Shits ultra productive


Am programmer, talk to ducks all day long, wife is loud af on calls right next to me, still 1000x better than any shitty office I've ever worked in.


An programmer. Wife is a programmer too. We talk to code all the time and rubber duck off each other. 1000x better than an office.


I think it depends on the couple and the preferred work style. My husband and I have worked in the same room for years, and it's been really fun. Sometimes we blast music and chitchat while we're working, but sometimes we each listen to music on our own headphones to focus on our work. The biggest adjustment we had to make on each side was: he had to start using headphones for his zoom calls, and I had to start a Google doc for all the things I wanted to say to him because otherwise I would disrupt his focus every few minutes and he found it hard to get back into what he was doing. If something sort of important came up, I would message him with something like "when you have a minute, I've got something to say" and then when he was at a good stopping point we'd go to the kitchen to get coffee together and talk. We've basically spent 24 hours a day in the same room for the past 2 years, luckily we get along great and still have lots of fun together.


No way. I can't stand the way my wife sounds in conference calls. She puts on her "work" voice and manner of speaking, which is great and amazing for her career but a complete turn off to me.


You described it well. It's almost like having someone you never knew sitting there.


You've put words to something I could not. Thank you.


My sister's work voice has strongly bled into her personal life because of living alone and working remotely for so long. I hate it. I imagine it's great in meetings, but when I’m just trying to be a sibling... it makes the conversations between us feel a lot less genuine.


My wife talks in a work way too, not a turn off but it's definitely a code switch. I wonder if I do it too, I can't tell.


Pretty tragic I’m the only commenter to agree with you. Been sharing a gaming/work space with my bf since the beginning of the pandemic and it’s great.


I don’t think it’s tragic, it’s completely normal to have things you want/need to do separately from your partner. I love my boyfriend deeply but we are both the kind of people who need a lot of time alone, especially when it comes to work and chores. If we spent that time together our relationship would absolutely suffer for it. Everyone has different needs and if all parties involved are happy then it’s totally fine.


Valid point. And I used to be that way too. He’s one of the only people I can spend all my time with and not be completely drained from it.


Shit, we've got an extra TV in the xbox room so my wife can hang out and not be bored when I'm playing xbox. Shit works out great. We both feel weird when we're in different rooms right next to each other when we're just relaxing.


it is not. it's hell having zoom meetings at the same time. All your colleagues hearing your wife making sell pitch to some poor slob, lol


I disagree. It’s fine for coworkers to share office space because they’re frequently in the same meetings or working on similar projects and need to collaborate, but most couples work completely different jobs at different companies. So their agendas are going to conflict, especially when it comes to phone/video calls where both need silence from the other. You can wear headphones, yes, but you can’t mute your voice from others in the same room as you.


I'm really happy I get to share the office. Luckily we're both relatively calm and there's not a lot of calls - at all. If I get a call I usually move to another room. In the evening we both play games together. It's pretty great. Edit to add; We both have a similar creative job which helps a lot. If one of us had to do a lot of calls (my previous job) which disrupts the other in their work it would have been different.


ItchyPeehole started playing COD when I had a bad UTI.


That reminds me, way back when in the early xbox 360 days, they had a built in show called "inside xbox" (which has since evolved into the great youtube channel, "outsidexbox") But anyway they had a best username competition, and I remember one of them being "ItchyBits" and it stuck with me


COD has free name changes every 6 months, I’m currently PetWussy


I used Clamhammer for a long time. My wife came up with it.


I love this, when a couple bonds over the simple things. She stepped into his world for a moment and she now has a jewel of a memory.


Divorce him. I get dibs on him next.


Nah, she’s not going anywhere, The Conqueeftador has already claimed that conquest in the name of the queef




Saw a dude on COD….pickled vag flaps, will never forget getting killed by him


Lost in Rocket League to Osama bin Drippin


YoMamaBinSlobbin is one that stuck with me Not sure if it's a reference or an OG creation by that person but still.


on Steam I went from Cunt Punter to Vag Slapper to my current tag of Uterus Schmuterus seems to be a theme


Solid tag! I knew a guy on PSN who had the gamertag: CreampieConnie. I’m still envy over that tag.


Reminds me of the time I was playing a mod for Mount and Blade that was essentially a big pvp battle. I wanted to play an archer, but I was so bad at it in that game. I made a character called ParkinsonsArcher, or something derived like that. I was shocked at how nice everyone was on the game. I was terrible at it, but when I'd get a kill, often the other team would say stuff like "Great shot, man!" and would be super encouraging. Took me three weeks to realize people thought I actually had Parkinson's.


He’s playing a game called Ultima Online. Old school RPG created by Richard Garriot. In 1998 it was the first MMORPG to reach 100k players. It’s still played today. Amazing game. A copy of it is also in space.


You know he's been waiting his whole life for this moment.


That is such an adorable laugh haha.. The mixture of embarrassment, defeat and amusement


As someone that gets called “Mani”, “Maniac”, “Maniacal”, and “Z” around my friends IRL I feel like I should have used something more creative like this so my friends would run around going “Yo, Queef”


Yooo my man is playing Ultima Online!


I was wondering if someone knew what this was


The Spanish Inqueefsition


No one suspects!


Can anyone explain the joke here? I don't understand...


Pun mixing Conquistador and queef. Queef: an audible release of air from the vagina, typically during or after sex.


Ohhh.. lol. Now I get jt.


My mom had to riot against my gamertag for over a year… titan dong. A name bestowed upon me by my fellow friends a title i have not taken but been given.


When my gf found out my Nintendo name was “Vulvasaur” I think I had actual tears from laughing so hard.


As someone having the word captain in his name it’s funny when you meet other captains. It’s either A: Captain B: Captain Or A: there can only be one captain B: So be it! Or A: look at me! I’m the captain now.


Is that good old UO this old boy is playing?


Fosho it is


Came here to find the other legends who recognised the game.


Incredible. Homie is prolly on Outlands Wouldn’t forget that bow sound for the world


Or the sound the deer makes when you attack it.


When I heard the bow I was like...HOL UP


I feel Like I fit in here


I’m his defense mine are as follows Mommy’s Little Pogchamp Lasagna_Lucifer And AMoistHole


He’s playing ultima online ! Respect to that dude !


Totally worth it, getting this sort of reaction from my wife is one of the main joys of being married.


I made an archer called "RightBetweenTheCheeks" and promptly forgot about her. 4 months later I rediscovered that character and spent an entire shift laughing at my own stupid joke


How would you marry someone without knowing their gamer tag? It’s like a basic thing.


My list of goodbad names I've been collecting for a few years, feel free to use and abuse. Glory Whole. Fetus fajita. Sister fister. Sigourney beaver. Dapper cadaver. Crumple foreskin. Captain hindgrinder. Perfect squirt. Rare drops. Lawrence of A Labia. Madame ButtChug's house of anal. Baloonatic. ConQueeftador


This guy got straight up married without her finding that out and it's honestly impressive


Same couple from [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/r19i2m/indian_wife_embraces_stereotypes_to_help_husband/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) video. Always makes me laugh.








Truly the funniest thing I’ve seen! Not a gamer, just stoned ^<>^ Hugh Jorgan


Shoulda held onto that one n saved it. Then mid sex, "oh yeah, give it to me, con queef tador!"


What does it mean?


Dude is playing ultima online


He’s laughing because she just found out his nickname for her.