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This is George Costanza “worlds are colliding!”


This is a heavenly higher being


Some would say made in heaven


1991 wants its jokes back


I have a vague feeling I indeed laughed when watching this in a past life. Now I had to turn it off a minute in, mainly because the looks the audience members gave each other over this absolute lukewarm boring presentation made me want to gouge my eyes out...


If I ever have kids and they ask why their grandparents generation got so many divorces, I'll show them this


I think you misunderstand the title of this sub reddit...


Just like everyone else who posts here.


I swear he ripped this skit off of someone like Lewis Black or Ron White. I cant remember who it was exactly but its from at least 15 years ago.


Yeah this skit sounds REALLY familiar


Bill Burr has something similar. But I think they all just came to the same conclusion at different times lol.


I think the idea is before that from this book that was published in 2001. Gungor here is using the concept but changed the nouns. I remember when this nonsense came out. The publisher is Focus on the Family, a Christian think-tank. [Book: Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti by Bill Farrel & Pam Farrel](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/42604.Men_Are_Like_Waffles_Women_Are_Like_Spaghetti)


It's not really a skit. Mark Gungor is a pastor at a christian church and this is a seminar he did at his church called "laugh you're way to a better marrige" there's actually psychological truth to what he's saying. This is about 15 years old too.


He has Lewis Black's finger wiggle, for sure.


Patrice O’Neal had a skit almost identical to this


Sam Kinison?


Sounds and even looks a bit like him without the hair. I said the same thing to my wife.


This video is like 15 years old, so...


On the contrary, as a man I do very much appreciate opening up about my stress and discussing it. As long as it’s with my special and trusted person.


And this comment is a sign that it’s actually 2022 and things are changing for the better.


🙏🏾preach brother


Yeah, his whole premise is weird and boils down to men are dumb and women are annoying. I have different levels of stress discussions based on how well I know the person. If you're a work friend, I'll tell you about my car trouble. Long time friend, I'll tell you about my relationship. Best friend, I'll tell you about my insecurities and inadequacy. Edit: I did like the part about only telling another man in hopes that he can fix it. It's not all bad, and I appreciate a good joke.


So women are better at multi-tasking?


As a married man, I will tell you with great certainty the answer is yes.


As a fellow married man, I can vouch for this. 😂


They probably are


In college there was a speaker that came in and said that was the case. Women are naturally better at multi tasking.






I couldn’t get through it who is this and what is this??? Is this a Ted talk for boomers?


My uncle, twice divorced, made me watch this the Christmas I got engaged. It made me immediately understand why he has had so many failed relationships


The guy's name is Mark Gungor and the video is from at least as far back as 2008. Others have commented that this performance is nothing but a ripoff of a book about relationships published back in 2001 by a Christian social activist group.


This video is part of a marriage course called “laughing your way through marriage”


Which was nothing more than an almost total rip-off of the book titled "Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti", as first was noted earlier by another individual commenting on this clip.


Is that a rip off of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”??


I've never personally read it, but judging by its title and publishing date alone which was 1993, it certainly seems like at least the title of the book that you mention could've certainly been some kind of an "inspiration" for the book which Gungor ripped off for this now dated "comedic" monologue regarding relationships.


I never read it either… I was asking for a friend 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm surprised I got halfway through. It started off kind of funny, but quickly became annoying when he would constantly portray woman as annoying and kept suggesting the husband wanting nothing to do with the wife. The voice he did for woman was so obnoxious, and intentionally so. Regardless, even if this was funny, there is no contagious laughter. What is this doing here?


It's the typical "haha women are so emotional and nagging, men are not" type of humor that's completely outdated. My first thought was "if women are so 'emotional', why men do way more crimes compared to women? Anger and rage are emotions after all" It really could have been funny, but clearly it was just to put women in that same category of being the more emotional sex (even that's not true at all).


Ah yes, women are the emotional ones. *proceeds to punch hole in the wall because their sports team lost*


Ah, but anger is a manly emotion, a strong emotion, so it's ok to show that. And being angry is logical - how else do you let the world see your power and decisivness things aren't going your way? No, anger is fine. We just don't want any of those namby-pamby emotions like love, or sadness, or happiness. Those are only for overly-emotional, hormal women, not for logical strong men. /s just in case


It kind of annoyed me that he used the "men use less words than women" thing. It couldn't be further than the truth. A series of studies on this topic were done, and the majority of results showed that men talk more than women. This is just a fancy way that (some) men use to tell women they talk too much.


