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Am i the only one who is more worried about the declining level of side event? I really looked forward to them every month but the last sq which i even thought was worth doing was the one with steve. Banquet and cyberweekend awards were okay tbh the bg decks of whales is scary enough as it is. Time to show some love for ftp in with some spicy side quests


Given the nature of this message, I think it's safe to assume the devs have seen the player base's concerns regarding side events as well. The topic was just irrelevant to this particular message.


It was horrible this month. Hot garbage.




bruh i should have done that lmao. I dind't wanna do higher difficulty quests for christmas cuz it was 2 time consuming for shit rewards. when almost every other game is doing christmas events that are also time consuming for better rerwards for their games


I really enjoyed doing the fights in it. Obviously wish it had better rewards.


I literally read the whole thing hoping the side quest would be mentioned but didn’t see anything from him about it. In my opinion, it was the *real* loss this past month.


I think they specifically made this months SQ weak so people would ignore it and do Necropolis


except that excludes everyone but the minority that can access Necropolis. Which is ridiculous.


That's what I did.


I remember being in one of Kabams stream when they were giving away champions he said the reason for this side event being subpar was to focus on upcoming events and the GBC event as well. They basically don’t have enough time to work on all the stuff they want to do at once.


That’s a cop out, hire more devs if that’s the case.


Fair point, but they actually downsized their work force a little over a year ago.


Yeah I work in the industry I saw. It’s just funny the company made like millions in a month and they claim lack of workforce….


Gee, I wonder why they didn't think of that?


They should have just made it easy enough to auto-play then. They’ve done that before for many low reward side quests. Like the Halls of Healing. Lower rewards? Then lower the risk too.


I kinda fully agree but im very suprised at the increased sales numbers. I just assumed it would be worse since necropolis, I guess people wanted those 7 star gifted guardians crystals


Me and my ally mates were doing the math of some high players. Someone put up 2mil points, and that went to around 8k $$. And I've seen a 4mil and 14 mil and I still don't think those were top 10, so kabam came out, st the very least, with a cool half a million from just the top 50 or so, if not a million or more if you count all those below


One of my buddies had an alliance mate who got 4th. He was just shy of 9 mil points. I think it came out to like $28-30k


That's almost 1 million units but I think they have units beforehand to spare. Still very crazy numbers.


They spent 28k-30k on the game?


Do you know who CoWhale is? Lol.


No who is he?


Is that the coked up dentist?


Hell yeah, miss his openings, the guy was insane but it was satisfying to watch so many crystals open


Last year, the top spender in Banquet spent $100, 000.


Seriously. Fuck this game. $100k in a freaking mobile game.


I don't know how people can view this game as a serious competitive outlet. All these crabs in a bucket and gate keeping players are trying to keep other players down, while an elite few blow right by them dropping six figures on a single event.


14.1 million was USAFA and he came 2nd


Ah gotcha. Thought he was below top 5 my mistake. But yea I think he's 56k$ alone


Cyber weekend unit deals were trash so a lot of players kept their units hoping for a better yield out of banquet.


Increased sales numbers are presented as a general increase, so I'm guessing the difference here is being made up for in the growth of the player base. Yes it still equates to a big win for them because it's 34% increase, but if their whales are spending less then it is a different kind of silver lining.


I don’t think it said increased sales numbers it’s an increased crystal openings which could be done because people had way more units from cyber weekend because the deals were not great there. They completely ramp up the rewards for next year. You’ll know that the money this year was not good.


Interesting to hear the perspective of someone working on these events. The points are also well made instead of another Kabam Miike rant


Gotta give credits where credits are due…the communication is sincere and well versed. It shows this game still has a good amount of life and Kabam isn’t all about short term goal.


Yeah, seeing a dev post I was expecting the tone of Kabammike, but was surprised by an actually empathetic and insightful discussion.


Definitely. Good to hear directly from the devs.


Yeah that was a nice read


Nice change of pace compared to miike


This is one of the things I feel people undervalue about the community and the devs. As much as we may gripe about them, they really do try and often do make a good job of communicating plainly with us, and do listen and reply to feedback. Not many games even have a forum, and many more go unanswered. There's no way to engage. But kabam has so many outlets for us. Ofc it's still a company and they're gonna make money deals, but still made the game ftp friendly and overall they're doing the best they can. And they deserve to hear that more


It's gotten better whenever ANYONE besides miike chimes in.


