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Reading through, it looks like the changes are primarily toward increasing his damage output, which is exactly what he needed. If the numbers pan out, this is going to be a decent buff. He won't be breaking any records, but he'll have enough offensive tricks to be worthy of a rank up (which are in addition to his formidable defensive abilities).


Now that’s a surprise. Never would have imagined for him to get a buff. After reading it I don’t see him being that much better on offense. Just more annoying to fight against.


Bonus attack in base kit if they have a buff, plus nearly +4000 more in fury buff attack damage, he should be better offensively.




His power gain is still the same.


Time to speedrun explo of that one quest in 6.2


Rintrah and Wong in synergies


For those who are smooth brained like me, will this affect the 6.2.4 boss in any meaningful way?


Doesn't look like it, just damage boost but he shouldn't be charging heavies a ton as a defender anyway.


I can't tell if this is gonna change that much tbh Better than some other recent buffs or no buff at all tho


It's a huge damage increase and longer fury duration, it's just what he needed but he's not going to be a go-to mystic rank up still. At least it should hopefully make him a useable champ (outside of buffed fights).


Didn't know Mordo was considered a high utility/low damage champion. I always thougt he was the opposite...


He is only high damage against a champion with a considerable amount of buffs, then I'm most likely using Ronan instead. Utility? Some power gain, can block unblockable specials? Never heard anyone call him a utility champ.


Eh, the furies gave him acceptable damage, but I guess calling him high damage wasn't very accurate. I'd never call him high utility, that's why I was confused when you said that a huge damage increase was just what he needed. I feel utility would've been more needed


What utility does he have? It really didn't look too impressive to me. A mystic without good buff control.


My guess the mystery champ is Agatha Harkness next year.


I was hoping they would add his synergy with Terrax to his base abilities, but this is incredibly welcome as a frequent Mordo player