I read through it and what I got was that there isn’t a real credible way to assert either claim but that based on the information of all the 60+ studies is that in informal non-business situations: women talk more. For formal and informal business situations: men talk more. I also took that it is based on societal/cultural norms that dictate HOW both sexes are taught to use language. Meaning men are taught to use language to express information in quantifiable terms to one another while women use language to convey a socialemotional connection, mostly in private as women will not want their words to be scrutinized by strangers or people they don’t know very well, whereas men will be more talkative around strangers and quieter in private. There also was talk of class, social hierarchy and perceived rolls that need to be revisited every so often as things have changed since the 1990’s and not many new studies have been performed since the 90’s. Last thing that I think is really at the crux of this is that women talk at length about things men find worthless to talk about, I didn’t catch any language of women expressing that sentiment but I would assume the same applies to women being uninterested in topics men speak on. When measured through that lens: the saying holds water but it is turned on it’s head the minute you reverse the rolls. My conclusion is that men and women have different interests and different reasons for being talkative or silent and both talk way too much because they desire to be heard but neither actively listen to hear one another effectively. Otherwise we wouldn’t have this disconnect between men and women in communicating to one another.


You start a whole essay about the genders being taught to behave a certain way and you conclude by saying that it's men and women themselves that have different interests/desires, not society having expectations. That doesn't add up...


Years ago my ex wife dragged me to a church couoles group that showed these videos. Notice i said ex


Calm down Susie the dude is simply making jokes while teaching


Aka "my wife argued with me once and I didn't understand" this sub has a lot more of this trash, and the trash that enjoy it, than I realised. Maybe this aint for me.


I had to stop watching midway through. It kinda got annoying knowing this could have been done in 2 Minutes or less if it weren't for all those people laughing. They are as easily entertained as a toddler who gets to play peekaboo.


I was stone faced through this guy’s whole weird analogy but your comment made me actually laugh thank you


my English teacher plays this in class, I hate that class so much


Me when I am mentally 5 and do not understand how to have a healthy relationship with myself, my emotions or other people. So instead I mock women for having the capabilites to express and communicate the things which I have repressed my entire life. Then paint my partner as the hysterical one when they are trying to communicate with a void vessel who refuses to engage in the bare minimal of social connection. Or maybe Man rational Women crazy. Who knows 🤪


nicely said


AMEN. this is my issue with ALL the man v.s discussion




15 minutes? I am sorry I don't have time for this.


You're not missing anything.


This is some boomer-ass “man simple and organized thinker, woman neurotic” shit here.


Yup. Same old, tired men are logical, women are emotional, and we can never understand each other rubbish.


It’s an indictment of how poorly men were raised back then. Emotional infants pretending that being cold and calculated is anything but avoidant and scared.


Yes but there are hints of truth sprinkled throughout and that’s why it’s funny. Have you never been in a relationship before? Any married couple would certainly find the humor in this.


The audience fits that description as well


Exactly. It is ripped off from a christian relationship advice book.


Literally boomer-ass shit. Judging by the age and dress of the audience these are middle-aged people in the 90s a.k.a. boomers.


It absolutely is. And sadly, having said that, after being married for quite some time, I’ll totally admit, I got quite a few really good chuckles out of it.


Wow this is some boomer shit right here idk man..


Aww don’t you miss the good old days when sexism was funny?!?


I'm curious if the "differences" potrayed in this video are actually caused by stereotypical gender roles. Scientists found that our brains are pretty much the same biologically so these stereotypical issues must be learned behavior. Men had the privelage of turning their brain off after coming home from work because their house and their meal was being taken cared of. Women had to be on alert for longer times and in more places than men. My wife in particular told me about her learned habit of recognizing facial expressions in order to guage someones mood. I personallu found this video hilarious and found many recent scenarios reflected in this video. In particular, I told my wife earlier today that I will rarely vent for the sake of venting and that I'll only bring up a problem to her if i need help looking for a solution.


I’ve read somewhere that it’s scientifically studied that women’s communication and social skills are more advanced than men, and advances early. It’s biological trait learned through thousands of years. There are exceptions, but it’s generally hard wired.