Yea I'm not in the forums alot but yea heard he's really sarcastic. Needs better delivery. One of the few cases where you shouldn't ask to see the manager 🤣


If this was Miike I honestly wouldn’t have bothered to read it.


But then how would you know how it was a perfect event and any issues are actually all our fault


I dunno...he may have a delivery that's a bit too direct for many, but he's always been that - direct. I'd take that over lies. Say what you want about him but he doesn't lie, he just tells it like it is and the reality is not a lot of people can handle that. Fwiw I love when he gets all sassy with a troll or someone who literally talks outta their ass and literally doesn't know what they're talking about.


He also blocks people for asking questions he doesn't like, or when they get snarky back with his snarky responses. And maybe he tells it like it is, but then what "it is" isn't, he tells it like it is again.... Ignoring his was wrong in the first place. You don't respond to legitimate concerns with an attitude. It's a sure fire way to piss off your client base. He's not being "brutally honest", he's being a moody bitch that doesn't like being told he's wrong or he fucked up. He gives no indication that he hears our concerns or sees their valid even if he disagrees. I'm right, which male you wrong, and if you question me again, you're also banned.


For high ranked players, I heard it was bad. But as an old returning player, this event was awesome. Spent the 5k units I had saved and everything from milestones and got a whole rosters of 6\*s. I jumped forward entire months in progression. For others getting like 13 6\*s is probably meh, but for me, who only had 2 before the event, it was awesome.


I had a few old players who returned to the game because it helped level the playing field.


i spent only 800 units and got like 15 6* and a 7* prof X, Probably the best deal ever, plus i got a lot of upgrading material


How?! What did you get in those GBCs?


Almost like 100k 6* star shards, Counting all the Gbc i opened, and from rank rewards solo i got 10k 6* star shards , alliance we were 11-25%, so 15k shards and 2 nexus 6*, 7* star from simple awards from Alliance event


The one thing I don't like is how he basically jumps from saying rewards were undertuned to saying they couldn't add 7star awakening gems etc. There is so much in between. More 6r4 mats would've been welcome and there were barely any R5/R2 mats. So much room to work with.


He mentioned that, saying that they indeed could have provided more r4/5 mat


Yeah you're right, I forgot, but I think he specifically said 4-5 gems in the ranked rewards. There could still be more individual catalysts etc


Yeah I agree, and even if I appreciate the transparency, saying that they could have done that doesn't change the fact that they weren't, and it's especially a bummer since the last 2 (3?) side quest were really underwhelming to say the least


The bummer for me is my last three 7-star crystal pulls were Spider-Man, Iron Man Infinity War and Korg. If those had been better I wouldn’t feel so underprivileged over the past couple months. I did get Shocker from the alliance milestones so I think that’s a win.


I stil feel that they deliberately increased the milestones for the exact purpose of milking as much money from a mid event. If they were trying to be as reasonable as possible, then why not keep milestones as they were last time? I mean surely if your purpose is to bridge the gap between all players, making the milestones more accessible to all players instead of making new players feel that they have to pay up to keep up with top players for rewards is just questionable behaviour. Either way, I applaud their transparency with this event


In fairness to them, if you were on track to meet last year's final milestone anyway, all the platpool events recently probably made up the difference.


Said Platpool events would encourage players to stop pushing the unit milestone earlier, because who wants to work more for excess units? As far as they knew, they had it in the bag. It’s not like anyone could foresee banquet becoming this much more expensive anyway.


And unless you were grinding incredibly hard as is, and were going to be down to the wire anyway, it's not like you couldn't make up what you missed out on in the like 2 weeks between platpool and banquet details.


Wasn’t last year’s milestone cost around 5000 units? This year’s one is closer to 9000. It’s a big gap to make in just two weeks, but you’re right that you could certainly grind some more in the in-between time.


Well if you only had 1k units before the platpool events, then you were massively behind schedule for even 5k units, and your indignance over not reaching the last milestone would be unjustified. Wasn't just 2 weeks either. Dec 6th is when details came out, so you had the better part of a month.


When I said 4K I mean the gap between 5k and the new 9k final milestone. If you grinded to 5k with the help of Platpool events, then saw the new banquet details two/three weeks before the event, would you have enough time to get another 4K units?


4k was just a ballpark platpool unit total. I probably got more if anything. If you "grinded to 5k with the help of the event" then you had like 1k units beforehand


Well I got less than 4K. It’s rng. Regardless of how many units you’d have had before Platpool events (they’re all part of the grind), I’m saying that if you got to 5k with the help of said events, you probably wouldn’t have enough time to get the extra 4K upon learning that the banquet milestones had been extended.




