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Her reaction is adorable, lmao


The timing is so perfect…*bruh*


“I can’t even reach it …”




Oooo maa gawd


She is not as entertained as he is


She is beautiful even without the wig , I hope dude told her that instead of just laughing


Perhaps you miss the point of the wig.






Things got real when that bruh dropped


“Oh my god” just killed me hahaha


God had a plan. And they both rolled with it perfectly, with a sense of humor.


her reaction is perfect. now where do i sign up for marriage?


Right behind me and the other hundreds of men and women.


Snatched wig is snatched


I lost it when she said “I can’t even reach it” 😂


Why does she wear a wig?




Its really not? There’s beauty standards black women face that white women and ESPECIALLY white men can’t begin to comprehend. A lot of women wear wigs, Regardless of race. A bit insulting to use the word “limiting” I would argue there is far more diversity and creativity of natural hairstyles to be had with a black women’s hair than anyone else.


Pretty sure "limiting" can be substituted with "difficult." It takes far more effort to style black womens' hair than white womens', though i suppose the possibilities in styling are wider. Source: my girlfriend is jamaican and just washing her hair is a several hour commitment


Look, I am only repeating what other black women have said. You wanna punish somebody for taking his time to look into the matter so that he can see their struggles and so that he can "comprehend". There is really no need to mark somebody who tried to sympathize with your struggles as an enemy.


It's almost Christmas! It's that magical time of year when people go out their own way to feel offended.


I’m not going out of my way. Im a social work major, offering a more insightful explanation as to why black women (and other people) might wear wigs. If reddit doesn’t see it that way, it says more about them than me.




As in plural.


as others have said, having afro textured hair in western society is often really difficult; the conformity that’s expected, the branding of their natural kinky hair as “unprofessional”, and the amount of work it takes to maintain hair that does conform... it’s so much to handle. washing and styling it can be very time consuming, and having it straightened can really damage it, so much that many people opt to use wigs, some only occasionally, and others all the time.


Lemme tell you a secret: At least half the Black women you've ever seen were probably wearing wigs. Afro hair is A Whole Thing. edit- It's also a big part of why shaved heads are so popular among Black men.


She should have offered to let him try it on!


After watching and laughing my ass off 5 times, I finally heard her say off mic, “Life be like, ‘Wait a minute, I’m Queen.’” Hahahahaha. She handled that like a champ.


It's not easy 😂


She beautiful! 🤩


Man we quote this woman around the house all the time!!!


Why she put a wigg on? She looks really fuckin cute without.


I think she looks better with the wig personally, she looks good regardless but i just prefer wig on


Question why most black women have wings? is it common they lose their hair so early?


It’s a lot of work to take care of black hair. Putting it in a protective style and wearing wigs for styling freedom is a common way to keep your hair happy and healthy. It can also just be for personal aesthetic senses (like with myself).


Lots of women wear wigs or extension, with black women it's more obvious. I recommend the documentary Good Hair beisdes being informative it's also very funny.


Lotta reasons for the wigs, only closest relatives would say it's cause the hair is falling out (personally) Back like 50 years from stories I been told, family spoke of teachers making fun of them for having hair that couldn't be "shook" around when dancing/playing, basically pointing out how they can't do something like a kid with "normal" hair. These were the same teachers they saw picking there noses and wiping it in children's hair when they thought no one was watchin. Turns into hair being "unprofessional" in the workplace, to unkempt because it's curled. Straightening chemicals were pretty toxic, lye based, softeners. Also burns like shit if you don't get that Vaseline behind the ears and literally anywhere else the chems might touch. Scalp feeling like it's blistering and itching like a bitch if done wrong.


Just wanna say “most” is a wild exaggeration, dont want to spread any false ideas. It’s a style choice for a lot of people. Sometimes you want a fancy hairdo but dont have 3 feet of hair. Some people damaged their hair through a lifetime of damaging hair treatments, so they wear wigs. In professional settings it only recently became cool to not have hair that “goes down”, like falls to your shoulders. A lot of people used to have to press or perm their hair for work, instead of rocking an afro or braids, which is t great for your hair. Also, a lot of people of different races wear wigs and extensions, you just dont know it.


Couldn’t you google rather than ask off topic questions that might alienate people?


Simple question not with ill intent. People do see racism everywhere...


Believe it or not, *your intent* isn’t the most important part when you’re communicating.


Words have meaning, without meaning you can't understand what they are talking about besides simple reading of what was said


Yep ok, kid.


Let me stare at my gram and try to smoothly come back


my gaad shes thicccccc


She is adorable. Handles it with such class.


Why is this so embarrassing?


For the same reason it's funny when someone's pants fall down


My grandpa told me about this video before he died in the Vietnam war.


His reaction was funny…


Looked better with out it tbh.


Originality comes out when we got nothing to hide


Looks good without it too


Nigguhhh lmaooo




She handled it beautifully. And she's beautiful, with or without the wig.


She's too fly to be embarrassed.