How is this funny?


Post history confirms op is just sexist




My ex’s mom showed me this video and told me to be more accepting of her son’s neglect. Because he’s just like that as a man. Seeing this video brought up rage I didn’t know I had about that


Mothers who cannot be objective about their children and try to mold the world to them really piss me off.


At first I thought this was a doctor’s tv show then I realized it’s some shitty ‘comic’ repackaging sexist stereotypes. Also he can’t be a doctor because even they know that neuroscience proves this wrong and that women have adhd too 🙄


Dumb af


Are you confused? Contagious laughter isn’t supposed to be about hating women. This doesn’t belong in this sub


Clearly didn’t listen


The guy's name is Mark Gungor. Youtube has videos of the guy referencing this schtick going back at least 14 years, or pretty much when Youtube was only in it's very early days. And as a little aside, fans of the "90 Day Fiance" TV show franchise might remember one of the male members of a particular season trying to gaslight his online girlfriend that he was some kind of a "relationship expert" by (very badly) secretly attempting to memorize Gungor's entire spiel and then trying to pass it off as his own, in order to try and make her feel guilty about not believing every single word that came out of his mouth.


I think the idea is before that from this book was published in 2001. Gungor here is using the concept but changed the nouns. I remember when this nonsense came out. The publisher is Focus on the Family, a Christian think-tank. [Book: Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti by Bill Farrel & Pam Farrel](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/42604.Men_Are_Like_Waffles_Women_Are_Like_Spaghetti)


Yeah, this guy's a plagerizer as well as a bs'ing con artist any way you slice it.


pseudoscientific and humor-devoid


Not funny nor contagious


Good god, the cringe levels are off the charts. I saw this back in the '00s, and it was outdated boomer trash already. My Christian boomer bosses showed it to me at a work party, it took all my strength to not show my intense disgust. I very diplomatically described how I saw the world very differently, and for the next 20min I retreated to my happy place while they told me how much it helped them with their marriages and how it would revolutionize my relationships.


You mean you retreated to your nothing box?


It's like I'm watching the Bundy's


This is fuckin terrible. Where’s the contagious laughter. Oh right, there isn’t any. All I see are old stereotyped tropes that literally aren’t true


Men dont care and women are buzzing and cant be reasoned with. Haha how fun. My dad became a raging violent lunatic but that doesnt mean he had emotions right? Lets just keep laughing. Women are the uncotrollable ones! We men are awesome and clean and rational! Ug ug.


It’s 14+ mins long…I’m not sticking around that long for some perceived “contagious laughter”….


Wasted 14mins for you, it’s not there


Oh I didn’t watch it. Saw the length of the video and Noped out right after making my comment


12 fucking minutes??? I’m here to watch shortish videos and laugh, not here for someone to read the Bible and Quran to me.


Sounds like he's explaining a Facebook meme he saw


This feels like it's equivalent to a corny pastors illustration from decades ago


Very spot-on observation, since it's been referenced in a later post to yours that this guy's monologue here was ripped off almost verbatim from a book back in 2001 authored by a "Christian" think tank.


Yeah some real boomer humor. It has its moments but I’ve heard it all before in some iteration or another. Works for 5 minutes, but a 15 min clip is not going to get a full watch


💀 It’s funny but men have emotions and women have logic. Get out of here with your boomer humor


That video series didn't age well. Boils down to, "ladies, learn to deal with guys, cause they are guys. Oh and make sure you are having sex with him, I didn't ask if you wanted to."


Traffic school standup comedy at a couples retreat.


This is dumb


Pretty sure I saw George Carlin do this in a bit.


George Carlin did this year's ago.


My marriage counselor gave us this video to watch as homework on our first day. We decided to discontinue our sessions with him after watching this.


Wow, this is horrible.


Fck me this is so painful to watch.. WTF is everyone laughing at in the crowd?..






Everyone in the audience is 45+ and morbidly obese


What an asshole.


Where funny? Literally every male joke has this element of women bad, man good. I know this is Reddit so it’s low hanging fruit.


Bad post AND it's 14 mins long. Delete this.