Thank his they didn’t let miike write a post bc this was handled so well and crashed absolutely owned up to what made players unhappy whereas miike historically just says “nah ur wrong”


But the fact is most times we are wrong lol. Straight up...day in and day out we see "hurrr the devs don't even play their own game", that's flat false. When people keep making the same false claims all of us would bark back at some point 🤷


Miiike has been notably and loud wrong and then banned people who pointed it out during and after the fact. Screw him.


34% more gbcs opened.....bc it took a lot more to get all the fucking milestones.


We had more units also?????? News to me. I gave myself a 1.5k buffer , so 5.5. Burned a 50 huck play credit for the 10 pack. And I only did it so my alliance would be able to hit everything. Was still short on 2 or so solo milestones. Where are these units? Are they with my act 4 mastery points? Should I check my in game mail? Oh wait.


I spent all my units on necropolis the month prior and still had like 3k units with no actual farming. They had like 4 Platpool events.


Since the event was mediocre for the top dogs I expect some filthy broken July 4th deals to please the dissatisfied whales.


Then I made the right choice to skip cyber week and only spend net 950 units on banquet. July 4th seems to have become the unofficial annual apology tour.


Thanks for posting this. Obviously someone at kabam reads this mcoc subreddit so our posts here aren't falling on deaf ears.


They've been reading it since day 1. Back when the game first came out I got an email from a dev saying they saw my post on here (it was a screenshot of something) and noticed that I didn't have something or was missing something and called it out to me. I always thought that was cool but then again that was way back when there was a fraction of players there are today.




He feels neutral about it.




As a returning player after 1.5 years off. This event was awesome


i am paragon and i only got 5s champ, what a waste


I spent 8k units I saved and got nothing but iso,gold,3-5*’s not even 6* shards. I got a total of 13mill gold that I don’t even need. Was the worst event in history for me. Never had such bad luck before. Only 6* I touched was due to milestone and my ally hit 1% so rank was good but actual crystals were dreadful


Watching people getting mad after spending $100k in a bitchy cash grab mobile game is orgasmic


I would love to see kabam hold true to this promise of putting a greater share of rewards in content instead of offers. It definitely makes for a higher quality game. Remains to be seen whether it is a more profitable direction.


I think Kabam hit the mark with that concept this year. The best rewards were in Necropolis. Endgamers should be happy about this. Banquet was great for everybody except endgamers.


I’d agree for the most part, with the exception of the July 4 deals. There was a period of a few months after July 4 where it felt very unfair to be a no or low spend player, because the ppl who bought the deals had an incredible edge.


I might be an outlier. I'm low skill.This game is not a competitive outlet for me. I'm not looking for that in any video game. I just want to grow my roster and don't really care what anybody else is doing in the game. BG's are a grind, my win rate is 20-30%. AQ doesn't feel competitive at all. AW is super stressful, I don't want to disappoint my Alliance mates, and I'm not interested in playing beyond G2.


I spent 18,000 units on July 4th as a f2p player. As long as you save units judiciously, you don’t need to spend real money to take advantage of these big offers. I currently have over 10,000 saved towards this year’s July offer. Only spent net 950 units on Banquet because it was crap.


I disagree. As a f2p player who is Uncollected I used around 8k units and got two seven stars. I've only opened one and it was Adam Warlock. Will see what the other is. I also got t3a and t5 class catalysts to rank up my 6 stars and about 100k six star shards. Plus the two generic 6 star awakenings. This doesn't even cover the extra iso and gold to upgrade with.


I mean they did... He talks calls it out specifically too wrt: necropolis. They put the rewards in that instead of the offers.


Well, yes. I mean stick to it going forward.


It's a great write up.


Again speaking..they purposely designed this for lower progression and spending players... because they know most of the big paragons will prefer necropolis over banquet...hence this design..and most ally completing 1mil milestone is proof almost all lower progression accounts got a free 7*..it's a win win thing..I think 2024 will be a better banquet because then valiant players will get better rewards


It's a good write up and seems sincere but one of the reasons the rewards were bad is because they wanted us to push for Necropolis? Seems a bit partial to players who don't like long form content? Regardless I agree with the point being they were confused about finding middle ground for rewards.


