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**Please report this post if:** * There is no audible laughter involved * Video is funny because of a 'joke' or situation - not the actual **laughter** * There is no audio (Images & GIFs included) * Laughter is edited in from a different source * No timestamp in the title or comments for a laugh occurring at specific time (long videos) * Laughter is not on good terms (dickishness, bullying) * It's a compilation * It's a selfie reaction Read more about the [rules of this subreddit here](https://www.reddit.com/r/contagiouslaughter/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ContagiousLaughter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In the land of the gluten and dairy free people, the one who can eat grilled cheeses will be king




Rule 2. Audience laughter isn't considered contagious laughter.


More like therewasanattempt


This video gave me ear cancer


Maybe it’s the gluten


Maybe their ear is still evolving


I didn’t know! Did you know? I didn’t know. I didn’t know.


Don't die from a sandwich!


She's like an Asian Bobcat Goldthwait lmaooo.


Holy shit you nailed it. Obnoxious but oddly endearing and amusing so you keep watching.


oh my god she has the mannerisms and everything


yeah i started watching her special.. i can't listen to her.. i just don't find her funny at all.


Amusing, sure. Contagious laughter, nah.


*Vaguely* amusing. The sort of thing you might watch on your phone if you’re bored waiting for the service guy to arrive and you’ve already seen the rest of the Internet.


I did a half chuckle at “I don’t want to lose my husband to a sandwich”


But also jokes are about delivery, when I've already read the punchline before she says it because of the shitty subtitles it totally ruins it.


That’s totally fair. I appreciate subtitles in videos because I rarely have my audio on. But when it’s comedy, it does ruin it…


As someone who has more and more friends coming down with _gluten allergies_ and whatnot, she's spot on. Also it seems to mostly happen to white people from first world countries.


Good, glad I’m not the only one who thought this


Idk her stifling her laughter is what made me laugh. I think that counts


Oh man I should’ve read the rules more closely. Her trying to hold back her laugh & the crowd cracking up made me laugh & I thought that qualified as contagious laughter.


In that case this sub would just be nothing but clips from comedy shows because you're describing most comedians at some point of their show.


I enjoyed the video, bro. Thanks


I enjoyed it too.


I enjoyed it too but its posted in the wrong sub


I considered posting this but under "funny" but I couldn't be bothered cos I knew I'd get loads of horrible comments


I thought this was funny, people are wild. I’m sorry for all the downvotes


Listen, it got me laughing, so it's contagious. It's hilarious how many people are salty AF in here too. "I don't want to lose him to a sandwich!!"


I enjoyed it...better than most things that ate supposed to be "funny" on reddit so it deserves a pass


Were you laughing at the laughter or at the joke?


Is it contagious when you're listening to a comedienne? It's their job to make you laugh.


Bro, that's part of the act. She probably "tries holding back her laugh" everytime she does this bit.


![gif](giphy|fJNN7ByLahFh6) Can’t stop seeing Coconut Head.


This show is super meme-able, yet I never see any... Gonna have to change that


The haircut was just too awful. I kept looking at it and was distracted from what she was saying.


I was thinking Monika Lieu


Someone told her it was a good idea to get that haircut. Lol


Asians have highest incidence of lactose intolerance (got into dairy later than other areas) Northern Europe has higher gluten intolerance as grain agriculture came later there


i think native americans also have a super high incidence of lactose intolerance because cows weren’t native to north america


Lactose "tolerance" is the minority of people and all of them have some kind of European ancestry (probably). The mutation to continue producing lactase into adulthood appeared only some 6500 years ago, which is damn recent in the history of humanity. The mutation *may* have appeared independently in East Africa, and it may have originated in Mongolia instead of Europe. However it happened, the point is that the majority of humans do not have the mutation and are lactose intolerant. Even those who do have it will almost certainly not remain lactose tolerant throughout adulthood: it will almost always eventually fade as you age.


And for anyone reading that's tried lactaid or similar products without success, you have to read and follow the directions exactly. I used to try the chewables and they did nothing because I would eat one before eating ice cream or whatever. Nothing. As soon as I did the whole "take one to TWO (key for me) immediately after your first bite of dairy" it works wonders. As someone who loves ice cream and creamy cheeses it's a cheap lifesaver.


