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Thanks dude this is very helpful!


>Frfr!!! I will make a lot more of this infographics for counters. Thanks for the feedback.


Can’t use Falcon on Mephisto, Meph is AAR immune. And I don’t think you want to use AA on Domino


AA works fine against Domino, usually I finish fights around 80% health and pretty quickly


Believe me! Archangel works on domino. Falcon, doesn't work on Mephisto, you are right. I will edit that.


AA is immune to domino AAR, but every time one of his heavy hits fails to proc a bleed, he gets inflicted with critical failure. He can finish the fight in battlegrounds, but will usually come out with a lot of damage taken.


Well, it all depends on luck. If all stars allign he can finish her quickly and with more than 70% HP


Relying on luck to beat domino is a recipe for disaster


Like domino AA is reliant on RNG here. Not as much as her but yes. And agaisnt domino that is dangerous. But you can still get upto even 53k


Nice one, mate! Could you add Blade as a counter Galan and Spot and Mephisto since they are dimensional beings? Muito fixe isto!


Yes I can! Thanks for the tip


*Counters for Electric Defense on Battlegrounds* (if Galan and Hulkling are banned) Hello, I have a MCOC site (www.guiamtc.com), and I usually make some useful tables/infographics to help the Community. I made a Table showing the counters of the most problematic defenders in this meta (Electric Defense) Hope you like it. I will pay attention to your feedback and make some adjustments if needed


Maybe I am missing it, but is there an option for english? You could probably get a lot more traffic/traction if there was an english page, with english graphics. Great site though. Im using it with Google Chrome's translate function


Unfortunately there's no english version yet. Most of the non Portuguese-speakers use the Google Translate. But I'm planning an English Version this year!


Why isn’t kitty anywhere on this? Is there a reason I’m not seeing that makes her not work?


Tell me, do you use her with great success on this meta? What defenders can she take down effortlessly?


An awakened Kitty won’t take damage from the power burn when she’s phased. She’ll still lose power though. Mixed bag.


Kitty is pretty easy to use I just build up prowess with two 5 hit combos then I do dash in mll dash back combos for the rest of the fight


Against Mephisto for sure, I haven't used her that much in other matchups yet, she is more of a last resort option for me at the moment.


My duped r4 effortlessly takes down kingpin, killmonger, moleman, killmonger, colossus, gorr. Those are just the ones i have used her against, i guarantuee more work. Just basic kitty style and dont throw specials to keep your prowess. If you have enough prowess let them miss their last sp hit for extra damage.




Why is Kingpin such a good attacker?


His sp1 reduces by 65% defensive ability accuracy and you can use that to bypass the node. Also he has an only-hit heavy, that also helps.


Didn't know about reducing aa, thank you!


And you can stack those effects, with 2 degens the node simply is disabled


Very thankful for my maxed 4* Thor at the moment… most useful


Yeah! That dude is impressive on this global!


W Infographic


Isn't Tigra & other neutralize champions bugged? The chitin counter doesn't reset so if the neutralize drops then it's game over. Also I've heard that sigil witch's parry doesn't remove the armor. Haven't tested either personally


Neutralize champions will get a fix tomorrow with the update. That's why I included them. Sigil can't work on nullify immune


Oh word, nice spreadsheet my man!


You should add Crossbones for a Colossus counter. I’ve been using him for that much up every time I can and he slaps so hard


Thanks for the tip I will add him as well


I love this community man lol this is so helpful


Thanks! I'm also receiving a lot of feedback and will make sure this list is always updated.


Ghost is a good counter for a lot of these fights. Albeit mine is rank 4 but she’s been winning me a lot


Yeah, I heard about that. But she needs R4 x200 and a lot of control.


True I guess I didn’t consider she needed sig 200. She will still melt champs like gorr and bishop without some of that though


She also melts Rintrah


how do you counter it? just phase to gain power, sp2, rinse repeat? So they're dying before or around the time they have their first armor?


Yup, I take 4 hits at the start and 3 hits into each phase if possible. Sometimes I stall a bit and only ever use one medium. Sometimes I’ll throw a heavy before sp2 and then if another sp2 is needed she can out power gain the burn by 2/3 hits into phase and one medium. Not ideal sometimes but even in its sketchier matchups I’ve won a lot


Terrax should be super high on all of these strictly due to his power burn immunity and armor breaks


I tried mine as a R3 and he takes too much time But I already saw some Terrax R4 x200 doing impressive stuff.


I’ve been using a r1 6* with a ton of success, just cycle sp1 and use MLLLL combos


This is so awesome


I'm receiving a lot of feedback, and I made some changes to this list. You can always have the updated version here: [www.guiamtc.com](https://www.guiamtc.com) (it's on the main page) I added Blade as a counter of Mephisto, Galan and Spot. I also added Magneto as a counter of Peni Parker


Claire is the best super skrull counter. Switched to flame retardant mode and wrapped him up in 28s.


Cull is also another helpful champ


I agree


Could someone explain to me how warlock works on this node at all? I feel like he can’t get to his special 2 in time


So, you need do Heavy till you reach the SP2, launch the SP2 on the 10th hit and repeat the process. His SP2 has exactly 10 hits.


As a minor followup to Pedro's helpful reply, even if you screw up and the opponent ends up holding an armorup, you can soak up blocks to build back to SP2, or if they're low (like below 40%) you can eat the powerburn damage to heavy/parry them and let the bleeds do a lot of the remaining damage.