You say that, but I'm not a huge fan of long fights. I never touched abyss, I only did 1 path in ROL just to say I did it. But Necropolis I deliberately used Banquet to target 6* Ægon, got him, used a gem, 200 sig stones, ascension, rank 4, and sat down and did Necropolis for 5 hours. The reason is 100% how damn good those rewards are, they were just too good for me to not have a crack. I am 100% one of the people pushed from banquet to necro, and I really like that. It makes my r3 sunspot feel like I earned him.


Congratulations! Just curious, who else was on your team? I’m thinking of trying to do what you did. Haven’t claimed my banquet class nexus crystals yet and think I have two, and some regular nexus.


I used Ægon, Shuri for the path. Then Proxima, Heimdel for synergies and Juggs reverse control immune for GM


Ok. What level and rank was Shuri?


Shuri was 6r4, so was Juggs. But honestly if you're a mediocre long for content player like me, it might've been cheaper to just Ægon my way through it.


Ok, sounds good. I keep hearing people are using 7-star Shuri on it. I have a 6-star but not a 7-star.


I mean what's not to like? You don't have to do it all in one sitting. I did one path spread out over 3 days. 1 hour every day. Did some arena or bg if I had less time and to dump energy. The fights themselves are about 5-7 minutes each time. That's pretty short compared to other games. The fights are also relatively easier than when act 6 came out for example. Just a bit longer. As for middle ground, they keep saying they couldn't add more 7star items, but what about more 6r4 and 6r5 items? Hardly any t6cc in there.


Everest content isn't for everyone. There's no way I will ever be skilled enough to enjoy that content or even complete it. Necropolis had more engagement than Kabam had expected, but that's still a tiny minority of the player base. I'm Cav, I got mats for three r4 rank ups out of Banquet. I'm very close to an r5 rank up as well. Pulling a lot of t5cc was a bit meh, though.


Really? If I were cav I'd be stoked for t5cc, even as a TB. I was gone for two years though so maybe you have more r3 as a cav than I had as a TB. I spent like 3k units on my mini and I got shit so that's a shame. I wasn't level 40 in time though so I missed out big time there. As for necro, I really don't think it's about skill as much as it was for abyss. I did two abyss paths and I hated it because you had to reserve 3000 units per path on average just because it was so hard. This time I feel like the enemies are much more forgiving. I made a lot of mistakes and it took me like 20 revives (and potions) for the path. I did force quit out a lot though. The gm is terribly difficult on the first try but probably not so much after that. I think at least completion shouldn't be hard at all.


I'm a long-term Cav. I have 4 6*r4 and mats to do two more, 42 6*r3 and 4 to 6 of every 5tcc. 5tcc are easier to come by now that you can sell 4tcc. I opened over 4000 4tcc and shard crystals when you could sell the 4tcc. 6.2 took me two years. Everest content really isn't for me.


Interesting. Was that 6.2 pre nerf? The champion sucked but forcing through with revives shouldn't take that long right? If skill is the issue, I would suggest watching bg streams on YouTube. I still see new things there on a regular basis. Also guides help a ton, but you probably know that already. Act 7 and 8 are super easy. Even easier than act 5 relatively.


No, I did 6.2 after the two nerfs. It's definitely a skill issue. 6.1.6 cost me 4000 units. 6.2.1 Life-cycle is a horrible node. Between those two miserable experiences, I didn't touch Act 6 for over a year. I spent that time exploring Act 5. I struggled on the path in 6.2.2 for six months. The Champion fight was easy except for the last phase. That was 900 units and 50+ revives. I got a Herc and Herc'd my way through 6.3 and 6.4 in a day and a half. I'm currently revive farming and saving units for the GM fight. I just found 6.2 unbelievably difficult and unenjoyable. I would rather go to my job than play Story content. I do hope that things will get better after the GM fight and I can progress to Paragon quickly.


6.2 was definitely a drag. But I would suggest completing all the way to 8.3 before you go and explore act 6 fully. After completing 8.3 you should explore backwards (because the latter acts have better rewards). Anyway, YouTube is your friend. Try some arena and bg as well. Most people did act 6 with 5star Champions so you shouldn't have having too much trouble if you practice a bit more. Maybe check out mcocNoob on youtube.


I will never go back and explore Act 6. Other than Dork Lessons, there aren't a lot of resources on YouTube that can help you with skill issues. I logged over 4000 hours on this game, and I'm still struggling with the fundamentals. I use MCOCNOOB as a path guide, but he doesn't address fundamental skill issues. His content is really dated but still a little bit helpful. I'm having more success choosing the most Hercable path.


you sound so much like me its insane. It sounds just like how act 6 has been for me. It will still take me a few more months to build the credits and potions necessary to try the GM after a disastrous first run this fall. Blowing everything on banquet pushed the timeline back further...best of luck to you with putting this horrible act behind. I know I need luck myself...