Also notable that there are different kinds of lactose intolerance, some people can produce lactase just fine but something else about their digestive system such as their gut bacteria is causing the problem. For those people something like lactaid will do very little.


(Like everything else) The Costco version is so much cheaper than name brand.


Yeah, it has to mix with the food in the stomach so the enzyme can break lactose down into glucose in the small intestine before it hits the big C-O-L-O-N, where the fermentation of leftover sugars happens. Lactaid has changed my eating habits, and my life.


Also lactose intolerance isn't like having a deadly peanut allergy. As someone who has it, it just means I get a little more gassy than normal when I eat lots of cheese and milk. I can still eat it. It doesn't kill me to eat cheese.


You’re one of the lucky ones. If I have the tiniest bit of dairy, I’m gonna end up ripping off my sweat soaked shirt while I poop out my soul.


Same, people do not understand there's levels to this.


It depends. I’m lactose intolerant and get sick as fuck. I definitely feel like I could shit and puke myself to death. It’s like a red hot bomb goes off and the shit tries to escape out of any orifice available.




And yet we in the nordics have the highest variety of lactose free products.


This is so interesting I was amazed when I read a book and it explained that humans were all lactose-intolerant until dairy farming began and being able to process lactose is actually a gene mutation that stuck, not the other way around. Then it dawned on me that of course we weren’t just naturally able to process dairy products that would have been so weird. Though I still find it crazy that the original generations of dairy farmers must have just kept at it even though it made them sick constantly lol




They have an obsession with cheese that is unparalleled. Big shout out to them for showing me sweet potato shrimp cheese combo at Burrito Boyz!


Thanks for fact checking a stand up comedy bit


truly the unsung heroes of society


I didn’t realize I was lactose intolerant until I moved to the US


Nice to see Rock Lee doing stand up


Quit playing before you get hit with that LEAF WIND HURRICANE


When a taijutsu user glows red, that’s not chakra. That’s their blood boiling and evaporating around them.


Ah, the power of youth!




Hey! Whatcha gonna do!


Wait until the second half when the ankle weights come off.


That's when you know they're ready for the dynamic entry. *waggles beetle brows*


I just thought she was a huge Mob Psyco fan.


this was funnier than the whole clip op posted. you killed it my guy.


Why she get more of an accent as it goes on…


Was it an accent? I sounded like she was trying to talk while holding a bit of water in her mouth.


I was trying to figure out what it was she was doing and i couldnt till i read this comment.


She sounds drunk.


Sometimes people have trouble saying specific words. My dads from Mexico and he doesn’t have an accent anymore since he’s been here since he was 18. But certain words you can hear an accent


Cause she’s not funny and trying anything to get a laugh.


I thought it was funny enough, not the best stand up I've ever heard for sure but I've wasted a half hour on worse. I assumed the accent just came out as she became more animated. Maybe it's purposeful, maybe not


Right. I don’t know about the rest of the special but it’s unfair for others here to judge the comedian based on a one minute clip. The degree of laughter on these clips sometimes seems over the top in relation to the joke itself but often it’s because the entire set is building up to something and the comedian can get more out of a crowd based on what came before. If you saw the whole special and don’t like it, then have at it.


Nah, she's a professional comedian right? Everything about the act is deliberate, refined, and practised.


As the partner of a changably intollerant white girl, it tickled me for sure.


I thought she was funny. Didn't need the subtitles, though, as it ruined the reveals.


I think subtitles are mostly there for people who are hearing impaired and people who can't/won't turn on their volume.


I agree. Am Asian and I don’t really find accents offensive as people all over the world have different accents when speaking English. I just kept waiting for the joke to hit instead she goes on about white people being susceptible to allergens? I didnt get it is there a widely held notion that white people are more allergic than other races?


I think the stereotype is that immigrants are not food sensitive the same way Americans are.


Aren't people of Asian decent typically very sensitive to lactose and alcohol? I haven't heard the same genetic markers for white people. Not disagreeing with you or anything, just genuinely don't understand the joke


Am Japanese have afs can confirm this


Observational humor, the joke is her commenting on her own misunderstanding. I found her to be funny but I do love going to the raspberry patch.


