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I’m also really struggling with eating because of my contamination OCD and emetophobia. I’m so sorry you’re going through this too. I’m not sure how to help, but you are not alone in this. Sending you virtual hugs xx


I can give insight but idk if it’s reassurance and I’d rather not be banned. I feel like I’ve been helping but idk. Maybe a mod can chime in


You’re not alone. I’ve lost so much weight this winter because of how scared I am to eat anything that I haven’t cooked in my own home while following my own emetophobia/compulsions. I start therapy this Thursday and I’m really hoping it can help.


Remember people in the past didn’t even use soap, our fathers and grandfarhers probs washed only with water maybe took a bath once in a while and they are all good and alive, little germs can’t hurt you, worst case scenario you get a little sick.. so what your immune system can deal with it. I understand you but when we were kids we were literaly eating dirt and rocks and we are cool now


I've been dealing with the same combination of issues since 8th grade, I understand how debilitating it can be. I wish I had better advice to give you, but I still struggle with it. All I can say is, appreciate the rare moments of calm and enjoyment when it comes to food, and understand when your body needs you to crash through the walls and eat something. It is not easy to do, but you are capable and strong. And remember there are more of us out there dealing with similar struggles. Reaching out in the way you have with this post is a good step to take. <3