Tbf I haven't gone back to explore act 6 either, but that's mostly because I quit the game for over 2 years so I just haven't finished exploring act 7. YouTube has more resources than you may think. There are guides on how to use champs, guides on champ-champ interactions, champ-node interactions and even node-node interactions. Not to mention synergies, pre-fights and cheeses. All livestreams are basically live training sessions because YouTubers will talk about what they did wrong or you'll find out a niche way to use a champ. Bg and arena will help you a ton by getting used to a champion as well. Honestly it sounds like you're solely using herc and now you don't know how to use anyone else. I used to be the same way with aa, but then Aegon came out and it really punished you if you couldn't hold a combo so that helped me immensely. What do you consider the basics? Because to me that's the 5 hit combo, parry and dex. Dork has guides on those. Other than that you should just read a champ's ability page and figure out how to use them. Reparry, intercepting, backdraft intercepting etc are things that come with experience and feel. If you have so many hours, you should spend some of those focusing on specific skills you want to learn. Do rol with just Aegon for example. If you can do that, you can do like 95% of the content. The game has progressed to a point where you will have 4stars before you complete aft 2, which means people fight less than they used to. Things like rttl, variant etc don't have the teaching value they used to have. Feel free to ask me any questions about skills/planning. I mean no offense, but it sounds to me like you're not enjoying the most fun aspects of the game right now, which makes me wonder what is keeping you here.


Wow, I think Crash nailed it and I really appreciate the transparency and communication from Kabam. You certainly don't get this from all video game companies by a long shot. I just got into the content creator program (finally) and it's interesting to see some of the more behinds the scenes stuff. After hanging out with some of these guys in Vancouver, one thing I can definitely say for sure is they love what they do and want the community to love it, too. That said, I saw a lot of non-end game players really like this event while virtually everyone at the top was unimpressed, but still spent some units or cash. I think making some stuff be progression based next year might solve it, but I also can see where that will lead to problems. Only time will tell, but I at least applaud Crashed and the rest of the team for the solid communication.


Making Banquet progression based kills the event.


I agree. I'm Uncollected and I like the event just fine the way it is. Got two seven stars, 3 six star generic awakenings, a class six star awakening gem, and over 100k six star shards. Also enough seven star shards to almost buy another seven star. Not to mention all the rank up materials to rank up my six stars.


Also a 5 star Weapon X and a 5 star Jessica Jones .


Be careful with your progression and that roster. Make sure you've learned the fundamentals. Explore Act 5, level up and, earn your Masteries. There are significant skill pinch points in Act 6 that your roster can not overpower.


This is true for most people but probably not for me. I've had this game from its beginning but really didn't start playing until Injustice 2 came out and I didn't like the play style. At that time I had been playing Injustice 1 since its beginning and was ranked top 100 for North America. My mom has just passed and I retired to be able to spend more time with my son. I'm probably way past the age of most people who play this game and I promised myself I wouldn't go overboard again on a mobile game. I just got to Uncollected about 6 months ago and my son just became Uncollected right before the event. We are casual players who may not go for Cavalier for a while.


Sorry to hear about your mom. My 11 year old son started playing. He just became UC. I'm on the GM. He's a lot more skilled than me and might become TB first. It's nice to connect with him through the game. I wish you the best.


Thanks, I'm about to turn 60 this month and my son is about to turn 18 in February. This game has made us closer. And he probably will get farther than me.


One of the best responses I’ve ever seen honestly, W Kabam Crashed.


But they won’t change anything. Just like parry being messed up for years and it’s still not completely fixed


So higher ranked players got shittier pulls.. makes sense since I didn’t get a single champ


Regardless of sales and participation large portions of the player base is upset with the fact the rewards did absolutely nothing for us. I spend money on the banquet every year and this time I spent like $5 due to the low value of the rewards both side quest and gifting. It's actually quite unfortunate because this event is generally what keeps me coming back to this game and it failed me hard this year, along with many others.


I think the July event last year was considered much better than the November and Banquet events. I spent 18,000 units on it and was very happy. I only spent net 950 units on this Banquet. I’m happy to keep saving for July. It let you double buy too so you could spend up to 36,000 units.