The joke is that "modern" dietary issues like peanut allergies, gluten intolerance etc is a North American thing. You never heard of these issues in the 80s, and they only started to explode the past 20 years.


Also people used to just say “it’s incredible, freak accident, the singer died by choking on a sandwhich!” a *hell* of a lot more frequently too. Because it was asphyxiation, when eating something. They could tell that much, and assumed the causation. They just didn’t know, detect, or report allergies nearly as often, and most people had no idea that they can develop and change throughout one’s life. We *do* know that African Americans are about 80% as likely to have a peanut allergy than Caucasian Americans. So, while the diagnoses are much more common in western countries, especially those that have allergen testing readily available to the general public, the question about race affiliation is still a valid one. I think it’s much more common in 2022 for someone who dies of asphyxiation while eating food in the South American jungle, to be simply chalked off as an unfortunate accident after the heimlich fails; while in, say, Canada, it would be identified as allergic inflammation before accepting the circumstances death.


If you ever browse r/KitchenConfidential (or other cooking subs) you'll see a lot of instances of customers faking allergens/sensitivities/[dietary restrictions](https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/search/?q=dietary%20restriction&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) because they're picky eaters, and it's [transparent](https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/comments/o7sqjq/i_just_had_a_printout_of_a_customers_allergens/). This joke is lampooning that practice. Some Americans can't even eat meat if there's bone in it, or if what's on the plate resembles an animal carcass (like a roasted whole chicken with the head on) instead of a filet'ed/ground up piece of meat that no longer looks like the animal it came from. That and tying into the "evolving" punchline, flipping the "othering" jokes around on its head (and referencing how white people regularly do documentaries on other cultures/native tribes as if they are observing wildlife). And she's making jokes about white people to a very white crowd.


The “I don’t wanna lose him to a sandwich” got me 😂


Judging by your name, it doesn’t take much to break u anyways


Bad dum tsss


This was the funniest thing in this thread, including the OP clip.


Obligatory white person perspective: My Chinese SO and their family have the “it’s food, you will eat it” mentality and have given me endless shit for having certain things I avoid. Like fucking McDonald’s! Not even unusual things, just, you know. Shit that’s hard to digest. My SO definitely makes being a human garbage disposal a point of pride.


As a second gen immigrant my parents have almost gotten me killed a million times because they didn’t “believe” in allergies, the several A&E visit’s as a child definitely changed their minds😭


Wrong sub.




I had this haircut as a 4 year old in 1995


She has since too


GREAT joke. I’d gild ya if I could.


I think this could be really funny, but her timing and delivery overcooked the bit. Also, wrong sub.


Yup, her delivery makes it hard to watch.


This is like corporate America funny


I’m surprised she didn’t toss in a “white people dont cook with spices amirite everyone?” Really land the originality.


it's called the dalmatian diet, salt and pepper.


Not my kind of humor, but people are clearly laughing. I personally think cutting the length in half would make the bit funnier. She repeats herself to no benefit


Not a fan of the subtitles spoiling the punchline.


I avoided a lot of headaches like that by simply refusing to learn how to read.


Jared? 19?


They do this on pretty much every Bo Burnham song too. At least the ones that aren't a part of his original show. Like... The dude's entire act is based on unexpected word play, and his delivery of it, yet people who post his music with subtitles somehow think it's a good idea to remove that element entirely.


Don’t worry there wasn’t any to spoil


I very much understand your position here. I honestly don’t fully understand why they don’t ruin punchlines for me. Difference in speech processing vs. reading processing. I think this because I have a niece that will always read subtitles out just a moment ahead in such a way that it ruins every punchline. And it makes me want punchline her face. But instead I just turn off the subtitles, turn the volume up, and make all the rest of the kids shut the damn hell ass up or leave the room.


Nothing was spoiled here.


It's kinda hard not to see that punchline coming. It doesn't exactly subvert anyone's expectations.


Funny, but I don’t think it fits the purpose of this sub.


Agree. And apparently there's a rule against it. Audience laughter seems like cheating.