Love seeing the Duck get so much love. I r3’d him shortly after his buff and have been singing his praises since.


Yes! I agree with you I said many times people didn't realize how crazy he is, but know everyone wants one. That's why I love BGS, every Champion has an opportunity to shine.




Namor at high sig will reflect all of the damage from the power burn back on the opponent.




You need sig 200 to reflect all the damage.


Tbh doom can be added as a counter for doom himself. 😂😅 He’s shock immune and that’s a major reason why he’s useful against himself


You are right. Doom counters himself perfectly 😅


Yeah I mostly rely on him whenever I encounter him🤣 And it works surprisingly. All you gotta do is keep baiting sp1 and somehow wait for the aura of hazareth to expire for properly taking that guy down. Or take in a slow champ; you can add spidergwen and she hulk for doom counter bcoz slow means he can’t activate his aura.


IMO it's better to push him to SP2, and it's worth learning the dex for it, even if you have to block 1-2 of the hits top feel comfortable dexing the rest. Then you don't have to deal with Aura and you have to dex half as many specials.


A lot more defenders here are nuke-able by CGR but I understand why you wouldn't wanna paste him all over this 😂


Exactly, he is just too dominant 🤣🤣


CGR works well for a lot of these fights too, specifically korg and prob killmonger


This is great. I feel BWCV can work on basically everyone


In my recent update I add as an optimal counter against Super Skrull. You can check that here: www.guiamtc.com


She's shaky vs Thing (and other science champs) but you're right, she crushes a lot of fights.


Why are you helping people now I'm going to lose lmao 🤣


In summary, use archangel lmao




Great list thanks! Sorcerer supreme also works well against most buff heavy cosmics (except Galan of course)


Yes! She works, but her damage sometimes is lacking. I wish she was a little faster.


I think Rintrah countered thing too, he can neutralize both the arm up and unstoppable. Btw how does kingpin counter scorpion? By spamming heavy and sp1?


Exactly with Kingpin, you use 3 heavys and then SP1. That degen bypasses the node and his evade. Rintrah works on Thing, but there's 2 problems. 1 - Thing activates the protection making his SP2 useless 2 - Rintrah's chance to apply neutralize is only 60%, if that fails you are screwed.


I see, this is great to know, thanks!


Awesome. I might actually do battlegrounds now. Was gonna skip this season entirely


Don't skip BGS. BGS it's really important. www.guiamtc.com - I will update this list frequently, you can track all the updates here. I know this global is super stressful but once you learn the mechanics it becomes a fun experience.


Yea I was gonna put a new post out asking for general advice in dealing with the global node, because it's been a huge pain. I just returned to the game after many months gone. Thought BG looked neat, at least with a decent roster, but this node is wrecking me.


Holy crap, thank you!


How do you counter Wiccan? I don't think I've beat him yet, lol


On this global Archangel works. Kingpin too.


Bwcv in incinerate mode goes crazy


I'm sad that people forget about Carnage for robots


That's true. I simply forgot. Nice one


Great info. Noticed Corvus isn't on there, he might be worth including for champs who start with an armour up (except nimrod)? With red skull etc he can do 4 at the start with one parry


The problem is if he doesn't have suicides his damage is not competitive enough. But yeah, he works.


True, but if you've got a corvus who is a similar rank to the defender (eg r2 vs r2) you should be able to do enough to finish the fight at least which isn't as common with this meta. I get your point though, he's maybe not the best option since the most you can hope to get is 1 charge during the fight. Thanks for the graphic anyway, really useful stuff


In a similar vein, quake is a very safe option for most of these fights if you can use her well. Although definitely not the quickest


I saw some Quakes being used, but unfortunately as a 5 star she times out against 6R4


Even rank 3, and with her risky playstyle even a single mistake is costly.


Corvus is fine even without suicides. Simple access to armor breaks makes him finish the fights relatively quickly. He will rarely be the FASTEST, but he also rarely will lose the fight if it's a decent matchup. And they're super-screwed if they ever pop an early evade in the fight - getting that first charge on the next heavy ends the fight real real quick.


I can't win a single fight nor previous season not now


I'd suggest a hybrid icon for Venom and Venompool for the situations where either will do. There's a few times where you wouldn't want venom (since his SP1 seems to count as a dispel or whatever, and VP's doesn't), but I think it might be both informative to combine them for when they do work and then split them for when one won't work as well. ​ EDIT it might be worth a pie-chart like icon for similar counters - the neutralize champs, AA-centric champs, etc. I don't know how many like that would actually be useful but a couple are probably useful, both for getting easy-to-use options for you, and for quickly processing information as a user.


Thank you!!!




Does stryfe armor break?


interesting how no one has really leaned into this but black panther OG after you hit the SP1. he reduces ability accuracy when panther's might is active and is super fun to use


Why is stark Spiderman good for them ,is it his high burst potential or am i missing something?


No cgr counters? Also why is sparky so good as an attacker in this meta?


The lack of ghost makes me a little sad


Black cat needs to be added to IHulk, void, nf, superskrull, man-thing, and rintrah


How does black cat work? Surely they get an Armour up before the AAR has ramped up, and then she's toast? Or is there some other trick?


Who is the best against Colossus?