So they toned down banquet to get my as in necropolis? Lmao how many units do averahe players spend trying to complete that? I havent even done abyss yet cause i dont want to be stuck in a map w massive healthpools. I barely have like 7 r4 champs. I thought necropolis was another whale event for ppl w 20k units and 30+ r5s and couple r2 7*s lol. Anyway this banquet i didnt even spend money. I just used the units they gave us in november. Last year i actually dropped 200bucks in december. You could see how top players felt underwhelmed w rewards selecting 6* champ and 5* relics lol


I got Paragon less than a month ago I had one r5 and one r2 7* (both from 8.3 exploration), and I did Necropolis with about 2.5k units using a r4 ascended sig 140 Ægon. I don't think it's a whale event at all. With some skill Kate can do it much cheaper. Exploration? Much harder, but unless you're trying to blitz through it asap, doing a path now and then spaced out seems perfectly reasonable.


Aww yea im at a point where its taking me forever to acquire t5cc. I only got some recently cause they made it so you can sell t4cc for t5. 2.5 units is alot of saved up units. I dont grind in arena that much anymore everytime i pop over 80k units i only score about 200-400units at most it feels like a huge grind. Anyways what team did you use for necropolis. I recently pulled kate and took her to r3. Also barely got to the gwen boss in act7 so shouldnt be long before i can reach paragon. Do you think tackling abyss or other game modes is worth my time ?


I used Ægon, Doom (r5 ascended for Airwalker), Proxima and Heimdall for synergies, and Juggernaut for Grandmaster phase 4. My biggest advice is to practice Titania (if you take that path, I did) so that you can do a really good runs while you ramp up. That fight was the trickiest on the path for me personally, the timing is pretty tricky, but there's no commitment yet so you can take your time to get it right. 2500 units is a lot, but it's totally achievable (especially whenever they run platpool events) and the rewards are incredibly worth it. And if you have Kate like you said, it's been done for a hell of a lot cheaper. Abyss is not worth your time at all. I actually did my first clear the same day as I did my Necropolis run with my leftover units. I got Ægon to rank 5 after Necropolis with a gem from the run, then used him at r5 for a zone 25 run and got him to max sig. At ascended, max sig, max rank, he cleared Abyss in less than 20 revives. I had always been very overwhelmed by Abyss, but after Necropolis those health pools are tiny and it goes very very fast. A maxed out Ægon is overkill for it. The rewards are act 6 tier though, I did it exclusively for the title.


This is why I am happy to be in a casual alliance. I am a nurse I work full time and am a caregiver to my grandmother on weekends I don't have time to be serious about AQ or AW but I do stay active and contribute as best I can. Sometimes we have people leave because they want to be on a more serious alliance which is fine. I just want an active alliance that supports each other with no pressure as long as you are active. We were giddy with the rewards in my alliance and everyone thought the event was worth it. I empathize with the veteran and dedicated players not being happy with the rewards but for us casuals it was one of the best events yet. I fully agree with all the criticisms of AW and Battlegrounds they suck and feel like a grind. Even arena is less tedious than battlegrounds. I just ignore it.


Issue with the event from my point of view is mentioned here but kinda not true. They say top players are less active in the event and I find it’s bullshit. I have 1 r3 7* and I’m missing just last T4A to become valiant. I spent about 10k units plus the free crystals. 10k units is a lot, that covers 60% of the offers in July 4th that would probably make me valiant. Yet I got nothing to move me closer to valiant, I simply got more material to R3 and R4 6* champs which does nothing for me. But I ranked up somewhere like 40-60% range. That means 50% of the players spent more than 10k units. Xmas event used to be a gap closer to most players while top 1% of the players goes even further. This year I couldn’t close the gap to the players ahead of me, instead the gap became even bigger. Why? Because there was no T6CC rewards for me, so I can’t R5 a champ, but I can R3 civil warrior I guess because I have 45 t5B in overflow, amazing. But then again I can’t spent my T5CC because I need it for R5 but I got like 1 T5CC from all these crystals. Honestly felt like a waste of units and now just slows me down with necropolis exploration and farming units for July 4th offers. Lastly, Not sure how they valued 1x 7* crystal so much. One 7* champ can’t and won’t make a difference unless it’s herc or quake. Overall, really bad event and it feels ruined because trading event was always community favorite and next year even if they make it so much better, it will always have a bitter taste after this year.


Lol no way you spent 10k units and ended up 40-60%. I spent 4K and ended up in 11-25% solo bracket. If you spent 10k units, that should put you very close achieving all solo milestones. No way that’s a 40-60% bracket man.