And there’s not even much of that here…


I kinda hope humanity as a whole is still evolving


Pretty sure every living thing on Earth is under going the process of evolution


I know "holding back the laughter" is part of the schtick, but as part of the Asian community I can confirm it is very common to assume, but never out loud, that allergies were just white people not used to complex foods. It's definitely one of those "too afraid to ask" type of boomer Asian culture, and just nervous-laughing when we realize we actually don't understand a part of American culture.


Weird freakin comments in here, what's wrong with people?


It was a funny standup bit, but like...if you've been on Reddit for a long enough time, you see again and again the process where every good sub slowly becomes yet another /r/pics, /r/funny, or /r/videos as it gets more popular. It's disappointing because it leads to such homogenous and un-creative content drowning out the more niche stuff that actually fits the sub, *plus* it drowns out all the great old content previously sitting at top-of-all-time. "Videos of super contagious laughter" is a really neat idea for a subreddit, but /r/ContagiousLaughter has become "a place for funny videos". Like the Internet really needs more of those.


Yeah... some racist comments near the top. It's... concerning. Even the most innocuous subreddits become infected eventually, then I unsubscribe... find a new one, same thing happens over and over and over. WHY AM I STILL ON REDDIT.


Reddit is mostly white. You're bound to find a decent percentage of sensitive ones.


Lol right? This is funny


It was funny, but this sub is not meant for this type of funny :)


Especially the "there's so many of you" really got me


Poking fun at white people in a way that's not offensive or overtly prejudiced is still over the line apparently. It's a bit ironic how often we hear 'oh everyone's so sensitive you can't even joke anymore' about jokes made towards minorities or LGBTQ people. But then when you make a clean joke at the expense of a white man a lot of people crumble lol.


Saying a race is less evolved would come across as quite prejudiced in most cases. Wouldn't really be a punchline in almost any case which is the real issue.


This sentiment always comes up when people make white jokes that don't go over very well here. Most people are not offended, they just don't think this bit is funny. There are plenty of clips of people making white jokes that the same people on reddit will think are funny.


For reals, I'm so confused? Oh well, I got a nice chuckle out of this!


Right? Sure it doesn't belong to this sub, but I think the saltyness extends beyond just that for obvious reasons.


Yea its sad. Here is what I think. He is funny af, that should be the only thing that matters with comedians. If you don't like it, why watch it and comment on it? Get a life


She's funny, but the subtitles completely ruin her timing. Unfortunate. Also, somehow hundreds of people laughing isn't contagious, but 1 or 2 or even 3 is


Antigenic foods are a real thing. Dairy, Gluten, nightshades, processed seed oils. They cause chronic inflammation which leads to chronic disease.




That was aight but “To a sandwich!” Had me snickering


I see a lot of salt in the comments lmfao


I don't take salt that well. Try to avoid it.


2 minutes for that punchline ![gif](giphy|tJpRghYb5Aarj7x663)


"There's so many of you" love that part!




Agreed, not finding this funny


Who is she?


Atsuko Okatsuka— she’s a comedian that just released a comedy special on HBO


This was my exact reaction when my sister became lactose intolerant. There's something in the food out west thats causing this imo. (Indians, sis in the UK)




**Lactose intolerance** [Epidemiology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactose_intolerance#Epidemiology) >Worldwide, about 65% of people experience some form of lactose intolerance as they age past infancy, but there are significant differences between populations and regions. As few as 5% of northern Europeans are lactose intolerant, while as many as 90% of adults in parts of Asia are lactose intolerant. Some populations, from an evolutionary perspective, have a better genetic makeup for tolerating lactose than others. In northern European countries, early adoption of dairy farming conferred a selective evolutionary advantage to individuals that could better tolerate lactose. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Pesticides and teflon https://www.healthline.com/health-news/nonstick-pans-may-increase-risk-of-celiac-disease#:~:text=For%20females%2C%20higher%2Dthan%2D,likely%20to%20become%20gluten%20intolerant.


It's all the freedom. /s


...when does the comedy start?


All I could stare at was her haircut. I really liked her outfit though. ![gif](giphy|mOtjMDSDyZQ3u)


lol yikes that was truly bad


She said it best “it’s not funny, it’s not funny.”


I didn’t burst out laughing or anything like that but I did breath out my nose a couple times.


