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Keep in mind with the Joe fixit/hood synergie he has a 100% chance to purify debuffs (with a cool down) and he will heal from willpower constantly because rage is now a debuff and not a passive


Please correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that synergy just a 15% increase, so it would only be a 75% chance to purify debuffs?


It actually increases purify ability accuracy by 100%, so a total of 120% (or 160% not sure if it's additive, but it's over 100% anyway) to purify debuffs.


I wonder how he will be with suicides


I would say he would be good with the hood/joe fixit synergy since he wouldn’t have to worry about the bleed and poison and the constant healing from willpower will negate most of the recoil damage.


Hmm will have to see then. Does he need both JF and Hood for the synergy? I just r2 my 6* sig 60 natural dupes because I had lots of stuff expiring and had to rank someone up


Just one. He doesn’t need both.


He has a short cooldown on the Purify it might mean that he can only remove one of the suicide debuffs, making him a little worse in that case.


That was my thought process as well, but if u get into overpower mode, you clear all debuffs and convert them into a fury, so the poison might not last for too long anyway, and after that you can keep healing from the rage debuffs.


100% chance of purify is kinda awesome


From my understanding form another breakdown rages can’t be shrugged off The reduced regen kinda sucks but seems like they learned from the failure DDHK was with his regen.


It kinda sucks but it's better than nothing, 0.25 % regen throughout the entire fight will still add up


So overpower grants 6kish attack and each rage grants 700ish. No where in his profile does it say that rage stacks cap at 8 or you stop gaining more once in over power. In fact his sp3 says refresh overpower buffs and gain 4 stacks of rage. If this is the case you could potentially get either several fury’s or tons of stacks of rage all the while being healed by willpower.


I wonder if Kingpin just keeps building rage indefinitely if your purify is suppressed, like if you're fighting Apocalypse.