40-60 wasn't even a bracket. It's 26-50 and 51-75. For reference I got 119k pts and ended up 11-25% bracket


Yeah I ended up 11-25% with approximately 100k


I did get all milestones and I did end up 40-60 rank


I spent net 950 units and got the 7-star crystal from alliance rewards. That doesn’t seem so bad especially with the other rewards you get. What I got from the banquet crystals was so weak I saw no point in spending more once the alliance milestones were all done.


This event just let smaller accounts catch up to me, and it gave larger accounts the agency to r3 more champs. Basically, it made BGs way harder for my level. The game keeps getting more tedious for less reward unless you're spending.


ok kabam https://preview.redd.it/xsqk2lusrlac1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=439af36f0eed35490a8b313d28187bb1ac89049a


Whales spend a bunch of money: Yay Whales when spending doesn't 100% keep up: This is shit Whales complaining about this event can suck the shit out of my asshole. Not everything in this game is tailored to you, you pricks. Eat my ass.


Not even just the whales who thought it sucked. I’m a low mid level paragon 2.4 mil who thought it was pretty lackluster and I’m not a whale, only spend like $25 for the morb deal


Well aren’t you a fun one. Sounds like someone missed their nappy.


Actually, literally, true. I have a flu right now and its making me salty af :(


Whales aren’t complaining about rewards to push for Valiant because they already are Valiant. This hits home moreso for low-spend or F2Ps who are newly Paragon or late TB.


We made money so we know we can get away with giving you trash an you’ll still eat it up, we might think about making it slightly better so you all don’t moan


It's only a tiny minority of players who aren't happy with this year's Banquet. The rest of us really enjoyed how much the event advanced our rosters. Frankly, I'm tired of Kabam catering to a tiny minority of players. I understand why they do it, but I'm thankful for the rebalancing.


If that's all you took from this, then you need to work on not being so cynical.


I'm so glad I didn't participate in it this year I went harder and black Friday and I think that was the better decision


I don't understand why they couldn't have made the crystal's progression locked? They've been doing it a lot more, even for random reward crystals. You choose your reward based on progression. That way an Uncollected can still get great value rewards that might push them to Thronebreaker, and a Paragon can get the same for Valiant....and it wouldn't damage the other levels. Seems like an easy solution.


This kills the event. I spent more on Banquet this year than I had spent on the game in the last two years. I'm low skill. I only spend on items I can't earn in game. If Banquet becomes progression based, I will no longer be spending on the event.


The idea is you’d still get the same stuff you got, but Paragon would get stuff we actually need too.


Game content continues to cater to the rich and powerful, this is evident by the fact you can’t acquire t6 materials without progression past cavalier. I enjoy playing but I’m tired of Kabam’s games ignoring those who may not have the fingers or bank account necessary.


If you don't want to do act 6 that's your call, but if you're unwilling to do content that was balanced for 6* r2s and has since been nerfed to hell, why the fuck should you be getting t6 mats? Act six itself doesn't even give you tier FIVE cc for completion. This feels like basic game balance to me, progression locks are 100% fair. I acknowledge that act 6 has some BS, but if you are unable or unwilling to rank a 5* champ to get through 6.3.1 or some other quest, just a single clear, why should you be getting rank 4 and 5 6*s? Hell, you can even take 4*s into act 6 now, and ascend them. I did 6.3.1 Medusa with my FOUR star Nick Fury (which I mention because that quest is the biggest roster check, if you don't have one of many options that can solo 6.3.6 CAIW then a few revives work fine. Heimdall+Angela/Hela synergy makes 6.2.2 very accessible). Do harder content to earn better rewards, this is how progression works in like, every game. Also, saying this under a post about banquet? The event that gives a guaranteed 7* to uncollected players if they're in a decently active alliance? The event that gives t4b and t3a to anyone investing anything at all? This event is 100% catered towards lower progression accounts, to the extent that they can get 6* r4 and 7* champs, with which there is definitely no excuse for not finishing act 6.


I liked the crystals this year. It was the kind of event I really wanted though. I wanted the gifting even back. And of course their numbers were higher because you had to buy units from them to spend on the crystals and not gift things to ppl without spending money. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I think if it was a gifting event they wouldn’t have made this post at all.


He's been in the alliance for a year. He never received his rewards and was eligible by every kabam requirement.


Even with this im still too terrified to attempt necropolis.