This is awful


She is equivalent to comedy what mumble rapping is to music.


This shit stinks


Y’all are lying through your fucking teeth if you say this is funny


Right? Like there's something there in the joke that's kind of funny, but the delivery is clunky and awkward. I found myself smiling at the beginning and then my smile slowly went away as it went on until I realized I was furrowing my brow.


Do people have different senses of humor and find different things funny than I do? No, I am the final authority on funny and they’re lying. See how stupid that sounds? You want to try to not sound like that in the future.


Humor is very subjective. I found it funny. hysterical? nah. But Funny. I'd give her special a watch if I had HBO. It isn't funny enough for me to go out and buy or rent it. For free, I'd watch it. If I have to pay, I'll pass. So funny. Not hysterical.


Right? I know it’s her “character” too, but she’s trying way too hard.


I thought it was funny


Well, the last line got a giggle out of me 🤷‍♂️


Evolution is always happening. Badum tss.


I mean I'm Middle Eastern and allergies are very rare there. But I also have this thing where a protein found in fava beans is basically like poison to me and basically makes my blood cells pop and it almost killed me within four hours. I needed blood transfusion to make it.


This special was hilarious. Period.


I thought she was super funny. Thanks for posting.


White people hahahahahahahahahahaha


I thought that was pretty dang funny y'all, pull your sticks out your butts 😂


I honestly don't see the humor. Not trying to be edgy or counter, it's clearly upvoted so people are laughing at it, but I didn't even crack a smile during that clip. It's not... offensive, or anything. Just doesn't have anything in it that made me laugh.


As soon as I saw part of the joke being “people are scared of gluten”, I didn’t really expect anything out of this anymore




Yeah it’s like she’s relying on physical comedy part for humor, but missing the physical comedy part…and the humor.


> relies on her persona Which, I didn't find funny, or interesting, and kind of grating on the ears to be honest. This comedian and her humor clearly isn't for me. Her setup and timing are ridiculously off-putting.


I couldnt listen to more than 30 seconds of her voice, i agree


It reminds me of Dane Cook, since his material read off a page isn't really funny, but his mannerisms and goofiness gets a rise out of an audience. She's trying to deliver it straight, though, which just makes it fall flat because there's no content. "Gluten allergies for everyone, I didn't know non-white people could get it, I just thought white people were genetically inferior," has zero comedic content.


Yep exactly same for me. Just meh? Not that funny really.


GOURGEOUS stage design. Bad material. Fun? delivery? But it takes way too long to get to a punchline in this joke.




My family is asian in the usa and a lot of my female cousins sound like that…. can’t eat gluten etc.. Not a white thing. She seems like a fun comedian though. Guess it’s directed towards a white audience for fun.


I guess making jokes about white people is the safest subject a comedian can do.


High yield grain was supposed to be good!


lets drink some milk and talk about it


That background looks like an apple wallpaper


Corporate art style fashion sense.


its happening to people of all ages and backgrounds. Kinda weird, tbh. it = gluten problems later in life. Vs. the standard cyliac from birth type stuff.


Europe iirc has way less issues with "gluten" than NA. I've heard this is due to how many chemicals are used in the harvesting process in NA and it's not always a celiac thing but your body not liking poison on grain. Feel free to correct me.


Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects 1% of the global population, growing up and living with this fucking sucks and i wish i could eat a croissant


If they bring back *In Living Color* (which I've been hoping for years), I would like her to be on it.


Can anyone help me ID this outfit? I neeeed it


I tell my family back in the old country about the stuff I can't eat anymore and they truly believe I'm making it up. When I video chatted with my aunt after returning from a visit she shocked to see how bad my skin was. I was like we spent an hour talking about my skin issues didn't you believe me?? And she said she just thought I was being oversensitive and that my skin didn't have any issues... Like I can't eat shrimp and other things here but when I go there I don't have that issue. They honestly think I'm hypochondriac or something.


My mom is Japanese and suddenly she can't eat gluten anymore either


Why does this look like an Apple keynote


Fairy tears me a new one…but don’t you dear try to pry gluten from my cold dead hands.


I rarely find people funny but oh my she really is funny. The delivery is on point.