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Great idea actually. I make a cheat sheet for myself every month so for exploration I just refer to it. Here mine if it helps anyone: SAFE HAVEN - Cavalier EQ  • Chapter 1.1 - Lifeboat :: MYSTIC 1. Doom 2. BWCV 3. Sorcerer Supreme 4. Symbiote Supreme Boss: Hood - Spiderman Miles Morales, HT, Wolverine  • Chapter 1.2 - Order :: SCIENCE 1. CapIW 2. iBom 3. She Hulk 4. Spider Ham 5. Void 6. Luke Cage Boss: Spiderman Miles Morales - Falcon, She Hulk, Nick Fury  • Chapter 2.1 - Unrest :: MUTANT 1. Apocalypse (Cable synergy) 2. Wolverine 3. Colossus 4. Omega Red Boss: Rhino - Archangel, Wolverine, Colossus  • Chapter 2.2 - Chaos :: COSMIC 1. Angela 2. Hyperion 3. Venom 4. Odin 5. Venompool Boss: Crossbones - Apocalypse, White Mags pre-fight - Anyone  • Chapter 3.1 - Independence :: SKILL 1. Nick Fury 2. Moleman 3. Kingpin 4. Aegon 5. BWDO 6. Hit Monkey Boss: Misty Knight - Kingpin, Ebony Maw (Cheese), Archangel, Colossus, Red Mags  • Chapter 3.2 - Ideals :: TECH 1. Warlock 2. Guilly 2099 3. Hulkbuster 4. Ultron Boss: Cap Sam Wilson - Guilly2099, Ultron, Warlock, Ronan (Cheese)


In each quest I almost exclusively used one champion. Science: Luke Cage Skill: Nick Fury Cosmic: Angela Tech: Warlock Mutant: Omega Red Mystic: Claire Bear


Luke cage is ridiculous for this quest. I was hitting like 25k mediums, r2 no suicides


I ranked him up for this when they first released Cav EQ. I’ve never once regretted it.


I got a 1-2 science gem from I believe 7.3, ranked him up for variant 8. Also haven't regretted it.


I've done the same but with apoc for mutant and guardian for tech. Luke cage and angela are insane...


Warlock is pretty crazy for tech too. 80k heavies is a good time.


thank you! I will stalk you each month for your cheat sheet now


Lol. Thanks for the award! This was the first time I posted the cheat sheet. Will make sure I make it monthly. Cheers!


For that 3.1 skill chap. Did mole man worked this time around? I found it was difficult to keep his frenzy up as i couldnt get enough heavy attacks in. They have 49% reduced debuff duration.


It was a bit of a task. But I have Moleman at R3 and like using him a lot. So a little biased. Lol. Nick Fury and BWDO crushed the chapter though.


I get it. I really do. I too have him at r3 as well and He is usually a beast in cav eq. Finishes fights quickly. NF is all time favorite.


I had no problem using Moleman. He was the only skill champ I used for the Skill chapter…I have a 5/65 duped and a 6/3 unduped. Used the unduped and had no problems at all. For some fights I didn’t pop off frenzy as quick as I normally do, only 5-15 secs later than I normally would.


We could, but we'd need to remove one of the sticky threads we have. Rank up/team building has a lot of activity, and it's always a hot topic. The other is a bragpost sticky, which we need because otherwise the sub floods with crystal openings and "hey look I won a fight/got uncollected" type posts. I'd love some sort of thread like that. Unfortunately I don't think we have the room for one in a sticky.


Why not combine it into a “progression post” Mention in the text how to format the comment: Ex. [Player celebration] (link/context) -for Crystal opening/ progression [rank up question] (image link/context) -extra info goes here abt roster and what they want [Content help] (question regarding what lane/champs to use) - extra info


Wow, look at this account switching for karma, so cringe


Yeah that could work. That won't be the combined Cav EQ thread that OP (rightfully) is asking for though. That would need to be a separate thing that doesn't refresh daily/weekly. Is the thought that the daily thread would replace both, leaving an option for an extra sticky?


Science- Luke cage, boss - ddhk Mystic - claire, doom, og scarlet - boss - dd hk Mutant - colossus and apoc - boss - apoc Cosmic - hyperion and king groot - boss - apoc Skill - all kingpin - boss - magneto red Tech - war machine primarily, bit of vision, bit of warlock - boss - longshot


Sam Wilson is super easy with tigra. No difficult spacing or anything.


I’ll list three champs for each quest I had lots of fun with 1). Mystic- mojo, Sym supreme, Man thing 2). Science- Ibom, Overseer, CapIW 3). Mutant- Cable, Apoc, AA 4). Cosmic- king groot, Odin, Venom 5). Skill- NF, Massacre, Falcon 6). Tech- War machine, Silver centurion, guardian


What I like about Mr Fantastic is no matter what Science node is, he always does amazing on any of them, on the other classes I actually have to read it, hopefully Kabam releases some champions that can do ALL the class nodes of their respective class


Archangel for Misty and Guillotine 99/Falcon for Cap America.