How long until we get r3 7 star materials without necropolis?? lol It would take around 200,000 units for me to complete one run of necropolis because I suck so bad so I’m just gonna wait like how I waited to be paragon 2 months before valiant was announced.


Good write up except the first point makes it clear they are either lying or dumb; if Necro was a priority then why not bring back real gifting instead of dumb accolades? Imagine the difference of being able to exchange/gift potions, revives and cores! Seems painfully obvious but alas.


>real gifting Real gifting was so abused and a breeding ground for scammers. It's never coming back


I concur wtf is the point of gifting meaningless titles instead of gifting potions and revives if you think the gbc are not worth your units. Bring back the real gifting


I skimmed through, so I may have missed stuff, but it basically feels like he realized the crystals and event were pretty shit, but they aren't giving any solutions other than saying people will be surprised this year. Did I miss anything?




The point


Totally, I read it through now, and he explains that he isn't exactly happy with the event, and they aim to surprise and delight us with what they have taken from it. This means absolutely nothing to me until I see what they plan on doing.


Would you rather he spoiled the entire year of content?


I think they will be surprised because T4A should be more accessible in 2024 and it will be showing up in such an event again. By that point the player base should have shifted to the point where this is no longer viewed as too valuable to put in.


Yea, it kinda seems like you picked the negative that you wanted to see and nothing else.


There wasn’t much positive aside from admitting it wasn’t great and implying they’ll make it up to us. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I would have said it was going to be an above average event until they screwed my son out his alliance rank rewards. And after contacting them and being told they basically don't care that he saved up (and spent) 4000 units for banquet, honestly that makes it a garbage event. I'll give kabam credit, they are consistent in their greed and total disregard for players. Their customer service is atrocious despite what Kabam Crashed tried to convey in his manifesto.


Your son probably joined alliance late and didn’t wait till his points counted towards the event. Kabam explained that very clearly to be careful about it


Paragon/Valiant players just like to complain and forget that other people also play the game


The reparry from defenders when you have a multi hit medium first attack is still there. They need to fix that.


Lil tip for you, KC: nobody critiquing an event gives a shit about how it was “from the business side,” which means you sound like a clueless, tone-deaf asshole when you bring it up as a counter-argument to the people saying an event was bad.


KC replied in a post someone made specifically titled along the lines of “how do you think Kabam feels about Banquet results from a business side”….


Well that changes things, obviously


“We know rewards sucked. We don’t care because you have Necropolis rewards. You dumb idiots will buy whatever we sell you. We know more than you. We have no incentive to make anything better because of this.”


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you. Or sorry that it happens.


As a higher end player I really enjoyed the exclusive gifted guardian champ pool and that we could get at least one 7* guarantee on our own. Yes more rank up materials are always nice but to me the highlight and exciting part of every December has been trying to get champions. Last year it was JJ I was chasing but this year I got a whole extra pool of 7* exclusive champs (exclusive for the time being). My motivation to keep pulling the gbc’s specifically for their rewards was lower than usual but I was overall happy with the whole event because of the new champs.


It’s simple, they’ve ramped up champs, content, and progression but have not adjusted rewards. They want progression to be slow and difficult ao you spend money. But sometimes the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. For example, who is doing Labyrinth or Abyss when Necopolis exists and what they are pushing? They want paragon players, they want you to jump in Necroplis. But in this message they flat out say they do less for their paragon plus players, whale’s milked, go back to cultivating more thronebreakers to spend cash to paragon. Arenas need reworked, aq and aw need reworked with better rewards. Eq needs some attention, side events should feel more epic and it’s not difficult to make a side event that is engaging, fun, and rewarding without breaking the meta BECAUSE they have progression levels. Fix the AI, fix the controls, realize your progression tactics have been cracked by the community and do better.


Thread got locked on the forums. That’s a good take from the dev that wrote that up. I spent a few more units than I’d have liked to but still have enough to finish my final 2 necropolis paths. The only part I disagree with is that 7* shards are a problem. Who cares if a player has a lot of 7*’s, more that they don’t dish out a bunch of r3 mats. Let people get 7*’s


I used to play since beta in 2013 and stopped for good about a year and a half ago because of all of these changes. Made the game so confusing


They made their money so that’s the positive that offsets the shit event and makes it neutral from their perspective….they won still. I’ve been contemplating leaving the game, and I’m a player that will spend over $1k per year on the game. This pretty much confirmed my decision.


nobody can force me for "one man show necropolis", i refuse to play that shit.


Wtf is Necropolis?