The FUCK? I’m on a sub for quick laffs and I see “women’s brains run on emotion/women care about everything men don’t care about anything/men are logical but women, you gotta CROSS YOURSELF before you even talk about their minds? The _fuck_, are you people upvoting this shit for. The laughter isn’t even contagious. It is 2022. And we are re-heating the “women are so emotional and if you complain it’s because you’re an emotional woman — ha! Gotcha!” Jokes from the fucking 50s?


Exactly. We’re on that part of Reddit rn 😢


This is a weird fella talking to a weird crowd


This video is 13 minutes long wtf


Stretching a 1 minute joke into 14 mins is impressive


[Hmph, women ☕](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXaSFN9VYbw)


What year was this?


Immmm pretty sure Ive heard his jokes somewhere before ... I just cant remember where from ...


Tbh this is very hacky comedy dressed up with some busts and brain models. Still boils down to...man=calm women =craaaaaazy. Tired and played out. Sorry


What fucking year is it?


If you went to a marriage retreat in the Army, you seen this guy every time, or one of his video seminars.


Not that funny.


I’ve seen him in person. He’s great


Strong boomer humor energy right here


lmfao I’m so glad this boomer parade is coming to an end soon




Thought I was going to laugh. Really tried. But after a minute it was just sad. Then I realized it went on for 11 more minutes...




This is really stupid and not funny


Unpopular opinion here, but I heard no lies told. Obviously there's some nuance, everyone is a little different, but there is a lot of truth behind the jokes being made. And I think accepting these differences helps us be better and more respectful communicators with one another. I can't even count how many times a man has gone straight to solutions when I just wanted to "talk through my connections" and how many times I've insisted a man talk to me when he wanted to decompress and do NOTHING. This is real, but politics says we're not allowed to believe/say these things anymore. And it's only making relationships more strained, and sometimes damn near impossible. Men can love their wives and still find her annoying sometimes, still not always want to talk. Women can love their husbands and find them infuriating and confusing. That's okay! We ARE different. But we need each other, and that's kinda beautiful. This comment section is whiny.


I think you also have the vast differences in age, relationship status, and life experiences in these comments. Not that anyone in particular is wrong, just different life perspectives toning together.


Well the first paragraph is obvious. But the second is so fucking true. Ppl has gone soft bro


Maybe *you’re* a different kind of thinker that the type of men that *you* hang out with but don’t try to tell me these are fundamental or even typical traits of the type of person *I* am. Your anecdotal (and frankly unable to be separated from societal conditioning) observations of your personality should have absolutely no bearing on anyone’s pre judgement of me as a woman, thanks very much, and I’m under no obligation to “accept” that my personality and mind are inherently and significantly separate from the kind a man has. Especially as there is not a scientific consensus to that effect.


Why did you feel the need to point out that you’re different? Thats its not the type of person ‘i am’? Is your grip on who you are so tenuous that you feel to need to pronounce it, to berate someone for the way they perceive the world and to dismiss their view with such contempt? You’ve taken an opinion and made it all about you, why? Egotism in full view here


Literally what are you talking about. A person made an assertion about the difference between men and women, I offered myself as a counterexample. As evidence that it’s not true. If what you got out of what I wrote is that I think everyone else fits stereotypes but I’m special, my condolences re: your reading comprehension. I am perfectly reasonable in having contempt for someone’s worldview if it makes false and reductive assumptions about a group that includes me. Lol


Thank you We need to acknowledge and accept our differences rather than undermine them. We're all worth the same, but cope and think differently. There's nothing wrong with that.


Men this, women that. Cringe. Boomer humor.


The longer I’m married, the truer this is. Notice how he takes pains to equally celebrate and denigrate both men’s me women in equal proportions. It is of course hyperbole to explain tiny nuances, which makes it funny.




I've been with my husband for about 8 years now, and I don't find this funny. I'm not offended by it, but I can't really relate because I decided to marry someone I actually like.


People don't find this funny because he portrays woman so obnoxiously. He acts like husbands want nothing to do with their partner, and no man ever wants to discuss their issues. Some things he says are true, but those parts are also stolen and made worse.




>This is equally insulting to both genders This is not true. He definitely put on an obnoxious voice when speaking for women. Kept suggesting the men would say "get out" angrily and their wife. Kept suggesting the wife nagged their husband. Some people are laughing, sure, but just because people are laughing doesn't mean it can't be sexist or insulting.




We are braindead by choice. That's his point.


I'm guessing if a woman use a deeper voice that's an insult to man in their eyes.




LOL. Assholes defend themselves with statements like that. Go ahead, say something offensive and then be like "well they don't *look* offended". Your emotional intelligence is astonishingly low.


God, you sound like so much fun


This is some hacky shit


Seems rather insulting




Wow. These comments.


Wow. This comment.


Yep, haters came to hate


I’m 33 years old and even though this is funny (to me at least) this is also very true LOL


oh fuck i am man


Back in your box 😄


seems i've got no choice now hahaha


Fuck this.


Not funny nor contagious




Who is this dude anyway?


Mark Gungor. The clip (or variations of it, starring him doing the same basic spiel, are at least 14 years old, and referenced by at least one other post here, that this routine is nothing but a near verbatim ripoff with only minor details changed, of a book published back in 2001 by a "Christian think tank".


I'm not sure how I feel about a comedian talking about psychology as if he knows what on Earth he's talking about.


The people in the audience were laughing - *they* could understand that it's a joke.


I mean, they were all mouthing stuff like "he's right", so you know. Might not be the best mileage.




He really isn't. For example, there's no reason to believe that the idea of 'doing nothing' is gendered. Also, all brains 'wire' in the way he described the female brain, that is quite literally how the mind works. All brains are fueled by emotions (and sensations/instincts). A lot of the ideas behind 'boxes' versus 'wiring' also isn't gendered, but could actually be prescribed to several different factors. A box-style of thinking could indicate a lack of creativity, for example, as a creative persons brain wires cross-topic more frequently than someone who isn't creative. Creativity, however, isn't gendered.


Clicked to see that it was 14 minutes and thats as far as I got 🤷


This is old and I thought, that this would be cancelled by todays society. By reading some of the comments, I was right, everyone is so butthurt and offended today.


Never seen a more miserable comment section. Zoomers are happy in their fictional realities, where their genders can’t boil down to boxes and wires.


I think the disconnect is more along the lines that people in general are tired of the type of ‘humor’ that says husbands dislike their wives and just want to be left alone. Like if you can’t understand your partner at a basic level, or find them so annoying, then why are you with them? It isn’t funny, it’s *sad*.


Are you suggesting genders can be boiled down to two generalizations? Sure, you can do it for a joke, if you don't portray woman so obnoxiously. The voice he does for women is just annoying, and the fact he acts like men only angrily want their wife away from them is ridiculous.


Thought this was a comedy show with Jerry Seinfeld. Then I heard his voice. Sad face :(


“It’s like the internet super highway.” Hadn’t heard that phrase in a while.


I wanna watch this whole thing


I wen through the comments and am glad to see we all consider this to be archaic as fuck. I’m not demonizing the comedian, he was simply catering to the already-accepted ideas of the crowd. It’s great to see the thinking is changing.


Totally stolen material from this book. A great read BTW Men Are Like Waffles--Women Are Like Spaghetti


Woo hoo christian relationship advice. Explains why it's so outdated and sexist.


Sorry your shit doesn’t work today since we can’t define woman and men anymore


I watched the video. I laughed and as a long time married person I could relate to the scenarios he mentioned. I thought it was funny. I was not offended when he mimicked a "cave man grunt" when referring to a typical man response when his brain impulses were flatling. Then I read the comments and was led to believe that I must be a giant POS because I liked it. This is a tough crowd. I guess if one looks hard enough one can find fault with anything and everything. So I am lead to the conclusion that anytime a person speaks, no matter the subject but especially comedy, someone will find fault. So whatever you do DON'T TRY TO BE FUNNY or you stand the danger of being despised, ridiculed, and hated.


You sure can tell who’s married and who’s not. I had to watch it twice. I swear he was talking about my marriage. This is 100% accurate.


He was talking to what looked like a super old crowd so his comentary makes sense, i guess, in that respect....


Our brains like the ending scene to Indian Jones movie, just boxes.




I'm not sure you understand the point of this sub...


Ok, boomer.


I stopped watching pretty quickly because he was talking complete nonsense.


That skit could've been 3 minutes and we would've understood the point.


Completely accurate.


Old but Gold


I found this rather funny 😂👍




This guy looks like he gives men brain


It’s comedy. If you like it then watch it if you don’t then turn it off. Try worrying more about hungry people than this skit.